'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
seven years bad luck - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 08-02-2008

Backdated to the 29th, midnight time? Haku can go apeshit on her for all the slutting she's done now. Don't worry about reply time and all that. Powerplayed that Haku brought her back to the packlands after Conri had left her there on the beach.

Firefly had no idea how she'd come to be in the lands, she knew where she was though, this was home, or atleast as close to a home as she had in these lands of her birth. Her eyes were glazed over with pain as she openned them a slit then closed them slowly. She knew she was being carried but she couldn't remember anyone having spoken to her since the strange hybrid had turned in that instant, their passion turned to fury in the beat of a heart. Somewhere in the back of her mind she could hear that voice telling her she deserved this, that she should be laying waiting for death on the beach.. even though she knew her wounds weren't that horrid. She whimpered and turned her head back towards the comfort of the warm chest that had transported her all the way from the shores of her mother's packlands to Dahlia de Mai's own lands.

Her mind was beginning to make sense of it all as she recognized the scent that encompassed her. She almost wanted to weep as she realized who was dragging her sorry ass back to the packlands. Haku. Of all the wolves out there it had to be her partner in crime, her lover, the dark and mysterious danger that she fit so neatly together with.. he had to have been the one to have found her. She didn't even want to wander how much he'd come to understand as he'd carried her limp body back to their lands. She knew somehow that she'd failed, yet she didn't know how badly, she had no clue of what storms she'd unleased with her wreckless love of the dark mirror.

- Haku Soul - 08-03-2008




She whimpered and turned towards him, but her eyes were closed. If she was awake or not, he could not tell. They were both a mess. She had been taking a physical beating. He was now experiencing a mental one. It was so out of order that he had no idea what actually was happening. He had also at some point learned to stand against the pressure of burning needs. He carried her as careful as he could and walked in a steady rhythm. He was glad she was not awake. He was at a loss of everything right now. He wanted to rip out her throat and claw her into a bloody pile of unrecognizable meat. He wanted to make her scream in pain and despair. He wanted to hurt her. Yet, he did not.

He entered the house that once had been Colibri's but now was his. He carefully laid Firefly down on the bed in the room that once had been designed for guests. Fitting. He then left her in simply a few seconds as the kitchen was in the same floor, but when he came back, it was with a glass of fresh rain water he had collected from a barrel he had standing outside, and a cold and wet piece of cloth. The glass was placed on a chair beside the bed, and he carefully sat down on the bed beside the wretched girl. What the fuck. He gritted his teeth, but managed to hold his throat free from any sound that wanted to get out.

He was no medic, but the injuries were not fatal, far from it. He knew how to somewhat clean wounds. The cloth softly touched the girl's cheek, but he did not get much further than that. His head was chaos, and his eyes burned for no apparent reason. Was he angry? Yes, very. Why? He did not understand it. The demon had ripped away his emotions, so Haku was supposed to be empty. And yes, he did feel empty, but there was a wailing creature down on the bottom of the endless pit. It did not make any sense. He was supposed to be immune.

Was she awake? He lifted his hand a bit and then let the cloth fall down on her face, and it landed with a soft 'splat'. In fact, he did not know if she was awake, but he gave it a try anyway. I guess you are conscious enough to clean yourself up after sleeping about, girl. Don’t really need my help, eh? His voice was colder than ice. He had not intended it to be. Yet, it was, it was the bloody bitch’s fault. He did not get why he had brought her to his house. He did not want to be near her. Yet, there he sat, eyes on her face, waiting for the girl to open her beautiful orbs so that he could tear them out.


- Firefly Sadira - 08-04-2008

OOC- 500+

She knew well enough where Haku was taking her sorry ass as soon as the scents around her became stronger and clearer. They belonged to him, everything about the place had his scent overlaying it. Her nose pressed against his chest as she listened to his heartbeat thundering in her ears made her want to cry. The games she played had been for a reason, never to hurt the male or herself. Somewhere she'd lost control over the events and now she was paying in more ways than she could ever imagine.

