'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Trouble in Paradise - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- Hadley - 05-31-2012



Out of character text here.

Hadley shrugged at her question. It hadn't bothered him too much. I've had worse. Times when he'd been unable to walk at all after displeasing Amy. A small shudder ran through his body at the memory, feet torn open with infinitesimal shards of metal placed, told to walk behind the wagon, hit each time he caused her to slow down. They had been removed, but a piece had been missed originally. The fear of waiting to discover if she would cut off his foot while infection burned inside had been a nightmare.

The glass was pulled out, relieving the sharp pain. Sighing he looked around the room for something that could be used to wrap it, not wanting to get it infected from walking through the dirt. Infection was something that scared him more than the injuries themselves, the cost of being rendered useless still in his mind. Limping behind Sidra he nodded, taking care to not do anything that could dirty the paw. Pausing he tore off part of the curtain. With his foot bound he resumed his normal walking pace, no sign that he was injured in his body.

He stepped ahead of her, moving out of the house. The city wasn't too well known to him, just the parts that he should avoid. While those were rich in supplies, they also had marks from Amy, telling him she came there. He walked until he reached a fairly large building, almost shaky in appearance. Lots of fabrics in here...can get wood and metal too. He didn't know it was an old hospital, the old stretchers taken apart for the metal bars they bore.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-02-2012

Sidra should know what he was talking about. A piece of glass in your foot was nothing compared to the pain she's felt. She simply nodded. Though, she was still very curious about him. There was something he was hiding and she would get to the bottom of it. Before they left Hadley fashioned a bandage from the curtains in the house. Very smart. Better than walking around and risking infection. "Or...you could do that." She chortled lightly before following Hadley outside. He led the way to where the supplies were, Sidra following close behind. Her eyes wandered over the old city. There were several buildings they passed along the way that she would have looked in, but Hadley ignored them and kept walking. She almost spoke up wanting to take the lead, but let the Goliath show her where to go. Soon, they stopped at a large building that didn't look safe to enter at all. She eyed it wearily, listening to her guide speak. "Hmm...I'm looking for more than that. Anything that might be out of the ordinary. Can't really do much with wood and metal when you're traveling."

Sidra entered first. If there was something in here, she would find it. The building was strange. The walls and floors inside were a pale white. What a boring building. She waited on the inside for Hadley to come in. "Do you think there's anything of value in here? Maybe there's some booze, or food, medical supplies, knives. Something useful." She started to walk further into the building. There were dozens of rooms lining the empty hallway. One of them must contain something interesting. Reaching the first room, she entered not even sure if there was something in here. It was dark room, the curtains were closed leaving no light. Furrowing her brow, she walked over to them and slide them open letting the light in. There was absolutely nothing in here. A bed, some machinery, a cupboard, and a dresser which she opened to find nothing but hangers. "Oh c'mon. There's got to be something in here. I always find interesting stuff in towns like this." She left the room and stared at Hadley waiting for him to mention something interesting.

- Hadley - 06-02-2012



Out of character text here.

He glanced over at Sidra, wondering what she could possibly want. Fabrics were always useful, and wood and metal was what he came in for. His ears flattened down at her words. The scarred male knew exactly where to find what she was looking for. Those areas were dangerous though. He'd rather keep to areas that held more common items, ones that didn't have that high value. There was a lower chance of meeting her there.

Hadley followed her inside, letting the more bold canine take the lead. It was better this way. He was used to following. Shrugging Hadley studied the area. He didn't think anyone would keep alcohol here, it was too bright to trail through. He hadn't come across many canine scents in here either, so any food had probably gone bad. The whole reason why he came here was because it provided what he needed without the fear of being caught by others.

Sidra's expectant stare startled Hadley. Shifting from foot to foot he glanced around. Sighing he lead her to a place full of stuff. Maybe not what she was looking for, but stuff. It had lots of odd pieces in it, machinery, and funny liquids, and glass, and fancy chairs. There were some coats lying around as well, though most were too small for him. He glanced at Sidra, wondering if she would find what she wanted here.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-04-2012

Sidra followed Hadley as he led her through the building. Her eyes wandered everywhere hoping she might spot something interesting along the way. She had gathered a collection of useful items from doing just this but this place wasn't promising at all. Eventually, they came to a room that looked promising. There were a variety of items inside waiting for her to explore. But, nothing caught her eye right away. Nothing that she was looking for specifically. Maybe she was just gonna have to let Hadley go without making use of him, even with the trouble they'd caused each other. The calico female entered the room and started to rustle through the items. She walked around and eyed everything looking in every drawer or cupboard. What was she going to do with any of the machinery? Most of it was too heavy to carry and the rest she was clueless as to what it did. She searched through the jackets. She was fond of jackets, her fur being incredibly thin and long from her borzoi blood.

