'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
To Forgive - Printable Version

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- Terra - 04-10-2012


OOC april 24

Terra was resting in a small den they had found. Sleepy Terra had stayed inside while Kit went out to get something. It was nice and warm in the den, and Terra was feeling pretty good. They had moved away from those stupid packs, the ones that made her feel so nervous, so twisted about herself. Instead she was simply relaxing, stretched out as far as she could without sticking out. Terra wanted her four legged form, but that wasn't possible with the broken leg. Not unless she wanted yet another month of waiting for it to fix. Why she couldn't have been patient was beyond her.

Closing her eyes Terra's ears twitched, listening to the soft sounds around her. It was very pleasant, the sun bathing her and plants beginning to grow through the injured lands. There would be treasure here, she was sure of it. No one would be foolish enough to come to a land so barren of life, leaving it to the thieves to scavenge. Slowly she drifted off, the sweet scent of the ash in her nose, dreaming about playing with fire. The pleasant dream altered though, wolves surrounding her, screaming for her blood, that she was unworthy. Unable to escape Terra could do nothing but twitch as they moved closer and closer, whimpers coming from her body.

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- Zalen Damaichu - 04-10-2012


Word count 267:: Zalen is in Optime, doing that thing he does.

It had been some time since Zalen had strayed outside of New Dawn’s borders, and this time, rather than heading south towards Ichika, he headed north, through the swamps and fields of New Dawn and into the deep forwards. Here, he spied a human city in the distance, and avoided it; the shells of humanity still made him uneasy. He wanted to see what kind of game was out here, for this day he was famishes. Placing his nose nearly against the ground, the Alpha began to hunt.

He was hoping for something easy; a pheasant or fawn hiding in the grass; instead, the scent of a coyote came to his nose. Zalen lifted his head just slightly, pausing before snuffing the scent out; he knew that scent. It was Terra, the coyote female whom had stayed in New Dawn while she had recovered from her injuries from a cougar attack. Zalen had not been surprised when the femme had seemingly disappeared without a trace; she obviously was just as wary of the wolves that housed her then they were of her. Still, Zalen wished to see how the girl was doing, so he went to sniff her out.

It wasn’t long before he found the makeshift den, and peering inside it saw the sleeping Terra. She seemed to be having restless dreams but did not look any worse for wear; her cinnamon fur was beginning to grow back where there had once been gashes, and her leg was not as bent as it had once been. Satisfied, Zalen took several steps back to silently slip away.

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- Terra - 04-10-2012


OOC here. /+000

Something was there. Whether it was a smell, or a noise, or simply a continuation of the dream, Terra knew there was something beyond the small den she was in. Jerking awake her hackles raised. Snarling Terra drew herself together, doing her best to look fierce. The broken leg was pulled in as close as she could, again making her wish that she was on four legs, instead of being foolish and switching to two before she was ready.

She was a fair size in this form, about as large as a wolf in lupine form when she drew herself together, if her legs and arms were far too long for that illusion to last long. Terra was grateful for it when her eyes settled on the alpha of the pack that she hated, that she feared. Pushing herself further in Terra raised herself up, trying to look as intimidating as possible. Get out of here! Terra didn't care if he was just passing through, or if he was leaving, she just wanted him gone.

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- Zalen Damaichu - 04-11-2012


OOC +181

He was about to turn when a mouth full of teeth and fluffed fur came charged to the mouth of the den, demanding he leave. He had not been prepared for it, for the woman had been sleeping so deeply that he thought he would go by undetected. Therefore, the large male jumped slightly, ears flatting against his head and fur bristled.

She looked so angry, so fearful; Zalen immediately turned and took several gangly trotted steps away. But then he hesitated; his mind was full of anger at being disrespected by her; how dare she act that way when he had been so benevolent before? But then, these dark thoughts drifted away; he could not blame her; she had been injured, frightened, and surrounded by unknown wolves. Turning his head he looked back to her, and turned to face her again from several yards away.

You left so suddenly… He began, shifting uncomfortably on his hands and feet, Are… you alright? She had been Shadowfang’s ward, but in his absence, Zalen would make sure that the young coy-female was alright.

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- Terra - 04-11-2012


OOC here. /+000

Terra relaxed slightly as he backed up, clearly surprised by her fierceness. Perhaps he would just leave, let her lie in peace. It didn't seem that would be the case though, as he turned and faced her again from a distance. Her fear was obvious to anyone looking, seeing something there to harm there rather than someone who had simply been passing by. His words brought her ears up, wondering why he was asking after that. Surely he knew why she had left. The fact that the pack was uncomfortable around her and wanted her gone, and in some cases dead, had been enough to drive her to leave long before she was ready.

Confused Terra looked around. Was this a trick of some sort? She didn't smell anyone else there. Looking back at the alpha Terra shrugged. I'm fine. I can travel again, I can hunt. I can fight. Lies, as her leg still wasn't good enough for her to do much more than limp after prey, but she wasn't about to reveal that to him. Why do you ask? Her words were hesitant, wondering why he would be interested in her, terrified of the answer.

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- Zalen Damaichu - 04-11-2012


OOC +259

She looked somewhat confused after he spoke, and he watched as her eyes darted around. She probably thought there were others with him, but no, even an Alpha had to be alone sometimes. She responded with half-truths, saying that she was well enough. But Zalen could tell, even from his brief glance at her condition a moment ago, she still had some ways to go before being healed well enough to hunt. He wondered how she was feeding herself, and his concern grew.

