'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
[M] Back off I'll take you on, headstrong - Printable Version

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- Augustus - 02-27-2012

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


ooc No need to match length. Just went wild, ahhh excitement xD This will be fun Back-dated Feb. 20th WC 804


Ciara at his side the Epsilon took to the trail. The scent of the cougar was faint here, but present, although Terra’s blood trail was much more telling. He ventured carefully here, putting the remainder of his pack mates behind him without another glance. It was his time to shine, he’d already demonstrated his prowess as a hunter, but as a warrior he was yet to prove himself. Rising to defend his Alphess meant little and less to him as no blood was shed or would ever have been shed. Jiva had meant no harm in the first place, but this cougar was out for blood, and Augustus for hers. All was well, he needed an outlet for his rage right now, and would not exercise it on his pack members, although that wasn’t to say he did not want to. Shadow. He growled aloud at the thought of the black male. He’d only ever once seen the man’s equal in size, and it made little and less sense to him, especially here. Augustus’s size was normal for a wolf in the tundra, but to a native Nova Scotian wolf he was a behemoth, and couldn’t help but wonder if the man possessed a mutation to make him outgrow the norm. On second thought, he didn’t care. He would happily deal with him anyway. He was never one to back away from a fight.

His posture was telling now, even as he remained silent beside the yearling. His pelt was ruffled all along his scruff and spine, his lips pulled back into a silent snarl, tail lashing out behind him. The heat of his fury radiated off him like a living furnace, his steps stiff, claws making full indentations in the ground below. He seemed to finally notice Ciara’s presence then, fully notice, and turned towards her, eyes blazing. “We’ll follow the blood trail to its end and go from there.” He growled, before returning to the path. It sprawled out before them an ominous trail of crimson. His pace quickened, his heart racing in his chest as his anger led to adrenaline being pumped into his veins. It took coming across a small stream for him to notice just how frightening he appeared, the left side of his face a grisly sight with its scars scrunched up, pale daggers gleaming beneath.

He paused there to take a breath before turning to fully to face Ciara. He steeled himself, and tried to ease his countenance. “I would have never wanted you to see me this way.” He started. “But that girl…that bitch.” Despite trying to get a grip on himself his words were still harsh and angry. “I knew her…We were…friends.The last words was a hiss. “Or at least I thought. There was a day that I was out patrolling, --the pup, Holly had wandered off. I found her with Terra touching her. The whelp was afraid, her mother had been murdered by coyotes. I told Terra to stay away…with what she is I didn’t want her scent confusing anyone. She was not happy, she just couldn’t understand what I was trying to tell her. I warned her not to come back here, that others might not appreciate her presence. I guess I failed. Her trespass angers me more than you know.” He turned his face away and his voice was quieter, his words short. “I thought it best you know.”

That was all he had to say on that matter and he swiftly turned back to the trail. It pained him to think of how he was behaving around the girl, he did not want her to think less of him for it, not now. The hunt they’d had together, it made him think, see her in a different light. He had a history of burning every bridge he’d ever crossed, he did not want this to end before it even began. He was not an openly affectionate man, neither charming, nor particularly endearing, but he had a heart buried somewhere beneath, and he’d grown fond of the mottled girl. He owed it to her to at least explain the reason for his actions.

That aside he swished his tail, his thoughts back to the cougar that threatened their home, their very lives. They were nearing the clearing and he could see the moose carcass laid before them. Blood there was here, Terra’s blood, moose blood, and cougar. His hackles raised as he sniffed it, his eyes turning to their surroundings, suddenly wary. “Ciara.” He called he gruffly. He indicated a tuft of fur with his muzzle. “Cougar.” he said shortly. “This is not something to be taken lightly. Cats are different, they can think just as we can, reason, we must show her no mercy, for she will show us none.”

Table Template by the Mentors!

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- Ciara O'Callahan - 02-27-2012


OOC:: Apparently not wanting to write my thesis causes me to have a helluva lot of muse for 'Souls. xD Love the song for the title, by the way. Smile WC: 985

In Character

The day had taken a drastic turn, and with it Ciara’s emotions had changed as well. She had started off worried for the stranger, then angry at her trespassing. Why had she needed to come here? There were plenty of other packs around, plenty of other opportunities. Inferni might have received her more easily than New Dawn, a pack full of wolves with traditional values and an ingrained distrust for coyotes. From nurturing, to annoyed, to nurturing again had Ciara gone, posture changing as each new wolf came onto the scene. She had finally calmed down when Augustus had arrived, and then Shadow had to come and be so disrespectful. That had especially irritated the yearling, so she understood fully why the Epsilon’s fur was bristled, hackles raised and teeth gleaming in the dull winter sunlight. It caused her fur to stand on end as well.

At one point, Augustus’ demeanour might have scared her or made her uneasy. She remembered when she’d first joined the pack, and how nervous everyone had made her, especially the Epsilon. He’d been the first pack mate she’d met beside Zalen, and she had truly been scared of him then. The male was so much larger than her, larger than many of their pack mates, and he was normally gruff and stern in his ways. Ciara liked that about him. She liked how serious he was, and how diligent with his duties to the pack. The male always made a peculiar sensation run through her, and she knew that her girlish crush had evolved into something more. She was developing true feelings for her Epsilon, even if she was too shy to tell him – and the fact that it was far too early. He endlessly impressed her, and she knew that he would be a perfect mate if he were ever interested in her in the same way. He made a swift and powerful hunter, and she was still buzzing with pride that they’d been able to kill together. The yearling felt as though it had brought them closer, though she figured that he saw her as too young for him. As she watched him stalk along in the snow, fur bristling, a small part of her wanted to comfort his seething anger.

That anger was well placed, though, and she understood it. She walked at his flank, not making the situation awkward by shying away from him or distancing herself, but not pressing too close to him either. Her mind turned from the events of the morning and focused on the task at hand. Tawny paws dug into the ground, pushing the snow quietly as she walked across its patchy claim on the ground below them. Her tail was held straight out, and her nose dipped to the ground to pick up any scents of the cougar. Whenever Augustus spoke, she turned her head to him, brown and golden eyes narrowing during his explanation of Terra. A growl split from her lips, soft and dangerous at the same time, when the male mentioned about the coyote touching the pup. That made her fur bristle all over again. “She shouldn’t have returned, Augustus. She could have gone to Inferni. Your anger was justified,” she confirmed, giving a curt nod of her head.

