'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Working Slave - Printable Version

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- Raoth - 08-01-2012

The need to protect Aro was an annoying one. It wasn't one he could turn off either. Raoth was in the middle of his latest escape attempt. He didn't have chains, no one was watching him, there was nothing to stop him from leaving. So the coyote bolted. He passed the borders of the pack, running through the open. His mistake was when he started thinking about how great it was to be free. The trouble Aro would have when he realized his pet bodyguard was missing amused Raoth.

Images of Aro searching for him flashed through his mind, followed by ones of the male getting hurt. Caught in a trap. Ambushed. Ending up sick. Raoth slowed down, and finally stopped. What was he doing? Aro couldn't function without him. No, that wasn't true. He'd be just fine. Raoth fell into an argument with himself, trying to override the part of him that insisted he return to Aro. His steps were even quicker on the return though, worried about his master.

- Torok Haima - 08-01-2012

Torok had been staying close to the house that Isa and her mate Hadley were living in for the time-being, wanting to make sure her new family was safe. His ears twitched when he heard someone running not too far away. Fearing they were hurt, or in some form of trouble, Torok followed them, wanting to help. The scent was clearly male and possibly about his own age, and clearly coyote, just as Lark had been. The unnamed colt stayed with the horses owned by Isa and her mate, leaving Fraya the only one to accompany him.

She landed on his shoulder as they approached the man, unsure why he stopped. Hello there. Is everything alright sir? Fraya observed him from her perch on his shoulder, acting as Torok’s eyes. According to her, he was shorter than himself, but was very muscular and had a dark grey coat covering his body. He sounded to be similar in appearance to Lark, except for the hair. Lark always had long hair that he kept tied back or in a braid, while this male apparently had shaggy dark hair that fell down to his shoulders. Like Lark, he also bore many scars. Perhaps he was a slave as well, having been beaten just as his love had.

- Raoth - 08-01-2012

Raoth looked up, his body stiffening as a large wolf appeared. His fangs immediately peeled back, ready to attack the stranger. He was not open towards others approaching. Hackles raised he looked at him, noting the bird resting on the stranger's shoulder. It looked like the one Amy had traded a while ago. Raoth thought back to the conversation, reflecting on what he knew of the birds. Solitary, very loyal to their masters. That was about all he remembered.

The man spoke to him, Raoth grinning a little at the words. He couldn't respond, as he didn't have a tongue to speak with. Shrugging he pointed back towards the pack, gesturing that he had just been heading back to the pack. How much of that would actually translate over Raoth didn't know. Usually the gist of what he wanted to say was understood, but usually something was lost, as he couldn't state what he wanted to say.

- Raoth - 08-21-2012

Aro had went to see if Roath would like to go fishing with him, maybe then he could discuss what he had in mind for the slave. However, it was then he realized the man was gone. He merely smiled and laughed about it, he tracked him, then watched him. He wasn't going to reveal himself, he just merely watched from a vantage point as the coyote ran. He then smiled as he turned around, but not before a loner of some sort distracted him and asked a question. He couldn't hear it, but he knew the wolf spoke to Roath. His ears perked as he watched what Roath would do. His hackles were up and his lips raised in a snarl expression. Maybe he should interfere.

The large tuxedo man walked over toward the pair his talk stature towering over the two. He nodded to the wolf, then spoke to Raoth, "...now now, bud. That's no way to greet someone." He gently put his hand on the coyote's shoulders, smiling warmly to him. His eyes looked to the other one, and from what he could see, he appeared blind. "...sorry, sir. Roath here cannot speak. The woman I acquired took his tongue from him. Honestly, it makes me want to hunt her down and end her life...however, I have decided to keep a word and make a deal with her...it was the only guarantee that I could get him into safety with me." He explained, "...he is not used to as much freedom I've given him. He was attempting to run away...unfortunate...but he decided to turn around...that was what he was trying to say to you..." His eyes looked lovingly to the coyote.

"Roath...if you want to travel...you're more than welcome to...I just ask that you come back...I consider you my friend, and a brother...not a slave like you have been trained to be." He said openly his eyes looking to see Raoth's. Trying to read his expression, his thoughts. He winked playfully, then looked to the wolf, "..so, what's your name? And the bird?"

- Torok Haima - 08-21-2012

The man before him said nothing and Fraya mentioned that the man simply shrugged and pointed. Perhaps Torok was just wasting his time. The man seemed o be ignoring him and unwilling to take even a moment to speak with him. Another male came forward, speaking to the silent man before speaking to Torok and apologizing on the other man’s behalf. Torok bowed his head respectfully until he learned that the man had acquired the silent male from a woman. He was kept as a slave? He faced Roath first, or attempted to at least, as he spoke. I apologize sir, I was unaware that you were unable to speak and I am truly sorry for the pain inflicted upon you by this woman. Turning towards Aro, Torok continued speaking. You say he is safe with you, yet it sounds as though he is still kept as a slave. If you care for him as a brother, or even a friend for that matter, why not free him? Allow him to make his own decision’s?

Memories of Lark being beaten, tortured, and being forced to do all sorts of strenuous activities due to being owned by another were forced into his mind. Torok was glad that he never actually saw any of it, but hearing about it and tending to Lark’s wounds were enough to make him hate even the word slave. He should be able to choose what he wants, where he wants to live, if he wants to leave. His hand reached up to hold the red crescent moon around his neck, calming down for a moment before speaking again. I apologize. I am not very fond of keeping slaves. I’m Torok and this is Fraya. I wouldn’t get too close though, she doesn’t usually like others.

- Raoth - 08-21-2012

Raoth looked over to Aro, ears flattening as he saw the wolf approach. The scolding was soft, but he had still managed to disappoint his master. He would have made up for it and apologized if he'd been able to. Instead his tail just lowered, tail tucking in submissively. The arm around his shoulders made Raoth uncomfortable. Aro did touch him a lot, and Raoth was getting used to the sensation. It was just odd, always expecting a blow and having none come forwards. He didn't nestle in, just accepting it. Rather like how he'd put up with Dhiate flirting with him, as uncomfortable as that made him feel.

Did he have to explain everything to this stranger? The coyote snarled, a protest against having his weakness exposed before someone that he didn't know. He still didn't move, but having Aro explain to everyone that he didn't have a tongue was awkward. He'd much prefer they thought he just didn't want to talk to them. The disgusting noises he'd been reduced to bothered him to no end. Even worse, it sounded like his master knew exactly what he'd been trying to do. No explaining his way out of this one. Not that Aro would probably have believed him anyways.

It wasn't travel that he wanted. Raoth wished that he could tell Aro what he wanted. His freedom. It was frustrating, having it right in his grasp and unable to grasp it. Raoth didn't even know what he'd do if he did become free. He liked fighting. It gave him an excuse to hit others. That was about the extent of what he really wanted to do though. His anger controlled his life. The growls grew in tempo as the stranger spoke, questioning Aro's choices. That was his master that was being judged! He didn't ask for this stranger to interrupt him. He looked at the bird, thinking how alike they were. Raoth didn't particularly like others either.