'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
[m] sarcastic savior - Printable Version

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- Vesper - 08-11-2012

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Drifter Bay

Date: 09 Aug* (Backdated)

Weather: Windy, cloudy

Time: Late morning
Asher Thompson

Vesper is by Nat!

(1090) For Nat! You can honestly probably skip most of this; only the last bit is important. Stark would likely be using his terrible high speech to get Helotes' attention.

“Boy sure about doing this?”

“Quiet, Stark.” A pause. “Yes, I’m sure. I mean, you ever get one of those nagging feelings?”

“Stark being nagging feeling.”

Vesper had to smirk at the big raven flying overhead, although she knew he had a point. He operated as her conscience just as much as he did a scouting partner, and what she hoped to do was probably pointless. After her argument with Myrika—if it could even be called that, as one-sided as it was—she’d felt anxious and frustrated about the horse herds, wondering what might happen if they were all snatched away. She knew that there was little she could do, having no experience with livestock, but sitting vigil for one day would help clear her mind. Then she’d apologize to the Aquila, somehow, and pray that she hadn’t scared the redheaded woman off forever. She didn’t know what she’d do, in that case.

“Not wanting to shift?” the black bird asked, a more anxious note in his croak.

The scarred woman shrugged her shoulders, feeling the quiver shift on her back. She knew that optime limited her in some ways, but she’d practiced enough to be able to hold her own, if not decimate enemies the way she could on four legs. Remembering the rope wrapped around her neck, she didn’t want to be helpless to grab it and wrestle it away. And she supposed that, if the day was as uneventful as she expected, she could get some archery practice in.

Claws touched down on one of her shoulders, and she reached up to gently clamp his beak shut. “I’m fine,” she told him, letting go and running a finger under his feathery chin. “I’ve got you to look out for me.”

Stark sighed then rubbed his head against her cheek before taking off, circling high above. Ves inhaled the salty wind and looked at the foothill grass well-grazed by the herd. As far as she was aware, there was one big group of horses tromping around the Drifter Bay area, not understanding that three stallions had split their families into three clusters. As soon as she heard the thump of hooves and saw two mares at play, she meandered to the nearest landmark she could find—the makings a cliff jutting out from the foothills of Halcyon.

Once there, she took a seat where she could see the horses running, unslung her quiver, and set to work unraveling a bowstring.


Vesper yawned.

It had only been a few hours keeping watch over the herd, but she’d woken earlier than usual and the boredom especially was getting to her. There were the occasional bouts of excitement when the horses played or bickered, but mostly they grazed, and she had a suspicion that the chestnut standing at the edge of the herd was really sleeping. All she’d done that was productive was shoot ten arrows at ten rabbits and only miss nine times, and then there was the trip to retrieve them. The poor rabbit had only barely been hit, so she’d had to track its bloody trail only to find the arrow left behind.

The coywolf just about dozed off before there was thump beside her on the stone, and she blinked at the sight of the dead rabbit before grinning at Stark, who puffed his dark chest proudly. She began to eat sloppily, tossing him a good percentage of the meat and leaving him to pick at the smaller bones. She sucked on the femur, staring out at the herd boredly until she caught movement at the edge of the territory, near a thick cluster of shrubbery. Her jaw tightened, cracking the bone, and she was on her feet in an instant.

“Careful, boy,” Stark hissed, and she nodded as she hopped down the small outcropping. “Forgetting bow!” came an angry caw from behind her, but it was too late for that, and she sprinted toward the foliage. She could count at least five luperci there, and she knew loners didn’t group up like that except to hunt.

The raven flew past her, likely to perch up in one of the trees, and she slowed down, half-crouching as she circled around. None of the luperci seemed to be looking outward; their attention was focused on one of their own. As she grew closer, she could hear voices barking back and forth, mostly taunts and questions, and one in particular made her freeze.

“I’m not one of them!”

She could almost imagine the stupid kid’s desperate hand gestures. Her lip curled, and she wondered if this was her chance to set them even.

