'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
The Undertaker - Printable Version

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- Dhalia Nothing - 07-20-2008

The sky was littered with thick gray clouds, blocking out the light of the noon-time sun. Rain splattered across the ground in thick sheets, making it almost impossible to see even a few feet ahead. Dhalia, who had been caught in the rain on her way through the city streets, was suddenly off in a flash, sprinting for the one place that she could call home. Almost immediately as she hit the door of the old theater she forced the door open, jamming herself inside and shutting it with a loud slam. Inside, in what would have been considered the waiting area when the place had been in use, Dhalia gave herself a quick shake, using her hands to rid each arm of excess water by running them down across her fur.

Once pleased with the results, she made her way toward the nearest door, which lead down in to a large room. Rows of seats wrapped in red velvet like material lined the largest portion of the room. Farthest away from the door was the large stay, littered with debris from old stage sets. It was there that Dhalia aimed to be, traveling down the dark carpet, past the rows of chairs until she reached the stairs to the side of the stage, which she quickly took to get on top of it. Making her way immediately to the back of the stage, she began to drag a box toward the front, where the most light had gathered, and dropped to her knees to rummage through it.


- Bleach Evers - 07-22-2008

hi. :]

the ship of fools i'm on will sink

She was dreaming again.
It started out as the same one she had several weeks ago; she was running after her father and brother, who changed into her mother and the witch. But, this time, after the two pale women appeared, the scenery changed. The beach disappeared and was replaced by a stone depression, like a crater in the middle of a mountain. A funeral pyre was in the center, and the flames rose impossibly high, thick smoke blocking out the sun. Bleach felt a strange, overwhelming sorrow, though she didn't know who it was that burned upon the pyre. She looked away from the tower of flame, and what she saw startled her to consciousness. Before the dream faded, she glimpsed the single tear that leaked into ashy fur from a pair of startling blue eyes.
Bleach sat forward quickly, nearly vaulting out of the velvety chair she had fallen asleep in. She took a few shaky breaths, and realized she had been crying too. Embarassed, (and a little frightened) she swiped at her eyes quickly, even though no one was around. Or so she thought. The woman started at the sound of a door being forced open and slammed shut, and leapt from her seat onto the sticky floor between the rows. Irrationally scared, Bleach wedged herself under the seats as best she could and watched the aisle with wide eyes. She was quite shaken from the dream, and disoriented from not knowing where she was, which was not a very good combination. Bleach held her breath as she saw the girl pass her row, but did not move until she heard her rummaging in something up ahead.
Crawling out from under the seats, the woman slowly peeked over the row in front of her, ears pinned against her head. Now, if there was just a way to escape without the girl noticing...

- Dhalia Nothing - 07-22-2008

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;D

Hands tore through the box almost like lightning, but only because she knew what she was looking for. The girl dropped many items to the stage, dresses and shirts, necklaces and other odd jewelry, until she finally found it. It was thick and fluffly, blue in color with a random hole or two here and there. A towel, which she immediately lifted to her face to begin drying herself, wiping away the rain that had gathered. Shuffling herself back to her feet, the girl continued to dry herself where she stood, arms and then chest, all the way down to the very tips of her toes, before finally tossing the towel aside.

The scents that permeated the theatre caused her no alarm, there had been faint scents ever since the moment that she had claimed the place as her own, and she had never taken careful time to examine them, so a new one was nothing of alarm. Moving back across the stage, off the right side, she stopped when she reached the rope that would pull the curtain back, tugging and pulling until the dusty old thing was cleared away and the stage was open for viewing. There, from the ceiling, hung down rows of thick wires, just to the point that she was able to reach them. Dhalia moved along the row, giving them each a violent tug, testing them and the weight they would hold.

It was innocent on appearance, if not a little odd, but Dhalia knew what they were really for. On her way around the back row, something from the outer portion of the theatre caught her eye. Stopping slowly, blue gaze shifted over the seats, examining each carefully. "Songbird? Did you come to see my show?"

Did you come to be part of it?


- Bleach Evers - 07-22-2008


the ship of fools i'm on will sink

Curiosity soon replaced the majority of her hysteria, though her heart still beat heavily in her chest. What on Earth was the girl doing? Bleach's mind was still having trouble hanging on to simple ideas as it was still reeling from the most recent of her rare dreams. She peeked further over the seats to watch the stranger, briefly forgetting that she was supposed to be hiding. Bleach watched with growing interest as the girl worked her way around the stage, apparently carrying out a routine. A dark intention seemed to underlie her actions, but the woman wasn't certain. She had always been rather paranoid, after all.
As soon as the girl made her way around the back aisle, however, the Russian's fear returned. She dropped to the floor, wedging herself between the seats again. The girl's voice rang out clearly in the empty theatre, carrying the sweet, childish question. Bleach shuddered, pale fur standing on end, though confusion was taking over fear. Reason told her there was nothing to be afraid of; intuition told her otherwise. She didn't answer the girl, but instead began edging toward the outer wall, perpendicular to the stage. She had to get out of there.


