'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Houseguest - Printable Version

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- Terra - 03-16-2012


OOC here.

Peaceful sleep filled the coywolf, laying out on the bed that had been given to her as her own while she remained there. Ayita had offered to let Terra eventually live there, but she was sure that it would be much more comfortable if she stayed in the hotel, and didn't live with the alpha's family. Those worries weren't on her mind for now though. She felt good, settled like she belonged there. Sighing Terra stretched out slightly, a small pain running through her body.

The sunlight filtered over her, and eventually it struck her eyes. Moving in the warmth Terra fought against waking up for a little before bright green eyes flashed open, dimly blinking at the light in her eyes. Slowly she moved to sit up, looking around. It looked like the sun had been up for a while. Being injured sure took a lot out of a person. Terra ate a fair bit, and slept a lot. She wasn't even sure if it was because she needed to or was just bored, sending her body into a restive state. Carefully Terra moved over to the edge, pausing before pushing herself over, sliding with the blankets to keep herself from being injured. Terra padded over to the kitchen to scrummage for food, making sure not to bump her broken leg.

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- Kable Catori - 03-18-2012

WC: 302 OOC:


Looking up into the sky a big smile came over the Catori’s face. Extending his arms straight up he leaned backward a bit, getting a good stretch he let out groan. The weather was gorgeous, Kable decided that he really wanted to go for a walk, and there couldn’t be a better day to spend some time outside. Having walked away from the small port town of Lunenburg the male made his way past the Chien hotel, looking at the multi level building wondered exactly how many rooms were inside it. As he continued on, the Victorian style home where the King and his family lived came into view. He didn’t know why, but he got the urge to just stop by and see what everybody was up to.

Standing at the front door he held out a closed hand ready to knock on it, but he only hesitated. Why was he going to knock? His family stayed here; shaking his head he opened the door and let himself in. Hello? Is anybody home? He called into the house, he made sure to close the door behind him, not hearing anything in return. At the other end of the hall there was noise coming out of the kitchen. Walking down the hall and into the kitchen he was surprised to see Terra scrounging, probably for food. He wasn’t confused by her presence in the Kings home. Kable assumed that his very kind and caring mother had offered the female a place to stay and get better, one where others could easily take care of her if need be. Looking at her he noticed her bum leg, she looked beat up, and in all actuality he didn’t know exactly what happened to her in the first place. Can I help get you something?


- Terra - 03-18-2012


OOC here.

Terra's ear twitched lightly as someone called out, asking if anyone was there. She didn't recognize the voice, though it was definitely a pack member. Deciding to let someone else deal with the stranger Terra moved over to a cupboard. Using her teeth she carefully gripped the handle, tugging it open. Happily her tail wagged as it revealed stored meat someone had tucked away, probably to avoid being eaten by someone nosing through the cupboards and the like. Grabbing a chunk Terra backed up, mouth watering happily.

The voice behind her had Terra jumping into the air. The rabbit dropped as she howled with pain, accidentally using her bad leg in the surprise. She should have realized he'd be curious about who was in the kitchen. Sulkily she licked at her leg, trying to suppress the painful shudders running through her body. Studying the wolf Terra idly wondered who it was. His scent was similar to the family's, so he had to be a relative of some sort. Terra shook her head, moving back over to the meat she claimed, wincing as she moved now. No. I got what I came for. Being spotted by someone she didn't know in this condition made her nervous, instincts screaming to keep it hidden.

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- Kable Catori - 03-19-2012

WC:: 311 OOC:: Boo!


As she wasn’t paying much attention to him, his voice seemed to put her into a startled state. He ended up causing her to jump, drop her food and hurt herself all at the same time. His presence thus caused her to howl in pain. Kable cringed at the thought, bearing his teeth with a hurtful look upon his face. He could only imagine the agony he must have placed her in. Terra only looked him over briefly before tediously collecting herself and picking up the food she dropped in the moment of panic. She easily declined the Catori’s offer of assistance. The male felt terrible, the last thing he wanted to do was cause her to get hurt again. I’m sorry if I startled you. He continued to watch the female taking note of her features, she seemed timid or nervous, and he couldn’t decide which one it was. He hadn’t pegged himself as the scary type of canine, in his opinion he thought that he couldn’t hurt a fly, then again he could be very wrong. The husky malamute mix then wondered if she even had the slightest idea who he was. He’d never spoken to her before, but he’d made it a point to know what was going on around him.

