'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
with a mouth full of bones - Printable Version

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- Laurel Booth - 07-24-2008

Wandering to the south of the territory didn't really do too much for Laurel because it didn't seem overly different. He had heard of a pack that lingered to the south some odd amount of miles, but then again there was one to the north he had heard about already. But when the forest had finally begun to thin out, he eyed the clouds above him with dismay. If it rained now, he knew he'd get soaked to the bone. Despite the fact that it had rained off and on for days on end already, he continued to venture out away from dense wood where his newly crowned home was and headed south, only stopping when he reached a small brook that cut through.

Regardless of how damp the ground was, Laurel saw it as good as any place to sit down and take in everything; to simply exist while the rest of the world busied itself around him. There had been little time for rest to begin with and while he was generally the type who did things at his own leisure with no real timeframe at all, even that got a little mundane here and there. So sitting around and spacing out was the next best thing and it was only then that he had wished he had drug some of the spirits he and Nikita had found along to drink. He leaned back on his elbows after a while to simply watch the clouds move on, fitting in neatly with the curve of the land as it ran down to meet the water. Closing his eyes, he let his tall ears do the work in figuring out what was going on around him, tuning out various sounds with a simple turn of a muscle.

- Khaden Aatte - 07-24-2008

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... c2b4-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
boo. wc: 320

Khaden had found it in him that day to leave Twilight Vale again. He had done much traveling in the last few days, and to admit that he was surprised when he picked up his halfling body from the Manor and went to leave the secure borders. Perhaps it was because he wanted to do one last sweep of the lands beyond the borders to see if Dhalia was lurking in the shadows waiting to spring upon Conri with all her might. Maybe it was just that the whole wandering around thing wasn't out of his system. Either or, he set his mind and his feet towards the direction of the Shiloh Hills.

It had been raining off and on for the past few days now, and as the days seemed to progress the weather seemed to take a turn for the worse - and this day was no exception. Glancing up to the skies, Khaden took a mental note as to stay particularly closer to the denser trees, so he skirted along Rabbit Lake, and cutting across it. He looked across and watched as the long landscape seemed to be cut in half with dotting vegetation and sparse trees and looked up again to the sky, cursing it with threats.

It's not particularly like Khaden couldn't fend himself off from the rain, and on certain days he actually enjoyed becoming that soaking, sopping mess of a canine. But this, especially, was not one of those days. Frowning slightly, he trudged along, taking acute note that his paws and lower limbs were already dampening with the dew that clung to the earth. Naturally, however, it didn't take long at all until he saw that same brook that cut through the land and the werewolf that inhabited close by.

Furrowing a brow and intently watching him, he approached loudly, letting the wolf afore him know of his true intentions by being rather blatant. "Yo."

- Laurel Booth - 07-24-2008

Gah, this is bad. Phone calls, cats trying to eat my food... @_@

For as many things as there were to hear, he hadn't expected to hear someone approaching so soon. The sound of feet being brought through the wet grass caught his attention just as readily as his breathing and then his eventual voice. A young voice, nonetheless. Slowly opening his eyes as though he were the laziest thing around, the clothed coyote let his head sway and bob in the direction, letting the dark-haired yearling side into view. “Hi kid.” Like Laurel, he also had green eyes which never ceased to amuse him because after so long of seeing the same kind of eyes over and over and over, now he was seeing the same colour and sometimes, almost the same shade of green that he had.

“You think it's gonna rain any more?” Idle chatter, putting off the inevitable questions that he imagined were going to be trickling down the road sooner than later. He stood out like a sore thumb against the vibrant grass; the colour of sand, cloaked in dark clothing that made him feel twice as warm than he actually was. The beads in his hair and the hat set him even more off from the world as it were. But that aside, he let his gaze dwindle back to the sky, eyeing the bits of blue that started to break through the overcast ceiling.

