'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
M- If I went to hell - Printable Version

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- Jacinto Lykoi - 01-10-2012

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
Jacinto Lykoi

Prrrrivate...ya know who ya are. Set in various places in the mansion

Word Count → 000

Lately the dusty man had found himself lonely living in Inferni, he never sought out the company of Columbine or Helotes for a particular reason. The needn't waste their time on a being so weak and free-hearted. It was sad to think that Columbine hated him, and lately Jacinto didn't question that assumption. He still didn't know where Ilusion was, worried that she had been killed by something or another although she was too tough to truly be dead. His days were spent worrying about his dear sister and if she was alright. The small man often wondered if he was a mistake, not meant to be born into such a hallowed family where you were expected to be a warrior or someone of great calibre. He was none of those, simply a cheesy guitar-playing hybrid who had no path in life. Jacinto's only  real friend within the lands turned out to the beautiful woman, Omni. The suspicion that he was falling for the Cadeaux woman was nothing to be doubted as his thoughts wandered to her much of the day. 
The claws on his feet clicked against the smooth floor in the Mansion, he carried his wooden guitar in one hand, searching for a spot to play it. It was a special object, passed from his mother before she passed and the russet mascu's favorite hobby.

Without even contemplating the situation, he was at Omni's door with one hand poised at the entrance to knock. Jacinto stopped himself quickly and looked to the floor. Why would a woman so perfectly beautiful and nice want an idiot like him around? He was of virtually zero value and useless (at least in his mind). It was worth a try though. His fist hit the door a few times, creating the knocking sound. His voice gently called. "Omni? Can I come in? It's Jacinto. I just wanted to show you something..." His face was downcast in self-doubt. The song he had written for her wasn't that good and the woman he cared much for would probably hate it. He didn't want to talk to his brothers, in fact he really missed Ilusion's company and her sassy and strong attitude towards life. It would be easy to talk to her since she was not as harsh as Columbine and not much of a player like Helotes. Not that he tried, Helotes really was the most attractive out of all of the boys, Jacinto being the opposite.

He waited a couple of moments before turning and starting to walk away. If she was home, she was probably ignoring him. Who would want him in their life anyways?

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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- Omni Cadeaux - 01-10-2012

[html]Omni CadeauxPowerplay...Feel free to slap me if you want it changed in any way. ^ ^ lol...secret lurve. In school, sorry for the bad post

Omni was tired, the run she had done earlier had taken her breath away, as well as the morning hunt tracking and chasing prey. She was slumped over on her bed, vivid blue eyes closed and hair tangled in a wind-swept way. To gain favor of the Aquila and the higher ranking Infernians, she wouldn't be a slacker. After a long period of rest, she lit a joint in which she obtained from a man named Barrett. The tantalizing smell of the smoldering leaves brought her back to a memory of how she got the dope and the company she had. Behind her eyes colors swirled and patterns burst in a lovely show of colors. A knock was heard at the door, and some quiet calling. The stranger said he was Jacinto, the reddish brown femme's eyes lit up and she found herself rushing to open the door.  His face looked dejected and she gave a warm smile. "Oh! Hey. Sorry...I was kinda-" Gesturing to the joint in her fingers she stammered "Um yeah...Smoking up." Her fluffy tail waved apologetically from side to side. She noticed the guitar he gently held and quietly said "Come in, you didn't interrupt anything at all." He had something to show her? His guitar? A song? The door was opened so he could slip in, and she closed the door behind the two. She gestured for the older man to sit down, and watched him curiously. "So...You know how to play it? That's really nice." She reached forward to gently kiss the man's face, no one could see the bonding going on between the duo. Soon enough though it wouldn't be any use to hide anything. "Ya know, I might just be getting the hang of this hiding thing...I just hope I don't go flapping my yap." Chuckling, Omni stood up and asked, "Do you need anything? Water? Some snack of some sort? " Teasingly, Omni sniffed the joint as if it were something of great finery and scent. "Or some of this?" She placed it in a little iron bowl beside him if he wanted to test it out. Something told her that their little charade wouldn't last long.