You know what? I don’t think I have ever introduced myself, and I’m pretty sure we haven’t formally met yet. My name is Kable Catori, and I’m Ayita’s eldest son. He wondered how she might treat his statement, since she was pretty brief about his offer before. He was uncertain whether or not she would give him the time of day. He was really hoping there would be a positive outcome from him trying to be friendly to her. At the moment it looked as though he were doing much more harm than any form of good.


- Terra - 03-19-2012


OOC here.

The male apologized for startling her, the classic state of most members of the alpha's family. They all tended towards being very polite and friendly. Really, she should have remembered that when deciding to get something to eat. Terra might have ignored someone like her in favor of pursuing the reason behind coming, but leaving her alone to fend for herself seemed utterly unnatural for this family. They constantly hovered around, making sure she had food and was comfortable, helping her recovery move along at the fastest clip possible. That did mean that they often had to restrain her from doing something foolish, but it was all good natured.

Terra grinned up at him, doing her best to appear friendly and welcoming, instead of just plain hungry. It's fine. This is your home, after all. At least, she thought it was. Keeping track of who actually lived in the house and who lived nearby was difficult, with how large the pack was and the way the members intermingled. It wasn't unusual for someone to change up their location to move closer to someone or farther away. Sitting down Terra listened to his introduction. I'm Terra, the pest in your house. Teasingly she grinned up at him, joking about her own condition. No signs of pain were in her body now, looking as if it had been a temporary flash of pain, instead of sending throbbing knives through her.

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- Kable Catori - 03-20-2012

WC::245 OOC:: 8.


Kable felt that it was necessary to apologize for surprising her. The female seemed to be quite alright with him startling her though. The pain that he caused her from earlier now seemed to be a thing of the past, and didn’t look to bother her any longer. When he introduced himself as Ayita’s eldest son, she in turn gave her name. Terra told him that she was the pest in his family’s house. He almost laughed at her comment, but had to withhold the chuckle; there wasn’t anything funny about her being laid up and probably miserable beyond reason. He wouldn’t be able to handle being injured and needing to be careful. It’s nice to meet you Terra. This house isn’t mine though, if it belonged to anybody, it would be Vigilante and my mother. I live in Lunenburg. She had a smile on her face during their interaction, it bewildered him how she could seem happy in her condition. Since you’re staying here, I’m guessing that they offered to let you remain here till your better at least. He smiled genuinely, knowing how his mother was; also knowing that the king wasn’t a bad guy himself, he had saved from a herd of horses in the past.

If you don’t mind me asking Terra, what exactly happened to you? The Husky-Malamute mix didn’t have the slightest idea how she got to be into the state that she was, but he certainly was curious.


- Terra - 03-21-2012


OOC here.

Amusement gleamed in his eyes at her comment, though he restrained from outright laughter. That was alright. She couldn't win them all, no matter how hard she tried. Well, not that she actually tried. Her main goal was keeping him distracted and off balance, away from the subject of how weak she was, leaving him vulnerable to whatever mischief Terra planned. It was a survival instinct, plain and simple. It was unneeded and simply confused innocent pack members when dealing with the coyote, but she just didn't feel safe showing how vulnerable she herself was, doing her best to counteract it by making them think she was stronger than she was.

Hearing that he lived in the human town in the territory Terra nodded her head. She hadn't checked it out herself yet, but it was definitely on her list of things to do. Perhaps once she could do more than hobble a short distance she would head over there, see if she could find anything interesting in there. Terra nodded at his assessment of why she was there. She actually offered me to move in, but I most definitely can't do that. Terra was too restless and wild to stay in such an environment, not to mention feeling it wasn't right to live in the same home as the alpha.

