'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
won't you keep me company? - Printable Version

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- Leon Hughes - 02-04-2012

<style type="text/css">.Leon01 b {color:#FFFFFF;} .Leon01 i {color:#5f5fab;} .Leon01 i2 {color:#9da1ff;}</style>
http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46 ... ontab1.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Today, Leon had left Trigger and Boothe in the capable hands of Light has he took Sophie, Hamza and a wagon somewhat stocked with some things to trade at the festival. Pelts, meat and some things Trig sewed. He was just beginning to learn how to make clothing, so it wasn't the best, but he already showed promise at being a very decent clothing-maker. Leon was certainly proud and definitely encouraged his once-baby brother to continue practicing no matter what. But today wasn't really about that. Today was about him and Sophie spending some time together, alone, without their other siblings or Light around. He needed to do the same for Boothe soon, as well as Trig and Light. For now he focused on his sweet, precious bundle of a tiny baby sister.

The lithe grayscale brute walked alone Hamza's side with a hand stroking and patting the bison's neck, cheek and forehead as encouragement to continue on to the spot he'd chosen for he and Sophie's bonding session today. They weren't in a hugely busy part of the festival, but people were often going by. Later on, after they'd talked some for a while, he'd take the three of them where they could try to trade the goods in the wagon his bison pulled for them. So far, Hamza was so greatly appreciated by the eldest Hughes man; he liked the beast when Swentzle had him, and he adored him as his own companion. He was hugely appreciated, and when Swentzle had passed his wagon of goods and his bison to him before he left the lands to go back home, Leon had a hard time putting to words how grateful he was, and how much the gift as a whole meant to him. He even took a lot to time to spoil Hamza; especially after having the large creature pull the wagon. He was still actively teaching the stubborn creature to pull the damn thing; Swentz had been working on it before he left, and Leon continued the trend. He wasn't so easily spooked now, but Leon always stayed close to make sure nothing startled him. He didn't like being tied to something, and having it drag so close to his hindquarters. Leon tried his best to make it a good experience every time he took Hamza and the wagon out by feeding him his favorite treats and taking an hour or two after the day's haul was done to brush the bison's fur as a reward for doing a good day's work.

Oh, but anyways. Today, Leon had sat Sophie carefully upon Hamza's back, where she was so small... it was nearly impossible for her to fall off simply with the bison walking. He still watched carefully to make sure she didn't slip off, or wasn't doing anything to endanger herself or annoy Hamza. After finding the perfect spot to sit and relax, Leon loosed the wagon from the large herbivore so he could lay down and rest. The hefty brown creature obliged and gratefully flopped to the ground with a large grunt of content once he was settled. Sophie was safe where she was even during this, as Hamza was aware she was there and didn't want to fling her off. "I think he deserves a treat for being so good today, what do you think, Soph-monster?" Leon looked to his precious sister with a smile on his face as he stood by the side of the wagon. He always carried around at least one bag of the bison's favorite things to eat, as well as the brush he liked the most. Despite hay and grass being a staple of the beast's diet, he sure did love munching on it. Leon grabbed and armful of hay mixed with grass and a couple of carrots for his precious hard-working bison. He flopped the hay down in front of him and Hamza gave a very pleased bellow, and became especially excited for the orange carrots he spotted immediately after looking up to Leon to thank him. "Yeah, yeah," the Hughes male cooed as he offered a carrot to Hamza, who greedily, but gently, took it from his master's hand. Leon patted his head in a companionable fashion as he munched, grinning at Sophie.

"So, Sweet Thing, what do y'wanna talk about?" Hamza grunted happily as he loudly crunched the carrot and snorted though his big nose, his tail lashing about in an obviously pleased manner as he lay there being spoiled by Leon with his favorite little girl Hughes safely atop his powerful back. "I thought today would be a good time for just us to hang out. Aside from Hamza, he doesn't count." He chuckled and patted the beast roughly on the forehead, causing him to grunt and buck his head against Leon's hand. He was a happy camper, though. "Anything in particular y'wanna talk about? Or got somethin' y'want me t'teach you?" The next several hours were the perfect chance for Sophie to ask and talk about whatever she wanted, and to have Leon teach her things she was curious about.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


- Sophie Hughes - 02-04-2012

<style type="text/css">.sophie b {color:#13b4d7;} .sophie i {color:#007bd1;} .sophie i2 {color:#134fd7;} .sophie .ooc {font-style:italic;color:#005189;text-align:right;}.sophie .separator{width:315px; border-bottom:1px dotted #31d1c8; margin:0px auto;}</style>
http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/5530 ... b2copy.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

OOC here! :: Word Count → 725

Sophie had been thrilled when she'd been woken up that morning by none other than Leon, with the promise of some quality time together hanging between them. She'd gladly sneaked away from the tightly-curled ball of Boothe that had been sleeping at her back, and padded out with her oldest brother to the wagon and the scary beast who pulled it. Not so scary now, she supposed; Hamza had really grown on her, after being with them for nearly a month, and she was finding it harder and harder to jump around him whenever he bellowed or snorted. Hamza himself seemed rather used to small children, as whenever Boothe tried to bother him--since Sophie didn't dare--the bison didn't stamp his feet or get especially frightful, but merely bent his head low and snorted right in the puppy's face. After the first few times, in which the gust of air had sent Boothe tumbling head-over-heels, the boy had learned to leave well enough alone.