“Sure you are, coyote. We’re not stupid.” This voice was husky but feminine, and Ves saw a richly patterned tawny wolf through the leaves. “It was a coyote that killed Owain, and these arrows look pretty familiar.” The tawny she-wolf moved, and there was a pathetic little yipe. “We might not kill you if you can round up some of these horses for us. We can start with that perlino; he’s very pretty.”

The collie hybrid continued to protest. “The horses aren’t mine! I can’t do anything; they belong to the pack east of here, and if they find out—” He yelped again, and Vesper unsheathed her claws, stepping closer. Her approach wasn’t stealthy enough, however, and she could see one luperci glancing in her direction, opening his mouth to raise the alarm—before a shadow detached itself from the tree and clawed his face, wings flapping hard.

Vesper took advantage of the chaos to lurch forward, snaking a skinny arm around the tawny she-wolf’s neck and biting deep into her shoulder. The larger woman threw her down, though, and she only barely rolled away from a kick. “Move your ass, kid!” she snapped at Asher, who stared with wide amber eyes before whirling on one of his captors. Even with three of the foe engaged, there was a fourth raising a knife in her direction, and she wasn’t sure she could take all of them depending on how much help the coydog was.

Someone hauled her up by the arm, but she turned and locked claws with the wolf, baring her teeth. She heard the approach of the fourth luperci and let out a desperate caw, ordering Stark in low speech to fly to Inferni and get help. They were close to the clan’s borders, and with any luck he’d be able to bring backup before one of them got seriously hurt…

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- Helotes Lykoi - 08-12-2012

.: OOC :. OOC.

Helotes was out on Potra today, which just tickled her pink after he had taken her mother instead of her the other day. To placate the fiery mare, Helotes was letting her run to her heart's content and he was just coming along for the ride. She had bolted like lightning as soon as he had let her, and she had run like a possessed thing straight towards the borders of the territory, only then did he reign her in.

Teaching the young horse how to conserve her energy rather than expend it all in one bolt, they had done several exercises in control, ones which Potra at first resisted but then found out to be fun. Helotes and she muttered to each other joyfully, not really saying anything, but then again horses never really said anything important anyway. Helotes let Potra go again then, and instead of running she took the time to nibble on some sweet grasses; the Hydra then lay back against her hindquarters and looked up into the cloudy sky. It wasn’t all that unpleasant today, perhaps a bit cooler than it had been, but the breeze was nice against his dark fur.

The Lykoi thought it might be nice to take a cat-nap on the horse's backside but just then a dark shadow appeared in the sky. A crow it was, and he thought nothing more of it until it seemed to be circling above him like a vulture, calling out constantly. Helotes sat up and looked at the bird more closely, realizing that he recognized it, Stark? He called up, feeling somewhat strange talking to the bird. The feathered fiend swooped down immediately to try and perch upon Potra’s neck, but she was having none of that and shook her mane wildly, forcing the bird to awkwardly hover before him, "Boy in trouble! Come now!" Stark croaked out madly, and Helotes felt his heart jump into this throat, Vesper? Where! And without hesitation, Stark took off and headed outside the boards. Helotes pushed Potra into a gallop and she was more than happy to oblige, keeping under the crow the entire way.

Helotes had not brought his spear, which he regretted immediately, but his claws would do nicely if there was to be trouble. The smell of horses and Vesper came to him suddenly as he broke the crest of a hill and suddenly found himself surrounded by a herd. Potra whinnied out excitedly, but their sudden appearance had spooked the wild steeds and they all began stampeding away. Helotes kept his eyes trained on Stark, despite the commotion and steered Potra towards a nearby grove of trees. He could hear a commotion there, snarls and growls and the sounds of conflict. And then, the visage of Vesper surrounded by three wolves, and another coyote hybrid facing off against another. The Hydra didn’t hesitated and pushed his horse even faster, muttering to her a single word that she understood, and before the attackers knew what hit them one of them became nothing more than meat under the sharp hooves of his horse.

