'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Peer Pressure - Printable Version

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- Adelle Vilhelmsen - 06-06-2012


OOC here!

It was so easy! The drink must have amplified her powers! Adelle strutted around, tail wagging. That was right. She was the best. Sidra had even tried to block her, knocked over with no more effort than flicking someone's ear. She watched the hybrid scramble wildly to keep her balance, a fist swung towards her. Stepping back Adelle almost tripped, producing giggles from her. A deep growl erupted in response to the soft cry, ready to take her on, eyes gleaming with eagerness.

She laughed at the slurred words, thinking Sidra was stupid, unaware she looked the same, two drunken females duking it out. Zeni devirrrreceğim! Her words slurred as she spoke, completely unintelligible for those listening. She bounced right along, tripping forwards as the fist came up. She missed, arms swinging wildly as she fell down, arms grasping for Sidra to get her balance back.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-07-2012

Even though she was making a complete fool of herself and letting a mere pup defeat her in battle, she couldn't help but have fun. Her head was light, filled with nothing but joy for life, for today, and for meeting Adelle. Sidra growled back. This time, trying to sound more threatening. She pulled back her teeth in playful snarl. Adelle laughed, this time it was directed at her. What was so funny? "What'sss so funny huh?" In the last part of her sentence her voice was interrupted by a short hiccup, the last few words coming out in a high pitch. The sound of her own silly voice brought a laugh from her.

The response was a random slur of words which, again, Sidra didn't understand and shook off once more. It didn't matter. She was having the time of her life reverting back to her short lived childhood days where she would play with her brothers and sisters, mom and dad, and other pack mates. They would wrestle and tumble around on the ground with no concept of time or the troubles to come. The times, she didn't get to enjoy long enough leaving her with a lingering immaturity. But Adelle was here now and all that mattered to her was that they were having fun. The second punch she tried to land swung right past the large optime's ribs. Adelle tripped forward falling right for the petite hybrid. Her arms came to grasp around Sidra pulling at her, desperately trying to catch her balance. Playful growls flowed from her throat as the dog weighed her down. She tried her best to hold Adelle up, hands coming to support the large creature so she could regain her balance but she had no sense of balance either. The jaguar female toppled over unable to hold the two of them up coming to fall on the city's floor. Uncontrollable cackles spilled from her mouth. She was laughing so hard she brought her hands to hold her cramping stomach. "You're too h-he-heavy!!" The laughter continued as she desperately tried to catch her breath and recover from it.

- Adelle Vilhelmsen - 06-07-2012


OOC just as a warning, adelle does have an extremely violent streak in her. just hasn't shown up due to her raising

Ears flattened back at the growl, challenging her stance. The drunk female stood tall, tail raised dominantly as she loosed a deep growl back, a deep bark punctuating her statement. She wasn't backing down. The silly voice broke the tension, tail flopping down as if she hadn't done anything at all. Giggles came from both of the drunk females, responding to the tone. Growls filled the air again as they briefly wrestled, trying to keep balanced from Adelle's heavy weight. Adelle herself still wasn't used to it, the smaller hybrid not standing a chance.

Hitting the ground Adelle rolled. She laid there panting before giggles erupted. Nej! Du lille Iiiitty bitty! She laughed some more before crawling over the floor, forgetting that she could stand on two legs. Reaching Sidra she immediately began to lap at her face, tail wagging wildly. This was fun! More fun than anything she'd done before, the light feeling flooding through her.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-08-2012


Sidra better be careful then. :O

The large gold and black pup was releasing deep growls and barks in response to Sidra's own growls. She continued to release growls of her own, deeper and more dominant than before. There was no way that a pup was going to defeat her in that area. Even if they were both already plastered. On impact of the fall, Adelle rolled off of Sidra giving her room to roll around herself. Her cackles echoed through the streets of the empty city, tail thumped on the ground so hard dust accumulated with each swish. The slender she-wolf gave a whine of discontent for the aches the severe laughter was causing. More unusual words came from the child, but this time it sounded like she'd called Sidra itty-bitty, which she was not!! She calico fae rolled over on her side and pointed a clawed finger at Adelle. "Are you calling me small! I am not, not, small! I'm still growing you know. We can' all be as tall as you Adelle, you lucky pup." She blabbered over to the pup who rolled around giggling. At the same time, she continued to laugh grasping at her stomach.

