'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
J- A home without a swamp is still a home - Printable Version

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- Young Token - 08-27-2012

Toke was in wolf country, he knew. He had crossed a landbridge a few days past, and beginning a few days before that, the smells of packs had grown more and more frequent. He saw a lot a loners out and about the countryside hunting food, and looking for a home. He might not be wanted here, but it was worth a try. He was tired of moving around for months without end.
He missed his swamps, but his mama had made it abundantly clear to him that a yella' dog with 'wolf fever' was none-too-welcome in the swamp.
Up here, scores of moon turns to the north, past concrete jungles where the dogs were meaner and crueler than snakes and alligators...up here it seemed like all the wolves and coyotes and dogs had the fever. Maybe he'd be welcome here.
He had stopped on the border of a pack he did not know. He chose this one because he saw a crow in a tree sitting on the ninth branch from the ground with his head cocked to the left. That's good mojo, if nothing else. He nipped his own ankle, to remind him to bury some meat at the foot of this tree in the pack accepted him. He looked at the crow for a moment, and the crow looked back, soundlessly.

After a few seconds, the crow sat his head upright. Toke threw back his head and howled for the pack.

- Aeron Ganesa - 08-27-2012


Word Count :: 000 Welcome

Aeron had finally been sleeping even though the crow system was rather shaky and had led to some interesting issues. She huffed there were only two on the team that were of any use and that was Lilliths Raven and Aeron's Crow Shou. Though there were some that if prompted would infact alert. She hated the fact that most of these things were not things she knew about. She was basically starting from scratch though having Shou to help seemed to take the edge off. Though there was only so much a single crow could do.

Aeron was busy have Charm collect crows and cage them for training. She figured since her mate was the shepard she might as well help Three heads had to be better then one or two. Plus it would take them all united to get something working again. She planed to have the Anzu work with the head shepard in training new birds. This way a few additional wolves knew and if something were to happen it could be fixed.

The call sounded and it was like all heck was breaking loose around her the crows started in like the world was going to end. She snarled a bit looking at them. Oh yes she had a feeling alaki would be laughing at her a bit. She huffed and moved on. urging Elzar forward, the large black stallion huffed as he moved forward. She had to admit it was nice to see old members rejoining and new ones coming in at least it wasn't all falling down around her.

Long golden and silver hair bounced freely in the open air. it was not often that she let her hair loose since she hated it so much mostly she kept it up. Soon enough though she could see a figure who was not one she had seen before. You called She asked slowing the large Percheron. You've come upon anathema and I am its Angela what can I do for you? Her tone solid and golden gaze watching

quote courtesy of Assassins Creed borther; table by the Mentors!

.tree { background-image:url(http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i235/ ... ntable.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: bottom center; background-color:#000000; width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-align: left; padding:0px 0px 240px 0px; color:#A9A9A9; font-family:georgia, serif; font-size:12px; line-height:18px; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; outline:1px solid #000000;}
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- Young Token - 08-28-2012

Toke was startled, to say the least. He has seen horses, here and there, is his time. He had seen them and wondered what they would taste like and lamented that he had no pack to help him find out.
But he had never seen someone ride a horse. He tried to hide his surprise, fearing to seem disrespectful. No matter how she approached, or how many feet she chose to walk on, this one smelled of strength. This was the Head. He lowered his eyes, tucked his tail, and bowed his ears. Well, the right ear, anyway. The left ear was so scarred, it didn't flex like it should. He hoped she didn't notice.

I've been a long time walking, Miss. A real long time. I'm from real far away to the south. I had to leave my home, on account of I got the wolf fever. I don't know what it's called here. It means I'm like you, Miss. I can change and all. Walk on two legs instead of four like I am now.

In his family pack, the yella' dogs only bow like this if they're in trouble. He knew every pack was different, and this was the polite way to meet a new Head, but it still made him feel like he'd only seen three moons turn and he was about to get in trouble with his mama. His paw was still bleeding where he'd bitten himself for the crow's sake.

When I crossed over the landbridge a few days back, it seemed like I was smelling a new pack every mile. I thought about stopping at them all, but...I'm a superstitious type, Miss. And not a one of them other packs came with a sign, if you know what I mean. When I got here, I seen that crow right up there. In the ninth branch from the ground, and his head all cocked over to the left. That's good mojo. I'd like to join, if you'd have me. Miss. He lowered his head until the tip of his nose touched the ground.

- Aeron Ganesa - 08-28-2012


Word Count :: 000 Welcome

Aeron looked down at him as he began to speak. She moved to slide off her home as she looked at him. She had to admit she'd never heard the mutation called the wolf fever before. She looked up at the crow and the back to the man. And here I thought crows were the symbol of death and bad things. She said laughing a bit.

She looked at him and then took in a deep breath. well I'm not just going to say of course come in. She said looking at him. she was touchy about letting others into her home. She had to protect her members and care for them and not allow dangers in.