For all that, Sophie found she rather liked Hamza. Especially when Leon let her ride on his wide back, where she could see everything and stay perfectly safe at the same time. With everyone avoiding the large animal like it was dangerous, Sophie had to admit she rather liked this visit better than the others, where she'd had to scramble over people's feet and worry about getting stepped on. The strange man who'd given them the beast, and helped to heal her brother, had yet to come and reclaim him, and at this point Sophie wasn't sure if he would; she hadn't understood a lot of what he said back then, after all, and now that she and Leon--and Boothe and Trigger, she supposed, as well--had grown so attached to him, she didn't want to give him up.

Settling more comfortably on his back, with her white-tipped feather hanging down the side of her face and her bracelet wrapped around her left forepaw. She'd considered wearing her new pelt as well, but in the end she'd decided against it, because it was a warm enough day, and she also had to clean it from all of her other adventures before she took it out again. It had gotten awfully dirty, since she hadn't cleaned it every night like she was supposed to--well, not very well, at least, not every single night. But she looked rather pretty, if she said so herself, and she did. Trigger had said so, too, so she knew she did.

As Hamza suddenly dropped beneath her feet, Sophie let out a little howling cry, but the fall was short, and she'd barely slipped; Hamza was indeed very careful with her. With a little puff of breath, she glanced at her brother and smiled sheepishly, her ears pressing back against her head. At his suggestion, however, she perked up, and nodded eagerly. "Yeah, yeah! He was a good boy!" She yipped, and wobbled a bit on Hamza's back as he took his treats, making little whimpering sounds until she finally just waddled down to a less active part of the bison's back, sitting instead beside his hips, rather than his shoulders.

At Leon's question, Sophie flattened her ears again, staring at him with wide eyes. For a moment she thought she was in trouble, because "talking" was never a good thing, but as he continued she realized he just wanted to know what had been going on with her lately. She looked up at the sky thoughtfully, wondering what the last thing she'd talked to him about was. She remembered their discussion after her encounter with Mordecai and the frozen elves, but nothing after that...it had really been a long time since she'd had any one-on-one time with her brother.

"Well, um...I've been hangin' around here a lot..." She said, and as he asked her if there was anything she wanted him to teach her, she brightened considerably and nodded. "Oh, yeah! I wanna learn how to paint, and do the carving thing with wood, and how to hunt like Mister Light, and make clothes like Trigger does! And I want to know..." She paused, wondering if there was anything else, and then shrugged and gave a meek smile. "I want to know everything you know."

Sophie speaks Boothe Speaks


- Leon Hughes - 02-05-2012

<style type="text/css">.Leon01 b {color:#FFFFFF;} .Leon01 i {color:#5f5fab;} .Leon01 i2 {color:#9da1ff;}</style>
http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46 ... ontab1.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Once Hamza was down and munching on his food, Sophie moved back to sit on his haunches where the beast's body moved less. Hamza finished his first carrot and shoved his large head into Leon's leg to get his attention, but nearly caused him to fall over. "Alright, you brute," he said with a chuckle and gave him the other one he had. Then he patted the bison's head and moved away to kneel down at his side. He kept his hand on the bison the whole time so Hamza knew what was going on and where he was. Once the older brother was settling comfortably on the snow-covered ground, he looked to Sophie, who was telling him about all the things she wanted to learn. One of which was sewing, which would make Trigger insanely happy if she asked him to teach her. "Gotta lot of dreams, eh, Kiddo?" Leon smiled and ruffled her head and leaned on Hamza's side with his arms. "I can help you learn to hunt, too. We could both learn some cool tricks from Light." He gave a nod of his head. Light was an exceptional hunter. He, himself, was not that good of one. He was getting better, but he could never be as good as Light at this point.

"You know, it could take a long time to teach you everything I know." Cause he was super smart and knew so much already, obviously. "Not that I could teach you everything right now, anyways. A lot of things you'll only come to understand when you're older." He leaned onto his arms, peering up at her as she sat on Hamza's back above his head. "What things do you want to learn the most right now? You can only focus on learning one or two things at most." It'd be impossible to really learn anything if she tried to learn all of those things at once. She'd end up going nuts. Perhaps hunting and best thing to work on right now? She wouldn't be able to shift for a few months more maybe, so she wouldn't be able to do anything that required thumbs.

