'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
You be Tails & I'll be Sonic - Printable Version

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- Itzal - 08-29-2012


Backdated to the 26th. And she can just notice him and take interest if you like.

Itzal's leg was feeling better. Rio had stitched it up well but it had still bled when he had pushed himself to cover from the distance from Halifax to Anathema. And he had been moving around Anathema's caves and territory more than he probably should. If Itzal had enough medical skills he wouldn't have been worried. But Itzal didn't know if his leg could still get infected if the stitches had been messed up when he pushed himself. And he hadn't changed the bandages since Rio had put them on. Which had been almost a week ago, maybe more. Itzal growled when he put a tiny bit to much weight on his leg when he went to stand up. He had gotten tired of sitting against the wall in his den.

Itzal left his den, limping on his way. He tried to keep the limp to a minimum. The bandages gave away the fact that he was wounded but the didn't mean he had to let the entire pack know how bad. So he made his way into the common area in the underground den system. He swore under his breathe as he walked in and looked around, taking everyone in the room in in one sweep of his eyes. He sighed, sagging against the wall of the way into the main room. He wasn't sure how many people were paying attention to him but he was sure more people than he wanted too noticed.

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- Panda Behr - 09-06-2012

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Anathema, Howling Caverns - Common Room

Date: ~26 August (Backdated)

Weather: Cold, and rocky

Time: unknown
Venom Trombetta

Word Count → 817 :: I love the title, sorry for the wait there :3

So take this lung full of pure inspiration
Inhale this lung full to make me smile

Panda was in the common area of the Howling Caverns, because Venom had been putting on a small show for her by playing his guitar to her and the others who decided that they too, wanted to listen to the beautiful music that Venom was making. For a warrior, a Dasa, Venom spent a lot of time being with Panda, and instead of fighting, he picked flowers and herbs for Panda. Though when there needed to be a spar, Venom wasn't so quick to back down. He knew his job, and it wasn't like he wouldn't participate if invited, but there was little that Venom like to do that were actual jobs in the pack. If they had a witchdoctor tier in the pack, then maybe, just maybe Venom would actually be able to be more useful. He never would rise in rank if he continued doing what he was doing (which was doing the bare minimum to keep the Dasa rank) but it was not like many tried to disrespect the hulking 2 year old male. Venom's deep glares and acid tongue was also something that someone would not want brought upon them.

So while he played, she watched, because she was much too lazy to bring out her drumset and actually join the man in making music. She liked to just listen to the sounds he made, and listen to his voice as he sang along to his strumming on his guitar, for now, a sad song, slow, and almost mournful. It was a song that Panda had not heard him sing previously, and it made her cock her head lightly at him. He stared at her for a good minute or so as he played, and sung, and his focus was only broken by the need to look down to change his fingers to the right position. Soon his gaze swept over the small crowd of luperci that littered the room, all doing their individual tasks, some of them distracted by he, others ignoring his singing and playing. He cared not for the attention. He wasn't doing it for the attention really, he was doing it because he wanted to play, and Panda didn't want to be in the den for once, but she wanted to watch, so they decided to just come out and play where there was a lot of room to do so. The more that he played for Panda though, the more he could see that she too, wanted to play. He pushed a thought towards her, and this was why he was staring at her. He wanted her to play up here with him. He knew she'd be able to compliment him more than hurt him, so he tried to convince her to come up there with him and play. He knew she was shy with her drumset, but he also knew that she played very well, and that she could be convinced, with the right looks.

Panda was a rock though right now. So much of one that as soon as a new face entered the caves to the right of her, the dark chocolate gaze of the woman looked at a shadow pelted male with a bloodied bandage around his leg. The blood looked old, and Panda's medical experience caused her to sigh lightly at the stupidity at some of these wolves. She thought about how she would've been out of a job if some wolves didn't know about what to do when they are hurt so she shouldn't really be complaining. She watched the male though, not approaching at first. She was trying to remember his name, if she had met him before. She'd been here some time, and she knew faces, but names always escaped her. Especially if they'd seen each other but never talked, or just said a passing "hi" and kept going. Venom's song was soon to end though, and the ending notes caused Panda to look back at him once more, and she gave him a quick hand of applause and then she stood up and walked over to the slouching male on the wall.

