'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
rattle my chains - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 08-09-2008

OOC: Lorri's rper claims first post, so if anyone else wants to follow to harass Firefly just wait til she posts first or hit me up on PM and I'll start another thread to torment Firefly.

The girl was bored. So fucking bored. She sat there with her head leaning back against the wall as the thin strip of light seemed to pour through the cracks in the prison. Just for practice if the stupid child they'd set to watch her was still there she jerked back her leg and gave a hard kick to the door, the thundering boom echoing in the encloser as she smirked to herself. She had no love for those in this clan, and the fact that the leaders treated her like so prized possession to teach their youth how to see the horrible monsters that wolves were. She had to just laugh.

It had been more than obvious to her that Anselm was a hybrid and half the world of this fucking clan was just the same. She wondered how stupid you had to be to make yourself blind to the blood you carried and hated others that carried the same. True enough, the clan had reason enough to hate her pack, but this battle had been going on long before the two of them clashed. She snarled and threw one of the bones that the foolish child had slid into the building against the door as well. The crash it made as it rattled to the ground let her lips with a grim smile. She figured she should get some sortof enjoyment out of this if she was going to be here a while.

- Lorri Jade - 08-09-2008

Could you explain where her prison is and what it looks like exactly? My visuals tend to stray like unfenced cows if I'm given too much free will with them. XD
in were form: [/html]Lorri roved Inferni for two consecutive days before coming across the she-wolf tucked away in an imprisoning fold. A pang of nostalgia jabbed her gut- a sick horrible feeling that turned her grin into a mangled steel beam. She approached the cage to see a bone spinning across the floor and a smirk growing beneath the wolf's nose.

Lorri chuckled and clapped her hands together fondly all the while glaring into the cage at the bone "I'll let you have the top-half of my ear if you give me that." She paused and fiddled with her left ear as if hugging it goodbye, "But seeing as that's kinda unfair for me to offer so little I'll even let you chew it off slow as ye want. I know how emotions get all tangled up when yer in there and it makes ye start craving strange things you never thought you had in ye." Her eyes glazed over and she mumbled something about blood and flesh and paw pads before clearing her mind again and giving the wolf a contorted, though expectant, look.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-11-2008

OOC: She's in some sortof garage or shed on the property.. feel free to make it whatever you want it to seem like?

Firefly was getting tired of her confinements very quickly. She'd examined every corner of the concrete building and had even attempted to try and find some sort of crack or seem that she could destroy. There wasn't much to destroy in the building.. what there had been she'd already destroyed. Cans of paint were about all that was left and the Sadira child hadn't attempted to make her rattrap more user friendly. She had no fucking want to stay there anylonger than she had to and she sure as hell wasn't down to the point of leaving her print on their lands, though she liked the idea a bit.. she could leave her hatred of the clan upon the walls of this prison, a stand in time to the war they were raging upon eachother.

Suddenly Firefly's lonely moment was interupted by the appearance of one of the clan, her fangs were bared as she turned to the voice, registering the words the lady spoke, yet not knowing if she should believe a word the bitch said as she seemed to feel some sympathy for the caged beast, yet in some aspect seemed to be taunting in the young woman's ears. Firefly's eyes were dark as she spoke up. "Maybe you shouldn't assume anything... Perhaps I already know the darker half of me.. and I embrace what I see." Her fangs were deadly points as she watched the clan member with sharp eyes, her hand grasping the bone that had skittered across the floor back to her after that last clatter. Quickly she whipped her arm across her body and flung the bone across the room, crashing into the small window that the stranger was staring at her from. The noise it made as it fell to the floor again filled the void between the two.

- Lorri Jade - 08-12-2008

Okay cool. Smile
[/html]Lorri didn't know who was more insane- she, for offering her own ear or the stranger for rejection of such a fine offer. Reflex pulled her head away as the bone clattered loudly against the prison's window mere inches from her face. Arms like black snakes in coitus crossed themselves and she gave an apology, "Sorry for assuming, jeez."
She grasped the window and tapped the frame, thinking for a moment about the wolf's words. She spoke in a curious tone, "If you embrace incomplete darkness why not let it spread to enjoy the full affect?" Pause. Thinking again. Oh how that rich, sweet wickedness of the heart had the coyote craving its taste.
Lorri crunched a black brow down over her right eye and pressed her face against the caged-in window. An utter whisper rasped into the confines, "It can get you out of this hell hole. I know how and luckily for me it doesn't involve bartering with ears." She peered hard into the darkness to see if the fish were biting. She still wanted that bone and now it seemed the only way to get it out was to get the wolf out too. She thought, All it'll take is some rendering of soul alignments. How hard can it be? Lorri had no idea because she did not understand such things as emotional ties but she had the passion and willpower to try.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-14-2008

Firefly's eyes light up with sparks as she watched the face jerk back from the window a moment as the bone had rattled the frame that the clan member had stood at. She narrowed her emerald orbs as the lady questioned her own embrace of the darkness that creeped under her skin. Her fangs were bared as she laughed at the foolish coyote that had come to comfort the poor prisoner. "Embrace the madness, embrace the darkness.. in the embrace of the enemy?" She grinned as she picked up the deerbone once more. "No thanks, folly at a whole.. I'm not insane you know.." Over her short lifespan she'd begun to learn the different marks of darkness, of madness, insanity, and even those religious fanatics. She knew what was reflected in her own dark mirror, she didn't need to dip and dabble in another's.

The next words that the coyote said made the wolf's ears fold back against her head as she tried to imagine exactly what in the hell the clan member was up to. Narrowing her eyes again she snarled a warning before the words hissed between her teeth. "I hardly think your clan would appreciate your plan of action. I hear they kill traitors in these parts.." A small part of her wondered just how in the hell the coyote thought she'd get away with this little plan she seemed to be mulling in her mind.