'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Keep On Bleeding - Printable Version

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- Fayne - 03-24-2012

The light of the full moon radiated of Fayne's coat as she stood on the top of a grassy knoll, the shine from from her silver color pelt made it appear almost liquid like. Her soft fur flowing with each subtle movement she made, shimmering brightly. She shook her dome from side to side furiously trying to wipe out the thoughts in her mind. She was a fairly new Luperci Vertus and had only shifted only three or four times before. She had tried very hard to resist her urges on nights like these to change for it filled her skull with terrifying memories from the past. Memories she was barely able to remember clearly, her young mind had twisted and shaped them into horrific nightmare like thoughts that ravaged and toyed with her emotions. Tonight she felt strongly that she needed to shift for she hadn't shifted in over a month. Her mind urged her to succumb to the shift and release from the back of her deepest recesses the vile thoughts she tried so hard to contain. Fayne wasn't one to cry over spilt milk, though she couldn't hold back her emotions forever and every now and then she erupts.

Please...just go away. I don't need these thoughts soiling my joy. My life is good now, my past is irrelevant! So, just leave me be. Leave me to my happiness!! She tried bargaining with her mind in a desperate attempt to relieve herself of the sadness that over encumbered her heart. Fayne threw back her head and let out a long somber howl. A howl so despairing that it would instantly sink the heart of anyone who's ears it reached. It seemed to echo back to her through the rolling hills that surrounded her. Fayne became suddenly enraged with herself. She was so weak that she couldn't beat back the thoughts that attacked her helpless soul. Though her new pack was accepting of the virus and shifted willingly she still felt deeply that she needed to cling to her lupus form. Being in this form gave her comfort and soothed her aching soul. The beasts that were once her family had turned against their own kind, corrupted by the power of the virus taking advantage of the transformation and using it for malicious intentions. So, she frowned upon changing at all. She feared that she too would become corrupt. Just like humans. Their intelligence lead them to technologies that instituted war among their own.

Fayne sat there trembling with anger, her lip curled in a nasty snarl. She needed to defeat herself and prove that she could live with this change. That shifting into something else only changed her appearance and left her soul unscathed. She took a deep breath, gathered herself, and let the urge to shift overcome her. First her spine lengthened, her bones stretched and formed with an audible crackle. Next each of her limps elongated slowly. Fayne threw back her head as her shoulders widened, she reared holding weight with her hind legs alone. She was now half way through her shift, in Secui form. Soon, back paws stretched and became more human like so they would support her when she stood. Each of her front toes molded into fingers, the useless dew claw on the side of her foot formed a thumb. She began to rise in height, her legs and spine straightened until she stood completely. Last was the fur around her head. The black hair lengthened and draped over her back and shoulders while the white hair around her face crowded her eyes. The whole time this was taking place, Fayne's eyes began filling with tears. She was frightened of herself. When the transformation was complete her eyes welled up and she cried. She cried loud and hard unable to hold back her emotions any longer. Though, she wasn't any different mentally and this calmed her slightly like it always did when she changed.

She looked over herself eyeing her hands then twisting around to see her tail which remained long and bushy. She wasn't half bad looking in this form, though she'd never given herself the time to get used to it. She wiped the tears from her eyes with her furry hands and sniffled her nose. But, the tears would not stop coming. The nightmares tormented her, she heard the many voices of the ones who had lost their lives to these beasts screaming in the back of her head. Telling her "NO! Please don't. I am your family, I am your friend. Please don't act with such malice! Fayne put her hands on either side of her skull, she felt as though she were going insane. She couldn't stop them, the voices, from ringing in her ears. Screaming in her ears!! Her sobs grew louder as she stood there on that grassy knoll with nobody at her side to subdue her. It was like she was a puppy all over again. If she would get even the smallest scrape be called the least threatening of names she would cry. She was ashamed of herself. So she sat. She sat there and cried, trying so hard to calm herself.