Yo, dude. You okay? Your leg looks like it could use a new bandage. Maybe a proper examination of what's going on under there. Mind if I help? spoke Panda as bent over to get on the same level as the golden eyed male, and she looked the man in the eye, obviously not shy to display an act of dominance, as well as not shy enough when it came to her job. My name's Panda, I'm Corson of Anathema. You seem familiar though, from a long time ago. What's your name? the female spoke to him, continuing to look at him for a moment, waiting for his response.

Venom Speaks

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image © Nat!


- Itzal - 09-06-2012


Thank you Big Grin. And it is fine, I don't mind. Sorry this post is so bad >.<

Itzal looked up as the music in the room faded away. He glanced at the male who had been playing the music. His gaze lingered on the man for a second before it shifted to the female walking towards him. She was tall. Taller than Itzal. He tried to place her name from his past. Itzal had a good memory for those he had met in his past. But he couldn't put a name to her face. Itzal finally came to the conclusion that he didn't know her. So why is she walking towards me? He thought, watching the girl carefully. He knew that he should be safe here, among his family, but Itzal was a cautious creature. He was wary as she got within easy speaking range. But she still kept coming until they were only a few feet apart.

Itzal was at least glad that she was easy going in her greeting. And she got right to her point. His leg. Itzal had to resist the urge to growl and decline the girl's offer. But when he put pressure on his leg to stand up straight, he inhaled sharply. Itzal knew that he might honestly need his leg looked at, and here this female was offering her existence. Despite Itzal's wariness, he still had to smile as the female had to bend down to meet his eye. Itzal was use being the one bending down, not the other way around. Itzal wasn't sure what to make of the female. She seemed nice, but assertive. Which Itzal could appreciate. But Itzal was dominant in his own right. He had lived by himself so long that at times it was hard to remember that sometimes an offer to help was just that. "I'm fine. Just a little sore. And if you think that you could help at all, be my guest." Itzal said, trying not to grit his teeth at admitting his weakness. He was stubborn but knew when he was outmatched. And Panda certainly seemed more versed in the ways of medicine than him.

"It is nice to meet you Panda. My name is Itzal. I use to be a warrior for the pack but I left for a while. Had some stuff to take care of." Just as Itzal's mind always did when he mentioned his leaving, he couldn't help but remember his uncle's death by his hand. "And now I've returned. Though I'm not yet ready to earn my old place back because of my wound." Itzal said, growling at the thought. It wasn't directed towards Panda, and Itzal glanced up at her to make sure that she hadn't taken it the wrong way. "Sorry, I'm just...frustrated at my current state." Itzal admitted with a rueful shrug. He sighed, admitting to himself that he had to get over it and let Panda take a look. So Itzal pushed off the way and smiled at Panda, "Would you like to go somewhere to look at it, or is here fine?" Itzal asked with a arched eyebrow.

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- Panda Behr - 09-14-2012


Word Count → 745 :: That post wasn't bad Big Grin Just i guess for reference, Venom is gonna be playing the acoustic version of this song - (Grim Goodbye by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus). Also, how bad is his leg in this thread again? Like is there anything else that she'd need to do besides rebandage it? (if like the stitching had come out or anything else like that. I might be able to use this thread as a rank thread is why I ask)

So take this lung full of pure inspiration
Inhale this lung full to make me smile

Venom, dispite his distance from the two, seemed to be very wary and ready to jump up and put the Zepar in his place if he was to deny Panda's help, or worse, start a fight with the woman. He watched the aura of the other man, it having a duality that either Panda did not notice, or she noticed and knew not of what it meant. Venom himself did not understand the duality of the man's aura, but he did know that he did not like it, and that he needed to be on gaurd in case he was needed. Also, if Itzal thought that Panda was tall, he'd probably be more surprised at the height of the Dasa that was playing his guitar. Venom refrained from playing another song because he was on gaurd. On the other side of the room where Panda and Itzal were, the woman was given the answer she was looking for. She had been told that she could take a look at it, and once she had gotten that answer she stopped looking at him and she looked to her satchel that hung on her side. Panda flipped it open and she took out some new bandage, a few cloths, and a bottle of alcohol.

