'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
taking the long way home - Printable Version

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- Palaydrian Soul - 07-02-2012


Drin is finally back in lupine form! Big Grin

Word Count → 473

The trip to Casa di Cavalieri had been eye opening and well worth the distance covered. Palaydrian felt stronger both mentally and physically and had a wealth of knowledge when it came to self defense training to her other pack members if they wanted it. She had all but forgotten about her ridiculous fight with Jiva and was excited to surprise him in a form he hadn’t seen for quite some time. She had also managed to procure a mateship gift for him, though it was not required for a female to do so, she almost felt like she needed to after she had completely blown up on him the night before he left. Something to at least smooth things over as she wasn’t too sure how much damage she had done in the meadow and if he was to be a little upset with her leaving the packlands without him, she hoped a gift would dissuade his mind. But most of all, the woman knew he’d be more distracted by the fact that his mate was no longer walking on two legs, but walking home on four!

With the help of Cavalieri friend, Jiva’s circlet was able to still rest upon her head between her seal pointed ears and she had been given a leather satchel, created for lupine use, to carry her gift back home. It was a harness she could easily step into and out of that contained a large pouch for carrying things upon her back. Within the pouch, Drin had packed her gift wrapped in deer skin, seeds for her garden, and a few various items the members of Casa weren’t too bothered to part with. The woman was sad to leave such a welcoming community of knights, but it was time for the trio to go home. They longed for the familiarities of their own pack, and they had learned as much as they could in one visit that would last a lifetime. Goodbyes were said, promises were made for future visits, and hugs were exchanged. Now the New Dawners would make the long trek home, but hopefully with lighter hearts than before.

Drifter bay was beautiful and breezy as they made their way through the neutral territories, the lands of Inferni were long behind them and they had about an hour left of traveling by four paws to go. They walked at a leisurely pace, not too fast or too slow, just simply taking in their surroundings and enjoying each other’s company. So, who else felt completely intimidated when we first arrived? The golden woman asked with a hearty chuckle, feeling it was now the appropriate time to break the ice about their visit and curious as to how her brother and sister were feeling after it all.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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- Tharin Lupei - 07-02-2012


out of character stuffs

It had been exhilarating, training in the pack. Tharin was exhausted from trying to deal with all the new things that he kept running across. His mind was a complete jumbled mess at this point, barely functioning. He had grown stronger with the time there, and now felt equipped to handle any battles that might come his way. That was the only part of him that he was confident about though. While Palaydrian walked out of there glowing with health, Tharin was almost dazed. Good meals or not, he had spent most of his time outside of the fort, worried for the girls and wishing that he was better at training so they wouldn't have had to come to the strange place.

The knowledge that they were close to home boosted his spirits. The grey male's pace picked up, wandering back and forth among the trees. His ears were still alert for any dangers. Tharin had come along to protect them, as well as train them. He glanced over as Drin spoke, smiling broadly. The pack was so close he could almost smell it in the air. Terrifying. Their behaviors were so strange! I've never met wolves that acted like that before.

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- Fayne - 07-04-2012


Hey, if both of you don't mind could we set this a day or two later? I forgot I wanted to have Fayne go visit Noah's brother and get a lesson on midwifery. Smile

Finally the three trained warriors were on their way back to New Dawn. Fayne could already feel the cool grass between her toes and the smell of flowers in her nostrils as she rolled around in her beloved meadow. She couldn't wait to step foot across the border with her new found confidence. No longer was she afraid to tread outside of New Dawn's borders now knowing that she would be able to protect herself and her family. Amy would no longer be able to push her around and use her for lessons, she was her own boss now. Casa had been an overwhelming but well needed experience for the naive wolf. Not only did she learn how to use her hands to fight, but she now knew that she could find a friend in the canine's from Casa. They were all allies, there and willing to help whenever needed. Though their ways were complete opposite from New Dawn's, they were every bit as viable and even though she'd always be apprehensive about their ways she wasn't frightened of them. Of course, she'd rather not go through that experience again.

The silver she-wolf was glad to be traveling on four legs again. Confidence radiated off of her as she strode with her head and tail held high and ears pushed forward pridefully. Now she could be proud of herself, able to help her pack in some way. Fayne knew she still needed to work on several other skills like hunting, and her midwifery, but at least now she was taking a step in the right direction. Though she didn't show it, there was a subtle sadness she had for leaving the odd place. The training was hard but it was fun and she enjoyed every moment of it, glad to have seen Adelle again too.

The journey was interesting as well. As they traveled there were many new sights to be seen and on the way here she'd been to frightened to have noticed them. This time around she took her time walking looking over the different landscapes and remnants of human civilizations. The necklace that dangled from her neck was proof that beauty was still burred in those remains. If only a little, she could appreciate the buildings and items the humans had left behind.