Softly she was placed into the bed, not the grand bed that the second in command kept to himself but the smaller quarters. Softly his steps retreated from the room as she heard him quietly moving about. She fought against the sobs that threatened to rack her body, a small gasp escaping as the sharp clarity of the pain came ringing back. She quickly gained control over the escaping emotions as she heard the male returning. She was suppose to be the strong one, the hard edge, the one that hadset him on edge and yet she wished she'd been killed or had died before her leader had retreaved her form from the sandy shores.

She hated herself, she hated the beast she'dtried to control, and at the moment she hated him. He'd found her at her weakest, where the child within was all there was left, a broken shell of the lady he'dbeen so spellbound by. The soft touch from Haku was more than she could bare as once, twice the cloth brushed against her cheek. The fur clotted with blood and sand but quickly brushed away in those soft easy strokes. She wished with all her heart that he'd just disappear or end it rightthere but instead he just stopped in the gentle caring motion he'd started. She wanted to gaze into those sky blue eyes but she was afraid of what she'd see, what she knew was waiting.

Almost instantly she felt the cloth drop across her muzzle, the dampness creeping into her fur, making her skin crawl. Suddenly the voice seemed to explode from all around, the icy chill that she'd never heard before was too much. The words registered but she didn't respond as slowly she opened her eyes and was met with the one soul she wished she'd never known in someaspect, yet craved more than anything.

Her emerald orbs flashed in misery as she finally thought about the words he'd spoken. She knew he would have figured it out, of course he'd figured it out, he wasn't stupid after all. She closed her eyes suddenly, unable to bear to gaze into his eyes and see the flood there. She couldn't stop herself as she broke down sobbing, the girl who never cried finally had lost her hold on the grand scheme of things and there was nothing left but to let it go.

She had caused this all, yet she couldn't understand exactly why he cared. Her sorrow exploded into anger as she snapped at him, the confusion that was ringing in her thoughts finally dropped into theopen between them, "Why would you care!" she sobbed as she tried to curl up in a tight little ball, the pain of her beaten body ignored as she tried to escape from the truth. She was allowed to cry, he couldn't stop her, after all she was only a child.

- Haku Soul - 08-04-2008




He gritted his teeth silently as the foolish girl slowly opened her eyes in the matching opposite color of his own. For a second he was able to see her as what she really was, a young girl that needed to be cared for, to be protected. It lasted merely for a second, though one second too long. It was not the chocolate brute’s style to let matters get to him. She was no girl, she was a slut, a little bitch that thought she could do whatever the fuck she wanted without consequences. Foolish little pile of dirt, he could barely find words to his mental insults against her. His mouth was a narrow streak though, and none of the words ever came out. His eyes burned though, but she hid from his gaze by closing her emerald orbs.

Sobs, oh the poor little girl, was he supposed to feel sorry for her now? He waited. Then she snapped at him. Oh, she was too fucking right. Why would he bloody care about such filth as her? Almost before her words were out of her, he stood up and threw the chair beside the bed into the wall with a single movement with his arm. The sound of the water glass that shattered did not reach him, nor the sound from a random portrait of some pathetic human that fell down where the chair had hit the wall. She curled up in the always so desperate fetus pose some beings escaped to when they could not handle the world as it was. Insolent girl.

Everything is a game to you, huh? Ice was replaced with the thunder that already had existed in the rest of him for quite a while now. A normal person would probably supported the girl and tried to comfort her, but he was not normal. She did not fucking deserve anything. He could not completely silence the vibrating growl that burned deep down in his throat, everything came crashing down. He could not see the surface any longer. Why should I care? He was shouting without realizing it. He felt blind and deaf, yet there was a ringing noise in his ears that did not make any sense.

How could she say such a thing? Not that he would care, but. How about some gratitude for dragging her sorry little ass back home? Of course, nothing he ever did was the right thing. Not with her, not with anyone. He should have learned that by now. Back in the neutral territory he had caught her scent and had been filled with.. Something good, but when he had found her. The smell, oh the fucking scent.. He had caught other males’ scents on her before, but he had been naïve. You’d rather see I left you back there, unconscious on the beach? His voice was more under control now, but his body was enraged. He could not tell last time he had been this upset, if ever at all. He did absolutely not know why. She was far from worth it.