- Khaden Aatte - 08-07-2008

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... c2b4-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
man, I must've started this post like fifty gazillion times. x_X;

Kid. Khaden didn't quite know how to react to such a title. True, he hadn't quite reached the age of a year, y'know those twelve months that's supposed to mean the world. Instead, he had just reached his eleventh birthday. In fact, thinking upon it, Khaden realized that his eleven months was today. Born August 15th of the year 2007, the Aatte boy gave a small "Huh." Eleven months, and it felt like he had already lived a lifetime. Nonetheless, his vision was turned again towards the shifter before regarding the question that he asked.

"Yeah." He responded, short and sweet. He didn't even have to look around him. Didn't have to regard the slate skies or the wet ground. Khaden could feel that the world around him wanted to drench the realm of 'Souls, and clean it through and through. Like those old religious stories, the one's where some mystical being drowned the world only to restart anew - just like a phoenix. He tittered a little laugh at that, pushing his muzzle up to the sky and prompting whatever God deemed itself fit for such a queer little world. "It's not done drowning us just yet."

- Laurel Booth - 08-08-2008

http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t3.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Even if he had been a year old, chances where that Laurel wouldn't have known the difference and still called him a kid. That was the thing, the whole age before beauty trick. Beauty, or in any case, appearance, didn't tell age very well. He didn't look as old as he was and neither did a lot of others, probably only because they took care of themselves. Laurel didn't have any old faded scars that were visible to tell age on and he certainly didn't celebrate birthdays because he didn't remember when he was. He could recall the season, but time and dates and such were entirely lost on him just like tons of others in the world.

“That's a depressing way to put it,” he laughed, “But I guess you're right, the sky has been trying to drown us for a while. Too much rain and we'll be floating away in buckets, not enough and we'll be laying in the riverbeds digging holes where we smell water.” He'd done that before, once on a trip and once because there had been a drought. “So where're you from? I'm Laurel,” he offered with a wiry grin.


- Khaden Aatte - 08-21-2008


out of character

So pretty much I suck. D:

in character

Laughter tore through his system in brief chuckles as he regarded the coyote afore him. His response was casual and laid-back, something that Khaden had only truly experienced with Ember Phoenix back when they played tag through the meadows of Twilight Vale. But that event was weeks ago, and even that event ended up as Khaden had to take the Dahlia de Mai femme back to the Manor in order to bandage up the Inferni wounded shoulder.

It was truly interesting that stereotypes played such a big role in society. How a wolf could spot a coyote and immediately press prejudices upon them that they are nothing more than tribal savages, out to rape and kill anything that moves. Yet this one, this one was truly different from those hastily slapped on titles, and for some odd reason, Khaden deeply admired and respected that. His name, Laurel, simple but elegant, seemed to sum up his character well.

"Khaden." He replied, wondering if his name truly did represent him well. "I live on Twilight Vale, with my brother." It was so easy now - now that he had already put the association between Conri Church and him with a simple "Hi, I'm Khaden, brother to Conri. I'm sure you've met of him." But he wasn't actually sure if Laurel had met Conri, and even if he had, there probably wasn't a strong enough connection to really make the same effect of those words as they did on someone else, namely someone else in the lands of Twilight Vale.

- Laurel Booth - 08-21-2008

Do not, but can you possibly change your talking font colour? It really hurts my eyes. ;_; And sorry for the short post. *is lame*
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____It made sense that he would meet someone from Twilight Vale. Naniko had mentioned that they were to the south and he had been meaning to go down and visit her, but just hadn't gotten around to it. Though they had only met a handful of days (or was it hours?) ago, he also remembered he promised her a fishing pole in exchange for a fishing net. A little trading and bartering between friends, good stuff. Proving the whole “grr grr, coyote bad” thing wrong. “Twilight Vale, huh. I know Naniko from there, but it's always nice to know someone else. How you likin’ it there?”


- Khaden Aatte - 08-29-2008


in character

"It's okay." Khaden responded with a shrug. He didn't know what else to say about Twilight Vale, the only reason why he was there was because of Conri, and partially Naniko. They were all moderately happy, and a fairly tight knit group from Savina to Apollo, so Khaden didn't quite know how he felt about the whole ordeal. It was interesting to be apart of a pack again, and as much as he liked having that title, that status on his name again, he wasn't quite sure how to interpret it and adapt to it as well as he thought he might.