She came across one that caught her eye. It was a longer black leather coat that had buttons with some delicate and beautiful detail. Anything that someone put this much effort into making had to be worth something. She picked it up and tried it on looking in a mirror that hung on the wall. Smiling at herself she modeled, spinning around and eyeing herself in the mirror. Eventually she came to the conclusion that she looked awesome in this jacket. She glanced over at Hadley and smiled. "This is nice. Not really what I was looking for but it's something." She walked over to him and eyed the bags he had brought with him. "Isn't there some things you need? You should get them. Then maybe you can take me to where the good stuff is. I have a feeling you know the place." She gave him a cocky grin and exited the room waiting for a response.

- Hadley - 06-05-2012



Out of character text here.

The large male watched her move through, eyes tracking every movement. At least this seemed to satisfy her to some small degree. Hadley didn't know what to do with anything that was there, the jackets holding no interest for him, despite the fascination it held for Sidra. A jacket was selected, Hadley sighing with relief at the smile on her face. Now he could go back to doing what he wanted to do in the first place, getting pack supplies.

He stiffened at her words, hackles partly raised. How did she know? There was no way that she could have found out how well he knew the city. How he knew where to avoid. How he knew where to get what he needed. Swallowing he stepped across to a room. Grabbing several wooden boards, and filling one bag with metal bars he finished up. He left the building rapidly, ears constantly twitching. His steps slowed as he neared the store section of the city, completely stopping before stepping onto the street. Up ahead.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-05-2012

A brow was raised at Hadley when he reacted to her words. She shrugged it off. He probably just didn't want to deal with her anymore. She was being very picky and had scared the daylights out of him earlier, his distaste for her was evident. He barely spoke a word to her or looked at her. Sidra sighed waiting for him to get the things he needed. A few simple materials, some wood and metal. Boring supplies which she had no need for. Without a word and without looking at her, he turned and left. She stood there for a moment bewildered at him, why was he acting this way? She wasn't that bad...was she? She took a breath and followed him out. He rushed through the city with a look of panic on him, like he was waiting for something to happen. Sidra kept her distance from him simply watching his demeanor, how strange. Soon, they stopped at a street lined with buildings. She could read the signs fairly well and would be able to find what she needed here. This was it.

Sidra walked forward expecting Hadley to follow her but he stayed put, frozen in place. She cocked her head at him wondering what was up. "Oh c'mon Hadley. I'm not that horrible, am I? Don't want to hang out with my anymore huh?" Turning, she looked down the street reading the signs to the best of her ability. One of them read 'Tavern'. That's where she would find her booze. There were also several other stores she saw that might hold something useful in them. But, why didn't Hadley want to go in there? She turned back at him and eyed him curiously. "What's up with this street? Why won't you go any further?" A hand rested on her hip as she waited for him to answer.

- Hadley - 06-06-2012



i seriously need to give him a backbone

Sidra passed by her as Hadley remained standing still, hoping that she would leave him alone and just take what she wanted. He wanted to go home. Hadley never felt comfortable in the city, and this was just making it worse, standing on the edge of a place that held far too many items that could be traded for high worth. Others would be out there, searching through the piles, hungry for those they could use.

Silently the hybrid watched her move around, pacing in. It was nothing against her, as uneasy as she made him feel. He just didn't want anything to do with the place. It has too much... The smell of other canines passing through were on the streets. If he looked more closely he might even pick up Amy's, something he most definitely didn't want to do. Nope, he'd play the chicken and remain right where he was.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-07-2012

She continued to stare at Hadley with a brow raised and tail twitching impatiently. The town wasn't so scary was it? She took in a couple whiffs of the surrounding air. It had many different scents lingering, but none stood out. They were all probably just canines passing by taking the things they need the way she and Hadley were doing, what was he so scared of? She inhaled deeply and then exhaled. He was such a wimp. She almost wanted to go over there and punch him just to see if he could take it, but refrained from doing so. She'd already caused enough trauma to him for today. Finally he spoke. His words didn't make any sense. Sidra was eyeing him like he was a complete weirdo, and he was. She strode over to him and looked him in the eye having to lean her head back because of their height difference. "It has too much..." She motioned her hand to him beckoning him to finish the sentence.