Like a monkey he jumped from her back as she barreled through the group and landed atop one of the assailants like a ton of bricks, the two of them went tumbling into the underbrush. Helotes was quick to snap of his foe’s arms back with a sickening pop and the wolf howled in pain, still in shock from the sudden attack. The Hydra sunk his teeth into its neck then, blood spurting into his mouth, but he could feel the pinned wolf’s claws digging into his back. He twisted his jaws then back and forth and wrenched upward and the wolf was dead, his head nearly separated from his body by Helotes' jaws. The Hydra turned then to come to Vesper's aid, as there were still two wolves left.

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.: WC :: +648 :.

- Vesper - 08-13-2012


Vesper is by Nat!


Her skills were for sparring, for fighting one-on-one with an opponent and rarely to the death. She had no trouble leaping in, dealing damage, and leaping out again, taking advantage of her small size and agility to make sure she wasn’t touched in return. That was simple when facing off against one—or even two—opponents in lupus form, but with four enemies in the vicinity, the going was tougher. It almost reminded her of the dreaded war, but at least then, even when facing against steel and armor and horses, she and her comrades had more or less ended up outnumbering the foes she engaged in combat.

Right now, Vesper locked claws with one luperci, and another approached her dangerously, and another wiped blood from the scratches on his face. She could hear pathetic yelps off to her right and reasoned that, however good he was with a bow, the collie hybrid knew shit about hand-to-hand combat; eventually he’d get his ass whipped and she’d be left facing four again.

She hoped that Stark would bring someone back, because she didn’t know how long she’d last herself.

The rich-tawny female wolf tightened her grip on Ves’ hands, yanking her closer, but the Infernian used the momentum to plant herself in the middle of the wolf’s chest, where she none-too-tenderly bit her breast and ducked away again when the woman shrieked. Snarling, her good ear flat against her messy mane, she adopted a low stance and tried to watch all three luperci at the same time. The one with the knife exchanged a glance with the one the raven had attacked, and they rushed her; she tried to duck but was slashed on the arm for her troubles. Doing her best to keep moving, to make herself a difficult target, she darted and pulled tails and essentially made a game of evading them, at least until she tired.

Asher was faring a little better, no longer making so many pathetic noises, but blood still leaked onto his tricolor coat. She had no way of knowing how grave the injuries were, and she didn’t feel like grabbing the attention of a fourth foe.

The poachers eventually caught on to her dance. She could bob and weave, but she couldn’t flat-out sprint for the grasslands without abandoning the coydog, and her movements had grown predictable. One of the wolves sidestepped and dealt her a blow that had her falling to the dirt, and when she found her feet, they had surrounded her, lips wrinkled into ugly sneers.

Vesper snarled shrilly, turning constantly to get a look at all of them. As she pivoted, she saw Asher raise his fist for a blow before his fluffy ears pricked suddenly. Straining her own hearing, she thought she noticed hoofbeats—but rapidly approaching ones, not far-off like she expected. She recoiled just as a spotted monster burst through the foliage, a demon leaping off its back onto one of her opponents.

The millisecond she recognized the dusky pelt rolling into the bushes, she reached out and struck the she-wolf again, taking advantage of the surprise. Her snarl turned into a feral grin, and she swiped deep cuts into both of the woman’s cheeks before delivering a kick to her leg. Another wolf grabbed at her, but she only bit into the hand reaching out, feeling one of his fingers break under her teeth. She was quick to let go of him, jumping at the she-wolf one more time, managing to knock her down.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 08-13-2012

.: OOC :. I PPed a lot here, let me know if you want me to change it...

The Hydra spat the sickly sweet and metallic blood from his mouth as he turned to come back into the fray with Vesper, but he was pleasantly surprised to find she was fairing pretty well for herself, and the collie-hybrid was also fending for himself decently. But the unknown male was young and smaller than his foe, so instead of helping Vesper finish off her attacker, he moved quickly to come to the dog’s aid.

As he passed by Vesper like a dark shadow, he watched as what he had believed to be the corpse of the wolf he had trampled reach up and try to grab Vesper. She was quick to snap every one of his fingers in her lightning jaws before turning back to the larger female, and Helotes did the poor, crushed male a favor by ending his miserable existence with a quick and powerful stomp of his clawed foot onto the male’s throat. He was making sure not to deal too much damage to any of their skulls, because those would be the trophies of this fight, which had already been won in Helotes’ mind.