The optime dog soon crawled over to her light a giant baby and stared licking at her face which only caused more laughter. She nuzzled playfully snarling and turning her head trying to avoid the licking monster but couldn't do anything about it besides flail her arms pathetically. Then, she rolled over finally escaping the pup's grasp. Soon, she was able to stop the uncontrollable laughter. She stood up and as fast as she could started to run down the street using her arms to go faster. Even if Adelle was stronger than Sidra, there was no way someone that big could be as fast as a slender wolf. She almost wanted to shift back into secui form where her speed was at it's peak, but let the thought slip. Her mind was a television switching channels every two seconds. Ideas flowed endlessly. She continued to sprint down the road looking back at Adelle. "Can you catch up!?" It was probably dangerous running in here with bare feet while drunk, but any idea sounded good right about now.

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- Adelle Vilhelmsen - 06-09-2012


OOC here!

Adelle howled with laughter as Sidra tried to defend herself, finding everything completely amusing. She didn't even attempt to continue the train of thought, laughing at the words, laughing at the fact that she was laughing, laughing at how silly she looked. By the time she reached Sidra's side her whole body was quaking with the effort of breathing while continuing the rib aching laugh.

The small female's attempts to dodge Adelle's playful licks was useless, the occasional growl slipping between the licks in response to the snarls, the pair bantering away as if they were running on all fours, rather than flopping around in optime. She did finally manage to escape, Adelle stumbling after her, trying to run. It didn't work, the pup crashing into everything before she finally hit the ground. Isa, Isa!

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-11-2012


OOC shtuff here.

Sidra was much more graceful when she ran compared to her clumsy attempt to fight the pup. Slender legs carried her with ease over the cold pavement. She could hear Adelle's heavy footsteps coming after her but they were spaced and uneven. The pup was a mess as she chased after Sidra. Eventually Sidra gave up turning around to see the dog running down the street crashing into everything in her path. Another laugh echoed from the hybrid's jaws at the sight. Then she finally toppled over unable to keep her balance, the effects of the alcohol finally taking their toll. Sidra gasped, the sound of the fall making her squint in pain for the girl. She ran towards her coming to kneel at her side to help her back up as she shouted out an unknown name. Ears twitched curiously."Isa? Who's that? There's no Isa here. I'm Sidra."

At this point, Sidra was thinking that maybe they should calm things down. She may be young but she had enough common sense to know when to stop. The world was still lightly spinning around her from the effects of the Whiskey and her words slurred together, the effects of the liquid lingering, but the fun was definitely over. Sidra looked over Adelle checking to see if she'd hurt herself when she fell. "Maybe we ssshould get you back home now, w'rrrever that is. Yes?" It was her responsibility as the older canine to get Adelle home safely after introducing her to alcohol. She looked over to the house, which was far off now, Soloman standing outside. Time to wrap things up. "I'll walk you home. You can ride Sully and I'll take you near your borders. Okay?"

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- Adelle Vilhelmsen - 06-11-2012


OOC here!

Adelle looked up, blinking at Sidra. Isa annem. Adelle didn't really feel hurt, mainly just disoriented from the fact that she had hit the ground so far. It would only be after when she sobered up that the aches would catch up with her, a handful of small scrapes covering her body. Nothing for anyone to panic about. Her tail thrashed wildly behind her, not yet able to get up.

No! Adelle pushed herself up, staggering over to a wall. She didn't want to go yet! She was still having so much fun! Besides, the horse was so grumpy, stamping and yelling and telling her to go away. She didn't like him very much. Adelle was pretty sure he didn't like her either, so there. Defiantly the large pup stood, before stumbling a couple steps forward, trying to remain upright. No.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-12-2012


OOC shtuff here.

The young girl looked up at Sidra with wide eyes, probably startled from the fall she'd taken. She didn't look to be injured aside from a few scrapes on her body which would heal in a few days time. Sidra exhaled, happy to see she was fine. If she wasn't, that would be the end of joining Casa. She mumbled the name again and a word which Sidra didn't understand. Who was this Isa that she was blabbering on about. The calico female tilted her head, ears swiveling forward trying to understand the words. "Annem? Whas that?" Adelle protested, yelling a 'no' at Sidra before standing up and stumbling over. The petite female lunged forward to try and help but staggered to her knees clumsily unable to keep her own balance. Thankfully, Adelle caught herself on a wall instead of taking another tumble to the ground. At least she knew it was time to stop the fun and get Adelle home so she could sleep this off.

