'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
this can't last forever - Printable Version

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- Apollo Haddix - 08-10-2008

No, I'm not having a thread with myself... D:[html]

He lay on his stomach, paws stretched out in front of him as his mismatched eyes traced his father’s form. He was tending to the garden when Apollo had arrived, and now he worked to store some of the herbs in various jars that he had inside the den. Below the youth a large tan animal skin was put down and smelled lightly of dust. He watched his father, waiting for him to finish so that they could talk to one another.

"Dad, what happened to my mother?" Apollo knew her name was Dierdre and that he had never met her, but he didn’t know what had become of her. Why had she left Sirius and Apollo behind as she had? Did she not love them? Apollo thought it sure seemed that way.


- Pilot Haddon - 08-10-2008


He finished funneling some sage into a jar and twisted the cover closed, storing it next to a collection of other herbs and supplies. He was rather surprised how well he had managed to grow these various plants. A few, he had to admit, had died though. He would have to try again when the season rolled around.

The sound of Apollo’s voice was almost unfamiliar, as he hadn’t been seeing much of him lately. He was surprised to see him when he had turned up in Shadowed Sun. His question, too, was a surprise. He turned to face his son of only four months, and could easily see the curiosity in his eyes. He deserved to know. So did Pilot. But no one knew what had happened to Dierdre.

"Your mother gave birth to you and your brother during a major fire that ravaged our old lands. Everyone had to flee their old packs. You two weren’t due to be born yet, and you lost two of your siblings. I guess they just weren’t ready to face the world yet. Naniko is the one who helped your mother. While she was tending to you two, I guess your mother disappeared. No one really knows what happened to her. We’re not even sure if she did survive the fire or not." Pilot’s words waved a bit, but he tried to hide that from his son. Even though she was gone, Pilot still had love for her. He could only hope that she had lived.


- Apollo Haddix - 08-11-2008


Surprisingly, the story didn’t really make Apollo feel much sadness, even though no one knew exactly what had become of his mother. He supposed it was because he had never known her. Maybe if they had grown up together, he would miss her absence. But because he had never known her presence, he didn’t experience much sorrow over her disappearance from the world.

"What were the old packs like? Were they the same as Twilight Vale and Shadowed Sun? Or were they different?" Apollo had always been slightly curious about his father’s life before he and his brother had been born. Had Pilot been born here as well? And where were his parents? Apollo had never really thought about it until now. Did he have some grandparents some where?


- Pilot Haddon - 08-11-2008


Pilot went over and sat down on adjacent skin, crossing his legs beneath him like a pretzel. He didn’t mind the questions from Apollo. In fact, he enjoyed being able to pass along a little bit of knowledge to his son. It wasn’t often that the duo saw each other. Apollo seemed to stick to himself a lot more lately.

"The old packs were similar to the packs now. There were four of them; Jaded Shadows, Clouded Tears, the coyote clan Inferni, and then there was Storm. As you know, Inferni is still around. All of the other packs disbanded. I grew up in Storm. It was my first wolf pack ever, and it was where I made many good friends." He looked to his son’s mismatched eyes, feeling as if it were Dierdre looking back at him. They had spent many nights like this, talking in Pilot’s den. "Tayui came from Jaded Shadows and we decided to form Shadowed Sun with the help of a few others. And of course, Twilight Vale and Labyrinth Glen came about too."


- Apollo Haddix - 08-19-2008


Apollo turned towards his father, his eyes locked onto his father’s face as he listened intently to what Pilot was telling him. Though Apollo didn’t know much about the current packs, he was interested about the history of the olds ones. Especially Storm. For some reason, his father’s old pack struck interest in the youth.

"Tell me more about Storm," he instructed his father, resting his chin on his paws as he prepared himself for tales of days long past. With the knowledge he gained he hoped to possibly understand each of the packs better.


- Pilot Haddon - 08-19-2008


Pilot flipped over his hand, tracing the lightening bolt symbol that was tattooed on his wrist. Though Storm was no longer the pack he resided in, it would always hold a very special place in the white male’s heart. He couldn’t even begin to list the things that had all happened in Storm’s old territory, but one thing was certain: Pilot had become a wolf.

"Well, let’s see here," he began, thinking of where he would begin. "Storm was founded on November 11, 2001. I don’t know who it was that put the pack together, but it was very old and established by the time I joined. It’s official colors were slate blue and teal, and the symbol was a lightening bolt." Pilot held out his wrist, displaying Storm’s pack image for his son to see. "The rank system was different then the one we have now. In fact, I don’t think any of the new packs use it."

He went over to a pile of books he had stacked in his den. He removed a few sheets of paper and a writing utensil, grabbing a book to write on as well. Sitting back down adjacent Apollo, Pilot began to write out the ranks. "They were organized like this. The leader tier was comprised of the alphas, betas, and gammas. The alpha’s word was basically law, but they worked very closely with their fellow leaders." He drew out a diagram, drawing a line to separate the leadership trio from the rest. "Then it went down from Altester, Lehrer, Jager Fuhrer, Jager, Wahrer, Spaher, Graduierter, Subordinate, and lastly, Omega. Younger wolves, like you, would be categorized as puppies and organized simply by the german number system. Erste, Zweite, Dritte, Vierte, and so on. Those between 7 and 12 months were given the apprentice rank of Lerhling."

He handed the sheet of paper to Apollo, setting it down in front of his nose. He smiled to his son, glad to be talking about the place that Pilot had come to love. "We had co-ranks as well. Baird, Aufpasser, Apothecary, and Forecaster. Apothecary is similar to what I am now – a Medicine Man." He paused for a moment, casting his silver gaze back upon his tattoo, before looking back at his son.


- Pilot Haddon - 09-22-2008

So basically Apollo takes in interest in everything about Storm and how it was run. Pilot writes all this down for him, and then Apollo runs off with the information. This discussion sparks some thoughts in the youngster’s head.