Itzal finally introduced himself, and Panda took a seat on the ground in front of him as she listened to his words. He was an old Dasa, which was probably a reason that she had recognized him. She'd probably seen him going out on hunts with the others, or at the meetings, or something of the sort. He also spoke of how he didn't think that he was ready to be a Dasa again because of his wound. Seeing that he was still putting weight on it meant that it still worked if anything, so Panda suspected that his leg would probably heal up nicely, if taken care of properly. Panda heard the growl, but knew it was not directed to her, so she ignored it, and then he apologized. She dismissed the apology with a wave of her hand and she looked at the man's leg. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Itzal. I'm sure that your leg will heal up nicely. As long as you care for it right. Seeing as you are able to put weight on it, and you are able to still feel it. spoke the Corson as she looked back up at him. It was then that he asked if they were better off here or somewhere else. Panda shook her head and she patted the ground.

I have the right supplies with me, so if you could take a seat, I could get started. spoke the female before she glanced over to Venom and smiled at him. Hey Alex. Mind playing another? asked the Corson, for the female wanted some tunes as she did her work. Venom smiled back at her and nodded his head lightly before he looked down at his guitar and started to play yet another sad sounding song, but one she was more familiar with him playing, and she could back him up with the drums on this song if she wanted to. She had made herself busy with a fellow Anatheman at the point so she couldn't but you get the point. Either way she smiled once more at Venom and gave a small chuckle before she looked back at Itzal and waited for him to take a seat so she could start to inspect the wound.

My eyes, closing slowly...Don't you try to take me down, don't you try to take me over.....Won't you try to break me? The complexities's moving in, and I feel that i do not have the strength, Tradegy's plaguing me solumnly, it's affecting my will. But WAIT! Now that I found you, situations form dark now change to gray, disregarding my absence of memories, it's perpertually blinding me of sanity.... sung the Italian-American Dasa. His voice was good, for if they had a ranking tier that musicans and singers could fit in, then Venom would more than likely have taken up that job rather than the job of protecting the pack. Dasa was the only other thing for him though, so he gladly did that job, and did his music and singing during play time.

Venom Speaks

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image © Nat!


- Itzal - 09-15-2012


Panda will need to take the stitches out, if that counts. Hope it does. And I would have known the song without the link, they are one of my all time favorite bands <3

Itzal's gaze flicked to the man with the guitar. Itzal noted that the man was watching them. And he hadn't started playing again. Itzal glanced from Panda to the man with the guitar and his mind registered that the two knew each other. Maybe the male over there was the one that Itzal smelled on Panda. Itzal was willing to bet that was true. Itzal could feel Eztli awaken inside of him. Eztli could feel the mans protectiveness from over here. He knew that if he hurt the Panda female, the male would attack as well. Eztli wanted to kill them both. But it was Itzal in control. Not Eztli. Itzal closed his eyes, pushing Eztli down into his mind. Itzal wasn't going to harm Panda. She was family.

