'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
snow and forest fir is home - Printable Version

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- Saul Stormbringer - 05-11-2012



10.05.12 . 9.30am . commune of the salmon . optime form

A little bit of an explanation thread, where Saul and Lilin meet Miskunn Stormbringer.

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

Sunlight soaked through the thick glass of the window, fighting through the dust and dirt that clung to the glass like a desperate lover. It was, of course, enough to make the male stir, pale face turning towards his arm (which incidentally rested crooked by his head) to try and find that sweet darkness once more. The trees surrounding the valley of houses did very little to interrupt the beams of sunlight and within a few short moments, the sun shone keenly through the window. Saul shifted, groaning deep in his chest. He instinctively kept quiet, his experiences with Temeraire in the morning were always fraught with tension. Unlike his father, Temeraire was never a morning person and preferred to sleep until at least ten. Saul hoped he would grow out of it, because his own body clock was set to something closer to seven in the morning. Stifling a yawn, he stood and ducked out of the house that he'd claimed last night as temporary shelter for himself and his son. He'd watched as Lilin had disappeared into a different hut, green eyes pining when the door shut. He knew he couldn't say anything though, it wouldn't help either of them.

His nose lead him south towards the shore, an easy gait that he'd perfected a while ago. The salt water wasn't the nice, clean, fresh water of the rivers and lakes he was used to, but it was something to bathe in at least. The freezing water hit him roughly and he grinned, enjoying the feeling of his coat being washed for him. Standing in the ocean, he felt like he was on the edge of the world. Taking a deep breath, he allowed the strong current to push him back towards the shore, jumping out and over the crash to land on the beach. Green eyes were alight with excitement as he shook his coat out, sending a spray of salt water in every direction. He would go exploring- he'd only managed to find a small portion of what this place had to offer. His family knew him well enough by now to understand his routine and he didn't bother to tell them where he was going- he would be back in an hour anyway, and a howl would be loud enough for him to hear if there was an emergency.

The wind whistled through his coat, helping to dry it. He didn't particularly enjoy the feeling of the salt on him, but it would have to stay for now. He'd been running for about fifteen miles he estimated when the flash of brick caught his attention. He slowed, a satisfying pant shaking his body as he came to a walk. Green eyes were fixed on the building, as it appeared to be. Two buildings in fact, in the midst of these trees. They formed an L shape with a large clearing coming from the juncture these buildings created. The large of the two buildings was two stories, ornately decorated, indestructible. The second of the two, facing east, appeared to be a large, low building that could have been a hall. He approached, green eyes taking in the larger of the two buildings. He moved to the front of the building, a large staircase leading up to a columned entrance way. Indented into the stone on the front of the building was a banner, declaring this to the the 'Public Library'. He knew what a library was, and his breathing hitched in his throat. He loved chances to learn new things, and that was what libraries were for.

He moved without thinking, leaping up the steps and moving to the giant wooden door that served as an entrance to the building. He twisted the ring used to open it, hearing a loud creak as the hinges protested. Smiling softly, and oddly apologising to the wood for disturbing it, Saul entered. His nose immediately picked up the delicious scent of old wood, books and glue- a mix he'd smelt in the university in Halifax. A bright happy smile washed over his lips as he moved, allowing his body to choose which way to go. Perhaps he should have been paying attention to where he was going, what he was doing. The crash of a small display cabinet brought him back, the loud bang bringing him from his reverie. He stopped, looking down at the books on the floor and he ducked to the floor, creamy paws scrambling to pick up the cabinet.

"You! Who are you?"

His body froze as the voice washed over him, strangely accented and utterly unfamiliar. It was feminine, but there was a mystery about this voice that held him in a grip. He stood slowly, turning. The female Luperci stood on two legs, dark mahogany fur contrasting with the bright slash of white that seemed to peak around her front, although this was sometimes hard to see through the sheer amount that adorned her body. He couldn't tell what was what, but it appeared to be a mix of clothing and jewellery. Her face was intriguing, a little familiar, although the pale silvery eyes that stared at him were piercing, demanding answers from him. She was a fierce one, that was a certainty. His voice caught in his throat for a moment, green eyes staring into silver, before he took a step forward. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to knock over the books... I was just about to put it back up. I'm Saul Stormbringer. He babbled, the mystery around this woman projecting her into a light of foreign ferocity and he had no idea how to deal with it.