Asked what had happened Terra sighed. Her tail lowered a little, bored and disappointed by the question. Everyone was so curious about what had happened. Terra was just embarrassed that she'd let herself get caught off guard in such a manner. She'd faced such creatures before. There was no reason for that time to be different. She'd just dropped her guard, and paid the price. A cougar decided it didn't like me.

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- Kable Catori - 03-22-2012

WC::238 OOC:: Here kitty kitty, meow


The male had been quite relaxed when interacting with the woman; he was just taking it all in. When speaking about his family’s home and her presence there, she commented that his mother offered to let her live in their house. Kable probably wouldn’t extend such an offer, but that was just him, Ayita on the other hand was overly gracious and kind. The Seigneur thought that he could understand her not wanting to permanently reside in the alpha’s home, it might seem strange and possibly out of place to some who weren’t really close.

Concerning her injuries it wasn’t his intention to be obnoxious, but when Terra sighed at him asking the question he felt like a pain in her backside. He got the idea that she had told the story about what happened to her a lot. The beaten and battered female explained that a cougar didn’t like her. Nodding at her statement he wasn’t going to push the matter any further. It’s not like he was there when it happened so he had been honestly curious, uncertain and he didn’t want to make any assumptions. Okay. All the Husky-Malamute could imagine when she said the word cougar was an overgrown domesticated cat with a bad attitude. So a big cat got the best of you. It was done and over with, he figured she probably learned a good lesson and wouldn’t let that happen again.


- Terra - 03-22-2012


OOC here.

The naive look on Kable's face when she talked about the cougar brought a smile to Terra's face. He probably didn't have a clue what cougars were really like. Each predator had different habits and strengths, ones Terra had found beneficial to learn living outside a pack. It seemed he hadn't needed the same knowledge, compounded by the way he spoke. Terra giggled at the description of a big cat besting her, the image of an overgrown tabby in her mind.

Tail wagging she nodded, her face all serious. Exactly like that. Was mad I didn't give it a saucer of milk. Terra giggled again, the image so funny she couldn't resist. Bending down Terra tried to choke down the meal she had found as quickly as she could. The few juices that were left from the meat dripped onto the floor. Licking it up Terra finished the meal and moved over to Kable's side. I don't believe I've really seen you around before. What do you do?

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- Kable Catori - 03-26-2012

WC:: 240 OOC:: Sorry for the wait.


Kable let out a hefty chuckle at the woman’s remark; he laughed hard enough that it ached. It really wasn’t amusing that she had been attacked; in fact it was just awful. He really did enjoy her sense of humor on the matter though. The fact that she could joke and kid about her own personal experiences and problems, was admirable. He’d heard about cougars plenty of times, that didn’t mean that he had ever seen one to understand for himself what they were like or how they behaved.

Terra took the time to scarf the food she found in the kitchen. Once she was finished with the meat, she cleaned up any droppings or juices, whatever was left behind. Moving to the Catori’s side she stated how she hadn’t seen much of him around, and then asked what he did. The male took a moment to analyze her question. It made sense that she hadn’t seen him around; he was kind of detached from the pack. What did he actually do around here anyway? He was starting to think that he made no sort of contribution to their pack. He wasn’t much of son either. He barely saw his own mother, not like it was his intention to try ignoring her, and where Vigilante was concerned he wasn’t as appreciative or understanding as he should be it seemed. I’m a commoner, I haven’t exactly found my calling I suppose.


- Terra - 03-26-2012


OOC is fine

The deep laughter that rose from Kable had Terra's tail wagging even harder. It was nice to know that her jokes were appreciated. It was a nice laugh, filling the room and inviting others to join in on the joke. It was the kind of laugh that was just welcoming, like a large embrace. Looking up at him Terra smiled softly, simply enjoying the large male's presence. The thoughtful look on her face told Terra that he hadn't thought about it quite yet. That was fine.