Itzal didn't know anything about Aura, but if he had, he knew Eztli's would be evil and scary. Eztli was a monster. Itzal's aura could have been anything. Itzal smiled at Panda as she told him he would probably be fine. "Thanks, that is reassuring. I probably could have been nicer to it." Itzal admitted with a frown. Pushing himself to leave so soon after Rio put the stitches in probably wasn't the smartest idea, but he had managed. Itzal sat down next to Panda as she pat the ground, indicating that they didn't need to go anywhere. He let her see the leg and tried to keep at growling at her. She was helping him. Not trying to hurt him. "Just so you know, I had a friend look at it when I got the wound. She stitched it up, but never got a chance to take them out. So you might have to do that before rebandaging." Itzal wasn't sure if she knew how to deal with stitches. Rio had said her way of medicine was more 'humanized' so he wasn't sure if that meant Panda would be at a loss when she saw the stitches. He hoped not. The stupid things apparently weren't going away on their own.

Itzal looked up as Panda addressed someone who wasn't Itzal. Itzal wasn't surprised to see it was the male with the guitar. Itzal felt that he was right then, the two knew each other as more than friends. Normally, if Itzal was feeling better, he would have flirted with Panda. And he would have enjoyed watching the other male for a reaction. Though even if the other male wasn't watching them, Itzal probably would have flirted with Panda, since he found her attractive. But he always loved getting a rise out of people by flirting with females. Right now however, his leg was hurting him enough that he didn't feel that flirting was in his best interest.

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- Panda Behr - 09-25-2012


Word Count → 838 :: idk if it does or not, but I guess we'll find out when i turn in this thread to the leaders. I'm glad you know the song. I kinda chose at random, and I wanted to make sure that everyone could get a feel of what's going on in the background. (That's right, it's for the stalkers too) ;] <3

So take this lung full of pure inspiration
Inhale this lung full to make me smile

And just when I'm giving in, when I try to scale these walls, Jericho falls around me, and I feel that i've strayed too long. And darkness is fading in, and darkness is real. Whooaaaah-Whoa whoa whoaahhh whoah whoaah. My eyes... Whoahhhh whoahhh whoahhhhhhh, closing slowly.... Fate seems to recreate, I just cannot escape. Something hold me down and makes me act a way I cannot explain, even now I can feel it coming over me, choking me.... The duality of the man's aura did put Venom off-ease. Venom was watching the male with his third eye when he was not watching the man with his two physical eyes. Through his third eye he could see Panda and Itzal's auras, and once they touched, their auras intermingled slightly, and this also made Venom uncomfortable. Panda could feel the uneasiness of her soul-mate, but she pushed the feeling away. She needed to not feel uneasy when she was working. Uneasiness made mistakes, and that's something that Panda did not want to do. She ignored him, though she listened to his music. She loved to listen to his music. She smiled at Itzal when he spoke of it being reassuring that she spoke that he will more than likely be able to reclaim his spot as Dasa. He also spoke of how he could have been nicer to it, and Panda nodded her head. It's really hard to be nice to your legs when they are hurt either way. We use them all the time, and sometimes when we try to be nice, we get restless. I know how it is, don't worry. spoke the shaman as she watched him take a seat and once he outstretched his leg for her, she took to unwrapping the old bandages. They were covered in goop and blood, and they were getting crusty. Panda quickly unwrapped the leg and threw the dirty, old bandage to the side.

He explained to her that he had gotten it stitched up, but he needed to get the stitches removed still. Panda nodded her head. I can see that. she told the male, seeing the shaved area on his leg that held the stitches still. They looked like they were just starting to get infected because they were unneeded. Panda knew she needed to take them out as soon as possible. She looked from the male's leg to the satchel that sat at her side. She dug into it and took out a pair of scissors, and a rag that she could clean the wound with. She took the bottle of alcohol she took out before and she uncorked the top and poured some on the rag and then wiped the wound until it was clean and she could easily see the laseration and the stitches, as well as the fur that was growing back from being shaved. After she did that, she pulled lightly with her claws on the stitches, and she used the scissors to cut each one. Sorry if this hurts, but you'll feel much better after these are out. You see, what happens is the stitches help your body heal up large wounds but when you leave them in too long, the flesh tries to start to grow over them, and a lot of times, when you are using these kinds of stitches, they don't degrade like some of the other ones. These are the stitches that cause infections when you don't take them out when they are ready to come out. explained the shaman as she continued to work at getting the stitches out of the male's flesh.