When he turned to face away from her, she moved in and nudged her nose just behind his ear in what she hoped was a comforting gesture. She didn’t linger there, but moved her nose back to the ground to continue looking for the cougar’s scent. What they were now tasked with was far more important than the stupid coyote. Right now, Ciara honestly didn’t care if Terra lived or died. She could have lead the cougar directly to New Dawn, and the subordinate’s chief concern was the protection of the pack. It didn’t even faze her that she might die on this endeavour, but the thought of Augustus being harmed caused another low growl to form in her throat, rumbling in her chest. Even though the Epsilon was much larger and stronger than she, the girl – no, woman - would do her best to protect him as she knew he would for her.

She followed the Epsilon, still flanking him respectfully, along the trail until they came to the carcass. The scent of blood hit her nose full on, making her dizzy. There was not much left of the moose, and she was happy that the two had had their fill of deer a few days prior. Ciara wanted no distractions, even though the ripped apart and frozen moose was not the most appetizing sight, it was still meat. As she took in the scene and the smells, her ears perked forward, and she listened attentively for the tiniest of sounds. What came to her ears next was Augustus’ warning, and she listened with her full attention. Her eyes trailed over the salt-and-pepper male’s face as she spoke, for even now while they were working together she wasn’t going to disrespect him with direct eye contact. She bristled when he motioned towards the tuft of fur, leathery lips drawing back in a silent snarl. “No mercy,” she repeated, voice dripping with menace and determination.

This cougar would not harm the pack. They would take care of it, together, and Ciara fully planned to bring back a grizzly token of the beast to confirm its death to their Alpha. She tensed, prepared to follow any order that the Epsilon made, head turning and ears pricked. She’d proven herself to him as a good novice hunter, and now she would show him that while she was small, she could fiercely protect New Dawn as well. The cat could still be close, and would not likely leave her kill for too long. It could be on them any moment, and Ciara was prepared to defend her family.

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- Augustus - 02-28-2012


ooc haha, thanks I thought it was a perfect fit. Okay, so I've been informed that the cougar is injured. It has two stomach lacerations, bleeding, exposing some critical tissue, and its front left paw is injured, but strong enough to hold weight. We should see it in the next couple posts WC: 835


His body shivered unexpectedly at the sound of her growl, soft as thunder. An ear rimmed in black turned back to her then and his head followed. But she was not growling at him, he saw, she was concerned herself about Terra’s trespass, and her betrayal. Her confirmation solidified his feelings, and he no longer felt so ashamed for losing his cool in front of her. She was made of far stronger stuff than he ever could have thought. She did not shy away from him, did not hide behind a mask of complacency, and when she agreed it was because she believed it herself. “Yes,” was all he said, though he wanted to say more. Tell her how much her opinion meant to him, tell her…but he didn’t. This was not the time, not the place. Her nose in his fur made him flinch at first, but then he leaned into it. A whine was on his lips, but he did not let it pass, instead he turned to the task at hand.

The clearing was just as he expected it to be, bloodstained the ground and melted the thin covering of snow, the moose was in a stage of decay, marked by canine and feline teeth. He turned his nose up at it. He was the hunter after all, and would rather his pack feed on fresh meat. He never knew how the coyote could each such rancid fare, but she was no wolf, it was in her blood. He had no more thoughts on the matter and picked through the remains, his nose twitching wildly to pick up anything else besides the irony tang of congealing blood. Her echoing bloodlust had a whisper of a grin reaching the very corners of his mouth, but it was nothing more than a twitch. That he would enjoy this he did not doubt. From the blood he knew the cat was injured. Whether it was Terra’s work, or it had been already injured he didn’t know, although doubted the girl could do too much damage. He sought to do more.

Augustus was thinking of Shadow, he’d held the ugly brute’s face in his mind just for this moment, the showdown with the cougar would have to satisfy his bloodlust for now, but back in the den…That was when it would really begin. He’d give the brute one last chance to submit to him, or be condemned. It was not right for a new subordinate to disregard the pack hierarchy. Augustus would not be spat on to his face, the only reason he had turned his back was because his pack was his family they mattered more than one brute’s insubordination. He was a senior member, a founding member, and the very first of his brothers to ascend to a higher rank, he would not let that fact be forgotten. It was not pride or an abuse of power, he truly felt justified that he was denied the very respect that he had worked so long and hard to achieve. It didn’t sit right with him, not with how he was raised. He remembered his father, how he would snap and snarl if he so much as saw his son looking at him. It was simply not the way of things. “That brute will bow to me.” He snarled to himself as he picked through the blood soaked clearing trying to decipher cougar blood from Terra’s. He gave a passing glance in Ciara’s direction, worried for a moment that she might have heard, but shrugged. He didn’t really care. It had been plain for all of them to see. He was reminded of her own posture, her expressions. Yes, he’d been watching her every now and then, gauging how it was she saw the situation. He was grateful for her support. “I would have dealt with him then and there, but it just wasn’t the time…at least one of us understood that. Zalen will see him for what he is.” He said aloud, no longer caring to cover up his words. His ear twitched and he set back to his work, looking about with a stare far too intense for tracking.

“Ciara.” he started, pausing in his investigation. “If it had been up to you, what would you have done with her?” He asked, referring to Terra. He was hoping for a voice of reason in all this chaos, as he was unable to think straight. His mind wandered from Shadow, to Terra, to his duty, and the cougar along with it. He waited for her response before finally picking up on another blood trail, and this time it was not Terra’s. Her trail had lead them here, but this one moved away from the scene, altogether. He nodded towards it and lowered into a crouch, pursuing it carefully, knowing full well where it would end. “It’s injured,” he whispered, his voice hoarse from his snarls and anger. “That will make this easy for us…well, easier….”

Table Template by the Mentors!

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- Ciara O'Callahan - 02-28-2012


OOC:: Sounds good to me. I was thinking it'd be intersting if Ciara was injured by the cougar in the midst of their killing it, not fatally, but enough that Deuce will have to heal her. WC: 861

In Character

Ciara was on edge, moving around the clearing in an opposite circle than Augustus. She figured if he took one route and she took the other, they would have a far better chance of catching wind of the cougar. She found a few more tufts of fur, followed by splotches of the cat’s blood over in a corner of the clearing, where the trees met with the open grass. Claw marks marred one of the trees, and she pushed herself up on her hind legs, steadying herself with one large paw on the tree. Her other paw curled to her chest, and she sniffed carefully at the marks. The cat had spent some time up that tree before heading off, and it seemed as though the beast had gone south.