- Levent Kartal - 03-24-2012


Hey hey! Big Grin Hover over text for translations.

It had been a moon’s turn since about the time Levent had entered Nova Scotia, and still there was much to explore. He found himself physically and emotionally exhausted, however, too much to travel; his poignant grief shared with the merle girl and the tumultuous exchange with the blind one had left him unable to think of anything but sleep lately. And so he slept often, nestled up in a tree with his satchel as a pillow, a blanket draped over him, and a cat that would go out to hunt a few trees away before returning like always. Whatever quarrel they’d shared after the disaster with Amy seemed to have melted away like the spring snow, and Levent was grateful for that.

Tonight would be one of those cursed nights, however. Wilson was restless which made the wolf restless, and so he sat on the thick branch of one of the trees and scowled, his head in his hands. Reaching in his bag and playing with some of the shells and jewelry he’d collected helped calm him, but the white tom was pacing back and forth along one of the higher branches. Even when he’d stop and sit, his tail danced just within reach of the luperci’s ears and caused the man to snort.

“I know you’re a cat, arkadaş, but this hour is late even for you,” Levent scolded quietly.

The feline crouched on his branch. “Nightmares,” he stated simply, his voice coming as if from far-off. “I feel cooped up. I want to take a walk.” His head jerked at the sound of crackling in the trees, his white coat bristling, but it was only a particularly fat raccoon scrambling along one of the branches after some insect or another.

“What are your nightmares about?” the wolf asked, his words distorted by a massive yawn. Wilson did not answer, only looked at him with moon-huge yellow eyes then back at the trees. The merchant sighed, dropping down from the tree and slinging the satchel over his shoulder; one arm stretched out for the cat to drop down on before Wilson scrambled down his short, lithe body to the forest floor. Tamam o zaman. Let’s go.”

The odd pair did not travel very far before a howl broke through the night, causing the cat to freeze and hiss. Once the despairing note reached their ears, however, they exchanged a glance. “Oh, tekrar olmasın,” Levent growled, but he was obligated to pad in that direction anyway. He’d seen and suffered plenty of breakdowns in these last few weeks, and he really wasn’t in the mood to deal with another one—but perhaps some part of him was trying to make up for the demonic dance in the north. The normally adroit male had stopped playing intricate games and schemes for the sake of being simple and nice. It might’ve made him “feel good,” but it wasn’t getting him any food.

This time, seeing the dainty silvery-black woman curled into a ball and weeping filled him with frustration. She looked uninjured, wasn’t cradling a dead friend in her arms. Had a lover cast her aside? Was she simply lost and overwhelmed like a puppy would be?

Levent watched from a distance, his blue eyes cold. His fingers played deftly with a gold chain, and with a glance at Wilson, he walked toward the crumpled figure. Niçin ağlıyorsun? he questioned in Turkish, not caring to translate his words. He thrust his hands in his pockets, the cat watching with fearful eyes.

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- Fayne - 03-24-2012

Fayne had been trying to stop the tears that now soiled her fur but her soul wasn't quit ready to quiet itself. She had been sitting there for about twenty minutes now, unable to gather her nasty thoughts and push them back into the recesses of her mind like she always did. She was becoming thoroughly frustrated with herself. A quiet rage built up within her as she sat there silently, trying to keep her sniffles to a minimum. She hated the sound of herself crying and found it rather annoying. She let out a long irritated sigh which was interrupted by the breathing spasms that accompanied the sobbing. "I don't know why...I c-can't control these tears." She said with a tinge of anger underlying naturally soft feminine voice. The violent movie like images continued to flash through her head. The voices from her past repeating in an endless loop throwing her mind deeper and deeper into the nightmares. The thoughts became more detailed more real. She was completely consumed by these thoughts that she hadn't noticed the stranger eyeing her from a distance and was caught completely off guard when he walked up behind her and spoke in a language she didn't understand. His voice sounded kind and genuine, though she was yanked free of the thoughts that ravaged her sending her into a frenzy.