Panda and Venom were more than friends, in a way. They were more friendly to each other than anyone else that they knew, and they understood each other with little verbal communication, but they were not officially together. Their souls were intertwined, and they respected that, as well as the fact that they had known that they were like this for some time now. What stopped them from making things official were their belief system, and how it did not co-relate with the beliefs of Anathema. Sure, a lot of their beliefs did go along with Anathema, but there were plenty to desuade them from getting 'married' in Anathema. Perhaps if they had Kyle do it, then maybe, just maybe they would get married. For now though, they weren't really even in a relationship other than extreme protectivness over each other, and worry over the other's wellbeing. There were a few other things that they did together, but they were best friends as well, so there was little that the wouldn't do together. As for a little flirtation, that was nothing, for Venom watched Panda seduce many men, only to pretty much give them blueballs and then walk away and go fuck him instead. Who knew if Panda would have done the same to Itzal.

Venom Speaks

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image © Nat!


- Itzal - 10-02-2012

Word Count :: 440 || Points: 3Sorry for the wait and hope you don't mind the scroll table..

The background music supplies by the man who knew Panda was helpful. Itzal tried to focus on that and things other than Panda looking over his leg. He forced himself to try and relax but knowing that his leg was where anyone could see what putting him on edge. Itzal watched everyone in the room cautiously. Everyone but Panda, who probably posed the biggest threat out of anyone considering that she was so close to him and was about to remove stitches from his leg. But if he focused on her, he would be forced to focus on the pain as well. And then the pain would distract him from other potential threats in the room. Itzal felt like prey that had been cornered.

When she pulled on the stitches at first he tensed up, feeling it pull at his leg. Then he forced himself to relax, even though it hurt a little. If he tensed up it would only hurt more. So Itzal listened to Panda explain while he looked around the room. He growled once when he she tugged at a stitch that was particularly uncomfortable. He cut off the growl quickly, and went back to being silent. The sooner his leg was wrapped up and fixed, the soon he could relax. "Thank you." He said, through somewhat clenched teeth. She was being kind to him, despite his somewhat hostile manner, and he did owe her thanks. He would never have known what to do and if she hadn't seen him, he likely would have went on until his leg got too infected to use. Then Itzal would be in an even worse state than he currently was.

Eztli didn't like their position at all either. Itzal could feel his restlessness. He wanted to kill all of the people who might doubt his strength because of the wound. He wanted to show them all that he was the worst monster they had ever meant. He wanted them to scream in agony as he ripped them apart. And he wanted Itzal too stop appearing so weak. Itzal tried to block him out, wishing he had something to dull his feelings. Itzal closed his eyes, annoyance bubbling up inside of him as Eztli continued his tirade that only Itzal could hear. Itzal growled in his head and Eztli stopped momentarily. Then he started up again. Itzal sighed and stopped ignoring the slight pain of Panda attending to his stitches. The pain was better than Eztli at the moment. And at least he knew he would eventually be rid of the pain. Eztli, on the other hand, would haunt him forever.

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- Panda Behr - 10-12-2012


Word Count → 748 :: I don't mind scrolly tables at all :] <3

So take this lung full of pure inspiration
Inhale this lung full to make me smile

The grunts and growls and groans of the man did not concern the Corson. She knew how it was to have to go through pain, but she also knew that once she got those stitches out, he'd feel a lot better. She tried to be gentle, and she also tried to get her process done with quickly, using one hand to use the scissors and cut the stitches and the claws of the other hand acted as tweezers to pull the string from the flesh. It easily came out for the most part, but there was a few spots that got caught because of the way the flesh had grown over it. She could feel Itzal's aura, and the way it was pin-pricking at her back was uncomfortable. She knew it was unintentional, but she was sure that if he could relax more, then his energy would stop being obnoxious and be mostly concealed instead of these small shocks of energy that she was feeling in her hands, and on her shoulders as she worked. The duality of his energy was also noticed by the woman at this time, because the second energy was dark, and it started to do the same thing that the other aura was doing. Shocking her.