Ciara jumped back down and moved away from the tree, returning to the Epsilon in a readied crouch. She had come back to him just as the male had begun to focus on Shadowfang, the insolent subordinate whom she’d considered kind and respectful at first. That image had been shot when Shadow had disrespected and insulted Augustus with his improper actions. Ciara felt as though the ebony male could have at least seen how she had folded herself into a submissive posture at the Epsilon’s arrival. Even if he did not fully understand pack hierarchy, he should have known that he and Ciara shared the same low ranking, and should have followed suit. Would have, could have, and should have. Ciara’s fur bristled in anger at the thought of his insubordination.

When the Epsilon’s eyes flashed at Ciara during his angry speech, the female lowered her own respectfully. One ear twitched before they both folded to the side. She didn’t flatten them completely back because she knew that he was not angry at her. “He treated you so disrespectfully, Augustus,” she said, allowing another soft growl to leave her throat. “I would have disciplined him myself if it were me in your place, but you’re right – it was not the appropriate time. When we return, and you rightfully show the man his place, you will have my full support.” A grim smile formed on the subordinate’s muzzle then. She didn’t want any harm to come to her new brother, but he needed to learn his place, to learn the hierarchy of his pack. All of the others respected it, and Shadowfang would have to learn as well.

His question came to her, and she pondered it quietly for a moment or two. The girl was not one to speak without considering her words first. “I would have forced her to move out of the territory first,” she began, her voice tight. “It was not right for her to bring her troubles to our land. The most dire thing was her trespassing, she was close enough to the borders that I could have moved her there myself. Then, I would have called for Deuce to heal her before sending her on her way.” The mottled female’s words were stern, and her mind was made up. There was no insecurity in the decision of what she would have done. The coyote, first and foremost, should not have trespassed, and she would have taken care of that first. She wouldn’t have left the being to die, though.

At his mention of the cougar, Ciara’s earth-toned eyes widened. It was injured, which meant fate could be in their favour. She glanced around carefully, nodding at the Epsilon’s words. The beast would be theirs. She could visualize going into battle with the feline, darting in and out to avoid the beast’s claws. “It will be guarding its injuries, but with two of us against it, the cat can’t keep us from them for long. She will be weak, as well as outnumbered.” A deadly smile broke out on the female’s muzzle, and she lifted her head high. “She will be ours.”

When Augustus finished speaking; Ciara stood and moved over to him. Her Epsilon had switched from talking of the cougar, to Terra, to Shadowfang and back to the cougar. He was bristling with anger, and even though he wanted to focus on the cougar, Ciara knew that his mind was clouded with thoughts of the offending pack mate. She wanted to soothe that anger, and give him strength by subtly confirming his role in their endeavour. When she reached him, she crouched low as Augustus himself was crouched, and moved beneath his chin. Her nose rubbed the spot before she drew a small length of her body beneath it, stopping when his chin rested over the center of her back. It was a show of affection and respect, and the female hoped that it would calm him. Her ears had folded back respectfully and she turned her head to lick once at the pale fur on the male’s shoulder.

“Let’s find the beast and finish it, Epsilon,” she said softly, her voice clearly displaying that she would wait for his command. When he pressed his chin down on her back in that most subtle form of dominance, then Ciara would move on with their search.

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- Augustus - 03-01-2012


ooc That sounds pretty fun! Haha, this post just made me realize who Augustus reminds me of. The Hound from Game of Thrones! Totally unintentional, but the similarity is striking. WC: 918


He found it much harder to see to his task, his mind racing, thoughts unable to settle. He found his eyes trailing to the mottled female as she picked through the carnage, trying to focus on her movements, her curves, anything to distract him. She perched on the tree, a pose that elongated her body, until he was staring, helplessly so. There was something different about her than when he had first seen her. She was…changing. It reminded him of a caterpillar just before it grew wings and took to the skies. It was a pleasant, and curious thought, but even that could not stem the tide of his rage. He shook his head and snorted, snot flying like an angry bull. What a day this turned out to be, he never expected that it could all go so wrong so fast. He felt like he was on the edge of a chasm, about to fall into the abyss.

With eyes on fire he gazed at her, and she did not return the stare. It was just so, how it was meant to be, she was behaving appropriately even now, even while he felt he was out of control. Still, he wished to see her eyes one day, see them full on, not sneakily out of the corner of his own orbs. At the same time…ahh, dilemmas. He enjoyed his position in the pack and felt it was just as he deserved, but he would happily prove his worth a dozen times over despite it to protect all those he cared for, those he loved. Ugh, what was wrong with him?! He was losing himself, spiraling out of control. When she affirmed his beliefs he gave a short nod. “I am glad of your support.” A more emotionally detached answer could not be given, oh, he was hopeless. Just hopeless, she’ll never see, never understand. He growled to himself and turned his face from her, lest it betray him again.

He gazed at the tree she had inspected, noting the claw marks. Yes, it had been there, he concluded, but the fact that it was not there now only further solidified the beliefs that the she-cat was injured enough that climbing had proven too difficult for her. They often took to the trees, to hunt, lingering unseen in the canopy while they looked on with vile blue-green eyes, waiting, just waiting for unsuspecting prey.

“Then you are better than I…” He admitted after she relayed what she would have done. His voice was heavy. “I would not have spared her.” This was new to him, confiding in someone. He felt confident that she would not judge him, or let his words pass beyond the two of them. Strange as it was, he felt no shame in revealing the darker side of himself, not to her. It was different with her, different than even with Blind. Blind was exotic and beautiful, but he doubted that she would ever understand him, not all of him at least. Ciara was younger than Blind, but somehow she seemed to have a broader understanding of the world. He got the feeling that she understood the true nature of life, that not everyone could be righteous all the time, and when he did slip, she would forgive him and try to see it through his eyes. Blind thought him as some hero, the human parallel of a knight in shining armor, but he wasn’t. He was no champion, no kind ser. He had his own reasons for his actions, and they were not always just.