"Has to much what Hadley!? You know what it does have? It has a variety of items that would be lovely to obtain, right now. If you come with me you can take some back to Casa. They might appreciate it. There's a bar right there, and a weapons shop further down the street I can see the sign." A claws finger rose to point out the buildings. She still didn't understand what he was so afraid of and was curious to know. The more time she spent with him the more she wanted to know about Hadley. "What's so wrong? Nothing is going to hurt you. You've got me with you!" She puffed up her chest like she was a valuable person to have with you. She thought she was. She could fight and defend herself from nearly anyone. Hadley shouldn't be scared of a few empty buildings.

- Hadley - 06-07-2012



hilarious XD

Her gaze had the male fidgeting, ears occasionally lifting from their flattened place against his skull. He hadn't done anything bad. True, he didn't feel comfortable entering where she wanted him to go, but that didn't mean he'd done anything wrong. He'd shown her what she'd asked for, now he should go. He was still standing there though, letting her gaze pierce through him, face burning, drained of color. His head jerked up as she met his gaze, the infuriation showing. What was he supposed to say to explain?

He glanced over at the shops, desperately trying to get rid of the lump in his throat that had rapidly formed. His voice finally managed to squeak out, answering her questions. Many shops. Many canines. The perfect place for Her to come to collect things. She might be here. He looked to her dubiously at her words of protection. Not against her. She has this darkness. You don't. She lacked it somehow.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-08-2012


Was there something wrong with Hadley? Curious eyes looked him over as his body twitched and ears flatted. Really? What was so wrong about this town that he couldn't enter enter any of these buildings if not for a few short seconds. Sidra slouched giving a sigh as she watched the wolf. He looked like he had just seen a ghost but the only one here was her. She wasn't scary...not once you got to know her. At least she didn't think she was. She could be if she wanted to, but that phase had passed for Hadley and now she was just being herself. He was submissive enough that she didn't have to prove anything to him anymore. Dark chocolate eyes gazed passed her at the shops she'd pointed out. It really wouldn't take that long and if anyone messed with her, they wouldn't want to anymore once they saw what she was capable of. Finally, Hadley answered in the smallest most pathetic voice she'd heard from him yet causing her to smile at him a laugh threatening to escape. But, she held it in politely.

Ears perked when he began to speak and she continued to cast her curious amethyst gaze on the large male. Her? Sidra gave a cocky chuckle. Whoever this her was they wouldn't stand a chance against her. In her mind, nobody has been through the things she has. She could take this her down easily. But the mention of this her sparked even more questions within the jaguar spotted wolf. "Hadley. You're scared of one woman? Pfsh." She chuckled again. He was seriously scared of one lone female. "Who is this her and why are you so scared of her anyways? What did she do to you? She can't be that bad that you don't think I would be able to handle her. Sidra tilted her head a cocky grin splayed across her jaws. Maybe she could figure out why he was so frightened now. Or maybe he would simply avoid the question all together. It didn't matter, she was going in and was gonna come out with what she wanted.

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- Hadley - 06-08-2012



Out of character text here.

Did she just laugh? Hadley's eyes widened, looking over to Sidra. The hybrid had no idea what she was doing. She clearly had no idea what kind of things Amy was capable of. It had taken months for Hadley to gain the courage to interact with even his pack mates normally after being in her hands for a short time. Granted, he'd never been a tough guy, but at least he'd been capable of holding his own ground. Now, the thought of going somewhere she might turn up left him frozen, unable to proceed.

He shook his head. You can't handle her. She's... How did he describe Amy? Hopelessly he glanced down, eyes resting on the deep scars on his body. That was right. He didn't need to tell her. A hand placed over the scarred part of his arm from when Amy had decided to skin him alive. She did this... The hybrid continued over to touch the three giant slices across his body, the one in the center even more horrific from Amy plunging her hand inside him. And this... He pointed to his legs, scarred and battered, even a couple burn marks there. And this.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-12-2012


OOC shtuff here.

Sidra was starting to get a hint that this her was more than just a woman. She'd obviously done something to Hadley to make him the way he was. The sight of her had caused him to run down the street trying to escape a seemingly harmless wolf, if not for her insecurities around men. Hadley stared back at her, wide eyed like she'd just done something absurd. He then shook his head and explained some more telling her she couldn't handle the woman. "Pfsh!" She cocked bak her head and gave wide grin. Her pride wouldn't let her admit defeat to someone she'd never even met before, that was crazy. Sidra leaned in listening up for his explanation of the mysterious woman. The man's eyes wandered over his own body, Sidra's eyes followed his hand gestures over all the scars. That woman did all of that? Sidra looked over her own body at all of her scars, constant reminders which she desperately wanted to hide. The one scar on his chest was simply horrid. Whatever had caused that must have been life threatening, it was huge.