"Yes!! Time to go home now." Her tone was stern like she was playing the girl's mom. She stood back up and puffed out her chest placing her hands on her side giving Adelle a serious gaze. The gold and black pup began to walk down the street again stumbling some more. At this point she had no sense of balance. Sidra could only imagine that the world must be spinning, which wasn't a good sign. Sidra gave a small grown and chased after her coming to her side and reaching to help the girl stand. Amethyst eyes gazed up at her sternly. "What do you think you're going to do? You can barely waalk. Time to go home and sleep." She looked over to Sully who watched from afar. he seemed to have calmed down a considerable amount after the two had gone inside. He would listen to what Sidra told him to do and she needed him to carry Adelle home. Sidra wouldn't leave her side in this condition or she might end up in trouble.

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- Adelle Vilhelmsen - 06-12-2012


OOC here!

Anemm is anemm! Adelle was yelling at the top of her voice, boisterous and excited and far too drunk to know how loud she actually sounded, her voice bouncing off the empty buildings. Giggling she wagged her finger at Sidra. Vedu ikke? Sidra fell over as she lunged, only bringing more laughter from the drunken pup, enjoying the silly behavior, unaware of why she was acting this way.

Sidra wasn't much fun anymore. She sounded all stern and mean. Adelle did her best to step up to her, growling at the hybrid. As fierce as Adelle was though, she found herself incapable of fighting back as she was somehow propelled over to the horse she'd decided she didn't like. Sticking her tongue out at him Adelle crossed her arms, doing her best to look like she knew what she was doing as she refused.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-13-2012


OOC shtuff here.

"No! No anemm here!" The drunken hybrid shook her head at the pup, ears flickering back as she was yelled at. Such a loud voice. She couldn't help but give a slight smile at how silly Adelle was being. She truly was just a large child. The taunts and laughter irritated Sidra a bit, but it was her fault the pup had ended up in this drunken state so she bared with it swatting at the finger as she fell. Even with her puffed out chest and hands on her hips, she was small in comparison to the dog who towered over her, growling viciously in her face. Sidra's snout wrinkled and her own growl eched in response. She was the oldest here, she was in charge and she wouldn't let a pup tell her otherwise. Despite the growls and protests, when Sidra came to lead Adelle she simply let it happen. Though they both stumbled clumsily on they way back to the house where Soloman stood with his tail flicking impatiently behind him. He snorted at their arrival, giant head coming in to nose the pup playfully. Even after she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Wait here. I have to go gather my thingses." Once inside, she threw the flask in the bag and came back outside to stand by Adelle. She nearly tripped down the steps, but caught herself before faling. She turned to Adelle and pointed a finger at her. "Shtubborn." She huffed as she came to untie the giant horse. "Come, get on. Time to go. You're drunk!" A hand motioned to the steps which Adelle could use to get on top of the horse without falling and killing herself in her clumsy state. She already had some scrapes on her from running into nearly everything in her path and then falling. What was her pack going to think of Sidra now? She shrugged off the idea. It was a fun nigh and overall, totally worth it. Lilac eyes continued to gaze at the gold and black pup waiting for her to listen and mount the horse.

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- Adelle Vilhelmsen - 06-14-2012


OOC here!

The horse nudged at Adelle in a friendly manner, much to her surprise. The pup tipped backwards, hitting the ground. Bright blue eyes stared at him before looking to Sidra. Hvilket? She had already forgotten they started out somewhere else. The hybrid disappeared, vanishing from Adelle's mind at the same time. She looked back over to the horse, goofy grin visible. Pushing herself up Adelle tottered over before tripping, clinging to the horse's neck for dear life. Oops.

Adelle laughed at the humorous sight of Sidra falling over. She shook her head at the insistence of the word. No! Jeg voksen. jeg vælge Indicated to the horse again Adelle huffed. She gripped the saddle, trying to climb the horse as if it was a tree. It took some struggling, but the pup was finally tucked into the saddle, if not in the traditional manner. Biiig heste.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-17-2012


OOC shtuff here.