His ears twitched to Ciara as she spoke, her voice dangerous. It sent a chill down his spine, and again the edge of his lips twitched. He liked her more and more by the moment. He flinched again at her touch, but then his eyes closed. He took in a deep breath, feeling her petite frame beneath his own. He lifted head and tail then ready at last to see to his duty. All his anger, his rage it was meaningless now, and he knew it was time to let it go. If he so desired he could think of it all later, even take action. He gave a silent nod and stalked forward along the blood trail. The scent of the cougar came heavier and heavier to his nostrils and his pelt was bristled, eyes wary and watching his surroundings. He hoped that it was they who would strike the ambush, but cats were far stealthier and he was all caution.

The trail drew them into a thicket and that was when Augustus signaled her to stop. He saw a hint of movement and crept forward slowly, carefully. When he had gone as far as he dared he paused until his eyes came to rest on the injured she-cat. She was licking at her injured paw with great care, but judging by her movements she was in a great deal of pain. Her stomach was torn and bleeding, a ghastly injury, but it would make her all the more deadly, ruthless. Even though he moved with as much care and stealth as he could muster the cat soon sensed him and rallied to defend itself, drawing a wide defensive stance. Augustus let a fleeting glance pass to Ciara he indicated her injuries, and knew she would understand. There was no time to talk, no time to plan, although it was clear what actions would have to be taken.

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- Ciara O'Callahan - 03-02-2012


OOC:: I can TOTALLY see the resemblance between him and the Hound! Love that character. Big Grin WC: 1100+ ._.

In Character

Ciara hadn’t noticed his gaze on her as she picked through the clearing, having her thoughts focused on the cougar. Her young heart swelled with a hidden pride that Zalen had asked her to join Augustus; that the Alpha thought of them as a good team. He could have gone with Augustus, or sent one of the older, stronger wolves like Shandom or the younger subordinates, but out of all of them he’d picked her. She was determined to prove herself, but couldn’t pretend that it was only Zalen she wanted to please. The calico female wanted to show Augustus that she was not a pup, but a strong and capable defender of the pack. If she did, maybe he would be convinced to feel the same way for her as she did for him.

He was a complex creature; she had discovered that and knew it well, now. At first Ciara had viewed Augustus as some kind of hardened warrior. He was a determined hunter, and a loyal pack mate. He was an adept killer, ruthless and cold. She could tell that without having to really see that side of him, but t the same time she didn’t shy away from it. His darkness never frightened her, but made her curious, made her want to know what had caused him to be that way. The salt-and-pepper male was clearly traditional, and lived by the old way of life which her ancestors had lived by. She was envious of that. While her family, small and shattered as it was, had lived completely in lupus form and never shifted to the biped alternative, she knew they were not natural wolves. Though that wild blood did course within her, it could never be as pure as Augustus’.

Even while he was harsh and deadly, she had seen glimpses of another side of him in their short time together. At times she could swear that his eyes searched for hers, the fiery gaze holding something of a softer blaze. It had been out of her peripherals, for she wouldn’t disrespect him even while she too longed to look in his eyes, but she had known it was there. His voice carried unpredictable tones as well, harsh at one second, and distant – but then softer and more trusting the next. He was an enigma, a puzzle that she longed to piece together. Would he ever let her get close enough?

All of these thoughts were coursing through her mind as she fitted herself beneath his chin, falling silent and waiting for his okay to continue the quest for the cougar. The subordinate felt the shift in the male’s body as he lifted his posture, displaying his determination. Maybe she’d helped him focus, or maybe her proximity had annoyed him enough to turn back to the cougar. Ciara was always uneasy about touching him, even if she was in no means being forward, maybe not even betraying her feelings for him with her actions. Regardless, the male was ready to go, and proved this as he stalked down the bloodied trail. Ciara followed without hesitation.

Her mottled coat bristled just as Augustus’ when the cougar came into view. The black guard hairs of her pelt stood on end; hackles rose all down her shoulders and back as her lips drew away from ivory canines. The effect on her fur was strange, the black hairs moving out of the way so the tawny undercoat came up vibrantly. It was as though the slender female was glowing, her white paws and underbelly matching the snow, and the colouration of her top coat looking much like a golden horizon bordered by snowy earth on bottom and black, creeping night above. She was silent, nodding to her Epsilon as he motioned towards the wounds. She knew what to do, and she knew that she’d need to be fast and efficient.

Crouching down, the golden huntress readied herself, brown and golden eyes focused on the cat’s showing belly. As Augustus inevitably took his angle, Ciara took hers as well, creeping close enough that she was within pouncing distance though the cougar hadn’t noticed her yet. It was all going to happen in a blur and she knew it, she was prepared, her every muscle vibrating with excited and determined energy. Without a second thought she sprung, jaws and large paws aimed straight for the seeping wounds.

The cat, however, was not stupid. Ciara managed to lunge and clamp her jaws around one of the wounds, but it was at the expense of alerting the cougar. As her fangs tore at the sensitive wound, the feline’s guts spilled out a little more from the spot. It was not a fatal attack, but it weakened the animal significantly. Ciara knew that it would not be an easy battle, and she knew that Augustus would hold his own as she worked to target the wounds on the cougar’s stomach. She had just readied herself to lunge in again, and sprung, though her mouth only caught fur this time. The cat knew what she was after, and had sprung up with a hiss of pain and the determination to guard her shredded belly.

A large paw, the cougar's uninjured one, came swiping at the subordinate, and she darted backwards, just managing to get out of the way. As soon as she was clear she sprung in again, ripping at the cat’s side with paws and fangs. Once again the calico female darted backwards, snarling and looking for a new angle as the cat responded.Her brown and golden gaze flicked to Augustus, and a grim smile formed on her muzzle. The cougar was weakening as the minutes passed.

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- Augustus - 03-05-2012


OOC:: Totally made a Hound table just for this thread, xD WC → 892

I'm no ser

Augustus knew little and less of the feminine mind, he had not the slightest clue as to her thoughts or how she regarded him. She was respectful, although their views greatly differed. She did not fault him for his actions or beliefs, and possessed an innocence that had already been lost to him. In truth, he was not much older than she, but his childhood did not allow for foolish dreams. He was not a creature of mercy, it was how his parents had seen fit to raise him. It was much harder to give voice to his views here, however. The canines of Nova Scotia seemed to work their taint to its greatest advantage, deriving new ways to heal and build far more complex than those of their ancestors. He could not fault them for it, but his mind remained entirely his own, and it was set in stone. His every action breathed of his feral upbringing, and who was he to upset the order of things? It was a wolf’s job to maintain the natural balance. They did not suffer the weak. Only the strong survived. Terra was fortunate indeed.