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- Lilin Soulstorm - 05-14-2012


(608) fjslfkjjddddddf jLKJKH H!J !!! ILY <3

Finding sleep had been difficult the night before. She'd eventually drifted off to a dormant state of mind but it had been restless, accompanied by disjointed dreams. It was no surprise that she roused before the sun, already out and about by the crack of dawn. She had considered waiting for Saul to awaken and joining him on his morning run but her beau's routine, as predictable as it might have been back at the camp, certainly could have been affected by their expedition. Lilin had no desire to interfere with his sleep schedule so she'd left early that morning. Her ambling around Amherst had been fruitless, uneventful. Perhaps her trip would've been more enjoyable had her mind not been elsewhere; dwelling over what Saul had said about the circumstances surrounding his son's conception. Such a tiny comment had triggered feelings she couldn't quite understand: insecurity intermingled with something else she couldn't quite pinpoint yet.

Approximately three hours had passed since she'd left her group behind. Although most people did expect Saul to wander off in the morning, she didn't know how they would react if she went missing this early on - especially considering the fact that they were far away from ''home''. Truthfully, she hadn't put much thought into it until Saul's distinct scent ensnared her olfactory senses on her way back. There was something different about it; a pungent saltiness that made the tip of her nose twitch impulsively. His tracks were fresh enough; she could practically smell the ocean moisture clinging to his pelt. It took some effort for the Soulstorm heir to realign herself in the right direction but her perseverance eventually led her to two forlorn buildings when she emerged from a clearing in the woods; the biggest one pulsating with his familiar, oh-so comforting aroma.

Mediterranean irises noted the open door with anticipation, a feeling that rapidly morphed into concern and bewilderment as the crashing sound of something falling assaulted her receivers unexpectedly. Involuntarily, she froze in the doorway. While the better alternative would have been to simply enter the library to make sure no danger had befallen Saul, the unknown fragrance of another wolf was enough to make her hesitate. Dichotomous ears stood upright then, just in time to seize a demand that further fueled her confusion. Lilin’s silhouette emerged from the main entrance just as a blurted apology tumbled out of her cousin’s maw.

“Saul?” The entirety of her unspoken worries transpired through his name. There was nothing else she could do to physically announce her presence; she was in no position to interfere with the conversation already underway. Shadows and dust particles were prominent in the library, and Lilin found herself squinting to focus on the stranger standing before them.

’’So you’re one of Drey’s boys, are you now? And who’s this?’’ the woman asked, genuine intrigue woven in her tone of voice. Her blatant disregard for the books and the cabinet was evident; her attention was elsewhere, intensely fixated on the two young wolves before her.

Lilin’s interest was piqued from the start. Something in the newcomer’s sterling gaze made her want to cooperate and play along, if only for a little while. “Lilin Soulstorm.” She had not expected much of a reaction at this point. Her dam had been one of Crow’s first illegitimate children- Lillith Stormbringer couldn’t recall her father’s face and he couldn’t recall hers. There was no way his granddaughter’s existence was worthy of knowledge. It all seemed like a perfectly logical explanation until the chestnut-hued woman shattered Lilin’s misconception with intimidating ease.

“With a name like that, you must be Lillith’s child.”

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- Saul Stormbringer - 05-14-2012



-chews- worst post in the world

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

His stammering was an unusual response for the male- while in his youth he had been nervous, he'd certainly grown into someone who was self assured and confident. He had no reason to fear those around him and he naturally took up the position of leadership with easy grace. But there was something so strange, foreign, about the female in front of him that a nervous stutter was the best he could manage. He could only assume that her demand had been in response to his crashing into the display case, which still lay across the ground. Ears flickered back against his head, the look of guilt on his face comical. Another voice shattered the silence for the moment, his name saturated with worry and concern. He straightened then, his posture assuming a slightly more dominant set and his hand reaching out subconsciously towards Lilin, an unspoken offer and plea. He had no idea who this female was nor what she was capable of. Her next words however shocked him and he looked back up, mouth parted slightly.