She gave a frightened squealed and clenched her eyes shut, startled by his presence, the fur on the back of her neck erected unintentionally. She stood up and twirled around forming a fist with her fingers to strike the stranger in the dead center of his chest. She stopped her own fist about and inch away from landing the blow and thrust open her watery blue-green eyes to meet his pale blue ones. What a pathetic movement. She quickly turned around in embarrassment squeezing her eyes shut tightly, the tears oozed out and trickled down her face. She had attempted to hit a stranger, how stupid could she be? What if he was dangerous, or what if he was a kind passerby just coming to ask if she was alright. It was rude either way. "I-I'm so sorry!!" She yelled at him without any thought. She curled her tail to cover the front part of body using both hands to hold it close to her nuzzling her face into the fluffy fur. She was so embarrassed. Not only had she attempted to harm someone she didn't even know, but she was crying. She never let anyone see her cry, no matter if it was a complete stranger or a close friend. Not to mention she felt incredibly vulnerable in this thin figured form, smaller somehow. She had less fur covering her body, it was like she was standing there naked in front of the male wolf.

Fayne peered over her shoulder to look at him, the embarrassment written all over her face. He was a lean earthy brown wolf with long dark hair that was held back by a headband. He was clothed with khaki colored shorts which his hands were shoved into. Over his shoulder slung a satchel which appeared to be full of who knew what. The man appeared battle worn scarred by past struggles. A rather large predominant bite wound on his right shoulder and a less visible scar on his lip. He appeared short, though he stood with a slouched posture which may be contributing to that factor. Overall, he was rugged and thin in appearance. Not very threatening at first glace. Though he wore clothes and had human possessions which was new to Fayne. She hadn't bee living in this area for very long and she was completely oblivious to the human traits Luperci had started taking on. She had heard talk but had never really thought about it, dismissing it as nothing but petty gossip. At the Luperci's feet stood a milky white colored tom cat which eyed her fearfully. What an odd couple. Fayne turned back around and scrounged up the courage to speak to him. She felt like curling up in a ball again and crying some more. But, she was better than that. "I really am sorry. I was just so deep in thought, you startled me." Her voice was genuinely apologetic, though she spoke low and softly. She waited for him to respond not sure what to expect from him. The actions she had taken re-played in her head furthering her embarrassment.

- Levent Kartal - 04-02-2012


I am sooo sorry for the wait on this!

Levent was used to startling others, to being startled—shadows materializing out of the dark and catching you off guard. It was best to have a weapon within reach at times like these, and to react with caution, but the loud squeal that escaped the silvery wolf was unexpected. He stumbled back, and that—combined with her last-minute correction—kept him from being struck in the center of his cream chest. His wide blue eyes became narrow slits of ice as he stared at the woman, only the heaving of her intended target betraying how much she’d startled him too.

Scrunching her eyes shut, shrieking an apology at him, the woman recoiled once more and buried her face in her plume of a tail. He only stared at her wordlessly, for once at a loss of what to say. Wilson was stiff-hackled and fear-drenched at his ankle, no doubt still shadowed by the remnants of his nightmares, and he offered no hints as to what to do. Awkwardly, feeling the moment of most danger had passed, the male shoved his hands back in his pockets and let his shoulders slump.

He waited for the she-wolf to collect herself, knowing there would be no reasoning with her or anything if she was still hysterical, but luckily she managed to speak quietly to him. This time, he accepted the apology with a nod and a smile that did not at all reach his eyes.

“You startled me too,” the Turkish man admitted. He cleared his throat and looked her over. “Is there…anything I can do?” His smile came once more, softer, subtler. He did not know yet what to do with this girl, whether to play one of his games or simply lead another soul toward the light, but time would tell what he felt like. Right now, he was simply confused by her, by what could make a woman have such a violent reaction. She was no Amy drunk on bloodlust and wine.