Taking a couple more steps towards her, his tail wagged slightly, a sign that he meant no harm, I ask because we wanted you to be well enough to return to the Court. It was obvious that she was in no condition to travel such a long distance, You were more than welcome to have stayed, no harm would have come to you. A very low, nearly inaudible whine escaped his throat. He knew that some others, especially Augustus, were not happy with Terra’s presence in New Dawn, but Zalen was obliged to extend courtesies to her that he would expect other packs to give his members if they were injured.

Zalen looked around, nose twitching; there was another smell here, but he couldn’t quite place it, perhaps because the den was slightly downwind from him, Do you need food? I can bring you some if you’d like, I was just hunting in the area when I found you. His voice was calm, soft; he didn’t want to frighten the girl more than he already had.

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- Terra - 04-11-2012


OOC here. /+000

The alpha moved closer again, tail wagging gently. He didn't seem like he was planning anything, so Terra remained where she was, simply watching him. We? She knew that Shadow cared, and Shandom had been distressed to see that she'd managed to get into such trouble. Shandom had also pointed out that she'd broken pack law by trespassing though, even if she couldn't remember doing so. She didn't even know who this was, beyond being the alpha, and was unsure if they'd met before. His promise that no harm would have come to her was met with a dubious look.

You might have punished them for killing me, but what would you really do? Temporary exile? I'm only a filthy coyote after all. She looked at the leader, the one who had taken those she had considered pack and made it so they couldn't stand her, saw a threat, something to destroy. The offer to get something for her to eat only succeeded in making the poor girl even more confused. Her ears flattened to her head, not understanding why he was doing this at all, lowering herself to the ground.

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- Zalen Damaichu - 04-11-2012


OOC +272

Her words cut him like a knife but he knew they were true, in a sense. He had created a pack that did not welcome coyotes into the fold, and because of this, he had attracted members who had a hate for their species. He had at one time been among them, but now he had matured from blind hate to a polite respect. No coyote had given him trouble since he had first come to Nova Scotia, and now he had a coyote he could even call a friend. But despite this, he knew that there were some in New Dawn who would have left her for dead, but he couldn’t say that anyone would have outright killed Terra in her healing state.

Zalen sighed and sat back on his haunches, My pack-mates know that their actions yield consequences. I put you under Shadowfang’s watch and Deuce’s healing hand; it was clear to all that you were to be protected and cared for until you healed. If someone had tried to kill you, they would not only have been severely punished but banished from New Dawn forever. His face became stoney, They willingly joined our ranks and they know what kind of behavior is expected of them.

Zalen then turned his head to look at her from the side, Terra, I do not know you, but I know you have some sort of past with some of my members. You spread rumors and lies about New Dawn, because they must have spited you in some way. I would hope that now you have learned that we are not racist coyote haters.

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- Terra - 04-11-2012


OOC here. /+000

Terra listened to his explanation, ears flattened down. All she wanted to do now was run and hide. He was so serious in his words, making it clear that she'd had nothing to fear, despite her instincts screaming that there was a threat in his pack somewhere. Hearing that the killer would be banished from New Dawn never to return made her feel rather silly about her feelings towards the pack. Sorry...just don't like seeing my friends turn into enemies... There was no way to heal that particular rift.

Told that she'd lied about the pack Terra shook her head. That was the one thing she hadn't done. Terra had described the pack based off of her experiences. She'd told them that they hated coyotes, were extremely territorial, and not very welcoming. That was what she had experienced. That was what she had shared with others. I simply told them what I experienced. Now I know that it's not true, but when I said those things that was the only truth I knew.

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- Zalen Damaichu - 04-15-2012


Word count 000:: OOC

Zalen listened intently to the girl and she unknowingly, or perhaps knowingly it was difficult to tell, let him see into her wounded heart. It seemed that she and New Dawn were slated from the beginning to be enemies, for from the Court several members had come, and some of them might have been her friends. Wolves once living by her side suddenly joined a new family, in which she was not invited. Zalen let out a small sigh, weary suddenly and sad for her.

She then shook her head and said that she had only told others what she had known, and despite how false her beliefs might have been, they were what was true to her. Zalen could not blame her for relaying to others what she believed to be true, I understand. He said simply, But I hope you now see different? It was a question full of hope; would Terra continue to speak ill of New Dawn, even though it was because of it that she had survived? Only time would tell Zalen supposed.

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- Terra - 04-15-2012


OOC here. /+000

The sigh that came from Zalen was definitely a puzzle for Terra. Why he would sound so sad was confusing. Perhaps he disliked the animosity she held for some of the pack's members, fearing what it meant. After all, she was the only remaining court member that had contact with this pack. If she so wished she could make sure that her pack only received negative images of them. There were those she had warned off it as well, another black mark against it. He could be considering how to rid himself of a certain pest as well. She wished she was well enough to fight, or at least run.

Hearing his question Terra grinned up to him. Sure. I'll tell them New Dawn is a strange pack with a merciful belief I don't understand. She laughed lightly, teasing at his serious manner. Terra knew the discussion was serious, but taking it so was hard for her. Terra was a naturally light hearted creature, and without an immediate threat forcing her to be serious she was prone to laughing off everything that was told to her.

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- Zalen Damaichu - 04-20-2012


Word count 000:: Closing this out Smile

Zalen watched as the nervous tension seemed to melt from the girl a bit and she teased him with her words. He could help but smile, letting his pink tongue slip out past his black lips and his tail wagged; it was good to see her in a different state besides anxiousness. Well good, He said with perhaps too much gusto, then calming, Well then, I hope you fair well Terra, and make it safely back to the Court. If you need anything, you may call me or the others. He knew she wouldn’t but he was offering just the same. Then turning, the black alpha made a quick exit, to make any parting words that might plague her mind flutter away with the wind.

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