Both the eyes of Soloman and Sidra were on Adelle when Sully's slight nudge pushed her to the ground. Sidra couldn't help a snort and a chuckle when the pup hit the floor. It was her fault though, she'd given her much too much to drink and now she was barely able to stand up straight. She was back outside in a matter of seconds crossing her arms over her chest as she watched Adelle struggle to get onto Soloman again tripping and falling before catching herself on the large creature. He snorted and kicked a hoof not at all amused by the young one's clumsy antics. Sidra rushed over to Adelle's side to help her up, it would be bad if she'd gotten any bad injuries. The optime girl was completely oblivious to what she looked like, a dopey grin plastered on her face as she fell over and over again.


The puppy was stubborn! Maybe it was just the alcohol that made her that way thought. She protested again, towards Soloman, who whinnied and tossed his head. Sidra ignored the words coming to Adelle's side to catch her if she would fall. Despite their weight and height difference, she'd try her best. Slender black arms came to shove the girl as she climbed atop the tall legged horse making sure she got on safely. She spurted a couple more words, it sounded like she was saying big horsie. "Yes, he's big, very big. Now let's get you home before your stomach decides it doesn't agree with your choice of drink." Sidra was becoming more lucid by the moment, she handled the liquor much better than the young one and it was now her duty to take care of Adelle. Pleased eyes looked up at her new friend. "Or rather, my choice of drink. You had fun right? I had fun tonight, thanks for the company Adelle." Sidra patted Soloman on the side and he began to follow her obediently. She took one last look around the town before leading them down the street towards casa's borders. There was a trail of scents that led them through the forest, one of them being the pup's. In this drunken state, she hoped she wouldn't cross too far into their land.

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- Adelle Vilhelmsen - 06-18-2012


OOC here!

Adelle nodded her head, listening to Sidra actually respond to what she was saying instead of choosing to ignore her like it had seemed she might do. She'd been talking the entire time, but Sidra wasn't responding to everything she was saying, at least not in a logical manner. Sidra was acting very strangely, moving about and falling over everything. She still didn't want to go home though. She wanted to stay and keep playing. Adelle was having a blast. She didn't want that to end, especially on the weak assumption that she couldn't handle the drink.

Vil ikke! She knew that much. She was tough, and a Vilhelmsen. That meant everything. The sudden nausea caused by the motion of the horse didn't mean anything. Adelle refused to throw up, holding her hands over her mouth. Asked if she'd had fun Adelle nodded. Fun fun FUN fun ffffffuuuuuunnn! That was a fun word! Humming to herself Adelle proceeded to interject the silence with the occasional shout of the word. Her tail swayed brightly until she realized they were in Casa.

Pushing herself off the horse Adelle hit the ground. The pup laid there for a second before managing to push herself up and place herself before the horse. This is Casa. At du ikke kom. Her body swayed slightly as she spoke, but Adelle was a good warrior, and would keep intruders from coming into the land.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-22-2012


Aww, Sidra likes Adelle. Smile

The pup protested when Sidra guessed her stomach might be so happy. A brisk laugh echoed into the empty forest as they walked. "I'm simply stating that it's your first time drinking. Your stomach might not be used to it yet." The leopard spotted hybrid couldn't help but snort with laughter when she saw Adelle covering her mouth. Obviously she'd been right. The pup probably wasn't feeling all too well at the moment, but she didn't look it. "I apologize. I should have been more careful with the amount you consumed. If you're gonna be sick, let me know."

Tonight was the most fun she'd had in weeks. Aside from her random parties with complete strangers. Tonight, she had connected with another being, something she rarely did. But, it was easy to like someone so young and unknowing of the world. The young were untouched by the cruelty of the world and acted like so. Well, most of the young get to enjoy their youth like she assumed Adelle had by her happy and overexcited demeanor. Another laugh rang through the trees at the pup's exclamation of the fun she'd had and Sidra met her with a bright smile. "I'm glad. Maybe we'll be able to hang out more when I join Casa." It was a good thought. It was then that she noticed what she truly wanted. To join Casa di Cavalieri's ranks and have a home. The word rang through her head. Home. She hadn't had a home for most of her life and would be happy to finally settle down and have people to watch her back. Sidra sighed continuing to lead them through the forest. The thick trail of scents led the way.

