'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Heaven forbid you end up alone - Printable Version

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- Conri Church - 07-25-2008

With the news that, once again, Conri and Naniko were expecting children, the young Perseus had begun to devote most of his time to preparing for them, especially since Naniko had decided to stay in her four legged form for the duration of the pregnancy. The first thing was making sure that Naniko was comfortable, putting things where she could reach them, and even building a make-shift set of small stairs to make it easier for her to get up on their bed at night. She didn't need those things quite yet, but if all went well Conri imagined that she would need them soon enough.

Next came planning for the safety of his children after they were born, which Conri had spent the majority of the day doing. First it had been small gates, which he fashioned out of thick wooden boards, for them to set up at the top and bottom of the stairs, to keep them from falling. Then he had been going through their own room, making sure that there weren't things about that the pups could get in to or get stuck in. After all of that, the hybrid decided on a rest, settling down into the living room, practically sinking in to the couch to take a breather for a while.


- Lucifer - 07-26-2008

He had been wondering around the lands, in misery. Colibri had just packed up and left one day, not leaving a note or anything. Lucifer hadn't even healed over losing Deuce(even if he did make her leave) He's looks really said every thing, he wore his heart out on his sleeve just like his mother had done. Lucifer remembered very basic of how it was for her when Noah finally left her and didn't give her any re-do. Sorta like how him and Deuce where. The blue eyed male looked like a train wreck, the drinking was something that wasn't taking the buzz off life and he wasn't even going to turn to those. The male stubbed into the living room seeing the red male, with a gulp the male rolled up onto his tip toes trying to slide past the male, ever since the threesome with Naniko and Kansas the black male had been trying to slide past the male with out having to talk to him about that night it was all a mistake, it was all spur of the motion type of thing. There was nothing wrong with that was there?

- Conri Church - 07-27-2008

Were it not for the faint creak of the floor boards beneath Lucifer's weight, Conri may have never known that anyone else at all was there. At the sound, his ears jumped forward, suddenly bringing himself to sit up straight. Jade eyes searched for but a moment before they finally found him, in what looked like an attempt to go unseen. Sneaking by, Conri decided, because he remembered what had happened. Because he knew somewhere inside himself that it was all wrong. The young hybrid had been dealing with it fairly well since the night that he had talked to Naniko but the very moment he set his eyes on Lucifer, the anger and pain came boiling back to the surface.

In an instant he was up, pushing himself away from the couch and practically stomping across the room toward the other male. There was something in his eyes in that moment, something that wasn't quite right, something that wasn't at all Conri. "What's wrong Lucifer?" The question was quiet, spoken through clenched teeth. He continued to near the other male, his arm moving out the closer that he got in an attempt to block Lucifer's way and pin him up against the wall. "You thought you'd fuck her and I wouldn't know?" Conri was lost then. Something else completely had taken him.


- Lucifer - 07-29-2008

The male had thought he was going to be able to get away Scott free, but it was clear with in the seconds passing that he was in deep trouble. There was no getting out of this one, The blue eyes male felt his head hit against the back the wall, it stung but the look of rage, of madness in the rusted colored males jade eyes, the male wanted to move away, take a dip away from him, sliding under the missing arm, but really hiding from him wouldn't fix any thing, they needed to work together, they needed to be strong. The black male didn't say a word as the male went on his rant about the drunken night of orgy, with his mate. What was there to say, I didn't think it matter? What's it to you? The male could think of twenty or more smart ass punk things to say back to the male, but none that he wanted to have some out of his mouth.

The male tried to push him off or at least gain some ground on him. He wasn't sure if the male would be able to gain the upper hand, what would happen if he could. The male wasn't sure how he had found out, the male wanted to make sure that he was the only one that would be brunt do to that nights actions. He had to cover the other being that was there.

- Conri Church - 07-29-2008

At first the point had been to keep Lucifer in one spot just long enough to tell him off. Long enough to get some of the anger out. Now though, now that Lucifer was trying to get away and seemingly trying to avoid the situation, it only made his anger grow. "Was she worth it?" He spat, on the verge of yelling, teeth still clenched and his fist pressed hard up against the wall. "No wonder Deuce had to find someone else.." His voice trailed off a moment, long enough for him to push back from the wall, taking a step of two back and shaking his head. "You can't be trusted and I should have seen it all along."

And he really should have. He and Naniko had seemed fairly close, how could he have been blind towards it all along? "Was she good Lucifer?" He asked then, muscles tight and fist clenched shut at his side.


- Lucifer - 07-29-2008

The black male looked side to side, it was clear that Conri wasn't going to let him get out of his way with out insulting him. It was clear that Conri no longer respected Lucifer, even if he had it coming it hurt him. The black male never took two thoughts of the burnt male being stuck to his father's side. Never once did he say to words to him. Then Conri back away after slewing his insults at him, Lucifer's nose flared. How dare he bring up Deuce, Lucifer had wanted to hate her for raping Jasper, he wanted to see her die, but it wouldn't happen. "Conri....shut your face! You don't know half of it!"" Lucifer screamed at him, though it wasn't like the male was really all that far away from him, what maybe two three feet away?"Me having sex with Naniko was meaningless, she a friend. We where drunk and fucked. Nothing more nothing less." The male reached out for Conri's shoulder. "You leave Deuce and me out of your pissing contest with Naniko and me!"

- Conri Church - 07-29-2008

The words of the darker male hit his ears and Conri's jaw clamped tighter, teeth grinding together so hard that he would have thought that they might break had he not been so angry. It was only when Lucifer reached out to put a hand on his shoulder that Conri really reacted. The balled up fist reared back, tightened, and he sent it flying straight at Lucifer's face. The moment seemed to go in slow motion, the sickening click of jaws filling his ears as his fist hit. His arm straightened to it's full extent and then dropped suddenly, a growl rising in the back of his throat. "You can fucking keep her.."


- Lucifer - 07-29-2008

There is was the hit, the male should have seen it coming. Lucifer drew his hands up to his nose, he shook not sure in anger or pain, either way Lucifer wanted to have a throw down, but he couldn't he couldn't. Naniko loved him and out of repect for her, the male wouldn't hurt him. The male whimpered, as the red male had hit him, and there was no sparing with the power that he threw into the punch. "You fucking bitch!: The black male glared at him, he wouldn't hit him, but oh dear god did he want to. "I'll keep her, and I'll make sure that she never has a need. I'll make sure that she'll never have to run off to do my dirty work." Lucifer fully knew that his statement would honor him another punch in his nose. Though he was hurt and pissed, Lucifer really was a big baby.