'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Something Wicked - Printable Version

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- Rachias Tears de Ame - 08-16-2008

The sick were resting finally, however comfortable that they could, which didn't seem to be very comfortable at all. Rachias stole away from Esper Hollow quickly, carrying along with her the small pack that she had picked up from the shack there. Her days had been spent, for the most part, watching over the sick and attempting to care for them as best she could. The pack was hoisted carefully over her shoulder, unzipped and hanging open to reveal an empty void. She was heading off to the city, taking her only bit of free time to try and find some blankets to haul back to them. The nights were progressively getting cooler and it had been raining for quite some time. At times the roof of the shack would leak, making the young woman paranoid that it would only cause them to get worse.

The sun was finally out, the ground still wet from rain, and the threat of more rain loomed just beyond the mountains in the form of thick gray clouds. Rachias moved swiftly through the streets of the small city, over pavements and soon enough through yards. The first house that she came to, past the small row of shops that lined the streets, was a small two-story home, white on the outside with a homely sort of feel to it. With no time to hesitate, the young woman moved on to the porch, opening the door with a light push, and disappeared inside.

- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        Decay. It had been hours since he'd moved, and already the flies were buzzing around his still breathing corpse. Was it the blood soaked into his coat that he'd been too lazy to remove that caused them to believe he was deceased? Or the prone nature of his form, eyes staring wide and glazed over not with death, but distraction. It was too empty back in the cave in Inferni, and Samael could no longer take it. He had to get away. And to the city he found himself. Inferni's war would rage without him, and he'd kill and destroy pointlessly on the wayside, just spilling blood for the sheer purpose of spilling blood. The creaking of a door and the sound of a presence alerted his senses and Samael's head rose, ears lifting atop his head to scoop up any and all sounds.
        Someone had entered the house, and he rose to his feet, shifting as he did so. Limbs elogated and cracked, muscles stretched and shape changed, allowing him to completely rise as he moved toward the stairs. There was someone downstairs. Foot rested on the first stair, nose breathing in the stale scents of the dead, trapped air. There was something familiar. He almost started, as though slapped across the face when he realized what it was, or what he thought it was. Perhaps he was simply mad, deluded by inactivity, or perhaps it was exactly who he thought it was. "Rachias? he tested on the air, descending a few more steps to see what he could see on the landing below.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 08-16-2008

Rachias slipped through the door with ease, nose wrinkling up at the stale and dirty scent that hit suddenly. She adored rummaging through and even spending time in old houses, much like the one that she and Arkham had 'claimed' so long ago, but she always hated old scent that seemed to fill each of them. She had a mind to go through and open up the windows and doors to each building that she could find, just in hopes that they might air out and not smell so stale. The young woman stood near the open door for a few moments, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness inside the house, the dust and dirt covered windows only allowing a limited amount of light to shine in. Finally, after a short moment, Rachias began forward, stopping just long enough to drop the pack from her shoulder and to the floor at the side of the stairs.

It was when she began to move further past the stairs that the voice came, catching the girl off guard, causing her to jump slightly. Her heart pounded suddenly, only realizing that she recognized the voice after she finally calmed. Knowing who it was though, didn't really help. Rachias consider, for a very short moment, grabbing her bag and getting out of there. When she heard him on the stairs though, she knew that it would be impossible to make it out without him seeing her and really knowing for sure that it was her. Would he try to take her back to Inferni? Taking a few steps back, Rachias grabbed hold of the railing with one hand, ducking her head slightly to look up the stairs. "Sammie?"

- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        "It is you," he said softly, moving further down the stairs. The metallic scent of fear stung his nose, permeating around her form like a cloud. This disappointed him—almost annoyed him in his current state of mind. "Come here," Samael said lightly, extending a hand toward his sister in a brotherly manner. In was dark in the house, but he could still make out her form and something of her expression. "Where have you been?" he asked, small frown creasing his muzzle. She had vanished so long ago, just as her brother, their mother, and so many before them. And yet here she was, lurking around the human city, alive and well, or as far as it appeared.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 08-16-2008

The younger female found no words of her own to say in response to his, only offering him a very faint nod. Carefully, Rachias rounded the railing of the stairs, bringing herself to stand at the bottom. It was then that he reached out a hand for her. The girl hesitated for only a moment, forcing a smile to spread itself across her muzzle before reaching out her own, laying it in his carefully. She hid her uncertainty well, smiling as she stepped up a few of the stairs, bringing herself closer to him. "I went back over the mountain." She answered him finally, voice quiet as she went. "I went to try and find Arkham. There is nothing left over there though, not that I could find." In other words, there was no Arkham.

- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        She took his hand, allowing herself to be drawn closer to him. Her words told him what she'd done—that she'd gone back over the mountain, back to the burned remains of Bleeding Souls to find her brother. But she'd found nothing. Arkham was probably dead, the Lykoi knew. What other reason would he of had for not following Inferni and his apparently beloved sister to their new residence? "I'm sorry," he said, in a voice that could of sounded as though he truly meant it. Samael did have emotions. Did have longings. But empathy was lost to apathy and love lost to lust and desire. He moved then, reaching out a hand to gently brush her cheek. Comforting her, like a real brother should do.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 08-16-2008

His words seemed sincere, despite the quiet fear that had settled in her stomach that told her he would want nothing more than to take her back to Inferni to make her live. Then again, she thought that about everyone from her family. She had even expected her father to want her to return to Inferni, only to find that he was happy she had not. With the quiet words and gentle comforts from her brother, Rachias allowed the desperate sadness inside of her to rise to the surface. She frowned, though wouldn't allow more than that, not here and now. Would it be to odd for her to be devastated at the loss of her brother? She wasn't sure. "Gabe wouldn't let me look for him when the fire started." She spoke quietly, though it was likely that Sam already knew about all of that.

- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        Samael could care less where Rachias chose to live. Her choice was her own and mattered little to him. They all chose to abandon Inferni at some point, yet they were all drawn inexplicably back in the end, as though the clan had some sort of hold over them. Even Samael had left for a while, testing the world only to find his way back. But he had come back not for the clan, but for Kaena. And now she was gone. All he had left was her throne currently held by her son and a kingdom that had abandon it's homeland, leaving only a name behind. Why did he stay? Some sort of twisted loyalty to the Lykois? Or some sort of futile desire that she'd one day return to him if he waited long enough? Neither of these satisfied the prince. And yet, he waited.
        "I know," he said quietly, moving his hand to lightly stroke her hair. He drew closer, moving another arm to wrap around her waist and pull her close. "You care about your brother." Was it simply a sibling bond, or something more as he felt and didn't even realize? Samael loved Ahemait, perhaps more then he should have. But Ahemait had Stygian, and Samael had no one, not even Molochai anymore.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 08-16-2008

Rachias had never really quiet understood her bond with Arkham, aside from that they had always gotten along. They'd always been very close, despite their differences. It wasn't until she lost Arkham that she realized it had the potential to be something more than that. After her discussion with Faolin, though, Rachias tried not to dwell on the thoughts or feelings that came with them, they only confused her more. Even then, she was not ready to give up her search for him. She wouldn't let herself believe that he had actually died back in the fire, not until she laid her eyes on some kind of remains, anything that might give some evidence to what had happened to him.

"He'll come back." She whispered to her older brother as he pulled her closer, wasting no time to tuck her head in and bury it there against his shoulder. It was the first actual comfort that she had received over the loss, or potential loss, of her brother, and it was hard for her to resist it. Not even Faolin had really understood what the loss meant to her, of all others she should have understood. Sam seemed to understand though, more than she might have expected him to.

- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        "Perhaps," he concurred, though he doubted this was true at this point. But Rachias seemed to have faith, and he wouldn't bother destroying this. It wasn't worth it. She laid her head against his shoulder, burying her face against his body and taking refuge in the comfort he offered her. Obviously, the loss of Arkham had affected her greatly. He moved his arms around her, holding her close to allow her understanding and continued comfort. One hand slid up her back, gently tracing his claws across her spine and up to the nape of her neck. Being this close to another creature and feeling her warmth stirred something else in Samael, but he remained quiet, simply holding his little sister in the cage of his arms.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 08-16-2008

Rachias knew that none of them thought that he would return, even if they didn't speak it and always maintained that it could happen. They thought he was dead and gone and, for some reason, were not willing to bring their sister to the reality of the situation. She felt so strongly about it because, perhaps, she could have saved him if only Gabriel had allowed her to stay behind and look for him. The young woman paid little mind to the feeling of his finger running up and down her back, it didn't occur to her at that moment that it was possibly not a motion of comfort. Tilting her head up, she watched her brother's face a moment before speak, a simple question to pull her mind away from the thoughts of her possibly deceased brother. "How have you been, Sammie?"

- Samael Lykoi - 09-02-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        "Fine," he replied quietly, falling silent a moment. There was something that crept into the back of his mind. A longing and a desire that swept swiftly through his senses. "I missed you," he murmured into her hair, smelling her scent wash over him. Samael was a lustful creature by nature. Hedonistic desires consumed him, controlling him and dictating much of his actions. It made him, and it broke him. He suddenly pulled her closer, wrapping his arms further around his sister without another word.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 09-02-2008

"I'm glad." She offered him the words with a faint smile, nodding her head a bit. "And I missed you too." And it was true, she had missed them, but she had also worried. The object of her worry was beginning, he pulled her in slowly, up against his body, and her smile faltered for a moment. For a moment she wasn't sure what to do, but an idea came to mind. The girl slipped her arms around him, pulling him into a tight squeeze, a quick hug, and then tugged herself away from him. Whether she knew it or not, her expression had gone from something quite happy to something very nervous, unsure and almost panicked. She wanted to pull herself away from him as quick as possible, to visit with him normally and be on her way, but she wasn't sure that it was going to happen like that.

- Samael Lykoi - 09-03-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        Her embrace was quick, forced, as though trying to quickly shake him off. He paused, looking to see her expression had changed from pleased to fearful. This almost angered him, the faintest spark of annoyance flaring into life. Why did his own sister fear him? "What's wrong?" he asked quietly, a frown touching the edges of his lips.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 09-03-2008

"Nothing Sammie." She tried to play it off, inserting a faint, fake laugh at the end of her words. She could very easily remember what Faolin had told her that day, about brothers and sisters. Those words hadn't quite struck her though, it wasn't simply that they were siblings, but the fact that she knew deep within her heart that it was meant for someone else, no matter how much she tried to deny it. She knew, she was just hiding it in the depths of her being. "I just.." She started carefully, lost for any kind of words to say or how to carefully explain it. "Don't want that.." The words were spoken before she had intended them, slipped right out of her and into the air, and for a moment she regretted them. It hadn't sounded quite right.

- Samael Lykoi - 09-03-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        She tried to pretend. To hide the truth and act as though she hadn't recoiled from him. She didn't want it—she didn't want him. His hand gripped her arm, harder then he had intended or even realized he was doing. "Your brother's touch disgusts you," he hissed softly through his teeth, angered that he could be rejected by anyone. Last time, she had been quite willing. He had allowed her a chance to run away, but she had continued on her own. The thought that she didn't know what she was doing, or what she wanted hadn't entered his thoughts. "Or no," he laughed quietly, as though suddenly realizing something. "It isn't this brother that you want." Her devotion to Arkham seemed to go beyond simple sibling affection. Samael loved his own siblings, but he wasn't fool enough to hurl himself pointless into fire and flames for them when they were probably already dead.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 09-03-2008

"No Sammie, it's not that.." She tried to explain but the grip that suddenly tightened on her arm sent her in to panic, ears falling flat back against her head, which lowered itself considerably. "Sammie.." The name came out in a quiet whine, wanting to tell him that he was hurting her, but something inside her supposed that he knew that and that pointing it out would only make it worse. Her eyes pleaded with him as she stared up at him, astounded by the next words that left her brother. "It's not like that.." How could they know? How could they knew when she wasn't even sure herself, when she was doing nothing more than denying it?