For all his faults, however, he remained loyal to his pack, and persued his duty with an unrivaled resolve. He’d lived under a similar hierarchy all his life, and was not keen on upsetting it. He’d seen his pack during a period of unrest, and it was not a fair sight. When whispers of Lionel’s tyranny reached the black wolf’s ears one of his betrayer’s had lost their very life. Lionel showed the man no mercy. The sight of his father with the other wolf’s blood on his lips and his amber eyes blazing had chilled the young Augustus down to the bone. It was not unlike his own yellow pools when they passed over Terra battered and broken. Augustus and his family were no strangers to betrayal. Thus, his inner turmoil. He would not go against his Alpha’s will, but every fiber of his being wanted to tear the foolish coy wolf apart, as well as her cohort Shadow. One day. He promised himself. Whatever friendship they once had it was over, now, and forever. Nothing would change his mind.

His eyes again wandered to the mottled female. A flame of a different sort raged in his yellow orbs, a deep seated yearning. He longed to share his heart with someone one day, the darkness, and the light. Would she still respect him, still seek out his company if she knew the beast he was inside? He wanted to tell her about his family, make her understand that he never really wanted to be this way, but it was what he was. It was his identity. His burden. Like the scars on his face he would carry it with him for the rest of his life. His eyes looked upon her face and his mind was set. When this was all over, he would seek her out, and end this torment one way or the other. He needed her to know his heart, just as he longed to know her own. All this time, the hunts they’d gone on the deer, they’d slain, and now the imminent battle with the cougar. He just knew there was something there. What it was he did not understand it, but he resolved to. He did not want it to continue this way. Something needed to be done.

When the cougar lay before him he barely gave a passing glance. He was a machine, impassive, but entirely lethal. He looked only to determine her target. She gazed at its belly and he turned his eyes to rest on its injured paws. If he upset her balance that would leave the greater wound exposed, and allow Ciara a much easier angle. While she worried the she-cats injuries he could go for the throat. He felt a sudden surge of strength and energy flow through him as adrenaline was released into his bloodstream. He was a monstrous creature fearsome and merciless, the scars on the side of his face scrunched up wickedly, making his snarl all the more deadly. Ciara charged straight for the wounds and he slipped past, a ghost in black and white. His body was low to protect his vitals as well and to focus his power. The cougar was alert and poised. Although Ciara’s attack had succeeded the cat was a dangerous adversary and while he snarled and snapped it did not sway from the smaller she-wolf. That she assumed Augustus was the greater threat, it was clear, and she knew her attacks would be far more successful against the golden girl.

The cat’s movements made it difficult for him to snag its injured paw, and he saw it swipe at Ciara. She, blessedly missed, but that did not stop her from trying again. She swiped again and Ciara dodged backwards. Augustus's jaws met their mark. He tasted blood and heard the crunch of bone as he ripped viciously at the cat’s paw. He was aware of another far more concerning sound and his head jerked up to see Ciara, the cat rounding on her to deal a deadly blow. Acting quickly, he threw the full force of his body into a savage jerk, wrenching the cat over onto its side.

Table by the Mentors!

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- Ciara O'Callahan - 03-05-2012


OOC:: I absolutely love that table. <3 WC: 900

In Character

If Ciara could have known that Augustus was feeling the same longing for her, as she felt for him, she would have been elated. Shy, of course, but very freaking happy. The way she felt with him had grown with every minute they were able to spend together, until it had started to hurt her when they were apart. She’d kept this to herself, of course. The male had duties to perform; he had an established rank within the pack and all the responsibilities that came with it. She couldn’t pester him, just for the sake of attention, and she was too inherently independent to be able to appear needy in front of him. It was strange, that even though she was nurturing and kind, she hid the softer side of herself just as he did.

When the time came for him to reveal his haunting and rather cruel upbringing, he would be surprised to find that Ciara did not flinch away from him. She, too, had spent a portion of her life with a monster of sorts. Though her father was no leader as Lionel was, he had indeed been a tyrant. She had felt the sharp bite of both fangs and words at his pleasure when she’d been a tiny puppy. He’d even gone so far as to try drowning her once, though her mother had come to her rescue and chased the bulking male off. He’d been of ebony coat, and fiery green eyes rather like Zalen’s. She’d watched him hurt her mother repeatedly while the snowy female had hunched protectively over the small Ciara, taking the brunt of the punishment for whatever small misdemeanour had angered her father. It had been lucky that he’d been chased off.

Luckily for her, and perhaps for Augustus, Ciara had been able to grow past the hard times. As she’d journeyed alone for those six months, she’d had plenty of time to consider her father for what he really was. His anger and abuse had been no fault of Ciara, or her mother, but the result of a sickness within him that twisted his mind and made him perpetually angry. The mottled yearling had trained herself that she was not like him, and that she couldn’t punish herself for his actions. The sins of the father lay not on the son, or the daughter, as the case called. When Augustus found the courage and the time to speak to her, to explain his past, she would not judge him. Even while she was young, Ciara had the remarkable ability to judge others on her own experiences with them, and not on the influence of others. To her, Augustus was a strong, devoted pack member, and it was clear that he had the ability to put others above himself – something both of their father’s couldn’t and would never achieve.

Out of the future and back to the present. Ciara’s hit had landed, opening the cat’s belly a little more and causing a vicious yowl to leave its lips. Copying her Epsilon’s movements, Ciara remained low to the ground in order to protect herself. The cougar had vicious claws, stronger muscles than her own, and even with Augustus’ instigating it seemed as though the golden subordinate was the feline’s main interest. Ciara would take that with a grain of salt. At the very least, it allowed for her to distract the beast while Augustus made his own attacks. Dancing around, her claws scratching into the ice and snow below to keep their footing, Ciara watched with satisfaction as Augustus made claim with his jaws. The sound of that crack was delightful, and filled the subordinate with a primal satisfaction that rivalled the thrill of killing the deer that day.