I- Uh- I, Yeah, how do you know my father? He asked, the mystery surrounding the female deepening. Of course, her attention on Lilin caused him to bristle softly as the dark female asked who Lilin was. Lilin, for her part, look far more curious and less wary than she should and inwardly, Saul snorted at her nature. He should have known that she would be far more interested in discovering everything she could about the female, than how dangerous she was. She answered immediately, her tone sure and easy. Saul's brow furrowed in confusion. He knew logically that his father lived in the Solbjorg and therefore knew many people. But he was sure his father was ashamed of his offspring and rarely mentioned them. It was a shock to find out that someone knew who he was.

He supposed Lilin was in for a bigger shock however, as disconcerting silver eyes turned to her, a quick comment that was so accurate it was spooky. Green eyes flickered to Lilin, hoping she wouldn't become upset by the mention of her mother. Knowing that it wasn't going to get him anywhere standing and gaping, he tried to accept that this female knew who they were. May I ask who you are? He inquired, tone set firmly to diplomatic and neutral. The female might know who they were, but that wasn't to say she knew much more than that. Green eyes fixed to silver, questioning, trying to figure out everything he could about the female who knew things she perhaps shouldnt.

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- Lilin Soulstorm - 05-15-2012


(364) no mine is ;;

Even in the midst of sheer amazement, Lilin did not miss the subtle shift of her companion's posture. In the blink of an eye, he'd become authoritative and confident- offering his hand like a true man of honor. Lilin could only comply, allowing her fingers to lightly brush the palm of his hand. It was her way of acknowledging his caution, even if she didn't consider this stranger to be much of a danger. She too, had noticed the suppressed ferocity in the woman's sterling gaze; it was akin to her mother's in intensity and perhaps, one of the main reasons Lilin remained poised so easily. She couldn't help but wonder how her beau would react upon meeting her matriarch; chaos that would likely never happen, thankfully.

''You may not know me but I know everything about you.'' the older female admitted nonchalantly, scrutinizing the unconventional manner with which her younger relatives behaved. Whatever they had going on, it went above and beyond normality. Her silvery gaze narrowed to slits beneath lowering brows as her sibling's child bristled before her. ''Dreyrugr is my brother. My name's Miskunn.'' Her introduction had been brief; there would be no recognition from either of them. ''Your litter mates are well, Saul.'' she continued then, hoping to soothe the young male's nerves with news of his immediate family.

Lilin did her best to assess the information provided to them. Her head was still reeling from the femme's unexpected knowledge. None of it made sense to her; Lillith had been an outcast in the Stormbringer dynasty. How this distant relative of hers could have known anything Crow's illegitimate child was puzzling in itself. She didn't know where to begin nor what to say; it was her turn to stare, unable to formulate anything coherent at that point in time. She'd understood the fact that in reality, this woman was Saul's aunt but that's as far as her comprehension went. As if on cue, Miskunn reached out with an explanation. ''As for you, we share the same grandfather. Not many have knowledge of your mother's existence back in Solbjorg but Crow wishes to meet her one day.''

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- Saul Stormbringer - 05-16-2012




Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

It was strange, the utter relaxation he felt when Lilin's fingers ghosted over his palm, a teasing motion at first before he grasped her hand more tightly and subtly pulled her closer. It wasn't a conscious decision, the need to have her near. Part of it was certainly to do with the wild female in front of them, a need to protect his belle on a primal level. The other part was a familiar feeling to him, the need to touch even just a small part of her, to feel connected to something bigger than himself. And he certainly counted her and whatever it was between them as something bigger than himself, something altogether foreign to him at the moment. She complied although her body remained relaxed and unafraid. It perhaps gave Saul the direction he needed- she was not afraid and he told himself that he had nothing to protect her from. Resolution washed over him and he straightened to a more confident, comfortable pose. He had nothing to fear.