- Firefly Sadira - 08-06-2008

She didn't know why exactly he was so furious, yet it was obvious as well. She wanted him to just disappear, to forget this moment even happened, but then again he was everything that she needed, even the brutal words he spat at her. The emotion that seemed to radiate from the male was something new, something she'd barely seen from the dark and mysterious male. Now that she was the center of his anger, rage and emotion she wasn't for certain if she deserved the attention he was relishing on her, for the good or for the bad.

Firefly had never really had the childhood of most, she hadn't had a mother or father to come running to when some boy pushed her down and made her cry.. but that had been her choice. Now to be faced with the truth that she was nothing more than a child hiding behind her dark mirror. The pathedic thing was she was fighting to hide the truth as much as it was escaping. She knew she'd gone too far with the words she'd spoken as soon as she heard Haku stand up and the sudden crash against the wall.

She flinched slightly as the chair hit the wall. The tinkle of glass as it shattered into shards as his voice rang out with thunder. Like the sounds of the gods of mythology, excelt the sound didn't fighten her, she didn't cower before his voice like the mortals of ole' times and their mighty and powerful rulers. The sound of his voice infuriated her as those words were thrown at her, the ones she deserved, yet she didn't want to hear them from him, sounding so much like a father in her ears screaming at her for the wrongs she'd done.

Pushing herself up from the bed she snarled back at him, tossing the damp cloth away from her as she spat the words, "What does it matter to you!" Her eyes shimmered with tears that in her fury she didn't realize had escaped her hold. "Everything you asked for I gave and still it wasn't enough!" She didn't even know why she was screaming at him, why she said the words she'd screamed at him. She knew everything he was, the deeds he'd done. She had one up on him he'd never be able to imagine and yet he was always mistified as to who this woman child was.

She knew the things she'd done and the result of this last venture had been justice or something close to kin. Her ears flashed back as she bared her fangs at her lover, who's fury was just justifiable. She sat on the bed like a wild child, her emerald eyes blazing as she snarled. "Is this what it takes for you to really see me?" the question was thrown at him as she watched the fury taking hold on him, knowing she'd caused this sudden fit of emotion from the normally collective and cool male.

If she hadn't been so angry at him for being so childish at catching his packmate at play with other males she'd have actually realized how his words sounded, what they meant. No, of course not, she was going to get her two words in since he'd already exploded. She knew this was only the beginning but she was tired of being ignored, she was tired of having to find things to do and places to go, only to be sought out when Haku felt like finding her.

She was a woman but she was also a child even though she'd never admit it. She craved more attention than the male spent on her and she didn't care at this moment how selfish she seemed throwing her temper tantrum. "Would it have really mattered! I'm just another plaything for your amusement right? Just like all the others!" The last words she shrieked before colapsing back on the bed she hadn't really meant to say, but it was too late to take them back. She'd been so wrapped up in everything that she'd failed to see what had begun to develop between the two of them and now she was tearing it to pieces right before him.

- Haku Soul - 08-06-2008


Firefly was one of the very few ever had and ever would witness the chaos that bubbled violently up to the surface, the crimson aura of his that the shadow within him appreciated so well. Haku killed for way less, he could kill for no reason at all if he found it worth it. Entertainment or whatever. As said, he did not need heavy reasoning for what he did. She was treading on very thin ice. As she was so visibly upset, it was easier to let the raging waves consume him and throw him about. They were very alike, the two of them. None of them had really had a childhood. His mother and father had walked their own paths without seeming to care at all. Word had it that his father had found a new mate and created yet another litter. How disappointing, when he could not even take care of his first kids. However, Haku did not even bother to think of the male he had archived far back in the useless memory section.