Her satisfaction was short-lived as the cougar managed to forget about her newfound injury long enough to focus on Ciara once more. The smaller wolf tensed, growling as those yellow orbs centered on her. Her hackles rose again as the paw raised and came crashing down. Without Augustus, the blow certainly would have killed her. As the large male slammed into the cat it threw off the feline’s aim, and instead of crushing Ciara beneath it, it managed only a marginally weaker strike. Still, to the slender female it was a painful blow which sent her spiralling across the snow and straight into a rock. She felt the snap of her ribs crack, and the cold air of the winter day burning her flesh as her skin opened. A sharp, deep gash appeared on her side and her light pelt became steadily darker, and then crimson with blood.

She pushed herself to her feet with a snarl of pain, and prepared herself to turn on the cougar again even as her own blood decorated the snow. The scent of it hit her nose powerfully, but she pushed it aside and concentrated. It would be interesting to see whether or not the cougar would be able to do the same. Clearly, the smell and sight of the blood pleased and distracted the cat, who had stumbled on both injured paws, but who was slowly raising herself up again. It had significantly weakened, and Ciara pushed back her own pain to dart back in, heckling at the injuries in an attempt to distract the cougar long enough for Augustus to deal another blow.

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- Augustus - 03-07-2012


OOC:: Heeheehee...Okay so totally went all out on the gore, because Augustus is totally bad ass xD And the bit about him doing his duty despite the cost... WC → 953

I'm no ser

The affairs of the heart were completely lost on him, despite all her actions he could have never guessed what it was she was thinking. He had noticed her awkwardness about him at times, the way her speech seemed to break up when she tried to talk to him, but always dismissed it, thinking he was intimidating her. It was a reaction he was used to by now, so he did not fault her for it, nor anyone else for that matter. For the most part, though, the wolves of New Dawn did not seem to bother, setting him at ease. Some even had scars of their own, but besides Shandom and himself they were all minor. Seeing the alabaster gamma gave him hope. He was well-respected and worthy of his rank, and far more controlled. He did not let his past dictate who he was, if only he could learn from the man.

Augustus was a flawed creature, the scars on his heart almost as apparent as those on his face. But at least he seemed to have a heart. His father had none to speak of. His brother had learned that lesson well, no doubt as his corpse was devoured by maggots and lay to rot just beyond the border, being picked at by crows who cawed and bickered amongst themselves as they tore into his rancid flesh. At least Paru had bothered to show she cared for her murdered son. The white woman had even had tears, her yellow eyes shining with moisture as she licked at her deceased son’s face. Augustus had mourned his brother for a long time, becoming a recluse after his death, avoiding any and all contact with the rest of his pack. He’d been his only friend, the only one he could share his mind with, confide in in the dark of night while their parents slept. They were young then, pups, innocent and impressionable. That was when he learned his lesson. Life was fleeting. For all you know you could die tomorrow, best not to form any meaningful bonds, or become over close with anyone you could lose on the morrow. It was easier that way, but with Ciara…

It was strange that they’d become so attached while knowing so little of each other. Both had pasts, as did most, but Ciara had learned to overcome hers, while Augustus clung so desperately to his. It still haunted him from time to time, in the dark of night, or whenever he glanced at his reflection in the stream. He had been handsome once. Now he was disfigured and beastly, a black and white behemoth, scarred and savage. How any female could see past that he did not quite understand. Even while he and Terra had been friends, he’d always seen a glint of pity in her eyes when she looked at him. He could only imagine what she’d been thinking. He tried to hide the scarred side of his face whenever possible, putting forth the side of his face that was still unmarred and whole. It never seemed to help, and what use was pretending the scars did not exist when they remained such a large part of his being. It made him who he was, what he was.

The cat aimed a deadly hit at the girl, that might have succeeded in ending Ciara’s life had Augustus not jerked the cat sideways at that very moment. It screamed as it’s balance was overthrown and it thudded harshly upon the ground. The snap of bone and sound of Ciara’s distress made the male’s head jerk suddenly. His yellow eyes displayed an emotion that had never been present before, concern for another. The look was fleeting, and vanished almost instantly. The cat was his priority, Ciara’s injuries were her own, and though it pained him to think the blow could be deadly the cougar still lived. It was not an easy choice but one he had to make, and he did so without hesitation. If he were to falter, pull back to aid Ciara, it would leave him open to an attack himself, and the two of them could very well perish. Worse, it could escape only to return at full health and strength, possibly end more lives. He would not take that chance, no matter how much he felt he cared for her- duty first, always. What was one life, compared to two or three, four? It was a small price to pay for one’s family.

The cat began to struggle and the black and white male snarled savagely, putting the full weight of his body upon its side. His heart fluttered once in his chest as he noticed Ciara, beaten and bloody, return to the fray. She was alive! But now was no time for celebration. He saw her return to the gaping belly wound, blood pooling from the tear. His face contorted monstrously, eyes gleaming with rage and bloodlust, as his gaping jaws came crashing down. They clamped on fur and flesh alike and he thrashed his head about savagely. Blood spurted in a rain of crimson from the opening would in its throat. He withdrew for a split second, his featured masked in blood, and then he struck again. This time the blow was deadly. He gathered as much flesh as he could into his powerful jaws and clamped on, crushing the windpipe as the cat sputtered and choked on its own blood. He closed his eyes and threw his head back, tearing a hunk of flesh from the cat who now lie motionless on the ground. His head turned to Ciara then, lifeless flesh still hanging from his blood soaked jaws.

Table by the Mentors!

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- Ciara O'Callahan - 03-07-2012


OOC:: Aaawesome gore post. <3 WC: 845

In Character

Ciara’s eyes blazed with fury as the two wolves took on the cougar. Her leathery lips had drawn back in a snarl, and growls were repeatedly releasing from her throat as she worked on dodging in and out. Her jaws made purchase on the torn flesh, ripping more from it. Occasionally strings of the cougar’s ribboned skin would hang from her mouth, and other times the severed remains of some vital organ. Each time, the cat weakened, and Ciara’s heart pounded in her chest. She could see nothing but red, nothing but the blood that coated the snow and her own fur. They were close to bringing the cougar to death, and she could sense it by listening to the steadily weakened beat of the beast’s heart.

As she worked on heckling the wounds, the look in her Epsilon’s eyes had been missed. If she could have seen the concern there, it would have made her heart flip despite all her aches and pains. While Augustus may not understand the heart, Ciara had come to. She knew what her feelings were for the male, but she also knew that she lacked the confidence to talk to him about it. Lacking confidence was something she couldn’t afford to think about, right now, not in the heat of battle. So the subordinate set back to her task, ignoring the aches and the blurriness of her vision as she dived towards the cat’s belly again and again.