I need you to answer some questions for me. Then there is a rite that you must go through to be one of us. She said looking at him gold eyes watching to see the way he reacted. I need to know what kind of skills you have and why you would make yourself a good asset for my home. She spoke.

quote courtesy of Assassins Creed borther; table by the Mentors!

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- Young Token - 08-28-2012

Toke furrowed his brow. He had hoped it wouldn't come to this. Packs want hunters that can bring down deer, not snakes. Packs want sentinels that can match a black bear for as long as they need to before help comes.

Well, Miss...in my swamps, I was the biggest male in the pack; near as big as a male red wolf, and that's the truth. But here...I seen some of the wolves around here, if only at a distance. Here, I guess I'm not so big. And I'm six, and an old six, at that; so I don't guess I'll be the kinda dog your pups' pups would know.
I can't bring down a deer on my own, but I can throat it faster than you could sniff. Yella' dogs...some folks call us Carolina dogs, but we call ourselves yella' dogs...but us yella' dogs learn from the time we wean, to strike...kinda, exactly like a snake. We watch them...snakes, I mean. And the older hunters, too. We ain't allowed to hunt until we can stand in front of a snake, dodge its strike, and then strike it faster than it can strike again.
That may not sound like much, but if you use it right, you can throat a deer outright instead of trying to pull him to the ground. And in a fight, if your mojo is good and your feet are quick, might be you can kill them quick and see it over with. I don't see no reason I couldn't teach it to them that's wanting to learn. My old Head called it Dancing the Snake.

He took another minute to think. He'd dressed that one skill up as best he could, but somehow he didn't really think that'd be enough to seem useful. Especially if these folks all stayed on two legs.

And when I let the fever burn, and stand up on two legs...well, I knew a female down around the Big Lakes. She taught be how to make things with my hands. I can make rope out of grass, and turn that rope into a thick collar with bone and teeth. It runs almost from your ears to your shoulders, but it don't stop you turning your head much. If something bit you while you were wearing it, it wouldn't bite nothing else that week. I can make other things, too. But that's the best thing I know how to make. She was a coyote too...the female what taught me, that is. She called it her wolf-collar. He paused... As to the crow...well, what signals death for one can signal life to the other. I followed a bunch of crows to my next meal before. And nine is a good number for mojo. And left...well, the left will lead you to someone else's right more often than not. That's good enough mojo for me.

He raised his eyes up to her knees, and hoped that was enough. He left out the part about hunting snakes and reading juju and mojo. If his wandering had taught him one thing, it was that in the world outside the swamp, he was strange more often than not, and usually unwelcome.

- Lukos - 08-28-2012

OOC:Hmm, a traveler. At first, my curiosity was rather minor - a lot of people have been showing up and joining lately - but when you listed your skills, I couldn't resist butting in. I could use a skill to dodge quickly if something angry gets too close to me and my bow.

Lukos was walking thorough the park in the village, admiring the rotten and broken craftmanship of the humans before they all died. The concrete basketball court was the most interesting, mainly because it was still pretty much intact after the years of neglect. He was wondering if he would be able to fix a wooden bench when an unfamiliar howl calling for the pack. Must be someone wanting to join. Sometime in the recent past, a mass of wolves joined, so their's a boat-load of new faces walking about. Of course, Lukos had been doing something at the time, so he didn't get to meet any of them.

Having faded interest in his surrondings, he decided to drop by and see who it is. He started down a path, repeating the howl over in his head to check and see if it was anyone in the pack. He drew a complete blank, and swerved into the tree line on the side of the beaten road. He got close enough to catch the strangers scent, confirming that it wasn't anyone in the pack. Let's just hope he doesn't cross the border too soon. Don't feel like having to wash out blood. Lukos' rather relucant to hurt anyone, but it's almost impossible to miss the border. Marching on in is an invitation to be killed.

Sure enough, he found the loner on the opposite side of the border. Good dog.[i] He smirked to himself. [i]He kind of looks like that african dog I met. There was some trees between them, so he was confident that the dog wouldn't notice him until someone else came by. "That was quick." he murmured when he spotted the Angela across from the dog. How long has she been standing there again? He scurried up the tree next to him as quietly as he could to get a better view.

He leaned in closer when the dog started listing his skills. Where the heck is Carolina, north of here? Doesn't sound like somewhere from Nova Scotia. He listened for a bit longer, adding commentarties on what the loner said. ...yella dog's don't seem like a type of dog to me. At least from what I heard...Huh? Lukos trained his ears on the Carolina dog, listening intently. A move that can dodge snakes and other creatures? And he's willing to teach it? I could make use of that... He thought of how easy it would be to take down prey like that. Or unwanted guests... certainly would save us some extra time trying to heal unnessesary wounds... He sat in the tree, thinking of the different ways to take down deer with that move. An enchanted necklace? Hmm, seems fishy, put he might pull off being a jeweler. He thought optimistically. Regardless, I hope he has the chance to teach me that move he was talking about. Lukos sighed. Still, it's the Angela's decision to accept him or not. He laid back on a branch and watched.