Fayne's attention was drawn away from her surroundings when Palaydrian finally broke the silence, her green eyes shifting to look at her pack sister. Her question brought an immediate laugh from the silver wolf and a slight nod. They all knew her and Tharin had been incredibly intimidated. She nodded to Tharin's statement as well. I certainly was. I didn't tell anyone, but I spent every night huddled under those covers, I was terrified. It took me an hour to gather myself the next day. A breath was taken before she spoke again, voice conveying the gratitude she had for them now. They were strange. Their lifestyle is very different from ours, but they're good in my book. Her ears flicked back and she looked over at her Siamese friend. I was following Palaydrian around the whole time like a lost child. Sorry bout' that. She laughed a little, still ashamed for being so clingy.

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- Palaydrian Soul - 07-05-2012


She’s giggle city! Tongue

Word Count → 504

Confidence radiated off the three lupine bodies and for good reason. Each had struggled with their own inner dialogues and worries during the trip, but all three had come out victorious and on top. They had gone to Casa to learn and learn they did. Though not everyone felt as comfortable within their own skin while in the new pack as Drin had, they each were definitely taking something away from the knights, the knowledge and skills they needed to be even more confident wolves. Palaydrian couldn’t wait to spar and try out some of the moves she had learned on Jiva, though a match might be a little unfair with everything she had absorbed. It was important to practice so as not to become rusty, but even more pertinent to not use their skills for malicious reasons. Drin wondered if that also meant she couldn’t willing go out hunting down Aram for a rematch, this time being the one to surprise him and completely catch him off guard, but she knew this was a silly thought, only borne by her newfound strength and confidence.

The woman’s heart swelled for her pack mates. Now they shared another bond with one another. They had experienced a daunting task and had come out of the fray unscathed. She’d remember this journey for a lifetime, the friends they had made, the meals they had shared, and the intimate moments of conversation they had spent during the nights together. Each day brought them something new, but they faced the challenges together and the overall trip seemed to strengthen the bond that New Dawn asked of them. If anything else other than the fighting skills could be taken from the Casa trip, it would be the insight into her brother’s and sister’s heads. This was her family now and she knew without a doubt that she’d protect their lives with her own and they hers.

Tharin was the first to answer and Drin’s laughter bubbled even more. She hadn’t expected anything else from her stoic brother but she could tell he was much more comfortable out in the wild as they were and so close to home. They definitely were strange, she replied, finding it difficult and quite comical to see Tharin don some of their clothes. No, he would forever be pure wolf in her eyes. Fayne spoke next and her admission stopped Drin in her tracks. The golden fae rolled into the grass, a fit of giggles completely robbing her of breath. Fayne was too adorable! The woman rolled back onto her seal pointed paws and affectionately nudged her sister. Your apology is no good here, she said in between light hearted laughter. I didn’t mind it one bit, and I knew how hard it must’ve been, but hiding under the covers! The woman surrendered to laughing once again, tongue lolling out to the side and loving every moment spent with these two pack mates.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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- Tharin Lupei - 07-05-2012


out of character stuffs

His tail wagged, listening to Fayne speak. The large wolf slowed down for a beat before returning to his usual trotting gait. If he had known that Fayne had been so afraid he wouldn't have left her alone in the fort. Instead he'd let fear control him, remaining trapped outside while Fayne had combated her fear alone. It was shameful, really. Tharin loved being with Fayne. She was fun, and always so spirited. The attack had left him groping for ways to cheer her up, and even when she'd been in heat he'd been able to enjoy her company. What kind of friend was he, leaving her in a strange pack full of fear?

Tharin nodded his head, slightly solemn now. The pack was strange, but definitely good. Drin bubbled up with laughter, bringing Tharin bounding to her side playfully. He nuzzled her as she laughed, brushing off the apology. Tharin nodded his head. I would have remained glued to the pair of you if I could have for the entire trip. His tail swayed, amber eyes laughing. It wasn't fear that would have him attached, but his need to keep them safe. It was still similar enough to Fayne's actions to be added in. Tharin didn't get the under the covers comment, but that was fine. He could ask Fayne about it later.

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- Fayne - 07-06-2012


out of character text

Palaydrian's laughter was infectious. Fayne found herself with a huge grin spread on her lips and her own chuckles began to fill the air pairing with that of her pack sister's. It seemed everyone was less on edge once they'd left the strange pack. Tharin seemed to be loosening up, Palaydrian remained just as bubbly as ever barely swayed by being in a foreign land. Fayne wished she could have been so brave while they were there, but it had been hard for both her and Tharin. They'd survived and were now stronger because of it.