He reached up and gently took one of her tiny paws into his hand and stroked the top of her toes with his thumb, tilting his head to the side as he laid it on his arm. "I can begin teaching you how to hunt and teach you some of the techniques I know. And then when yer able to shift, I can teach you how to use weapons." Which was a lot easier than chasing down prey and taking them down with your teeth. It wasn't quite as fun making things easier, too. Both were very useful skills to have, knowing how to hunt on your own and hunting with weapons. He continued to play with her little foot, finding her itty bitty stature just as cute as it could be. She seemed like she was going to be small forever. Granted, she'd grown some since she came here, but not by much. She should be sprouting up like a weed; Boothe was beginning to, and Trigger was just about done growing at this point.

"Yer gonna be a great hunter," he said somewhat randomly as he looked up at his brown sibling with admiration in his eyes. Leon sure adored her and had a lot of hopes for her. She was going to be a great person when she grew up. That is, if he didn't ruin her before then. Good thing Trigger was around. He didn't want Sophie to turn out like him. She was so sweet now; if she retained that, life would be a lot easier for her. If she became a dick like her oldest brother, life would be a lot harder. He wouldn't let her make the same mistakes he had. His parents had jaded him beyond healing. He was too far gone to fix himself, but Sophie had a lot of time to grow up and he was going to make sure that she, along with Boothe, grew up to be better people than his parents and... he himself.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


- Sophie Hughes - 02-05-2012

<style type="text/css">.sophie b {color:#13b4d7;} .sophie i {color:#007bd1;} .sophie i2 {color:#134fd7;} .sophie .ooc {font-style:italic;color:#005189;text-align:right;}.sophie .separator{width:315px; border-bottom:1px dotted #31d1c8; margin:0px auto;}</style>
http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/5530 ... b2copy.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

OOC here! :: Word Count → 621

Sophie giggled as Hamza butted his head into Leon's leg, nearly knocking her big brother down, and was given a carrot for his trouble. She padded a bit higher on his back as Leon settled down to talk to her, her ears perking up brightly as she nodded. "Uh-huh! I'm gonna learn everything!" She promised, or more probably threatened, as she was determined to be the most useful person in the whole world. Her dreams would probably narrow themselves down to more of what she could actually accomplish when she grew older, but for the moment, she wanted to know everything; she wanted to be the best at everything, even if some of those things wouldn't be the most physical, seeing as she couldn't even beat her twin at a simple wrestling match. Then again, he was getting so much bigger than her, while she stayed...tiny. She was somewhat worried about that, but kept her doubts to herself as Leon continued.

"I'd like that," She admitted quietly, as learning to hunt from Leon meant that she would get to spend a lot more time with him, and that was something she'd love no matter what they were doing. As he leaned back against Hamza, she scooted closer to him, laying down across the bison's large spine and laying her head against her paws. He mentioned that it would take a long time to know everything he did, and that she'd only understand some things when she was older, but she looked at him with wide eyes and wondered if perhaps that wasn't so true. She'd come to understand a lot in the past few weeks, after all, even more than Boothe had; though he, perhaps, wasn't trying to understand, so much as revel in their sudden freedom. She couldn't help but pipe up hesitantly, "I'm allowed to understand sooner though, right? I mean...if I do..." She was always worried, now, about what she was allowed to do. She'd do her best not to understand things until Leon said she was ready for them, if it turned out she wasn't.

Leon asked her what she'd like to learn the most, saying she should only focus on one or two things at most at one time, and she paused to give it some thought, before she looked down at him, blinking hesitantly. "I wanna...learn to hunt. And...to paint, like I do in the pretty tent. I wanna do it properly, though. Everyone else makes such pretty pictures," She added, a wistful note in her voice, and shifted her paws quietly, turning her head and blinking in surprise as he began playing with her tiny foot. She flexed her toes, and then shifted closer to him again, pleased when she didn't go slipping down the side of Hamza's flank. Leon spoke again, and she laid her ears back hesitantly, a worried look crossing her face. "Like...like the silver things. The...knives." She remembered, as the fight that day with their father was still quite clearly etched into her mind. She laid her head down again, and blinked at him, her eyes looking more worried than eager at the thought of learning how to hurt people. "I...don't know if I want to know how to use those..."

He continued playing with her foot, and she let him, but the doubts began to creep back in as she watched his large hand holding her oh-so-tiny foot in it. As he made his declaration, she lifted her blue gaze to him, and tried not to look worried as she gazed at him almost desperately. "Y'think so?" she asked quietly, and then, even more so, "I'm not too small?"

Sophie speaks Boothe Speaks