Nonetheless, he shifted gears and flipped his features towards Laurel, giving a slight smile and a friendly wag of the tail. "So what about you?" He inquired softly, his tail thumping the ground wondering what exactly this unusual coyote came from. "What brings you out here?"

- Laurel Booth - 08-29-2008

*proceeds to eat the strawberry because it looks rather yummy* >_>
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____“Felt like getting away from my little camp site for a while and see what was around,” he answered rather plainly. That was one way to put it anyway, though it was more of a “getting myself orientated!” kind of thing. There really wasn't that much to get away from back there at the moment but his tone didn't sound as negative as the statement could have. “I live a bit more to the north of here, in the forest.” Apart of a place that wasn't really a pack but everyone thought it was and most of the time he just let it go. If it made them feel content to call it a pack and say that he and Nikita were leaders, he'd let them, even if it didn't seem true in his mind. They had simply settled there and others came along and stayed. Nice and simple, for now.


- Khaden Aatte - 09-01-2008


out of character

haha, James said Khaden looks like he's trying to eat the strawberry in my table. Nom nom. xD

in character

Camp site? Khaden questioned what a coyote was doing in a camp site. Camp sites were for wanderers, gypsies, not for packs, especially for the people that lived in Souls. The more and more Laurel talked about himself, the more and more the Aatte boy was curious of who was he, and what was he doing here. He didn't seem like he had any ties with anyone in particular in these lands, and even if he did, why would he stay? Granted, he could ask the same question for himself, but that seemed pointless. He had his reasons and he was merely curious at Laurel's.

The mention of up north, he furrowed his brow and questioned the rumors that seemed to be popping up here and there. "Y'mean in the new pack that seemed to open up?" He asked, curiousity getting the better of him and taking over any tact that he may have had.

- Laurel Booth - 09-01-2008

Ooo! It does, actually. *also too lazy for a table*


“If you could call it that, yeah,” Laurel said with a laugh. They hadn't been around all that long and already people heard about it. Not that it ever took any new group long to make waves, especially one as strange as they were. Well, maybe strange was better to define himself and Nikita as opposed to the others. They were pretty normal, he thought. They had ties back to the land where she and he didn't. “We're really more of a gypsy band than a pack. No ranks, open borders, stuff like that.” In a sense, they took anything that came along and treated it like an equal. Both a blessing and yet a curse, though he had yet to learn in what ways first hand.

- Khaden Aatte - 09-03-2008


out of character


in character

Souls was a land that you immediately became connected with someone, which led to be connected to someone else, and rapidly enough one person would be entangled in this web of relationships and people that Khaden couldn't even begin to fathom. He had came here initially for Conri, but now he didn't even know what to think of it, so Laurel sort of seemed to not fit the picture very well there. As fast as he was becoming sucked in, the fact that he seemed so... disconnected with the rest of them wanted Khaden to know more and more about him.

A gypsy band was a weird way to put it, and Khaden cocked his ear as such. He had heard of vagrant travelers, people who had no home but a suitcase and Khaden wondered why here, why now? But with the rain steadily increasing around them the boy he chuckled to himself before he shrugged off the surplus of water that seemed to accumulate upon his shoulders.

"Esper Hollow right?" He asked, insinuating the name. The gypsy pack. "Well, Laurel, one of these days I should come on by and take a look at that." He said openly, letting him interpret it any way he desired. Little did he know that later Khaden would do much more than just visit. Nonetheless, he pushed himself up on his feet and nodded to the other.

- Laurel Booth - 09-03-2008



“Yep, that's the place,” he answered, truly amused that already they were already known by the little piece of the forest that they had named. And then the raindrops had started to fall between them, much to his dismay. “And you should probably do that. We're a friendly bunch.” Offering a smile to the then parting boy, Laurel picked himself up and headed back towards the sprawling canopy of Ethereal Eclipse, aiming to get out of the rain as soon as possible.