While some females may have been afraid of Augustus at this moment, Ciara was proud. She knew that some of her wolven sisters would have shied away from him had they seen his display of snarling, pinning the huge cougar down and ripping it to pieces. Some may have tried to avoid him after the fact, seeing this dark and ruthless side to him – the side of the killer. Instead, Ciara’s earthen eyes were fixed on him as he clamped his jaws around the cat and delivered the final blow. She growled in satisfaction as it yowled before he ripped out its throat. The beast deserved the death, nearly killing a fellow canine and daring to make her home so near to New Dawn. No, this side of Augustus didn’t frighten her; it made her more proud to be by his side. He held the safety of their family in his bloodied jaws, a security he had brought through his own courage and strength. She knew that she’d helped, but the girl didn’t consider herself to have had as much of a part in the slaying as Augustus had.

When the cougar finally lay dead and bloody at their paws, Ciara lifted her head to the skies and let out a long, loud howl. Her song spoke of victory. The cougar has been vanquished, it said. Our pack is now safe. As her nose tipped back down to a level plateau, her eyes blurred again, and she swayed. Blood was quickly seeping from her own wound, and the pain of her broken ribs was excruciating. Now that the cougar was finished, she finally let her guard down and immediately wished she hadn’t. The agony nearly blinded her, almost brought her to lose consciousness, but she fought to remain standing. They weren’t finished. They still needed to get back to the pack.

Unsteadily, and shaking with the effort, Ciara closed the distance between herself and Augustus. She came around beside him and nudged her nose to his shoulder in a gesture of comraderie. “Congratulations, Epsilon,” she said, the tones weak with the pain her voice caused her shattered ribs. “The beast is conquered.” The golden female lifted her head and smiled at him, then forced herself to look on the body. She wanted to take a token back to their Alphas to prove that the cougar was dead. Crouching beside the open belly of the feline, Ciara forced herself to think that it was a deer. With that image in her mind, she shoved her snout into the very warm corpse of the cougar, and closed her jaws around its heart. With a violent twist of her head, she ripped the warm muscle from the chest cavity and pulled back.

They looked a gruesome pair. Augustus, with his white coat marred with blood and gore, the remnants of the cougar’s throat hanging in his grasp. Ciara, with her side split open, golden fur matted with blood of her own and of the cougar’s, with the beast’s large heart clasped in her jaws. Not wanting to linger in the area, she closed her eyes to focus. It would be a long and difficult walk back to New Dawn, and the subordinate honestly didn’t know if she’d even make it. She would do her damndest to try, and she refused to appear weak now when she’d felt so powerful a few moments before. Slowly, her breathing harsh with pain, she turned in the direction of their pack and waited for Augustus without a word.

The silence that hung between them was grim.

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- Augustus - 03-08-2012


OOC:: Short post :/ We should probably start a thread with Deuce after your next post WC → 625

I'm no ser

With the final blow dealt the bloodlust did not yet recede from the male’s eyes. His chest was heaving from the exertion and after effect of adrenaline. Striplings of flesh and other tissue hung from his jaws. He relented from the motionless body, stepping off and thudding heavily back to the solid earth below him. He turned his head and spat blood and flesh from his jaws onto the grisly corpse. His eyes turned to Ciara, she managed to make her way to him, even offer a breathless praise, but her voice was seasoned with her pain. Her tawny pelt was stained with the cat’s blood and her own. That she could still walk, still stand, was promising. And the often harsh and merciless male felt a wave of relief pass through him. As long as she was able to stand, able to walk there was still hope, but she was weakened greatly. His eyes blazing with bloodlust, softened in the slightest. She nosed him, causing him to flinch once again. The battle had been too recent, and though her advances were welcome, his mind was still racing. “This is a victory for us both.” He replied stoically. “And for our family.” He was not a wolf without honor, and was happy that his family was spared more of the she-cat’s murderous advances.

He watched her carefully as she moved from his side. He did not question her, but watched with a vague interest as she tore out the heart. It steamed in the cool air, still warm, still fresh. A grim satisfaction seasoned his scarred countenance. He nodded shortly with approval. He did not howl of his victory, for it was his duty, and he had never doubted his own prowess, his own strength and savagery. He knew the cat would fall, but was simply unaware of the cost. He gazed upon Ciara, bravely continuing on despite her injuries. She could not hide the pain in her eyes, however and the large male strode towards her.

He whined low in his throat, hardly audible as his gaze fell to her matted and bloodied fur. His muzzle parted and he licked at the wounds with a warm and careful tongue. He said nothing more until he was satisfied that there was little else he could do. He gave a fleeting glance towards the pack border, brows furrowing a moment. He did not think Deuce would be finished with Terra, for her wounds were grave, and he glanced back at Ciara. She would have to steel herself for the journey back, and he would have to slow his pace to a great extent. Without further thought he knew what it was to do. He returned to her side, brushing up against her as gently as he could. It was not greatly apparent, but he saw in her eyes a hint of doubt. Did she think she would not make it? He shook his head roughly, to clear the thought. She would. She had to. He would see to it.

“We must return to the den so you can recover your strength. Lean on me, and do not worry. I will not let you fall.” He stiffened the side that was against her, hunching the shoulder on that side to the height of her own so she could lean into him. "We will seek out Deuce so you may begin to heal. You were very brave back there. I am...impressed. Zalen is a just and effective leader, I am sure he will reward you for your efforts here.” He said after a pause, as he waited for her to lean her weight onto him. It was an attempt at comfort, the best he could think to give.

Table by the Mentors!

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- Ciara O'Callahan - 03-11-2012


OOC:: Sorry for the wait and the short-ish post! New puppy is hard on the muse. And, a thread with Deuce sounds good. Did you want to open this so Zalen can reply here, or did you want to finish it? WC: 531

In Character

It was a strange feeling that went through her as the male’s tongue soothed the wounds at her side. A small whimper formed in her throat as some of the already matted blood tugged on the torn flesh, but other than that the attention felt good. It surprised Ciara that Augustus would do such a thing, and she smiled a little as his actions reaffirmed her earlier thoughts. He did have a sort of tenderness within him, not merely the cold and calculated heart of a warrior. She closed her eyes, ears folded back against her head as the Epsilon tended to her. Little by little, with each careful stroke of his tongue, the fear within her melted away. She listened closely to the male’s words as he talked of returning to the pack, and his tone held no doubt. That gave her the determination and the confidence she needed to see the journey through.

