'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A Winding, Lonely Road - Printable Version

+- 'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012) (https://soulsrpg.com/ipb)
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+--- Thread: A Winding, Lonely Road (/showthread.php?tid=29644)

- Asgeir - 07-20-2012


- Asgeir - 07-31-2012


Asgeir Ceston · Profile
  1. Turn the Page (12 Jul) X'yrin (+)
  2. Anything But a Farmer (27 Jul) X'yrin (* +)
  3. We Built This...Ranch? (30 Jul) X'yrin, Pendzez, Sira, Jiva, Palaydrian, Zeus (+)
  4. Rubber Ducky [Groom] (01 Aug) Read-Only (+)
  5. Being Presentable (01 Aug) X'yrin (+)
  6. Time Effects All (05 Aug) X'yrin (+)
  7. With Ease (10 Aug) Sira (+)
  8. [M] A time to love... (13 Aug) X'yrin (+)
  9. The Fruits of Our Labor (26 Aug) Pack (* +)
  10. High Winds (25 Sep) Jaden()
  11. New Purpose(Oct 2) X'yrin, Jaden, X'ies ()

Post Log Key
  1. I need to reply
  2. I've replied
  3. Thread is closed
  4. * Important thread
  5. + All points collected

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- Asgeir - 08-06-2012

Achievements updated 10/15/12@2am
Asgeir's Tracker

  1. Rank Advancement

    Status: 01 / 03 Levels Achieved

    My ultimate goal is for Asgeir to achieve the rank of "Ek Chua", god of bartering.

    1. Prospective >> Acknowledged Completed 8/15/12

      Members seeking to move from Prospective to Acknowledged should be aware of the ins and outs of their responsibilities in the pack as well as maintaining close contact with the members of the Family. To advance, a member must have 5 Trophies.

      1. List of trophies Shows Asgeir has five trophies.
      2. Thread Name: Thread description focusing on how the thread achieves the rank requirement.

    2. Acknowledged >> Esteemed

      Esteemed members are the second-in-command to the Exalted, who are themselves seconds to the leadership. Esteemed members are allowed and encouraged to share their knowledge and skills with the Family and with outsiders with whom Sangi'lak is aligned positively. Members must have also obtained at least 15 trophies, of which at least 5 must be of their tier.

      1. Thread Name: Thread description focusing on how the thread achieves the rank requirement.
      2. Thread Name: Thread description focusing on how the thread achieves the rank requirement.

    3. Esteemed >> Exalted

      Exalted members are masters of their tier and are most trusted in the pack. They may join the Council by election or by request. If not in the Council, they are looked at as guides for new inductees. Aspiring members must have at least 50 trophies, of which at least 25 must be of their tier.

      1. Thread Name: Thread description focusing on how the thread achieves the rank requirement.
      2. Thread Name: Thread description focusing on how the thread achieves the rank requirement.

  2. The Catacombs?

    Status: 00 / 19 In Character Catacombs Achieved

    You can write a paragraph describing your Catacombs status here.

    1. Pink: Find a Mate (Mate's Name)
    2. Green: Have puppies (Litter DOB + Names)
    3. Red: Win a fight

      Thread Name: Thread Description

    4. Yellow: Lose a fight

      Thread Name: Thread Description

    5. Cross: Rescue Someone

      Thread Name: Thread Description

    6. Magenta: Organize a Pack Thread

      Thread Name: Thread Description

    7. Brown: Have a thread with all the characters in your pack/group

      Thread Name: Thread Description

    8. Cream: Participate in a Pack Hunt

      Pack: Thread Name: Thread Description

    9. Blue: Meet all the leaders of the packs (that have been established for at least 3 months)
      1. Inferni - Thread
      2. AniWaya - Thread
      3. Cour des Miracles - Thread
      4. Cercatori d'Arte - Thread
      5. Anathema - Thread
      6. Salsola - Thread
      7. Casa di Cavalieri - Thread
      8. New Dawn - Thread
      9. Vinátta - Thread
      10. Sangi'lak - Thread