The Corson heard the thanks, and she nodded her head. I'm just doing my job. So It's no problem, dude. the woman spoke to him as she continued, not even bothering to look up from the male's leg. She was determined to get out all of these stitches. She was about halfway through when he thanked her, with only four more to take out. She clipped them all and then pulled the string from the flesh with some ease now that she had gotten the more difficult ones out. She picked out the last four and then she dabbed some alcohol on her rag again and cleaned the wound for a second time. She then prepared gauze and started to wrap his leg up with a nice new bandage. She wrapped it semi-tight, so that the bandage would not easily fall off, but not too tight to where he could not feel his leg, or for it to cut of circulation.

This process was much quicker than the taking out of the stitches, and once she was done with wrapping his leg, she looked up at him and smiled. I'm gonna be checking on your leg every few days, just to make sure that it doesn't get infected, or that it didn't already. It looked like there was a, minor infection where some of the stitches were, but the alcohol should have taken care of cleansing that infection. Your leg should be feeling better real soon, is the good news though. she spoke to him as she looked the Zepar straight in the eye. Venom was still singing in the background, and since Panda was done, she turned to sit next to Itzal and face the group of canines that were in the cavern. She cared not of the other beings, for her attention focused back on Venom, who sung a wonderful melody. The song itself was not all that happy, but he sung it so beautifully, that her heart started to pound because of the excitement swelling in her gut.

Venom finally looked up at Panda and Itzal to see that they were finished. He continued to sing his song, even though the aura of the male that was sitting next to Panda was still making the Dasa on edge. Venom watched as he sung, and it was obvious that he was watching the two. Panda gave him a look, because she could see that he was on edge. Panda had faith that the dual aura-ed man would not harm her, at least not in a public place such as this, where there were other wolves besides Venom who would jump in and attack because of the unjustified actions that the male would commit against the Corson. She was not worried much at all. Venom obviously was though. Speaking of Dasas, him, the guitarist, he's a Dasa. His name is Venom Trombetta. I'm the only one who calls him Alex, so I wouldn't call him that if I were you. spoke the woman as she introduced her counterpart. She held a smile on her maw as she looked between Venom and Itzal.

Venom Speaks

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image © Nat!


- Itzal - 10-19-2012

(000) Please forgive my sucky post ;_;

When the last four stitches were pulled out Itzal felt like a great pressure had been taken off of his leg. He sighed, relieved, until the alcohol touch. He hissed, pain returning to his leg for the brief moments that the alcohol had contact with the wound but the pain faded quickly after it left. Itzal closed his eyes, panting softly. When he felt the bandage around his leg he finally felt the tension leave most of his body. Itzal's muscles loosened and he relaxed. He opened his eyes and looked at Panda; he was tempted to say thank you again but he stopped himself, remembering what she had told him. So instead he just smiled and nodded his head when she told him she would be checking up on him. He could handle that.

As Panda moved to sit beside him Itzal watched her, before following her gaze to the man singing. The man was watching them and it made Itzal want to growl. He knew that it was likely just because Itzal was sitting so close to Panda, someone the singer was probably protective of. But that didn't make Itzal feel any less defensive. He looked away from the male, so he wouldn't growl, and instead looked at Panda as she explained who it was that was singing. Itzal glanced back at the Dasa named Venom and nodded, his gaze switching back to Panda. Eztli wanted to kill them both. Eztli wanted to show the Dasa the mistake he was making staring at them like he was. But Itzal was the one in control. "Okay, Venom it is then. It is probably a good thing for me to meet him then, if we are both Dasas." He said, hiding his annoyance with the man and smiling at Panda. He owed the woman for helping him, so the least he could do was be polite and kind.

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