The pain was excruciating as she leaned against Augustus’ side. His large body was a good support for her, though she was careful not to rest too heavily on him. The subordinate, even when marred and bloody, did not want to seem like some damsel in distress. As her paws weakly and slowly crunched over the snowy ground, her mind replayed the battle with the cougar. Augustus had been strong, and brave. Had she done the same? Some might consider her stupid, being a small wolf to begin with and agreeing to partake in this. Yet Zalen had seen fit to send her, and Augustus had said he was impressed, even if he had a bit of a hesitation. Stupidity and courage were apparently separated by a thin line.

As they made their way across the New Dawn borders, the silence stretched between them. Ciara gained a little warmth from the male’s side, though her slender form was still shivering. With every step, the broken bones of her ribcage shifted, sending shooting pain through her each time. She’d managed to control the whimpers, so only the occasional noise slipped through her. From time to time, the calico female would give a shake of her head as the blurred vision advanced towards a loss of consciousness. She was in dire need of Deuce’s healing, but she didn’t want to distract the woman from Terra, whose injuries were so much worse than her own.

After what seemed like an eternity to Ciara, the den came into view. She picked up her pace, ignoring the consequential pain and moving a little in front of Augustus. All that was on her mind was lying down, curling into a ball somewhere within the den and giving into the desperate need for sleep. Her body, working to keep running, was absolutely exhausted from the effort. Had she not been injured, Ciara would have been focused on the reaction from the pack when they learned the cougar was dead. That jubilance had been replaced with pain, so when the two wolves reached the mouth of the den, Ciara laid down with a whimper and set her head on her paws, shivering. She was too weak to even call out for Deuce or Zalen.

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- Zalen Damaichu - 03-17-2012

OOC / + 396

Zalen had withdrawn himself from the gruesome scene in front of the den just moments ago and now was staring into the cool and calm darkness of the forest beyond, his back heated by the fires that Deuce had started. She was currently working on the broken and battered body of Terra, as Shadowfang watched with concern and earnest. But Zalen could no longer bear to watch as the healer threaded through the coyote female’s flesh as if it were mere fabric. Such strange yet necessary human practices made him uncomfortable, as well as the blood, so now he was content in looking into the trees, into the stillness of nature, where things made sense.

But as time dragged on, worry began to build within him as he worried for Ciara’s and Augustus’ safety; he was nearly tempted to go seek them out to lend aid, but he knew his place was here. Already the other pack mates had gathered at the mouth of the den to see the commotion, and though Titania was doing well at keeping them calm, he knew that some of them harbored ill feelings towards coyotes and that a confrontation could break out at any second. But for now, this worry was playing second fiddle to his worry for the ones out there fighting the cat.

He knew how strong the feline was, having fought her himself more than a moon ago. Had it not been for Jiva’s intervention she would have surely killed him; he hoped a similar fate was not in store for his pack mates. But thankfully, like a miracle, the two finally came into view and the Alpha rose from his sitting position to trot out to greet them. Though they were a sight for sore eyes, the battle shown crimson red upon their coats, and Zalen saw that Ciara was injured. He whined as he approached, Ciara, go to Deuce immediately, she is nearly finished with the coyote, she can help you. And then, turning to Augustus he gave the male’s blood soaked face a lick in greeting and thanks, You both have done well tonight. Then, turning to Ciara, as they began their short walk back to the den, My dear, you have proven yourself more than worthy to be considered an Epsilon of New Dawn. His eyes flitted to Augustus, I’m sure you’d agree?

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- Augustus - 03-22-2012


ooc Sorry for the wait! WC: 613


It was the only comfort or healing he could offer, and he did so readily. He would not leave her pelt stained with gore. When he finished with her side he turned his attention to her snout, licking at her cheeks in hope to set her at ease. He was not one to coddle or offer up sympathy and soothing words, his caresses however rough would have to do for now. He was sure Deuce would handle her wounds with great skill, and console far better than he could. Her weight against his side wasn’t quite as heavy as he was expecting it to be. She was far smaller than he, but her wounds were grave. He expected the majority of her weight to be placed on him. He turned his head to her, “I do not doubt your courage and strength, lean on me as much as you need. You are not Terra.” He said in an attempt to sound reassuring. Terra had only lain cowed and whimpering like a whelp, Ciara had done no such thing, shown no such weakness. That she was still maintaining such a brave façade was inspiring, but he could see the pain in her face, feel it in her hobbled steps. He was no healer and had no extensive knowledge of the canine anatomy, but knew that something was terribly wrong. The cougar had damaged her greatly, but she was not yet broken. It gave his scarred heart hope. Perhaps, he was different from his father? The thought gave him pause. Would Lionel have slain Ciara, or would he have stayed his wrath?

He let the silence drag on, knowing he was out of his element. The thoughts remained, however. He paused whenever she stopped to shake her head, hunching down to better support her. His side was beginning to feel sore from being bent in such a way, but he did not let it bother him. She was in a great deal of pain, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, and his discomfort was meaningless in comparison. It seemed an age before he finally saw Zalen’s sable form upon the horizon, standing at the mouth of the den with the others of his pack. The tension in the air was stifling, and he knew it would only get worse. The Alphess seemed to be doing her job well enough. He tried to make their entrance as discreet as possible. His ears drooped with Zalen’s approach, but his tail wagged. After what they had endured he was happy to see their faces. Zalen licked at his muzzle and the Epsilon lowered his head to lap and nuzzle the Alpha’s chin, in turn, glad to be found worthy of Zalen’s thanks and attention. His ears twitched to Zalen’s question and Augustus’s tail wagged to be considered worthy of contributing to the Alpha’s decision. “Without any doubt, Alpha. She has done much and more for this pack.” His respect for his Alpha had not yet reached its peak, and he was happy to see his words rang true, and to see Ciara get the respect she so deserved.

With the reunion over a wave of guilt began to take over him, and Ciara’s life would now be placed in the healer’s hands. He removed himself as gently as he could from her side, turning to aid her with his snout attempting to nudge her into the den’s mouth. They were not out of the woods yet, and he would stay to see Deuce render Ciara her immediate attention. The calico female was pack, Terra, was not. Surely Ciara’s need outweighed the treacherous and stupid coyotes?

Table Template by the Mentors!

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