    10. Light Green: Finish a thread in every playable territory
      1. Halcyon Mountain - Thread
      2. The Waste - Thread
      3. Drifter Bay - Thread
      4. The Dampwoods - Thread
      5. Arachnea's Revenge - Thread
      6. Quartz Shoreline - Thread
      7. Whisper Beach - Thread
      8. Halifax - Thread
      9. Shattered Coast - Thread
      10. Shiloh Hills - Thread
      11. The Trenches - Thread
      12. Overgrowth Sunrise - Thread
      13. Ethereal Eclipse - Thread
      14. Serena Reserve - Thread
      15. Beast's Grin Peninsula - Thread
      16. Yarmouth and Barrington - Thread
      17. Fellmoor Swamp - Thread
    11. Purple: Earn a Co-Rank (Co-Rank, Pack)
    12. Sea Blue: 3 consecutive months (Pack)
    13. Deep Blue: 6 consecutive months (Pack)
    14. Shock Blue: 1 consecutive year (Pack)
    15. Electric Blue: 2 consecutive years (Pack)
    16. Sparkling Silver: Be a subleader for at least three months (Pack)
    17. Sparkling Gold: Be a leader for at least three months (Pack)
    18. Emerald: Yearbook Superlative (Year, Superlative)
    19. Starlight: Spotlight Soul (Month, Year)

  3. Pack Game

    Points Grand Total: 053

    1. Purchases
      1. -50 for Bulk Standard Trophy (10 Aug)
    2. Out of Character Points
      1. 300+ Posts (+3):

        01, 00, 00, 00, 00,

      2. 400+ Posts (+4):

        00, 00, 00, 00,

      3. 500+ Posts (+5):

        00, 00, 00, 00

      4. 600+ Posts (+6):

        01, 00, 00

      5. 700+ Posts (+7):

        00, 00, 00

      6. 800+ Posts (+8):

        00, 00, 00

      7. 900+ Posts (+9):

        00, 00, 00

      8. 1000+ Posts (+10):

        00, 00, 00

      9. Recruit a Member (+10): Member Name
      10. Join with an Adopted Character (+15): Member Name
      11. Join with an Established Loner (+15): Member Name
      12. Pack Pride Images (+5 per image): Points Awarded
      13. Create an approved Pack thread (+20): Thread
      14. Beginning/joining an AW thread in-territory (+10): Thread
      15. Joining a non-mandatory pack thread (+10): Thread
      16. Joining a mandatory pack thread (+5): Thread
      17. Completing a thread prompt (+20): Thread
    3. In Character Points
      1. RO Expectation thread (+3):

        00, 00

      2. AW or P Expectation thread (+5):

        00, 00

      3. Tending/caring for livestock (+5):

        00, 00, 00

      4. Assisting with construction:

        00, 00, 00

      5. Approved use of (pack's) wagon for transportation (+5):

        00, 00, 00

      6. Earning next tier:

        00, 00

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- Asgeir - 08-10-2012

Claimed posts
8/10/12 - 76 points
+3: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06,
+4: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
+5: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
+3 RO Expectation: 01
+5 P Expectation: 01, 02

10/15/12 - 27 points
+3: 01, 02, 03, 04
+5: 01
+10 Rank up: Prospective to Acknowledged

-50 -- Bulk Standard Trophy

Current points: 53 || Points to Date: 103

- Asgeir - 08-10-2012



- Asgeir - 10-15-2012

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But your thoughts will soon be wandering,
the way they always do, When you're ridin' sixteen hours

And there's nothin' much to do
OOC :: Table by me, template by Revo!

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

And you don't feel much like ridin',

You just wish the trip was through
WC :: +500
image courtesy of emdadi. template by revo. <3


Table by Bria!

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum


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