'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Lifestyles of the rash and jagged - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Lifestyles of the rash and jagged (/showthread.php?tid=2947)

- Lorri Jade - 08-09-2008

99% of the time my threads will be AW. This is one of those times.
[/html]in coyote form: Lorri jumped from rock to rock and sang about grits for breakfast as wrathful waves pounded at the structures beneath her feet. She was in a mood of defiance of reason, and god damn did she have a craving for grits. Maybe it was the sand in her teeth, in her eyeballs, in her butt crack, fucking everywhere! However, sand lacked tolerability of taste and trust me, Lorri had dined on (and enjoyed) some pretty wacked up banquets in her lifetime. Including but not limited to a leather shoe lightly seasoned with gasoline.

Lorri missed her next jump as she reached an opera-style crescendo. It went something like this: "III LOOOOVEEE GRIIII-" ... DUNK SPLASH. She was helpless to the direction the waves were taking her but as luck would have it she was shore-bound. Lorri didn't like this string of luck one bit because it always found a way of twisting around edges when it mingled with her very jagged lifestyle.

Then, as expected, the coyote's string of luck got tangled and she became a living, breathing ball for the rocks to throw for one another as she unavoidably entered an area full of them. She let out a bizarre cacophony of high-pitched screaming, hideous gurgling, and mad laughter almost all at once as she reveled in becoming a bloodied bruised plaything for the ocean. What a strange new feeling! she thought ecstatically. She also wondered if this afternoon would be the particular one in which she would die.

- Khaden Aatte - 08-10-2008

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... c2b4-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Not the best post >< wc: 370

It wasn't a particularly different day as Khaden trotted along listlessly around the northern region of Souls. He seemed to notice that the more and more time went on since Ember had left Twilight Vale's secure sanctuary, the more and more Khaden continued to travel closer and closer to Shadowed Sun and the pack land around there. He had never quite walked beyond those borders, not yet anyways. He didn't quite know what to say to Ember, what to say to anyone that lived within those invisible walls - he had naught talked to anyone there, and didn't want to be rude just to steal some precious seconds with the Phoenix girl.

So there he was, circling closer and closer to the forbidden terrain. He had loped up into the Halcyon Mountains, just to come back down again, realizing that he was dangerously close to the Inferni borders. That, by itself, was something that Khaden did not want to attempt. He had met coyotes before, such as Laurel or even out on the road, but there was nothing more malicious than Inferni's reputation. So naturally, he skirted around those borders and seemed to be deposited on the coast of the Waste.

He picked his way through the shores and cliffs of the northern territory, keeping clear of the water despite his secui form. It would be a waste of a good life to get caught up in those sheer rocks that dotted the shores well into the water. Hesitating slightly, his paws halted as he peered into the water. A black figure seemed to be swept up into the torrent of water, being thrashed this way and that. Eyes widening, Khaden immediately jolted across the shores, ignoring as the jagged rocks pierced through his well weathered feet.

It wasn't long at all before he had hit the water, his limbs working to their peak in order to grab the canine figure and swim her back to shore. Teeth reached out to grab the scruff of her neck as he fought the swirls of currents that seemed to want to hinder his process as he continued to try. He would help her, save her, from this wretched coast.

- Lorri Jade - 08-11-2008

[/html]Turbulent waters and skyward rocks made it impossible to make sense of her surroundings. Though every now and then Lorri glimpsed a black creature making its way from the shore to the viable deathbed. She believed this was the Grim Reaper, suitably in wolf's form, coming to relieve her of Earthen duties. Awe lit the girl's face as He swathed her scruff in potent jowls. She fell limp as if a submissive puppy being carried. The pounding of water and granite felt like little more than gentle caresses now. Her worn out nerves were to blame but she believed this to be part of the death process. She noted how alive it felt to be dying.

Lorri awaited whatever came next on the journey to the kingdom of the dead with a feral, silent grin.

- Khaden Aatte - 08-17-2008


out of character

BLAH. I'm so sorry for this wait. ><

in character

Chaotic rapids seemed to crash Khaden this way and that, but miraculously alabaster white daggers gripped onto a hunk of flesh and fur. Happy to have some sort of leverage in this twisted torrent of water, Khaden pushed his footing against a large stony outcropping, and attempted to thrust the both of them towards a chunk of land not submerged in these unpredictable waters. He was surprised, offhandedly, that she was so lifeless, so limp in his protection. Perhaps it was the shock of the water that brought the femme in such a state, or perhaps it was because he was here. Whatever the reason may be, he knew his job was to bring the female to safety. And that's what he did.

Bruised and bleeding, they finally came crashing onto shore, Khaden still ripping apart the land with his weathered out feet as he pushed them further away from the nasty currents and rocks. Sticks, stones and dirty grit made the ground uncomfortable as he slid uphill, finally letting go of the female and coughing up the liquid that had engulfed him previously, and attempted to drown his lungs out. His body was strung out from the physical exertion that he had pushed himself too, but immediately felt horrible as he realized that he was spending all this attention on himself. Propping his head up, and forcing his body to be up upon his feet, he regarded the ebony female aside him. "Are you okay?" He voiced anxiously, tiredly, watching carefully the way she breathed, the way she reacted. The last thing he needed was more drama.

- Lorri Jade - 08-18-2008

Lorri's flaccidity all but vanished once the man had dragged himself and her out of the salty torrent. "Are you okay?" She demonstrated the answer by jumping afoot, laughing and choking on water all at once. "Are you KID-ding?! That was awesome. Would have died eventually if not for your guts. Pity not to be able to experience something like that again. Thanks man." She stopped dancing and bent over to grab his head and plant a kiss squarely on the top. Even as she did so a drop of blood from a cut on her head mingled with the black, salty-smelling fur on his head. Such pain from salty, sandy (ouch!) cuts and bruises was overwritten by the adrenaline racing through the coyote's system. She was slowly realizing how vanquished she was and collapsed on the ground beside him again. "I'm Lorri." She wiped off the previous perils like apple juice spilled on the tiles by a clumsy kid, but the man's anxieties didn't look like they would be so easily cleaned up. She smiled a mixture of thankfulness and reassurance in his direction.

- Khaden Aatte - 08-19-2008


out of character

o_o; I made the pimp angry.

in character

Khaden had been granted a second wind, despite how pathetic it was. Limbs creaked and groaned under the pressure of his body as he stretched each one gingerly. And then, like that, the femme was up, bouncing and jolting around. Giving a breathless laugh, he let a smile wipe through his features and a slight jovial wag through his tail. Her response was unpredictable - she seemed unpredictable, and for some odd reason, Khaden liked that, because it wasn't long before she was back, flopped across the sandy shores after giving him some sloppy kiss. His body burned with embarrassment as he watched her and slightly registered her name.

Sitting himself beside her before his legs gave out again, he mouthed over her name before offering his own. "Khaden." Pawing down to lay next to her, because it seemed like every effort of exertion seemed so momentous to him, he finally just laid amongst the beach, letting the bright gray skies blend into his whole disposition. "Just do me a favor. Don't ever do that again."