Sidra really didn't know how to respond after that. She knew what it was like to be beaten and tattered ruthlessly by another. There was a subtle sympathy in her eyes as they looked at each scar he pointed out. Her hands came up to cross over her chest feeling insecure about her own marks. Hadley was obviously getting worked up over this, and she wasn't helping by denying that the woman was as bad as he said. "Okay, okay." Her ears flicked back, body slightly hunched over wishing she had her cloak. She could only imagine how he'd come to obtain those scars and to think they had all come from one woman. Sidra wasn't laughing anymore. She turned to look to the city rethinking her plan to go in. She wanted to know what the woman had done to Hadley to obtain those scars, curiosity building in her eyes. She turned back to him, the grin wiped away completely from her face. His explanation had reminded her what she'd been through, if any of those men were in this city she definitely wouldn't want to go in. "Hadley, who is this woman to you?"

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- Hadley - 06-12-2012



Out of character text here.

Sidra's hands rose up, crossing over the own scars on her body. Scars that Hadley had seen as something earned in battle from her tough demeanor, now realizing it might have been earned the same way his own had been. He looked like he should be a capable warrior, but he was as tough as pudding. His tension eased as she finally agreed with his words, taking Amy seriously. This wasn't someone to fool around with.

Asked who Amy was to him Hadley paused. He hadn't really thought about that. She was lots of things, really. To list how he viewed her almost seemed as if he wouldn't be taking her seriously. He had to try though. To keep Sidra from doing anything fool hardy. A nightmare, a demon, a monster. A bloody angel. Death. Darkness. Pain. No escape. The words spilled out, one after another, not able to stop.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-17-2012


OOC shtuff here.

Oh those men. They could be anywhere, following her, hunting her. To them, Sidra was their property and for her to have gotten away was a huge loss for them. But, after they'd taken the life of the one person keeping her sane, she had no reason to listen to them any longer. Her life was the least important thing to her when she belonged to them. Now that she was free, she valued this life she had and remembering that they could be somewhere here, or around here made her hackles raise. Sidra pulled her arms tighter to herself, head sinking low and hears pulling back slightly. She turned her back to the city not wanting to think of those malicious canine's any longer. Lilac swirled eyes planted on Hadley, she was now finding some comfort in him being here with her. He'd opened her eyes to the dangers she'd chose to forget about until now. Now, there was this woman who was said to be a horrible person most likely lurking in this town.

Hadley was quiet for a moment, contemplation present on his manly features. A few moments later a string of words exited his mouth, all of them were unpleasant. The way he described her she was the devil, the very reason people are scared. The essence of fear. His words caused her hackles to raise as she turned to glance at the city becoming increasingly fearful of what lay ahead. Though, she was still tempted to ignore the fear and venture forwards to claim her prize. She shook her head and turned back to him, words still spilling from his mouth. She rushed forward to place a finger over his mouth to hush him. "Shhhh, shhh. I understand now. I know the meaning of all those descriptions and I won't put you into a dangerous situation." Although, she was also speaking of herself in a way, now much more hesitant to walk down this road. She was still curious. Now after hearing all those descriptions, she wanted to know more about this woman. She felt she and Hadley had something in common. "Let's go. I'll come back another time. Let's get out of this city. With that, she turned and passed Hadley going back to where she'd entered the city from, anxiety building.

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- Hadley - 06-18-2012



clearly i hype up my own characters too much XD

He watched with surprise as Sidra shrunk into herself, looking as vulnerable and fearful as he felt. She'd been so confidant, sure that she could take on whatever was out there. With both of them like this, Hadley was pretty sure they were in the last possible place either of them would do well in. They had to leave there, or end up as entertainment for whoever passed them by. Hadley stopped speaking as her finger was placed across his lips, automatically falling silent. Most of his training was gone now, but sometimes it still reared it's head.

Relief covered him as she said she understood, that they could go. Eagerly Hadley turned away, walking swiftly back towards Casa. Occasionally a slight limp showed in his movement, but mainly he moved along, perfectly content with the distance increasing between them. With the draw for Amy placed behind them his tail swayed, ears alert as he moved through. He wasn't intimate with the city, just enough to avoid danger and get what he wanted. The path was slightly confused as they wandered, not entirely on track for where they were headed.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-18-2012


OOC I do the same thing sometimes. X3

Sidra couldn't help but feel a bit irritated. Nobody, and she meant nobody, ever saw her like this, unless they were Kativa, or Xander who had to deal with this constant behavior after they made their escape. As she walked, her lip curled back in an annoyed snarl. Her pace quickened not wanting Hadley to see her irritation, even if it was his fault. She didn't even know where she was headed, she just wanted to get away from this place. If Hadley was afraid of it, she should be as well. After seeing his array of scars that mimicked her own she felt a bit uneasy about this place. A slender neck turned to look behind her every now and then to gauge the distance between them and the city. When she felt the distance was appropriate she sat herself down under a tree and let her head fall against it and closed her eyes, a solemn sigh coming from her lips. One eye cracked open to see Hadley and she propped herself up remembering she wasn't alone. Her eyes wandered over his scars again, her eyes full of sympathy for him. Again, her arms tightened over her chest as her gaze directed elsewhere.

