'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
From up here these city lights burn - Printable Version

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- Asphyxia Holocaust - 08-06-2008

she's just laying around Occasus Promontorium

You are the weapon I choose.

Asphyxia could feel the heat on her back and she smiled as she thought about everything. Garnet was finally back, things with Skoll were going pleasantly well and she just felt so happy now, better than she had ever been. Although the war raging, and everything bad in Inferni going on, when she was with Skoll it seemed that nothing else mattered but the moment with him. However, what was going to happen to them if anyone found out. She couldn't bare the thought of having them take Skoll away from her. Naloxone had already left her, what seemed a long time ago, and she couldn't have anyone else leave her for the fact that she wouldn't be able to stand it. Garnet, being the one she could trust out of her whole family, she was thinking about telling her about Skoll. Even though her youngest daughter was heartbroken that Asphyxia was trying to get over Naloxone, there was really not much she could do, and she had to tell someone. She trusted that her daughter wouldn't 'spill the beans'. Asphyxia stopped worrying for a moment, stopped thinking and just laid on her side as her fur absorbed the heat of the sun.


- Samael Lykoi - 08-06-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        The sun had finally broken through the cloud cover, drying up the rain. Creeping through the grasses, the coyote idly sought out something to kill or maim as boredom drove him from idle slumber. It was constant with the creature, always seeking to hone his skills and shed blood just as his mother had taught him, drilling it into him from his very first days and weeks. And he found he rather enjoyed it, after all. His eyes saw blood and his senses sought blood—to invoke fear and death into the weak and undeserving of life. Darwin's theory gone mad, he'd kill anything and everything he could, no longer for sustenance and survival, but rather amusement and entertainment.
        A dark shape on the rocks caught his attention, contrasting horribly with the brush and landscape. Unlike the usual sandy color of coyotes, this she-bitch was a dark jet marred by age and living decay. He'd once thought the color quite lovely on a she-yote, but it also spoke of tainted blood and peculiar genetics. This creature was a hybrid, and her appearance screamed it. But she was a lasting member of Inferni, though otherwise attracted none of his notice or regard. Only those who shared his blood did he deem worthy of his attention unless they proved otherwise. And he knew nothing of this woman.
        He crept closer, observing her relaxed state. Would she notice if he moved closer? Tip-toed in close enough to wrap his fangs around her throat and squeeze the life from her veins? A vague test, to distract his attention and interact in some form with this female. If she allowed herself to get within his grasp, then she deserved to die right then and there. Inattentiveness was weakness and thus unacceptable. Quietly, quietly, he moved in for the attack.

- Asphyxia Holocaust - 08-07-2008


You are the weapon I choose.

Asphyxia laid there, soaking up sun, content with the moment, trying to ignore her surroundings. However, she knew that there was someone else there, she could smell it, and obviously it was trying to sneak up on her because she couldn't hear anything, just smell. It smelled like Inferni so if it was trying to kill her, it had another thing coming. For a while, as it continued to get closer, she pretended to play dumb, like she had no idea that he was even there. However, after a certain point, if she didn't say something, it'd probably be the day of her death. "Are you planning getting any closer?" she was born a hunter, and she had to keep tabs of her surroundings, it was hard for her not to considering the way she grew up. Quietly she stood up, catching the male in a lurking position, blood red eyes stared him down from above him on the rock, "Because you are invading my personal bubble." this was a lie because she never had a personal bubble, but for the moment, she did.


- Samael Lykoi - 08-15-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        For a time, the she-bitch ignored him. Inattentiveness, or simply playing a game as well, toying with the male as he toyed with her. Finally, she spoke up and Samael paused where he was in mid-step, training crimson eyes on the female as she rose and turned to him. "Very good," he commended, flicking his brush tail in a manner similar to a cat. And like a cat, there was almost a disappointment evident as his prey had become aware of his presence, thus alleviating potential bloodshed. "You are less foolish than I believed." And now already, the prince was bored. Without a massacre and without a killing, his attention thus drifted, seeking things far more interesting. But gaze turned back on the dark pelted creature, watching her for a few moments more to see if anything interesting would happen.

- Asphyxia Holocaust - 08-19-2008


You are the weapon I choose.

Asphyxia looked at the male and rolled her eyes. "As you... you were very quiet, you'd make a very good hunter." she looked at him and then looked away, looking out at the dead scenery. There wasn't much there, but the bonus was that there was a sun everywhere, touching every crease and corner. "So... what brings you over to this corner today?" she focused back on the male and wondered why he would want to be out here, not a lot of coyotes liked this place, but then again it was great for prey and such.


- Samael Lykoi - 08-22-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        Samael grinned faintly, flashing snow-white fangs. "I am," he said lightly, muzzle wrinkling with a smirk. "As the clan's Scorpius, it is my duty to be the hunter." Gabriel had given him this rank finding the task of killing to be suitable for the Lykoi prince. And even if it wasn't his official duty, which he could of cared less about, believing obligation to Inferni to be optional, Samael already trained rigorously daily to keep up to par with the training begun with Kaena so long ago when he was small. He was en expert murderer from the moment he was born, and it was what he knew best.

- Asphyxia Holocaust - 08-23-2008


I Know I'll be okay, though my skies are turning gray

____Asphyxia smirked at him and nodded as he totally dodged her question and stopped at her first statement, "Interesting. I am the Imperium for Inferni." she simply replied to him and flicked her tail as she looked around. Red eyes turning back to the male she looked again at him for a moment, "Although, I can't say I've seen you around in the months that I've been here. I'm Asphyxia Holocaust. I suppose you've been here long than I have as I've been out of Inferni off and on in the last year or so."


- Samael Lykoi - 08-23-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        Hunting. Patrolling. That was what took the prince to all corners of the territory. He would explore and get to know every inch of their new area, like he'd known their old home back before the fire. Where he'd been raised from a child and grown, waiting endlessly for Kaena's return. Samael wasn't one for small talk. He was far from a social butterfly, talking and conversing only when necessary, communicating only for a purpose and reason with those he was fit. "Samael," he said in response to her name, offering up his own title. It wasn't often he gave his surname, for most of the time it was painfully obvious who he was related to. The Lykoi tattoo branded into his flesh gave way his blood, and he carried it proudly, head high with arrogance over lesser mortals and their tainted parentage. "I have," he replied, words short and to the point. It had been over a year since he'd returned, and over a year since his mother had vanished with her half-breed spawn. He'd smelled this she-bitch's scent on and off since he'd been around. But he'd never faced her directly and got to know her. He'd never seen a reason to.

- Asphyxia Holocaust - 08-23-2008


I Know I'll be okay, though my skies are turning gray

____Asphyxia looked at him and nodded once again for probably the fourth time. Obviously this Samael character wasn't all in for small chat, maybe she should have just got off the rock and left as soon as he disturbed her to begin with. Stretching she sat up fully now on the rock, sitting on her behind and sighed, "I'm thinking about going hunting soon. Any place you prefer to do so?" at this point any conversation would do, Samael was obviously not one to have upbeat conversation with, maybe something he was interested in would float his boat. Although then again, not to long ago she was like that too. Deep into her drugs, all she wanted was to kill and she proved that by trying to put chaos in the world, take Mew down but instead Haku took Asphyxia over instead.


- Samael Lykoi - 09-15-2008

let's pretend they have a fun little conversation about hunting things for a while more, maybe go and kill something together and it's totally awesome. the end. :]