- Jacinto Lykoi - 01-11-2012

Jacinto Lykoi

go ahead with the powerplays, i'm alright with it! And so is Jacinto

Word Count → 000

The door opened and the beautiful form of Omni stood in the doorway, he ignored her embarrassed comments about the little cigarette she held in her hand and he just shrugged and quietly said "It's fine with me, I don't mind." He slipped into her room and sat down where she gestured. Commenting about his precious instrument, Omni seemed rather pleased to see him there. She asked many questions and he tried to answer the best the man possibly could. "Si. I've had this for a long time. My brothers must think me weak and cowardly to be able to play this all day instead of sparring and training." He shrugged and felt the kiss on his face and grabbed gently for the woman's hand as she stood up and offered him things. "No no, it's fine." She offered her joint and he gladly took it, and gently inhaled the nice smoke. "I just wanted to let you hear something from me, I really really care for you Omni. I really do." I love you." He looked down and strummed his guitar into a pleasing melody, singing along with his musically trained voice in Spanish. Yes he was a sap, and an idiot. But the important thing was that he was Omni's idiot. He felt embarrassed to suddenly attempt to serenade her and he set the guitar down. "Well...I lied. I didn't really have something to show you...I just wanted to see if you were okay." The smell of the burning plant made the man relaxed, but he coughed just a little being not accustomed to the drug. He had been interested in the past, but unfortunately the Lykoi had no means of getting it. "Who says we have to hide?What's wrong with me seeing you?" For a second he was hurt, so she didn't want to be seen with the likes of him, was it really that way? Maybe it was to protect him, reputation wise. Columbine would probably meddle him for it, apparently he and this woman had already met before. "You look beautiful." Feeling braver, he stood up and pulled the female close to his chest, wrapping his lanky arms around her and holding her tight before giving her a gentle lick to her muzzle. 

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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- Omni Cadeaux - 01-11-2012

Suckish post...I am sorry...School is not the best place
Omni Cadeaux

^ ^ I love the irony of these two...Jacinto is the smallish weakish one while Columbine and Helotes are the tough manly strong ones...And who ends up with the pretty lady? Jacinto! I powerplayed him, thwap me with your keyboard if you want me to change it!

This man, this one soul so gentle and sweet was someone she would actually like to keep around. His hand touched her own for a brief second, she looked at him for a moment conjuring up the meaning of this simple sweet touch. Jacinto cared for her, something so sincere from his maw. "I care a lot about you too..." She couldn't say "love" it just didn't feel right yet or she was too chicken hearted to say it to his face. He seemed to enjoy the joint that she handed him, but coughed a few times much to her surprise. He told her that he didn't really have anything to show her and she bit back a laugh and whacked him playfully with a pillow. "Ya deceived me huh?" She laughed and sat back. But soon enough he had her in a gentle embrace. His arms were around her protectively and he kissed her ever so sweetly. As he let go, she stepped back a little. "No, no one has ever kissed me like that..." Omni smiled and pulled him towards the bed, not really intending to start anything to sensual but just for him to lay with her. "Just...Lay with me." She pulled him back to the covers and placed a gentle hand on his chest. She kissed him from the side of his muzzle to stop at his chest. He didn't care that her hair was so happy that it stood up to cheer, or that today she was so disorganized and smoked up that her vision was clouded. 


- Jacinto Lykoi - 01-12-2012

Jacinto Lykoi

go ahead with the powerplays, i'm alright with it! And so is Jacinto hehe...virgin Jacinto...Suckish post

Word Count → 000

The man didn't know what to do when the young woman pulled him towards the bed, not forcebly of course but still enough to make the man a little nervous. "Omni...I don't know..." But she explained that she only wanted to lay with him. He slowly went down with her into the soft bed. She was kissing him, not one to sit there and do nothing Jacinto contributed by returning the soft kisses and running a hand through her soft dark hair. The dusky Lykoi was unfortunate to realize the hardened appendage lower down towards his hips, it reacted to both of their movements just grazing one of her legs. Embarrassed the man moved just a little bit away from Omni, a shy sheepish and all together shameful expression on his face. "I-I'm sorry..." The russet man looked away shyly and coughed, "I'm an idiot." The Spanish man caught her wonderfully blue eyes. And leaned in to bury his nose in her fur. He towered just a little over her petite body, having the upper hand in size made everything easier. This single moment sent the Lykoi hybrid into a state of sheer confusion. Would she be disgusted? Did she truly care about him? The Lykoi turned back her way and croaked quietly "I'm not good at this stuff...But you make me want you..." He touched her hair with the palm of his hand, memorizing the softness and texture of the long tresses.  