The journey to Casa was blurry to the hybrid. Trees seemed to fly by faster than she was walking and the world spun around her, she was light as air as she took one step after the other. A content grin remained as she led the large horse with the large pup atop it, her tail swayed enjoying the walk. The fresh air was helping her head clear from her drinking. She had consumed an alarming amount tonight. When they came to a stop the pup flew off the horse and onto the ground laying there for a moment. Sidra strode to her side in a rush to check and see if she was hadn't gone unconscious. She was fine and soon rose to stand in front of Sully stating that they were here. "Yeah. Guess this is bye for now huh?" She didn't want to go. She wanted to enter with Adelle and call Casa home. It showed in her eyes and the way her tail came to a stop as she parted.

Sidra Pheonix
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- Adelle Vilhelmsen - 06-23-2012


OOC here!

Adelle's head jerked in agreement to what Sidra said, though it made the entire world spin and tilt. Another wave of nausea hit, triggered by the world's movement. Adelle swayed for a moment, stepping back before she grew strong again. Ya. Come soon. Sidra in Casa with her would be fun. Adelle couldn't invite her in, feeling it was her duty to keep strangers out, but she did want Sidra to join Casa so they could play together more. Adelle had had fun. At least, until Sidra grew stubborn and told her to go home. Adelle hadn't liked that part as much. Nodding her head Adelle smiled. Not bye. See soon.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-23-2012


OOC here!

Sidra could tell by the way Adelle swayed, trying to keep her balance, that she was becoming overwhelmed by the effects of the toxic drink. Good thing she brought her back when she did so her family could take care of her and make sure she'd be fine. "Okay, I'll come when I can." It was a good feeling that the pup had enjoyed the time spent with the troublesome hybrid. It was rare occasion that Sidra find someone to hang out with. Aro and Xander, so far, were the only exceptions of the male species that she had accepted as friends even if she'd only spent a night with the strong personality from Casa.

Adelle told her this wasn't good bye and she nodded in agreement. It was true. If Sidra ever gathered the courage to approach the borders and let loose a howl to the Alphas she would see Adelle again, If Casa chose to accept her. "Definitely. Be sure to get in bed as soon as you get home, fall asleep so the dizziness subsides." With that Sidra turned to mount the stallion, he anxiously shuffled underneath her. "I'll stand here until you cross the border. Get home safe okay?" If she didn't, Sidra would be to blame and she wouldn't have that.

Sidra Pheonix
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- Adelle Vilhelmsen - 06-23-2012


OOC here!

Go to bed? Did Sidra just tell her to go to bed? Adelle's stubbornness for staying up late hadn't subsided as she grew older. Adelle seemed convinced that not sleeping when told was what adults did. Only children were told to go to bed. As she wasn't a child, but a pure blooded adult, Adelle wasn't going to take being talked to like that. Swelling up Adelle spoke. Nej! Jeg går ikke at sove. Jeg er en voksen. Jeg gør min egen valg.

She stood as determinedly as she could, looking every bit the child throwing a temper tantrum instead of the young adult she saw herself as. Adelle nodded her head at Sidra's words, agreeing with at least that part. Clumsily she hugged the hybrid before entering into Casa, tottering towards the fort and the bed that awaited her. No matter what Adelle claimed, she was done in. She'd be lucky if she managed to make it before she fell asleep.

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- Sidra Pheonix - 06-27-2012


Finish! Nice ending. :3

As the younger woman puffed up, Sidra did the same becoming as intimidating as she could without curling back her black lips. She rested her hands on her hips and looked up at Adelle with determined eyes that screamed "I know best!" I can tell already that you think you're old enough to make your own decisions and I like that! But, you gotta know when to quit. A hug was given to Sidra, which she was surprised by and awkwardly hugged the black and gold pup back. Sidra stood there for a few minutes watching Adelle disappear into Casa before she turned to mount Soloman.

She stood there for a few minutes more before she circled around and ran away looking over her shoulder at the place she would, with much luck, call home. She hoped she would see Adelle again and have more fun times. With her, she'd be able to reach down inside herself and hold onto her childish side, the side of her that she didn't get much time to explore. A smile rested on her lips as she stormed through the forest in search of Kativa's camp, her nostrils leading her through the darkness. Soon, she could see a blazing fire off in the distance. Knowing she was almost home, she sped up so she could tell Kativa about the adventure she'd had and the new friend she'd made.

Sidra Pheonix
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