'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Having A Blast - Printable Version

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- Alistair Gibson - 05-22-2012


WC:: 434 - Yawrah River. Optime form; unless stated otherwise.

Disgusting! Mud was definitely not his style. Alistair did a high step walk, the mud sticking to his feet as his arms went up for further balance. A grumpy look on his usual relaxed face, the mud sticking in between his toes which caused a highly uncomfortable feeling. It was like picking up a frog...Except with your toes. "Yuckkkk..." Alistair groaned. Thank god he didn't bring Dolaidh. She would be so angry...Probably just jump into the flowing river. Which definitely wouldn't be a good idea. Or she would just push him into the river. Which he really didn't want. The river didn't look exactly warm. Alistair let out a sigh, multihued eyes narrowed as he continued to do high steps. Thank god he didn't wear jeans! That would be bloody hell...Alistair flailed his arms as he almost fell face first into the brown substance. "Damn mud!" Alistair barked, eyes narrowed as he began to take steps towards the river.

Ali almost fell, due to the slippery mud. The river was wide and rushing, and Alistair was careful not to trip. He soon found a place that looked safe enough, but he still tested it with a cautious foot. He seated himself in the mud, glad that he was wearing an old pair of denim shorts. The mud soaked through the pants and obviously created an uncomfortable sensation. Alistair set his rough hands onto the mud, letting the liquid dirt soak into his hands. Alistair soon dipped his feet into the rushing water. The water was icy and pierced through his skin...Not literally, of course. He clenched his teeth, but his feet soon became numb to the extreme cold and the mud was beginning to peel from his fur. He leaned back, reclining his spine into a more relaxed position. He let out a sigh, eyes staring up at the Nova Scotia sky.

"Gooooooddddddd..." Alistair drawled out the 'sacred' word as he ran his hands through the river, rubbing his fur in order to somehow clean it. He had recently realized that he couldn't get up without getting his feet dirty. And he couldn't walk in the water because...It was too deep. He wasn't tall enough to not get his whole body soaked. Alistair glanced around, soon letting out another sigh. What to do now? Ali swished his feet around in the water, his bottom quickly becoming damp. Ewwwww. Not the feeling he wished to feel at the moment. Alistair waved his hands through the water, shaking them off, before running a hand through his 'gelled' hair.

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