Jacinto kissed her again, inhaling her sweet scent and locking it into his memory forever.  He touched her face and cupped it in his palm. "I love you." Jacinto made the first move by gently reaching to touch one of her breasts, his fingers gently kneading the soft flesh all the while softly kissing at her neck and muzzle.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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- Omni Cadeaux - 01-12-2012

Omni Cadeaux

*face palm* she's so...sluttish...*cries*

Omni was happy to see that he lay down beside her, he did sound a little bit nervous to lay by her, but Omni wanted to try to make the Lykoi mascu feel more comfortable in his surroundings. The russet and gold femme's touches brought on a strange tickling sensation on her leg, it didn't take very long for the coywolf to figure out what it was, by then Jacinto was moving away a few inches. He swiftly apologized and she found herself shaking her head. "There's nothing to apologize for...It is beautiful for a woman to feel wanted." She gave a half smile and scooted closer to his body, and teasingly retorting "I don't see any reason to be mad...Why would I care if you were good at this?" He was touching her, soft swirling to her chest, Omni arched her back slightly at the caresses and leaned into the licks of affection. With gentle graceful hands, she slid them over to Jacinto's lower abdomen. Swirling her gentle fingers as if she was mixing paint. He told her quietly that he wanted her, and in turn Omni wanted him. Sliding a leg over his hip and thigh, pressing her nose gently to his Omni's eyes gave a silent go with it. His throbbing appendage brushed over her opening for a moment enacting a low lustful growl from the chords of her throat.

Sex with Jacinto wouldn't be the same as others, most were either rough with her and dominating over her body. He would be considerate over her, wouldn't seek out to hurt her to get the rush they needed. "Just go with it..." She smiled, and kissed him, grazing her tongue over his chest and muzzle, gently digging her claws into his fur.


- Jacinto Lykoi - 01-13-2012


WC → 000 ::

The rust hued man was drifting away to far away places, he thought of home where he lived until Kerberos drove them out like vermin. The thoughts vanished and the fog cleared as she kissed him. He said nothing and his eyes widened with slight surprise as a long lean leg was swung over his body. The tip of his member bobbed over her entrance, and he bit back a lustfully gruff sound. Her hands worked like magic over his body, the pleasurable voodoo she must've known well. After the kisses and fleeting touches the dusty man couldn't contain the pent up emotions and desire. He thrust himself into her, seeking her warmth. He went slow at first, moving gently until the pleasurable sensation on his member had him grunting in the feeling. More primal and animalistic instincts drove him to a higher pace. "Omni...You're so...Beautiful "

Jacinto did everything he could to make this woman feel wanted, adored, and beautiful. Screw other's opinions. He loved Omni and so hoped she felt similar. His thrusts were strong and his breaths came in short gasps, every movement of his hips felt right and so heavenly. He was blessed to have such a woman. Soon he spilled inside her, immediately they were locked together. He thrust gently one last time and kissed Omni's nose. He wrapped his arms around her and held her once again in an unbreakable embrace. He stroked the fur on the side of her face, and gently whispered "Stay with me a while...I don't mean mateship, we aren't there yet. Just live with me a while...I love you." He closed his eyes, not yet to sleep but to dream. This woman had claimed him, captivated him eternally.

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- Omni Cadeaux - 01-14-2012


The Lykoi male thrust into her body after a while of sweet affections, a whimper came one after another as he easily slipped in and out of her opening, he was playing her like a flute and she was showing it. Her claws dug themselves and buried into his chest, not to puncture but to bring a small twinge of pain upon his body. He said she was beautiful, and he made sure she felt it. His pace was picked up, she locked her arms around his waist at every thrum. Their breathing was paced and almost identical in gasps. It was driving her into a frenzy, she bit down gently on his shoulder needing something to hold her back. Soon enough though after all of the pleasantries Jacinto slowed and she felt a splash inside of her. Who really cared if she got pregnant? She loved this man as much as the world, but was afraid she would screw this blissful relationship up. Omni was physically tied to him, he left it off in a good note by pushing himself into her a few last times before kissing her gently.

Jacinto asked a startling question, could she stay with him? Could she be able to be loyal and true? It wasn't mateship but damn pretty close to it. Was she really ready for a commitment? Something to protect? Her eyes watered a little before she pressed her snout into his chest and hugged him. "I will...I will Jacinto."

She noticed her lover was close to sleep, and she too closed her eyes. She drifted off in a pleasant mood, wrapped in Jacinto's arms. "Jacinto?" She opened her eyes for a moment and stared at the man ever so close to her body. "I don't want to be a drag for you...I'll get in the way, I know it," She lay her head on a fur pillow and tried to sleep. She lay beside Jacinto quietly, entangling her fingers in his fur and mane, gently breathing and holding Jacinto close to her, one arm resting lightly on his hip, bringing her muzzle up to his own, she nuzzled just under his chin, a gesture of nighttime tidings, and drifted blissfully off to sleep.