Her words remained a little disconcerting though and he tried to force himself to accept what she was saying. He found it very difficult to believe that she knew 'everything about him'- he'd been off the radar for a good few months now and he'd never met the female who now stood in front of them. For arguments sake though, he inclined his head, an unspoken agreement with what she was saying. Of course, the zing of shock ran through him when she revealed that his father was her brother- another Aunt that he'd had no knowledge of. And she revealed her name, Miskunn. He assumed she took the Stormbringer family name, although he couldn't be too sure. Well, this is a surprise. Family members seem to be popping up from all places... A pleasure to meet you, Miskunn. He offered, his tone a little dry but a fair amount of amusement in his eyes. Her next words caused a large grin to wash over his lips- he always harbored the worry for his siblings. Thank you. He stated simply, the words a balm to his forever-fretting soul.

Lilin was quiet, but Miskunn hadn't forgotten her, words coming forward that addressed his belle directly. It once against sparked the intrigue about what he fit on their family tree, how everyone else fit as well. He was surprised to hear that Crow was still alive, although he knew that he might not ever meet him. Do you know where my siblings and I fit on this family tree? What relation are we to Crow? He asked, green eyes curious. This meeting was strange, unexpected but certainly enlighting.

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- Lilin Soulstorm - 05-19-2012


(343) I faaaaaail.

Lilin’s eyes darkened with astonishment, and her features grew more expressive as her newfound cousin provided the duo with proof to solidify her statements. It was hard to believe her grandfather would want anything to do with his bastard child but Miskunn had not given them a reason to doubt the veracity of her allegations thus far. And truthfully, her grandfather’s wishes pertaining to her estranged matriarch mattered very little to her now; her scuffle with Lillith Stormbringer was still an open wound, one she refused to nurture for the time being. “I don’t think the feeling’s mutual,” she revealed then, unsure of how to respond to the news. Lilin didn’t particularly have a penchant for assumptions but in this case, there was no mistaking what her mother’s feelings were on the subject.

Silence had barely settled when Saul piped up with an inquiry that would no doubt determine how closely related they were. Mediterranean blue pools left their silver-eyed relative for a moment, only to examine her beau’s face for any underlying meaning to his question. Her heart skipped a beat, and her free hand anxiously squeezed the edge of her makeshift dress as she too, awaited the answer that could certainly change everything.

The eldest Stormbringer seemed to pick up on the rising tension between the youngsters, as they weren’t necessarily experts at concealing their affection for one another. Their relationship mattered little to her; they had more important things to discuss. If providing them with lineage specifics would in turn give them peace of mind and help them focus, Miskunn would gladly divulge the information requested. ”You are Crow’s great grandson, Saul. That makes you a fourth generation Stormbringer. You and Lilin are very distant cousins.” Scarcely a moment was allotted to their comprehension before moving on to more pressing matters. “Our family back in Solbjorg is strong and united. The Dawnrunners have spread out to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in hopes of picking off other relatives. I will stay by your side until I know you are safe.”

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- Saul Stormbringer - 05-20-2012



<333 -victory dance- 700 POSTS!

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

He thought perhaps he could feel Lilin tense in his palm as Miskunn's words reached her. He wasn't fully aware of Lilin's feelings regarding her mother though he understood that they'd fought when they'd been back in Hilsburn. He knew better than to pry and if Lilin wanted to talk to him about her feelings towards her mother and her apparent disinheritance, he would always be there to listen. She clearly understood her mother though and replied with tension to Miskunn's words. Saul remained silent for the moment, processing his belle's words. They both had questions for this apparent omniscient guru of all that was Stormbringer and Saul wouldn't interrupt whatever conversation the two might have from these comments.

Her next words were instead directed to him in answer to his previous question. It came as a shock that the information was provided, the relationship to one another revealed in an almost casual way. He still felt a zing of electricity racing up his body and he suddenly felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He still understood that these feelings he had for her were morally wrong, but there was something in the fact that they were only slightly related. They had no time to digest this information however as Miskunn delivered her warning. Saul hadn't grown up in the middle of this conflict and in fact, he hadn't been aware of this conflict until Niernan and Bran had showed up. His cousin had revealed his 'muddied' heritage along with the conflict that had been raging for years now.