The damp cloth flew across the room, but he only had eyes for the female in the bed. She spat out at him again, and his immediate response was to bare his deadly fangs at her, which she was following up on anyway. Her words just coached his rage up to new heights, and part of him loved it. Another part wanted to crush and shatter like that glass. Her eyes were filling up with salty water from the sea they all originally came from. His own eyes were dry, always were. It was true though, her thoughts though he did not know them. He should have known it would happen. He had ignored her, only searched her out when he felt like it, and to be honest, he could easily count the few times he had done so. He also held secrets, but she was the last female he had been intimidate with. After that, she had been running about fucking an unknown number of meaningless filth.

Here his own more obvious flaws kicked in. He had been okay running around and giving into lust without emotion, but the thought of her doing the same caused flames to lick up towards the sky. Bash, the invisible punch caused him to take a step back. What the fuck was that. Another plaything? Oh, sure she was! His heart throbbed insanely nevertheless. Yes, that is right. He spat back at her, aiming to actually hurt her. You are nothing to me, just like I’m nothing to you. His voice’s storm was slightly more controlled this time, but that only allowed ice and fire to enter and make it terrible and even more poisonous.


- Firefly Sadira - 08-07-2008

They were like to fires raging over the same space, to take the whole of the land and leave nothing behind. The flames were a power to each their own, to be respected yet feared, but the two were fighting to conquer. Their rage was doing nothing but towering and driving higher and higher. Her eyes flashed with a spark of that fire as she threw herself back against the wall, rising up on her knees as she spat at him. She didn't really hate him, she wanted to hate him with all her heart but there was no place in her heart for that rage. The tears that ran down her face she couldn't help, for once she wasn't in control and she didn't care. The child on the brink of adulthood had finally escaped from the prison the lass kept her in and after moons of being held in bonds she'd have her way, not matter how little it made her seem.

A million excuses she could give for the things she did, a million reasons for the pain she'd caused herself and the pain she caused him, yet none of them was even worth bringing to the table. Every small pleasure she'd been given and had gave was nothing in this moment with the fire tempering the two and neither of them giving an inch. What she'd screamed was meant to hurt and yet instead of showing the pain he threw back in her face words just as brutal.

The verbal slap brought the anger around full force again just as she was beginning to wan off in her anger, she'd been running close to empty but his words had made her drive deeper into the center of that core. She'd been running on fumes and yet now he'd breathed life back into the embers, a backdraft blossoming, exploding from her as she screamed, pushing herself off the bed and flinging her smaller frame at the male. "If I'm nothing then show me! Show me I'm nothing to you." Her fists pounded against his chests as she sobbed. "Damn you Haku!" she screamed, the child demanding that he show her just what little she was to him, daring him to do to her what he'd done to others he cared nothing of.

She'd take it quietly, she'd deserve it, but atleast she'd finally get the attention that she'd craved from the male. She's be nothing to him, but atleast she'd feel like she was something. He'd make her feel more alive than ever, Her emerald eyes were closed tight as she dug the nails of one paw into his chest, the other still senselessly beating against him, nagging at him. So she was nothing, then let her be his nothing. Let him show her just how worthless she was.

- Haku Soul - 08-08-2008


The uncontrollable anger did not tire, but his words obviously went home, and it filled him with satisfaction, and helped ease the aching that had grabbed his soul so unexpectedly today. The stormy orbs of his would not soften though, because it was a slight part of who he was. Haku had no limitations in his cruelty, no, this could be him acting nice, depending on the eye that sees. He could find no excuses why he had not spilled more than words out on her. He was delighted to see the tears continue streaming down her face. It was an obvious proof that his words hit home, and that he managed to hurt her just as she hurt him. The chocolate featured male was better at hiding it. He was a full grown up, and he had left his inner child far earlier than what was natural. Big boys did not cry.

He stood his grounds as the unmoving mountain he pictured himself to be. Her weight hit him from her leap. Light colored fists targeted him, the pounding rhythm interrupting the steady rhythm of his upset heart. She screamed at him, completely out of control. What was it with women and the always demanding request of proof. His arms had been hanging numbly at his sides for a few short moments after the chair and class had made their goodbyes, but leapt to life when claws attached themselves to his chest and pierced the skin like thin paper. She clearly wanted him to send her flying across the room, but he just wrapped his hands around her and pressed her against his chest.