- Dhalia Nothing - 07-22-2008

Tender ears slid forward across her skull in the few moments after she spoke, cupping forward to take in the sounds that might come. After a moment of listening though, she received no reply. Instead of shrugging it off, she's been almost certain that she had seen something, she began her way easily across the stage, taking long strides to bring herself to the stairs quickly. Once there, she descended them in an easy leap, landing on her feet with a quiet thud. "I didn't hurt you last time, songbird." She called out again, almost in a sing-songy fashion, though she was certain that what she had seen wasn't the wolf that she had chased around in the dark.

Coming to the isle that ran up the middle of the two sets of seats, Dhalia started her way up slowly, dragging her hands along the outer chairs as she went. She took her time though, leaning to one side and then to the other, to examine that area between the rows, searching for her mysterious company. "You don't have to hide.." Her voice echoed off the walls of the theatre as she called out, continuing up the rows of chairs one by one.


- Bleach Evers - 07-22-2008

this thread makes me giggle.

the ship of fools i'm on will sink

Bleach was nearly to the end of the row when she heard the sound of the girl's feet hit the floor. She held her breath, pressing her dark ears against her head. Songbird? Was this strange girl expecting someone? What would happen when the girl found out she wasn't this 'Songbird'? The wolf woman scooted against the wall, hoping she would somehow melt into it. The stranger was inspecting row after row, slowly making her way to Bleach's. Though her brain was slowly becoming unfogged, her mission to stay hidden was still in action even though there was no probable motive.
As the girl came ever-nearer, she was suddenly unsure of what to do. The fear had mostly subsided, leaving in place a light-headedness. Why not just play along? At the girl's seccond utterance, a nervous smile appeared on her face. "Yes, I do," she said quietly, in a similar sing-song way. The wolf clamped a pale hand over her mouth to stay the flow of hysterical giggles that threatened to arise after her answer. Later on, she would marvel at the ridiculosity of the whole situation, and make it a point to never fall alseep in strange places again. What a game this was.


- Dhalia Nothing - 07-22-2008

It's very much amusing. X3

Row after row the young girl went, sweeping cold across only to find empty spaces. The line of rows was getting smaller though and, if someone was indeed inside the theatre with her, she would be close to finding them. Before long, as Dhalia was nearing the last section of rows, a voice hit her ears. Grinning almost immediately, eyes took a quick sweep around. The place was so vast, unfortunately, that it made it almost impossible for the hybrid to pinpoint where exactly the words came from. "It seems I have a mockingbird instead." The girl mused, mostly to herself, despite the fact that she knew the words would likely carry to the stranger that had finally answered.

"Even if you aren't my songbird, you can still come out and help me with my show.." There was a hint of darkness carried in her words, some kind of hidden malicious intent. She had yet to find a single doll for her show, alive or dead, but she hadn't quite taken to looking for them either. "Costumes and makeup, everything that we need to have a grand time!" She explained aloud as she continued on down the rows of chairs, still checking each as carefully as she had been when she started.


- Bleach Evers - 07-25-2008


the ship of fools i'm on will sink

She could barely see the top of the girl's ears slowly making their way past the rows, closer and closer toward the one she occupied. Bleach remained pressed against the wall, frozen with indecision and the instinctive determination to stay still, as animals often have when in the presence of a predator. But she was a predator, too. With a half-smile she listened to the stranger's words, fur standing on end as the foreboding feeling in her gut grew. "I don't need a costume to become a different person," she purred, digging her claws into her legs.
As soon as she uttered the sentence, and the girl finished inspecting the row just in front of her, Bleach took action. The instant the stranger's eyes moved from the empty space to the first chair of her row, the wolf somersaulted down the aisle, and began crawling army-style toward the stage. Adrenaline made her quick and quiet, and she soon found herself at the row of chairs directly in front of the stage. Grinning, Bleach slithered closer to the stage and dropped down into the orchestra pit, thinking she was scot-free. What she didn't expect was to land amid dozens of heavy boxes that made a brilliant noise, echoing about the theatre, when she landed.
