'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
heretics and killers - Printable Version

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- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

        mature content warning. read at your own risk.

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        Moving through the tangles of rosebushes and vines, paws pressed quietly into the cold mud. Rain was falling, the sky torn apart by thunder and lightning as the storm raged above. A shape in the distance attracted his attention, silhouetted against a fork of lightning as it split the darkness. A shack amongst the gardens, and direction diverted. Poking his nose through the doorway, the pungent odor of wolf greeted his senses and suddenly Samael remembered the prisoner they'd obtained from their little war with Dahlia de Mai. Entering, he rose, leaning against the bars of the cage to peer within at the imprisoned beast. "Hey, little beastie," the prince crooned, grinning that mad Lykoi grin through the darkness.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-16-2008

Prince and princess they may be, but she'd never had a fairytale ending and by her own fairings she knew that she'd probably never see that dream now. Over and over again in her dark hours she'd mulled over the fight she'd had with Haku just nights before the attack had taken place. She'd been blind not to see how much she'd grown to want the male in more ways than just a fling... she'd lied to herself and to him.. yet still in the end she'd broken down like a babe and something normally hidden deep inside had escaped. She'd begged him to beat her, she'd begged him to break her, the way she'd deserved for the pain she'd caused him and in the end he'd just walked away.

Her dreams were filled with terror of never seeing those few she could count as friends, never seeing the one she'd argued with so feverishly.. never knowing what was next. Her soft little snarls and growl in her sleep were interupted suddenly, the mists of her dreams parted with the dark crooning voice of one that didn't belong. Her head snapping up as she turned her head from side to side and tried to gather herself to her feet, swaddled in the blankets she'd been nesting in. Tripping upon herself she crashed in a small pile as she bared her fangs to the darkness, the scent of the male washing over her as the irish accent called out. "Who's there.." The Sadira child had never given her full name, her full relations to the world around her and she was glad she had, the world she was caged in now would love to know they housed more than just a Dahlia de Mai member, a princess tied to the leaders of three of the packs was so much better.

- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        "I am," he said lightly into the darkness, idly dragging his claws down one of the bars of the cage, allowing the sound to fill the room between them. "But who are you?" he inquired softly, tapping a claw against his lower lip. "A little lost puppy, trapped in a den of killers. Or so that's how your kind perceives us anyway." But who was he to talk about the image of coyotes, when he was probably one of the maddest and sickest of them all. No, he'd probably be the perfect one to show her just how fucked up they really were, and permanently brand the image of the sadistic coyote into the mind's of the wolves. He'd murder, torture, and maim without reason or cause, just like the fucking Lykoi beast he was.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-16-2008

The hair along her nape rose at the voice that replied. She slowlgy gathered herself out of the blankets and flicked them off her rump with a swift motion from her tail before settling back against the wall as she snarled softly. "Just a damsel in distress.." her words hot and heated as her eyes flashed in the brilliant light of the full moon that seemed to sink in through the cracks all around them.

Adjusting to the light as it filled the chamber she was granted she studied the beast before her, the soft accent of the adopted irish fae was tempered as she hissed. "What would you care of names, salachar..." She rarely trailed back to her gaelic tongue but today she didn't care, the darkness had settled over her in the time she'd spent pacing her cell, what would happen now.

- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        "Maybe, I am curious about the being we've imprisoned," he hissed through his fangs, laughing at the girl. Oh my, the arrogance! She was locked in a little cage and wanted to act as though she should be respected. She was in no position to demand anything other than what prisoners deserved. And Inferni was not a kindly place filled with sunshine and butterflies. They had their justice and their rules, but wolves were below such standards by default. Especially those from a pack that had slaughtered one of their own in cold blood, leaving a perfect trail to show who'd done it. "Curious, vaguely. But otherwise, I don't care about you, your name, or anything about you. You're a piece of shit to me, honestly." A maggot. A worm. "Are we angry, love?" the prince inquired with a laugh, noting her fiery demeanor. "I guess being in a cage can grow dull after a time." Again, claws traced down the metal bars, inspecting the build with a feigned interested air.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-16-2008

She laughed bitterly at the words he spoke, she knew how everyone in the clan's lands seemed so curious about her, her eyes shone as she retorted. "Yes, just a curious as the last five sets of eyes that have peered through the bars and wanted to see the dancing bear.." Her fangs glittered dully as she paced back and forth along the wall, her long legs placed one before another as her tail lashed against the wooden walls of her confinement. She was growing tired of the beasts that stared through cracks and asked questions, when their bellies were sated they turned and went about their way.

She'd killed one of their fellow clanmates and yet she lived, all because of a pathedic brat who'd been foolish enough to run to the enemy in some strange need to prove to her father something that she failed at drastically, unless attention had been the end want. She stopped dead what he'd called her that one word, her words snarls as she spat "I'd never be your 'love', you're not worth the time it takes to care.." the words were sharp as she spoke them, thoughts of Haku invading her mind as she started to break away from her clear sharp world.

- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        He laughed. It was a cold, loud sound that broke through the shack's quiet darkness. He was horribly amused by this creature, and it showed. Her nature amused him. A prisoner that spit through the bars of it's cage was only asking for the wrath of it's captors. And so thus, the coyote opened the door, moving toward the caged creature in a single, fluid motion. Hand moved to grab at her throat, muzzle pressed close to her face. "And what of you, she-beastie?" he said, crimson eyes locked on her face. "Where is your knight in shining armor to rescue the little damsel in distress? So far, it seems nobody cares." Claws tightened their grasp, tongue slipping out to lick her cheek in a most obscene manner.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-16-2008

The laughter that cut through the small prison made the hairs rise on the back of her neck as she glared, her emerald eyes sparkling with fire as she hissed. Suddenly it seemed that she was out of luck as the male barged through the door and before she could skid out of his reach his hand was about her throat and she was pulled up to his face. Snarling and snapping as the words echoed around her she wished more than anything that there was a knight in shining armor, yet there never had been a fairytale ending for her, much less a noble kind knight.

She closed her eyes at the words licking at her mind, the rasp of his tongue that followed making her shudder as she almost felt like weeping. "Just wait.. you'll see.. just wait. There won't be a knight in shining armor, but a hound from hell with all the furies at his back." She snapped her fangs at him, wishing that her deamon was here now.

- Samael Lykoi - 08-16-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        "Sounds like fun," the prince laughed, pressing his muzzle into her hair. "You seem confident, and yet.." he inhaled softly, breathing in her scent and reveling in what resided there. "I can smell the fear on you. You are afraid. Perhaps you should be." It hung around her like a pungent veil, seeping from her pores and revealing the she-bitch's true nature under her snapping fangs and snarls. "Do you think I would hurt you?" he asked, pressing her against the back wall of her prison. His other hand rose, moving through her hair and twisting a single lock before his face. Suddenly, he drew his hand back, slapping her across the face. "Bitch, let me see what you've got." Already, she was snarling and snapping, bristling like a cat thrown out in the rain. Now he wanted to see her actually try and fight back. "Fuck your knight or your hound, stand up and defend yourself." Or die like a pathetic piece of shit, worthless and undeserving of the life granted. Helpless damsels didn't deserve to be saved, but die like the foolish whores they were.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-17-2008

The hand around her throat wasn't strangling her but it was causing her enough problems in speaking. The sudden panic of having her airways blocked had caused fear to course through her veins and the male before her was letting her know he knew just that. She growled softly as she spat at him. "Perhaps you should be too.." She didn't know why she kept lashing out at the male, she was already in enough trouble as it was but her fear and anger were running side by side now and she wasn't about to just give up.

Her back pressed against the rough wood slates as his words seemed to roll around in her mind, the scent of the male as he made himself comfortable within her space sickened her as her eyes flared with anger. "You wouldn't be the first, I can see it in the eyes of each and every one of you.." She'd barely let lose with the last word when the sound of his hand upon her cheek rang out. Slowly drawing her face back from numbing that was replacing the blast of pain she growled.

The male taunted and teased her, asking her to fight back but not knowing the darkness she walked in, the deeds she'd done. She could play the innocent little damsel but like few, the act was just that, and act. She bared her fangs at the male as she quickly raised her hindlegs up to rack at the beast's belly, hoping her ragged dirty claws would cause wounds that would grow rank and infected with time. She hated the beast before him, not because of his clan or his bloodlines but because of what he wanted her to be.

- Samael Lykoi - 09-02-2008

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        She did have some fight in her. This amused and aroused him, laughing sharply as pain shot through his abdomen. Her claws had torn through his belly, causing blood to drip down through his pale undercoat. "Good," he hissed in a pleased manner, eyes alight. Fingers touched the wounds, bringing the blood up to his lips to taste it's metallic flavor. He leapt back, wishing to see what she'd do next and take or dodge any blow she could give. The pain was the best. The pain he inflicted, and the pain he was given. He liked to see her squirm. And he liked to feel his own blood on his skin. Samael's hand drew back, claws flashing to strike her hard.

- Firefly Sadira - 09-02-2008

She snarled, her eyes sparkling for a brief moment as she realized that she'd done just what she'd hoped to. Her nails had ripped ragged crimson scores into his belly, the scent of his blood filling the air between them. The one word he spoke took away that brief second of gloating.

Her eyes followed the movement of his fingers as he tasted his own blood, she knew now that she was dealing with one twisted fellow, not something that she was unfamiliar with, but this time she was in danger. Trpped like a rat in a cage she hissed as she was dropped to the floor as the male removed himself from her inner circle.

Emerald eyes glared at the beast before her but she wasn't quick enough to make a move before his claw raked through her fur. She felt the blood trickling through her fur along her chest and shoulder as she bared her fangs at the male. Gathering herself to her feet quickly she lunged at the male, the fury of having been locked up for so long finally sinking in as she tried to grab some hold on the male, her teeth snapping at his throat. She was a wildcat, cornered and with nothing to lose, or so she thought.