“I hate to see such a gorgeous woman cry,” Levent added genially, his tongue flicking the scar on his lip.

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- Fayne - 04-09-2012

Fayne Gremory
OOC: Sorry for taking long as well. I kind of forgot about this thread. >.< | WC :: +700

Wow, tonight was turning into an utter catastrophe. It began bad with her regular outburst when she decided to give in to her urge to shift. Every time she shifted it triggered something within herself that unleashed a barrage of terrors that ravaged her, mentally, and emotionally. For some reason, she couldn't control these outbursts so she secluded herself when she decided to shift. She didn't expect to be found by a stranger, and this only made things worse for the frail soul. Fayne looked into the man's eyes, the lower half of her face still plunged into her plume of a tail. She used it to wipe away the remaining tears, sniffling a few times to alleviate her stuffed nose from crying. The man gave her a nod and and a half-ass smile. He was probably upset that she'd tried to hit him like that, if he wanted to he could knock her out in an instant. That was a terrifying thought, he probably packed one hell of a punch. She squeezed her eyes shut at the thought, her ears pinned themselves to her head. They jutted back open when he began to speak, she lowered her head a tad more in embarrassment. Well of course she startled him, she attacked him out of nowhere!

She watched as the stranger's eyes wondered over her body, clenching her tail tighter to her bust. God, she felt like she to be covered and her tail just wasn't doing it for her. Her eyes dropped to the man's crotch, she eyed his pants. No wonder some Luperci wore clothes. They probably felt naked in this form as well, so they covered themselves in those awkward garments. The need for clothes had befuddled her before, but now she had come to an understanding. Her eyes widened at her sudden realization. She snapped out of thought when the earthy wolf asked her if she needed anything, her eyes quickly made there way to his face. He was now wearing a kind smile, which seemed to soothe her some. Her ears swiveled forward on her head, twitching intently. She wasn't sure what she needed right now, besides the comfort of her Lupus form. But, that wasn't going to happen in the presence of the male. "Uh, um.." What a pathetic answer, she was shyer than usual tonight and it was pissing her off. "I think I'll be okay. Just some bad memories coming to haunt me, that's all." She forced a smile of her own, though anyone could tell it wasn't genuine.

His next words forced her to jerk her head in another direction, she diverted her attention to the cat that stood at his feet. Partly, because he had complimented her. If she could blush, she'd certainly be doing it right now. The other part of her veered away because of the embarrassment. Of course he didn't want to see her cry, she didn't want to see her cry. She hated it. Wolves are NOT supposed to cry and it was bizarre to her, frightening and upsetting really. How could so much water come pouring out of one's eyes? She glanced up at him quickly then back down at the alabaster feline. "I apologize for that. It's a shame we had to meet under such circumstances. Crying is such a strange thing, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Until you startled me out of it. Thank you for that."

Fayne took a deep breath and slowly lowered her tail from it's position in front of her, revealing her front side to the man. Her head was low and her ears pulled back once again, still embarrassed of her appearance. It shouldn't be strange to him, so she shouldn't be embarrassed of this form but she couldn't help it. She stood awkwardly, her hands now up in front of her like she was holding something close to her chest. Her face was still wet from the tears, her fur dark being soiled in the salt water. It was a chilly night and the slight breeze was causing her face to become cold where she was wet. Not only that, but she felt the wind as it passed through her legs causing a chill. Very unpleasant.

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- Levent Kartal - 04-10-2012


Hehe, it's okay. <3

The young woman was justly mortified, and Levent almost felt bad for her, like he’d feel bad for a baby fawn whose life he would need to take. Predatory eyes flicked over her crumpled frame as she pulled herself together, dabbing at her eyes with her tail. She didn’t seem to appreciate the stare, however, and he grunted to himself as he looked at the swollen moon instead. He’d spent too much time with Amy to remember modesty.