The silver wolf's secret had her Siamese sister rolling around on the floor with laughter. It wasn't that, was it? Yeah, it was. If only they could have seen her. She'd nearly suffocated herself with the covered piled on top of her as if it was an impenetrable fortress of some sort. A rush of embarrassment washed over the small wolf and she pounced over to Palaydrian to land a soft bite on her scruff and a small playful growl It's not that funny! Even with those words she found herself cackling along with her entertained greatly by her reaction to Fayne's confession. At least she hadn't found it so annoying that Fayne had followed her around the whole time. She really was like a little lost pup, or maybe just a younger sister, even though Fayne was older than Drin. I felt safer under there. She said, her voice shy but full of joy. Still the laughter continued and she couldn't help but join in continuing to paw playfully at Palaydrian.

Fayne pranced to Tharin's side when he spoke nipping at his scruff happily. Even if he wasn't there, he'd gotten them there safely. In her eyes, he was the bravest of them all. Tharin was a pure wolf, she could only imagine how terrifying being in Casa would have been for him. Especially if she was even hiding under the covers. Fayne knew he hadn't wanted to be anywhere near the courthouse where they were staying. If she had thought of it, she probably would have stayed out there with him in Lupus form. Aw, that's okay Tharin. I think I would have much rather stayed outside. Come to think of it...why did I stay in there? Hm. She'd barely gotten any sleep in the bed, even if it was comfortable, much too distracted by where she was and the Luperci that bustled around outside. It would have been much more sensible to sleep under the stars like she always did. The bed was strange, and the concept of covers, and just overall, being inside. Fayne looked to the ground in thought. Oh well, she hadn't and the trip was over. Soon, she would be back in the den where she felt the safest.

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- Palaydrian Soul - 07-09-2012



Word Count → 425

It had been too long since Palaydrian had enjoyed the simple comforts of being wolf. Tharin’s affectionate nuzzle combined with Fayne’s fawning over her made her realize what she loved most about being in New Dawn and clinging to the natural ways. She returned their affections with her own nuzzling and chins licks, tail now wagging merrily behind her in the comfort of her friends. The playful antics her merriment had caused made her heart swell with love and belonging as the confessions left their mouths openly in the wild. It was good for everyone to get their feelings and emotions off their chest, especially since they would be returning home today. Drin only wanted them to be in their highest spirits, showing their other pack brothers and sisters that not all things outside of New Dawn lands were threatening. She felt her and Fayne’s leaving was symbolic in a sense. Two women who had been attacked didn’t allow their fear to control them, instead they sought the knowledge and skills needed to overcome it and with Tharin by their sides, they were returning soundly to their homelands as confident and strong as ever.

Palaydrian pawed back at her silver sister, it was good to just feel unburdened once again and she too joined in on nipping at Tharin, a man who in some senses, risked more than they had accompanying them. I think it was good for us to be out of our comfort zones, Drin said thoughtfully after play swiping Fayne. It kind of forced us to, what’s the word...”man-up”? She said, head cocked to the side as she mouthed the word a few times. It made us face our fears head on and without hesitation, but no matter...I’m glad you came Tharin, she said with a whine leaning some of her weight into his shoulder before prancing ahead playfully. The trip had taken a lot out of them, but had given them more in return.

You’re it! She squealed as she bounded away from Tharin, a spontaneous game of tag was great way of breaking up a serious conversation. They still had much to talk about, but Drin wanted to keep things light for now and stretching out her limbs from a bed she knew she wouldn’t have been able to become accustomed to felt just right. She glanced back at her brother and sister and gave forth an encouraging bark before darting off once more.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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- Tharin Lupei - 07-10-2012

The playful nuzzle was returned with one, soft licks joining in. Tharin's tail beat behind him happily, pleased that they were all so relaxed. He didn't smell any dangers, letting his guard down for at least a short time. It was good to keep watch, but just as good to be able to goof off with his pack and play with them. With three trained warriors now surely they could take on any problems that came their way. Even if the training was relatively new to them and would need polishing to get anywhere near where it was needed to be effective.

The pair ganged up on Tharin, leaving him playfully growling as he backed up under a volley of playful nips and swipes, the pair nipping at each other just as often. He moved into the foray, playfully reaching for an ear before leaping back again. He smiled at the soft appreciation Palaydrian spoke. I'm glad I was able to help. It made him feel useful, that he was actually contributing to the pack in some way. He had felt horribly helpless after they had been attacked. The sudden leap startled Tharin. Catching on he growled, considering bounding after the creamy form before turning and lunging to tag Fayne.