They're here to kill us? He asked, hoping to clarify what she'd said. A younger, perhaps more childish part of him wanted to ask her why. They hadn't done anything to the Stormbringers- neither he or Lilin had ever been to Solbjorg. Of course, these questions would paint him as the picture of petulance so he kept his mouth shut. Do you know who they are? I mean, will you know that they are Dawnrunners when they turn up? He asked, green eyes connecting with sterling while his arm ached to pull Lilin closer and into something more protective. Logically there was no danger yet, but he was perhaps a little irrational when it came to her.

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- Lilin Soulstorm - 05-23-2012


(364) one more reply from youuu?

Half a breath had been sucked in, not even fully exhaled when their short-lived relief collapsed with Miskunn's admonition. Momentarily, her mind went back to the festival where she'd met Saul for the first time. A few days following their initial meeting, she'd taken part in a fortune-telling seance with a coyote. Several scenarios had been thrown about, one pertaining to death specifically. She remembered bits and pieces, though her memory itself was clouded with time's grasp. Had the soothsayer foreseen any of this? The Dawnrunners. She knew next to nothing about the group, save for a few stories told by her cousins - Lilin knew as much as Saul did, if not less. He did spend more time with them than she did; it wouldn't have surprised her to find out that her beau was more informed than she was.

His noticeable consternation was enough to confirm that he didn't detain any in depth information though. ''Yes,'' was all the eldest Stormbringer offered as an immediate response; there was no two ways about it. Lilin stood placidly, absorbing the information but not reacting to it as effectively as her companion was. They could only be thankful for what they had; with Miskunn's knowledge and guardianship, there was a sizeable chance they could prepare for whatever thorny situation would come their way. ''Thank you,'' she replied meekly, assuming it took an admirable amount of courage to put one's self in danger for relatives she'd never met. A nod was provided in reply before Saul's inquiry administered an attempt at finding a resolution. ''I would recognize members of their inner circle, but they are likely to use peons for this; new recruits or wolves we've never seen before.'' she admitted helplessly, noticeably despising the fact that for once; her knowledge would not prove to be part of the solution.

This realization put a damper on their conversation, an uncomfortable silence that washed over the trio like a cold tide. ''We'll have plenty of time to devise a plan in the coming days. Come Miskunn, let's get you food and a place to rest.'' she declared, motioning towards the camp's general direction.

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- Saul Stormbringer - 05-24-2012




Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

His question was met by a simple and easy to understand 'yes'. Despite the simplicity of the answer, Saul felt the tension in his body double. He knew almost nothing about the Dawnrunners themselves and had only been informed rather briefly of their existence by his dark furred cousin. It had seemed strange to him, that his own bloodline was 'tainted'. He'd grown up so far away from all of the conflicts and his mother had died just a few short weeks after the litter had been born. He'd been clueless for his whole life until a few months ago, when he'd been enlightened and in all honesty, it hadn't changed him much. He wasn't any different, knowing he had undesirable blood and the conflict was so far away that it did not concern him. Well, it certainly did now.

He glanced down once as Lilin thanked their new found relative and he nodded softly, his thoughts distracting him greatly. He was going to need to speak with Niernan and Bran and Ezra about this situation that they might soon find themselves in. His next question was met with a frustrated scowl from the dark Stormbringer and this wasn't particularly encouraging. She spoke and Saul considered her words- they would have very little warning as to whom not to trust. He felt like sighing softly, but Lilin had taken control and he paid attention as Lilin made a diplomatic closing statement before inviting their cousin back to the camp.

We'd love to have your help and guidance. He murmured softly before the three of them moved out and away from the large building in which they had found one another. Their trip back to camp was quiet, each thinking about the news given and what it would mean. Saul could feel the tense bubble of nerves in his stomach and he didn't particularly enjoy that feeling.

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