- Samael Lykoi - 09-05-2008

mall-caps;color:#880000;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;">seven for a secret, never to be told

        He didn't know, he could only guess—hurling words at the she-yote in his anger. Her fear caused his aggression to spark further, hating the fact she didn't want him, and hating the fact she was afraid. Samael was used to whores with their legs spread wide, getting whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. The only person he wanted most, and the only person he'd never dared approach was his mother. All the others meant nothing. But for this girl to turn him away? What was she anyway? She was some little brat that'd stolen his mother away in the first place, leaving him only able to love her from afar, no longer held tightly in her embrace. These feelings from a year before resurfaced, emerging in a snarl from the coyote's lips. "Then how is it?" the Prince asked, grasp still held tightly on her arm, seemingly uncaring if he hurt her any longer.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 09-07-2008

Rachias had quickly found herself in a position that she didn't want to be stuck in, one that she should have seen coming from a mile away. When had Samael ever been mean to her though? When she was but a pup, perhaps, but if it had ever happened, she surely didn't remember. That day in the old Inferni house, he hadn't seemed to care if she had decided to turn him away, he'd even told her that he could. The snarl that came caused panic inside of her, worry and fear, and the grip that he held on her arm only tightened. She stepped back a small step, trying to seperate herself from him as much as she could, which was almost impossible with her arm in his hand, dropping down a step beneath him. "I just don't want you like that Sammie." How else could she explain it?

She wouldn't have to. Barely a second after the words came from her he had hold of her tighter, tugging her arm and grabbing for her with his other arm. Panic set in quickly and the chocolate and cream haired girl pulled, spun, jerked, anything that she could think of to get herself away from him. It was no use though, his anger was great just as his power, at least compared to hers. In one quick motion he threw her to the stairs, where she landed with a loud thud, head clattering on the edges of the stairs as she slid down them slightly. He was on top of her in an instant, one arm down over her chest and the other behind her head, holding a handful of hair.

Rachias didn't stop fighting though, wriggling and thrashing until the point that he tried to wedge himself between her legs. It was then that she shrieked, wondering if someone, somewhere, might hear her. "Sammie stop it!" She screamed out at the top of her lungs, eyes sparkling with the threat of tears, legs kicking wildly, trying to knock her brother away.

- Arkham Lykoi - 09-28-2008


http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r173 ... header.jpg); background-attach:top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color:#162022;">

sharksThe bandages under his cloak shifted slightly with every step. For the most part, he maintained the same expressionless expression, but now and again, he couldn't help but wince a little. The bear had cut him deep, but he wasn't sure yet if the gashes would scar. He'd never had anything scar before, but there was a first time for everything -- the wound still looked tender and raw after two days; that was a bad sign, right? The city was not a place he had really been through yet, but he was glad he'd been able to find cloth and bandages easily enough, and--

sharksA scream that shouldn't have been familiar because she should never have a reason to scream. Arkham did not think. He was running before the name even surfaced in his head, and the wooden door snapped back violently as he burst in, teeth already bared and hackles raised underneath his mint-scented cloak and mask. Get the fuck away from her! he snarled viciously as he dug his claws into the other man's shoulder and pulled him back with a furious force that he didn't realize he had. It wasn't until he saw the other coyote's face that he recognized him as his half-brother. His rage only multiplied then.

sharksHe slammed Samael against the wall with enough force that the wood cracked and splintered. Before the other even had a chance to react, he pulled him over again and smashed him against the floor to the same effect. Vaguely, the younger male could feel his stomach aching with pain as his wounds were stretched and irritated, as the blood and adrenaline flowed through his body again. What the fuck did you think you were doing!? He didn't think before he spoke, but even then he did not let himself slip a "she's your goddamn sister!" That information wasn't needed. It was wrong enough already. It was a crime enough already. How could he?

sharksThe Prince of Fear scrambled to his feet and only offered a sneer. Arkham reached for him again, ready to draw blood, ready to tear him apart, but the man ran. The grey coyote started to after him, but his stomach pulsed again. Pain, pain, pain. He growled low and stopped, clutching his reopened wound from beneath his cloak.