It was a grip she could not escape from, no matter how much she would try to escape his embrace. He just held her, silent, freely receiving whatever she had to fling out on him. It did not matter, nothing she could do or say to him could hurt him more than her past actions already had. Foolish girl.


- Firefly Sadira - 08-08-2008

ooc: I suck...I should be asleep.

The woman child had expected him to fling her to the ground, to slap her, to beat her, to show her the rage she deserved for the pain she'd caused him, and yet she received nothing at all. No pain, no anger, instead as she dug her claws into his flesh with the scent of blood in her nose she felt his arms wrap right around her and attempt to still the childish actions that she'd so resulted to. Her tears flowed freely as she continued to try and beat against his chest, her pounding fists growing weaker as his tight hold pressed her against him, the warmth from his body enough to drive her to a frenzy again.

She sobbed as she finally gave in, knowing that she couldn't win this fight as she just pressed her hands into his chest, the blood and tears mingling together as she weeped and weeped. Her hollow words crying out into his flesh as she sank against him. "Why didn't you leave me.." she moaned as she melted into his arms, knowing that she was lost now, "why.." she murmured, wishing with her whole heart that he'd just left her, left her like a cast off plaything in the sands. There was nothing left for her now, just their hate and anger rubbing against one another, her own anger at the male still boiled in her heart.

- Haku Soul - 08-10-2008


Hate and love was part of the same thing, really. There was nowhere else love could turn so swiftly into white glowing fire. The psychical pain was good. He still liked holding her close, to feel her warmth. His heart beat steady against his leaking chest, now with a spiced up pain because of salty tears kissing the wounds. He liked to see her upset, because it.. He felt a new feeling bloom from the core of his soul, a feeling that took his breath away. He was the reason why she wept. Why? Why, why, why did he not leave her? How could he answer when he did not know himself. Oh, so fucked up.

I have the only key to your heart

His muzzle lowered and touched the silk attached to him. Even while weeping, the female was lovely. He tightened the grip around her, but he did not answer her. It was strange how he could instantly shift from furious into… something else. He couldn’t control himself properly anymore, it seemed. A hand slid slightly lower down her back, but nothing more. The warm fur was wonderful under his hand. It was reckless desire, yet on a deeper level. He wanted to comfort her and love her and make everything good again. He wanted to whisper sweet comforting words into her ears and take her with to places she wanted to go.

I can stop you from falling apart

But he was Haku, he only destroyed things. The fire had lit and exploded into a deadly monster, then dulled down into still glowing ash, turning softly into warm and soft powder, and now was the time for the wind to brutally sweep it all away. Arms vanished and appeared again between them, forcing her away from him. A gentle push followed up by swift movements. He walked away, out of the door, out of the house, out of Dahlia. Fairytales were not real, not in his world. The end.


- Firefly Sadira - 08-13-2008

Her tantrum had drawn to a close as she'd worn herself out crying tears and screaming. The soft sobs that soaked into his pelt were weakening though she was never given a reason for the question she asked. She'd thought by now he'd have lashed out at her, leaving her brusied and broken as she felt. She was hurt and confused, just the emotions a child should feel yet she couldn't pinpoint why she felt thus right now. Her emerald eyes closed tight as she was pressed against his chest, the still seeping wounds she'd recked upon his flesh tinting her cheeks red as she felt his muzzle softly touch the top of her head.

She was a force to be dealt with could it have been any other soul, but when it was Haku and in the circumstances present she was just another spoiled brat who'd been caught out and was being punished. She knew she deserved to be punished but the hand she was given wasn't enough in her eyes. She knew what the male was capable of and she hadn't felt bit a fraction of the punishment she deserved.

A shudder passed down her spine as his hand softly slid along her back. She raised her head up expecting to be slapped at the least, yet nothing happened. She'd been about to open her eyes when his arms released her from their enclosure. Suddenly his hands were between them and she felt the force of his hands as he separated her hold from his chest. A rather gentle push and then he was gone. She felt a void ripping her apart as she fell to her knees, the weeping she thought was over flooded the banks again as she brought her bloodly hands up to cover her eyes as the tears rolled again.