"Hadley, I can't help but be curious about those scars. Who was she to you? Don't start sputtering a bunch of descriptions. Who was she to you? Just stay calm and tell me, I promise I will keep it to myself." By that, she meant to ask if she was also a slave driver. The word was much to distasteful to say out loud but she had to know. She knew what it was like to have no control over your own actions. To be forced to do things you would regret the rest of your life. To live every day afraid of if you'll see the light of the next day. When the traffickers owned her, she spend most of her day held up in a cell with dozens of other women. They rarely got a fresh air, their reward being the time they spend with their customers. Sidra's hackles raised at the thought, she was overwhelmingly happy to be her own woman now, even if they had left permanent marks on her body and in her head. She glanced up at Hadley again, all the confidence from before was drained out of her. The thought that those men are still looking for her, just waiting to drag her back into the business was bone chilling.

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- Hadley - 06-20-2012



Out of character text here.

They exited the city. For a moment Hadley thought Sidra was going to go with him right into Casa, but she finally stopped, sinking down to the ground. Hadley stilled, the tension in his form gone. He didn't relax as Sidra did, but he never really felt safe outside of the pack lands, and even then often ended up jumping at the approach of someone. Sidra straightened up again, Hadley moving the bag he carried so that it rested more comfortably against his back.

His ears flattened down at the question. Explaining who Amy was was difficult, someone who had achieved the status of a goddess in his mind, all knowing and immortal. He couldn't say that out loud though. He couldn't even say her name. Breathing in Hadley did his best to explain. She...was my mistress. Until Sebastian saved me. Until Casa protected me, and drove her away. Amy had called for him, but his pack had rallied and kept him from returning to her, making sure she'd never come again.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-22-2012


OOC here!

If she was right, she wouldn't like the answer. She would also be extremely sorry for the way she treated him. But, in her eyes that's the way she had to deal with everyone for it was the only way to protect herself. Sidra took a deep breath and stared up at him, her ears were pushed back in a surprisingly docile manner as she waited for his answer. His own ears mimicked hers at the question. She was prying, but she couldn't help but be curious. When they had control of her, her only comfort were the others that were in the same predicament. Hadley took a breath and finally answered. She was right. He'd been through the exact same thing she had, but in a reversed situation. Her hate for this mystery woman intensified ten fold the moment she knew what kind of person she was. A snarl formed on her lips. It just ate her up knowing that there were people capable of causing harm to others without a thought. They ruined so many people's lives and she wished she could make ever single one of them regret it.

Sidra stood, quiet. She didn't know if she should tell him about her own past. She took a breath and wiped away the snarl trying not to get so worked up. It was hard though. After standing there for a few silent moments with sympathetic eyes she turned and picked up her bag looking at Hadley from over her shoulder. "I'm sorry to have pried and I'm sorry you went through that. It's a miracle that you escaped such a dangerous situation." It wasn't right that she didn't compensate by telling him her own story, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. The words were stuck in her throat just waiting for the right time to come out and release her from their burden. In a second, her demeanor changed back to the way it had when they first met. Her shoulders rolled back and she stood tall, ears coming forward to reclaim their high position on her head, and tail picking up high. She brought a hand up to put a hand in the pocket of her newly acquired jacket and she smiled a confident and bright smile, the smile of someone who practiced such a thing. "Thanks for showing me around the city. I'll know where to find things now. I hope you got all you needed."

Sidra Pheonix
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- Hadley - 06-23-2012



Out of character text here.

Silence hung between the pair for some time. Hadley didn't know what Sidra would think of what he revealed. That he'd let himself be taken and used in such a way. That he was a coward, and weak. That he didn't have any worth outside of being a slave. He was building his value to Casa, but the thoughts of worthlessness still came sometimes. He worried so much about pleasing the members, about taking care of Isa. It took time for him to heal.

Sidra turned away, gathering her bag. He nodded at the words, accepting the silent apology. His foot didn't ache as much anymore, the bleeding halted. It just needed time now. Just like the scars in his mind. The change in stance was met with his ears lowering submissively. Nodding he turned and began the walk back to Casa, supplies in hand. What an odd girl. Scary and gentle. He wouldn't be talking to anyone about this.

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