- Samael Lykoi - 09-05-2008

mall-caps;color:#880000;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;">seven for a secret, never to be told

        She'd been pleased she'd marked him, only to have it stolen away by true nature of the coyote. The pain as it ripped through his flesh caused his grin to widen, laughing brightly at the she-wolf. His own strike had made contact, tearing through her skin by her chest and shoulder. She jumped up, lunging at him like the caged, frantic beast she was, snapping at his throat with her fangs. His head jerked back, arms rising to block her blow, but fangs raked his collarbone, own jaws snapping at her face to deter the she-bitch from the delicate flesh of his exposed neck. Claws reached for her hair, aiming to sink into the skin there and pull her back, away from him as blood began to ooze down his chest.

- Firefly Sadira - 09-05-2008

It seened that her savage little attack on the male would only work so long and within moments of tasting his blood on her tongue the Sadira child's neck was whipped back as her throat was bared to the male. Her emerald eyes blazed in hatred at this creature who'd dare to treat her like something less than what she was. She snarled, her fangs glittering with his blood as she hissed. "How much do you value Talitha's life.." knowing that if she was killed there would be nothing stopping her pack from doing the same to the young clan member. She just hoped that the bastard before her cared for the whole cause and affect of the situation he was in control of now.

- Samael Lykoi - 09-07-2008

mall-caps;color:#880000;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;">seven for a secret, never to be told

        Fingers gripping her hair, tongue flicked out to dance across the flesh of her throat, grinning in a mad way at the she-wolf who's eyes burned with hatred. "Talitha?" he laughed. "The child of my brother? Honestly, she is none of my personal concern." He had once hated Gabriel, and now while he could tolerate the male to some degree, he still wouldn't go out of his way to protect his spawn. After all, Samael would eat his own children—why should he look after someone else's, which would be of a thousand times lesser value? Backing her up into a wall, his hand moved slowly up her side as he spoke, horribly aroused by the fight in this female.

- Firefly Sadira - 09-07-2008

The personal touch against her throat from the sick twisted bastard made her snarl again, the scent of their blood tainting her senses. The words he spoke made chills run down her spine as she realized she was in the hands of a monster. Haku was one thing, but this beast was totally different. She spat in the male's face as she growled, [i]"What a worthless soul you are then, I guess you have no clue what being part of a clan really means then."[/b] she really had pushed him to far but he'd backed her into a corner and like a cornered creature she was fighting.

The rough surface of the wall against her back made her bare her fangs at Samuel as she felt the touch of his hand moving along her side. Quick as a flash she struck out at him with her free arm, her claws glowing slight in the moonlight as the backwards stroke sought out his face to leave it a little less pretty than it may have been. To her it wasn't a shame to damage the bastard's face, infact she'd enjoy every moment of it.

- Samael Lykoi - 09-10-2008

mall-caps;color:#880000;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;">seven for a secret, never to be told

        "Think what you will—your values mean nothing to me," he hissed softly after she'd spat in his face. He leaned in close, fingers trailing across her body. She struck, quick as a rattlesnake and blood was dripping from his face. Samael blinked quietly, slowly, slowly the mad grin once again creeping across his face until it seemed his lips could stretch no further. "Foolish bitch," he laughed harshly, all sense of humor evaporated from his voice. "You marked my face."
        Blood trickled into his eye from the wound and he pulled her from the wall, slamming her back into it with such force to drive the breath from her body. "I never said you could fucking touch the face!" the prince cried, voice rising a level as true anger burst forth. Fingers again found her throat, aiming to squeeze until she could breath no more, whispering now, "Now I'll have to take something from you." His other hand pressed back against her body, moving down, down until it found where her legs met, slipping into the gap between.

- Firefly Sadira - 09-10-2008

She felt her heart beating faster as her reaction to his touch brought laughter. He didn't abandon the game he was playing at, instead he seemed to place new rules on the whole thing. She liked games enough but not like this, this was some sick twisted bastard that seemed to want to see how far he could go against the leader's wishes. She didn't know what to do and that scared her for once though she didn't let the male see the truth.

Suddenly it seemed she was slammed up against the wall again, her head whipping forward and snapping against the wood behind her as he screamed at her. The fingers that had crept up her body were laced around her throat as anger flashed in her eyes. She didn't give a damn what his rules were, she wasn't here for his entertainment, or so she thought.

Her eyes widdened as his fingers tightened on her throat, those whispered words were like a lover's as she felt his touch once more on her flesh, goosebumps raising on the trail he'd left. She growled a warning at the male as she struck out again. "Never!" she screamed, though she knew she was too late as his touch became too personal, with a shudder she cried out.

- Samael Lykoi - 09-15-2008

mall-caps;color:#880000;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;">seven for a secret, never to be told

        Rape was a weapon—a tool used to utterly destroy and shatter one's soul. It was easier to overpower someone and steal their soul than it was to work your way into their heart, but Samael could care less about this female's being. She was a piece of trash to him, and he wanted to destroy her. It was his destiny to destroy all those in his wake, leaving them hollow, soulless corpses once touched by the Prince of Fear. She stuggled. She screamed and cried out, knowing fear as Samael made his intentions known. He would destroy her, and she'd never be the same again with one single act of destruction..


        and fade to black, because we all get the point of what is going to happen next, and we really don't need to see it written out. basically, samael over powers her, rapes her, and leaves. the end.