- Aeron Ganesa - 08-29-2012


Word Count :: 000 Welcome

Aeron listened to him prattle on and on about what he did. She had to admit that every time he spoke his southern draw annoyed her a bit. She had to admit though he could be of use to them. There was no need for anyone to hunt alone so he would be fine so Aeron had little cause to worry. Not to mention she was rather small compared to most of the wolves

Well To me it sounds like you could make a mighty fine member. Though there isn’t a real need for snake hunting around here. But before I can let you in there’s a Rite we need to do. She spoke looking at him. She moved closer and pulled out her blade though it wasn’t as nice as Naniko’s Aeron loved her ornate knife.

Let me see your paw She said reaching out her hand. Rite of Agares is a small cut on your paw and mine. I’ll then place my cut on your cut mixing our two bloods. This binds us by blood all members who live here have had it done. Unless they are born of the line, because that makes them family already. If you were to ever leave you’d be welcomed back anytime She spoke as she sliced her pad over her old scar.

quote courtesy of Assassins Creed borther; table by the Mentors!

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- Young Token - 08-30-2012

Toke unconsciously sniffed at the blood running down the Coygirl's paw. His gaze drifted to his own foot, to where the blood had begun to dry on the little bite he'd given himself earlier. He breathed deep, and sat back on his haunches. He closed his eyes, and began to let the fever run.
His front legs started thickening from the shoulders down, a quiver ran down his spine until his tail spasmed. His toes began to lengthen and splayed outward in a fan shape. His neck sloped out and forward, and the heels of his hind legs shortened until they rested on the ground about a foot behind his toes. His haunches slid forward as his knees came up to meet his chest, which itself had begun to puff out.
When the change was done, he tentatively raised his yellow eyes to meet the eyes of the Coygirl. He raised up his hand, and raked his fang across the palm. He stood, his own blood on his lips, shook out his wild auburn mane, dipped his head and extended his hand out to grasped his new leader's bleeding hand.
Thank you, Miss.

- Lukos - 08-30-2012

OOC:Congrats! Make yourself at home, when you chose it I mean. Your home.

"Congratulations!" Lukos said springing from his hiding place in the tree. He gave a quick bow to the Angela. "Sorry about that. Didn't think that I should 'jump' in, but I couldn't leave without greeting my Angela and the new guy.". "Well," he said, turning on his heels to face the newcomer. "What do you think of having a home away from home?" He switched over to Aeron in the same fashion. "I can show him around if you're having trouble keeping the crows under control.". Say yes say yes say yes say yes... He had a hunch that they weren't listening very well. The other day one flew overhead and dive bombed him. Another pecked his head while he was lounging in the training grounds. That, or Alaki instructed them to do that before he left, just to be cruel. He hoped that she wouldn't shoo him away, this was a great way to get to know the new people.

- Aeron Ganesa - 09-02-2012


Word Count :: 000 Welcome

Aeron smiled as she looked at him. Welcome to Anathema Token, You will be ranked Zepar until you prove your use to me. She spoke. She could sense the other coming as she watched shou shift on a branch. She was not certain as to why others were coming here while she was dealing with joiners.

She glanced at Lukos and huffed a bit. She may be busy but new members always came first. though having a lot to do it was a good idea to have someone else help him. Fine Lukos you may show Token around. She spoke as she looked at Token. Lukos will show you around. there are two choices of living there are caves and then their are homes and The villlage where I and other members have made their home. She spoke tuning away.

She grabbed Elzar's Reigns and pulled herself up. Shou come She called as a dark crow swooped from the trees and onto her shoulder. She smiled to the males and urged the large horse onward.

quote courtesy of Assassins Creed borther; table by the Mentors!

.tree { background-image:url(http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i235/ ... ntable.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: bottom center; background-color:#000000; width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-align: left; padding:0px 0px 240px 0px; color:#A9A9A9; font-family:georgia, serif; font-size:12px; line-height:18px; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; outline:1px solid #000000;}
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- Lukos - 09-05-2012

OOC: Sorry about the delay.

"Really, you'll let me? Thanks, promise you won't regret it!" he said as she left atop her horse. He turned to face the newcomer, Token. "She's a nice person, but lately, with our last leaders vanishing into the dust left everyone in a sore mood." He said, thinking about the time they were still here. "They were good people, our last leaders. Well, one of them was rather serious. Didn't have a single piece of humor, exept for his mate for what I can tell. Or he just didn't like me. One of these days I'll figure it out."

He clapped his hands together, banishing the old memories. "On to bussiness. Now like the Angela said, there are the caves, where most of the pack lives and the Thackary Village, where very few live. Regardless of where you decide to go, their will be people to lend a hand." He paused, thinking about important things to say. [b]"Pretty sure that the rest of the pack would appreciate it if I mentioned that you need to keep a level head. You're only a Zepar like me for now. You can talk to other higher up people, but remember that you don't own the place. They don't exactly encourage that at our rank." He scratched his head, playing with the notch on his right ear. "That's pretty much it for now, but I'm sure I'll remember something on the way. Speaking of which, where to?" he asked the dog.