Terra nodded her head, understanding. Finding where you fit is hard. I'm the pack storyteller, but I'm not exactly doing that all the time, and my stories aren't always exactly...the best for children. Her stories were the legends of Coyote, in all her forms. Like Terra's ancestors, Coyote's morals were few and far between, the only thing she really cared for were other coyotes, and even that depended on which story was being told, as the deity had no problem tricking others out of what she wanted.

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- Kable Catori - 03-27-2012

WC:: 228 OOC::


Terra seemed to understand his uncertainty about his place in the pack well enough. He just wasn’t sure; he really wanted to help in some way. But what could he do for the pack he wondered to himself on a daily basis. Someday he would take the time to talk to Vigilante about his uncertainties; if anyone could help it would most likely be him if not someone else. So you tell stories? He couldn’t hear the way the words sounded when they came out. He was intrigued that there was such a position in their pack. Story telling wouldn’t be something he could see himself doing, he never tried to tell a story, but it didn’t like he had the creativity geared for that sort of thing. What kinds of stories do you tell Terra? He was a little bit confused by her remark. If they needed a story teller, it wouldn’t be for the adults.

Thinking about what he might do, he mentally noted things that was and wasn’t cut out for. Personally he didn’t think he would be much of a warrior, not like he did any fighting anyhow. Could I make weapons, would I make a good baby sitter?! What the hell am I good at? Shaking his head with inward frustration he looked back to the female story teller and tilted his head.


- Terra - 03-27-2012


OOC here.

Terra nodded, confirming the fact. It was the job she had decided to take on in the pack. She wasn't good with pups, being too irresponsible, and her hunting and fighting skills were definitely lacking. Telling a tale, though. Terra could spin one as easily as the lies she told. His questioning attitude suggested he didn't see the point in listening to stories, seeing it as something for children. His other question was more open though, asking what else stories could be used for.

Grinning Terra thought about the best way to describe what she did. I tell stories that teach, and stories that entertain. My stories wander from tales of love to tales of wonder to tales of mischief that even the smallest pup can relate to. I grew up in a place where these stories taught us how to survive, so not all of them are good for young pups. Especially not the graphic ones detailing death. Seeing the frustration on his face Terra grinned gently. Don't worry. Not everyone's born knowing what they wanted to do. Fox wasn't.

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- Kable Catori - 03-30-2012

WC::235 OOC:: Want to wrap this up soon?


Having asked what kind of stories the woman told, she returned an elaborative remark. Her tales more had a point to them apparently, dealing with the target audience. Whether they were for entertainment purposes, teaching a lesson or striking the listeners imagination these were the stories Terra told. Well that’s cool. It was kind of a nonsense statement. In his mind it was interesting at least; stories didn’t have to be for just the younger generation he supposed.

It was all too obvious that he had been conveying the thoughts that ran amok inside his own head. The woman who struck him as un-wolf like commented that not everyone knew right off what they were meant to do. Then the woman said something about a fox. Tilting his head he widened his eyes in confusion. Huh… Fox? The way she said it just didn’t seem to make any sense. He knew what a fox was; he had come across a couple in America. Lifting his hand he let it fall down in an oh-well kind of fashion. It mattered not, at some point in time he would figure it out; hopefully a little sooner rather than later. I’ll get it figured out. I may need to do a little soul searching. But I’ll find it. Smiling at the battered woman he gave her a wink that would go unnoticed unless she were paying attention.


- Terra - 03-30-2012


OOC sounds good

It seemed he hadn't been gifted with stories growing up, lacking the taste or knowledge of them. It was a shame, but Terra didn't mind. Not everyone could learn from Coyote. Some had to walk their own path, make their own mistakes. Granted, the tales Terra carried of the luperci were mainly built off the scraps of information she'd been told and her own experiences, but it was well enough. It could still teach and explain, helping with the confusion about the first shift and the like.

A small laugh rose from the coyote at his confusion. He really didn't know any stories at all, not recognizing Fox as the name of the first fox to walk the world. It was a rather simple way of organizing things, but there had only been a male and female of each one at first, the one who lead the way naming the species. Catching the wink Terra grinned widely at him. She'd liked talking to him, even if he was a little lost and a lot ignorant.

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