He made his way to the boy, who was grappling with the large wolf; he was putting up a fair fight, but Helotes would do him a favor. A weapon would be good in this situation, and a quiver full was presented to him like a bouquet before his very eyes. He plucked one of the feathered shafts like a flower from the boy’s backside and with deadly accuracy plunged it deep within one of the wolf’s eye sockets. Of course, the wolf reacted as anyone would and reached up to clutch at his newly acquired wound, and this gave the dog-yote his chance and he killed the wolf with a strong bite to the neck. Helotes stepped away and turned to Vesper, but all was quiet suddenly, save for their heavy breathing.

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.: WC :: +322 :.

- Vesper - 08-16-2012


Vesper is by Nat!

(509) Ves sucks at being a hardass. :| Also I guess the posts will be more normal now. xD

The sounds of death and pain filled the small cluster of trees, but Vesper pushed them out of her mind—pushed all sensation out of her mind. She didn’t want to dwell on the bloodbath the coyotes had caused to these poachers, didn’t want to hear the frantic dying gasps of the wolf whose throat Helotes’ had kicked in, didn’t want to hear what they were doing to the dog hybrid’s opponent. She narrowed her world to the tawny wolf pinned beneath her, the deep grooves in her cheeks and the blood matting the fur on her chest. Her own wounds she’d pushed out of her mind.

“Demons,” the she-wolf spat, and the coyote shook her head.

“Horse-owners,” she corrected, tugging her lips back to show sharp, bloodstained teeth. Straddling the wolf’s hips, she leaned forward and grabbed her bottom jaw, squeezing hard. “I don’t want to kill you,” she said sincerely, “but I don’t think I can trust you.” Her claws lashed out to pin the arm not trapped beneath the she-wolf’s back, and she let her voice roughen, narrowing cold blue eyes for effect. “So I guess the best I can do is kill you somewhat quickly.” She blocked the sensations invoked by the woman writhing beneath her, forcing her other arm behind her then grabbing for her throat.

Ves was rewarded by whimpering, pleading, fear in the eyes. She tightened her hold then chanced a look over her shoulder—the she-wolf was too panicked to even struggle—and her gaze rested on the other corpses, as well as one poacher still convulsing. She wondered what Helotes would think, and then she decided she didn’t care. She leaned forward, her small lithe body almost fully pressed to the she-wolf’s, and whispered threats in her ear. She was not proud of what she said. When she was done, she tore off a section of the wolf’s ear for good measure, then stepped off her, watching the woman bolt out of the trees for safety. She didn’t think she’d be back.

Trembling slightly, the Centurion smoothed her mane back and looked at the guys; Helotes looked back at her while Asher had staggered back against a tree, his hands clasped to his reddened muzzle as he stared down at his kill. Vesper avoided looking at the mess then bared her teeth to make her point about letting the she-wolf go before either of them could protest, turning away and walking back out into the open plains.

“Kid,” she snapped, and the collie crept up beside her. She’d gotten her nerves under control, but he was shaking like a leaf. She glanced at him curiously.

“Never killed—like—like that—always from far away, y’know?” Asher stammered.

She forced herself to nod in understanding then turned, putting her hands on her hips as she looked for Helotes. “Thank you,” she said, her sincerity wringing loud in her voice although she still kept her hard expression. “Both of us could have been killed.” She heard wings and added, “Thank you, too.”

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- Helotes Lykoi - 08-20-2012

.: OOC :. OOC.

Helotes watched with keen eyes as Vesper straddled the last survivor, but instead of killing her, disfigured her and sent her running. Many would have thought it a cowardly act, maybe even Helotes on a different day, but today it made sense. Why kill a wolf who might go running to more poachers and tell them of the hell that had rained down upon her and her kinsmen; it would keep others from messing with their herd for quite some time.