The silvery female managed to stammer out an answer, explaining that bad memories had been the cause of her broken sobbing. He cocked a brow at that, but his smile did not fade. “Were you in a…” He paused, mouth open, his tongue playing about his teeth thoughtfully as if he couldn’t remember the word. “Savaş. Ah, war.” His hands played in his pockets again. “I know those who’ve experienced battle experience terrifying flashbacks as well. But you look too pretty and unscarred for that to be the case…”

His words sounded polite enough, gentle in their questioning, but truly the man was prodding at weaknesses. Perhaps he simply didn’t understand abuse and terror as his life had been a simple one—his mother and father absent at different times because of honor and death, a good trade and a good friend, and a few run-ins with demons of many kinds. But he wondered if he should be worried; if something broke a girl into sobs, maybe he should fear it too.

Wilson pressed against his companion’s legs when looked at, and Levent rumbled once quietly in his chest, the sound as close to a purr as canine vocal cords could produce. It served to comfort the cat enough, as he relaxed—albeit only slightly, still on his toes and suspicious.

The Turkish man laughed briefly. “It sounds funny that you’d thank me for scaring the soul out of you, but… Maalesef, it was necessary. Better me catch you off guard than someone who’d do you harm.” His teeth shone in the moonlight.

“So, benim titreme sevgilisi, what is your name?” Carelessly, he unbuttoned the front of his off-white shirt and stepped closer, hoping to swing the clothing around her shoulders. It wasn’t the same as a cloak or fur, but the gesture meant more than comfort in this case. For once, the other luperci was shorter than him, so it’d cover her up enough.

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- Fayne - 04-11-2012

Fayne Gremory
OOC: :3| WC :: +1000

As Fayne stood there in that in that awkward way, her knees bent inward to somewhat block the cold chills that passed through, she kept her eyes on the man's feet, too embarrassed to look up at him now without the comfort of her tail blocking her naked figure. She kept glancing up at the wolf, he seemed to noticed how uncomfortable she was and was no longer looking directly at her. A silent sigh of relief escaped her lips and her posture improved only a little. The silver woman lowered her hands just a little, they were now just underneath her bust. Still closed together tightly, her ears were still pulled back in discontent and her brow furrowed. Fayne's ears twitched slightly when the stranger began to ask her a question. Her eyes darted up to meet his, she forced herself to keep eye contact with him as he spoke. It was impolite to avert your gaze when conversing with another. At the word 'war' she tilted her head to the side, she did not know the meaning of such a word. What was a war? His next sentence clarified the meaning for her. War. It was an organized battle between two parties with extreme aggression. In her case, the pure wolves and the Luperci who became power hungry, blood thirsty killers, lead by Drosnav. Before this virus came along there was no need for such battles. It was a simple life, everyone knew their place and obeyed the word of the alphas.

All of Fayne's embarrassment left her when she realized what he was asking, it was replaced with a dwelling rage and deep sorrow. It was written all over her face what she felt about it. All those lives that were lost that day, she was lucky she escaped with hers. If not for her parents planned escape she would surely be a monster, or dead, right now. Staring at the ground, her eyes narrowed in anger, she answered him. Her normally soft and gentle tone was full of the evident rage that encompassed her. "Yes. War, if that's what you call it. Too be honest, I'm lucky I got away in one piece. Many lives were lost that day..." Her voice seemed to trail off, she was too enraged to keep speaking. If she didn't stop herself now she would start yelling at the innocent stranger about how much she despised the petty need for such a thing. She'd never been good at holding in her emotions. Fayne glanced back up at her man, trying to calm herself. How could he have known such a thing? Then again, he was a Luperci. The virus ridden wolves of this land seemed to be living more human lifestyles. Were there "wars" here as well? Did she travel from her homeland just to be tossed into the middle of another one? If so, she would definitely have to become stronger so she could protect the ones she loved. Her siblings were living in this land as well, somewhere, and even though she wasn't with them she would find a way to be there when they needed her.