Helotes could tell it had been a difficult ordeal for Vesper a she stood there, trembling slightly; but she seemed as a rock as compared to the dog, who was nearly sputtered next to Helotes like he might vomit. Vesper snapped him out of any would be regurgitation by a quick snarl and a sharp word; he mumbled that he had never killed like that before. Helotes felt suddenly very aware of his role as warrior; while the Centurion seemed nothing more than a bit shaken, and the mutt completely aghast at what he had done, Helotes felt no more different than he might after having killed a deer for food, even as the life blood of the wolves stained his pelt. It seemed like he was pretty well cut out for the job as Hydra.

His thoughts were broken as Vesper suddenly thanked him, and he could tell that she was most sincere. His trademark grin came to his face in response, though it looked much more sinister with his teeth stained red, Fuck, it’s my job after-all. He slung an arm around Vespers neck just like he had done the other day in the tree, but this time he had no intentions of kissing her, Next time though, take me a long for the ride will ya? I’d like to be there from the beginning. Then, turning to look at the still recovering coy-mutt, What’s up with this guy Vesper? His face became somewhat sour, he hoped for the boys sake that it hadn’t been his actions that had put Helotes’ best friend in danger.

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.: WC :: +3 :.

- Vesper - 08-26-2012


Vesper is by Nat!

(332) This post is like the end of an episode where they beat the bad guy and everyone laughs together. :| We can wrap up whenever you want.

When her dusky friend grinned devilishly, despite the blood staining his teeth, Vesper knew that everything would be okay. She managed to keep from getting sentimental when the Hydra slung a muscular arm around her shoulders, mainly because the affection made her scowl bad-temperedly for show. She leaned very slightly back against the solidity of his body, though, if only for a bit of support. She was tired, physically and emotionally.

Helotes made a remark about future fights then asked a question; his face might have curdled milk as he looked suspiciously in the collie’s direction. Immediately, Asher flinched away and had the vulnerable look she’d seen in his eyes once before, shortly before his departure the last time he’d saved her life. She made a fast gesture that told the thin man to stay, however, and answered the Lykoi warrior.

“This is Asher,” Vesper said with little inflection. “I guess he was stupid enough to bother the poachers in the first place, but I was kind of obligated to save his pansy ass.” A smirk betrayed her good humor as she admitted, “He saved mine before. Say what you will about his combat ability, but the kid’s a master with a bow and arrows.”

The outright praise caused the coydog’s tail to begin wagging, an absolutely brilliant smile crawling across his deceptively young features. It was embarrassing, but she felt the makings of the warm fuzzies and knew she’d accepted the guy their last meeting. Her smirk growing wicked, she looked at Helotes and said bluntly, “I think he’d be good for Inferni. You’d have to toughen him up, though; I don’t have the patience for him.”

“Wh—really?” Asher’s jaw slackened, but his tail had gone even faster than she’d believed was possible. It was plain to see what Asher thought of having a home—and the appraising glance he threw Helotes made it plain to see what he thought of spending time with the handsome, muscular Hydra. Vesper grinned.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 08-27-2012

.: OOC :. This can now be archived Smile

Helotes was quick to notice the fidgety fear cross the collie’s face, and then slight gesture Vesper made to calm him. There was more there between them than just a simple tiff, there was history; Helotes would have to ask her about it later. But she quick to answer him, advertising the boy’s strengths rather than his apparent weaknesses, and that he should join the clan. The boy, Asher, his face lit up like a thousand suns and Helotes didn’t know one’s rear end could wag so quickly.

His friend then mentioned that Helotes would have to toughen the boy up, and the reaction of both Asher and Vesper’s off-handed “pansy” comment made the situation here all too clear. Helotes threw back his head and roared laughter; the gay and the lesbo, what a perfect pair. After he calmed, he gave the boy a smirk and a cocked eyebrow, Oh, I’ll do more than toughen up this cute little thing. His voice was only halfway jesting, and he laughed again then.

Giving a click of his tongue though, Potra made her prancing entrance into the scene again and, Go ahead and start back, I’ll catch up an escort you in a second. He didn’t want to trouble them with watching him behead the bodies for trophies, and he wasn’t sure which direction to lead them in the first place.

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.: WC :: 228 :.