The dainty woman diverted her attention yet again, snapping back into reality. The reality was, she was standing in front of him, naked, and she didn't like it one bit. The anger in her eyes subsided, and the embarrassment took hold of her once more. She shriveled up, returning to her strange awkward posture. The man gave a chortle, in response to her thanks. A slight smile creased her lips as she realized it was rather bizarre that she would thank someone for startling her. But, without it she'd still be curled in a ball, moping over her past. Being terrorized by the malicious memories. So yes, she was thankful. "Indeed. If you had come to do me harm, I would have landed that punch and you'd be on the floor." She laughed briskly at her own joke. In reality, he'd probably had knocked her out and she'd be in trouble. But, he was a kind passerby from the look of it and for that she was grateful. It's always comforting to see a friendly face in times like this.

What a strange language he spoke in, it was completely foreign to her. Her ears swiveled trying to comprehend it only to fail. This world was so very different from her home, it would take her quite a while to learn about this land. Even then, she would never get used to it. The man fiddled with the front of his garment, it opened up to reveal his furry chest. He removed the garment and strode over to her, her eyes were wide with curiosity as to what he was doing. She gazed at him, yearning for understanding. A moment later he draped the clothes over her shoulders. She looked down at them and realized they were long enough to cover her exposed parts. A smile made it's way onto her face, what a kind gesture. Her blue-green orbs wandered to meet his, they were gentle and kind as usual. "Oh thank you." She tinkered with the shirt awkwardly as she figured out how to put it on. She wrestled with it for a few minutes and then figured out how to put her arms through the sleeves like the stranger had been doing when he was wearing it. She brought the garment over her front side and crossed her arms to hold it in place. Not even daring to mess with the buttons. Fayne's demeanor changed drastically once she figured out how to wear the clothes, she straightened out nice ant tall. Her ears relaxed on top of her head and her tail began to sway behind her happily. Now that she was comfortable she looked back up at the stranger. "Fayne Gremory, it's a pleasure to meet you...and you are?

every delicate flower needs the rain
template by revo. <3 mods by nat


- Levent Kartal - 04-14-2012


Forest green eyes met his, and Levent made his smile warmer. It seemed to take her a moment to understand what he meant—and not just because of the interjection of a foreign word. However, fury bubbled on her fine features with the realization, fury and grief, and had he not held something dark inside him, he might have gone to embrace her in that instant. His predatory nature and his sense kept him at bay, however; she didn’t like his stare, so certainly she wouldn’t want him to touch her. As much of a flirt as he was with both sexes, the thought of forcing himself on someone even in an innocent way was disgusting.

Her voice shaking with anger, she confirmed that she’d seen war. He had a feeling it wasn’t the continual battles and espionage of a true war that existed in the east, but seeing the tension between the packs even in Nova Scotia, he believed this fragile silver fawn was lucky to escape with her life.

She still looked awkward and timid, but her smile and laugh brought her, if briefly, out of her shell. Her joke made him grin crookedly, although he might have told her exactly what he might have done. Honey attracted more flies than vinegar, and Levent was skilled with schmoozing and simpering and sliming his way to power. It was simpler to be kind to this sweet creature than threaten her, especially because his heart was almost as soft as her plush silvery fur.

The woman thanked him for his offering, fumbling with the shirt until she managed to push her arms through the sleeves. He liked the look, which Wilson seemed to notice; his yellow eyes flicked to his companion, whose dark ears grew warm. Crouching to ruffle the cat’s fur, he looked back at the woman relaxing bit by bit.

“Levent Kartal,” the brown-furred man answered with a grin, gesturing to the tom, “and my dear friend Wilson. He’s a bit shy around new canines, though; don’t mind him.” He shrugged dismissively, but the look he shot the feline was warm.

Deciding that they might chat for a little while, he took a seat on the earth and leaned back, propped up by his arms. It was easy to see how scrawny he was like this. “So where do you come from, lovely Fayne Gremory?”

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