'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
bend, not break - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 08-17-2008

Private thread for DaVi and Alexey, though at the end someone needs to make a sudden appearance to investigate/notice the wolf/hybrid on the territory.. but they run and escape before you eat!


Firefly laid curled up in a ball, half hidden under the blankets as she shivered and wished that this was over. She had expected illtreatment at the hands of Inferni but she hadn't expected the last straw. The scent of the male seemed to wrap around her as she shivered and shook, the small sounds of the summer night making her think he'd returned once more. She snarled at nothing as her eyes flashed, a slight moan escaping her lips as she felt the bruised muscles of her body protest her sudden movements. She tucked her muzzle under her arm and folded her ears back, trying to erase the world around her.. trying to remember the simple happiness of Eire.

Closing her eyes she silently wept as the child crawled out from hiding deep within her soul. She was suppose to be strong and brave, dark and dangerous, yet the one thing she always forgot until it was too late.. she was still just a child. Streaks of shame coursed down her cheeks as she wished she could just drift away into darkness, the numbing bliss of sleep so far away.. fear and anger keeping her on edge as the night seemed to call out to her senses.

- Alexey Koios - 08-21-2008


They had traveled miles and miles to get to their destination. It hurt to walk, and her wounded leg just wanted to give out with every single step she took. Alexey might not have made it there without her hybrid companion. He was so strong and determined, a rolemodel in times like these. For some reason, he kept her going. They had exchanged very few words during their journey, the built up stress was definitely a conversation killer. But she at least knew his name now. DaVinci had gone from being a mere hybrid, to a fearless hero keeping her safe from harm. Granted, he was doing this for his sister, but Lexey was allowed to daydream, right?

They had remained near the borders at first, scanning the territory for any sign of potential enemies. No one in sight. The Filix kept her guard up though, knowing from past experience that it wouldn't take the coyotes very long to show up if they noticed her presence. It was the faint smell of her pack mate that caught their attention, eventually leading them to the broken down shed. The warden apparently had gone for a stroll, because there was no one keeping an eye on their prisoner.

Excitement grew within the tawny she-wolf. Would they really be able to rescue her? Lexey rushed over and poked her nose under the door, calling out to her friend. "Firefly? Honey?" she whispered, her tail wagging back and forth. Not sticking around for an answer, the wolfess then moved over to the broken window and got up on her two hind legs. Golden eyes peered inside as her face pressed against the glass, hoping to catch a glimpse of her younger friend. "Psst! Over here." Her voice got a little louder then, in order to catch the girl's attention.


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 08-24-2008

DaVinci hadn't known what had possessed him to walk into unknown territory in lands he knew from his own past weren't too friendly towards wolves, and sometimes even hybrids themselves. The silvery steel boy traced through the lands after the girl, he wasn't for certain exactly where Inferni's lands lay except in what general area, but he wasn't about to leave his sibling in their mists. His father had come from the creatures of the clan and he knew the dangers that they could present to any wolf if given the chance.. which he had a feeling Firefly would be one to give them the chance, she couldn't exactl keep her tongue curbed at times.

The stormy eyes male watched the tawny lass as she kept up with him, he was rather impressed with the girl who had to be in pain from her wound but he wasn't about to tell her to go back, even when they'd reached the clan's lands. He kept quiet and guarded her back as she seemed to pick up her pace, suddenly he knew why when the soft scent of his sibling caught his attention. There was sharp spikes in her scent that he'd rarely every caught from the small spirited fae, but he caught them now. Terror and fear were mingled together around his small sibling's confinements.

He let the packmate move ahead as he heard her voice calling for Firefly, as she moved to the window he walked around to the door, lowering his face to the floor and staring into the gloomy interior, catching sight of a small pile of rags that just barely seemed to be moving. He hadn't realized he was holding his breath until it hissed between his teeth. "She's alive!" he exclaimed to Alexey as he pressed his face closer to the warped wood and spoke up, his voice a soft moan as moonlight cast across her pelt from the window Alexey was in. "Firefly.. " He hadn't expected them to treat her too kindly, but the bruised a battered form of his sister wasn't what he expected to view.

He quickly rose to his feet and joined Alexey at the window, both their faces pressed to the small frame as their shoulders colided, compressing them together like peas in a pod as he looked down with pity at his kid sister.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-24-2008

Firefly's mind was a whirl of half nightmares and truths as she whimpered in her dreams. She didn't want the monster to return but it seemed that over and over he was going to invade her mind and the scene was to happen again and again. Her fangs snapped shut as she tried to fight off an enemy that didn't seem to exist.. the clouds that stormed her dreams seemed to clear suddenly as a voice broke through like sunshine.

Quickly her emerald orbs flashed open as she caught the sound of that voice again. Raising her head with a slight whimper she saw the shadows cast across the shack as movements seemed to scurry from the door to the window. Blinking as she tried not to wince the girl cried out as she heard the voices and caught sight of who they belonged to. One she'd seen almost too recently, the other was someone she wished hadn't been there at all. She couldn't help but wince the second time as she called out softly, "What's going on? Alexey.. DaVi?!?" a little more confused that she wanted to be, but more afraid than anything.

Gathering herself up from the floor she limped towards the window and panicked as she realized just what was going on. "You shouldn't be here..." she cried out, wishing that they were gone, wishing that neither of them had come to find her. She was grateful to see the two of them but she wasn't for certain where the monster was and she didn't want him coming back.

- Alexey Koios - 08-25-2008


Alexey caught her breath as DaVinci's shoulder pressed against hers. A meaningless move on his part, and yet she could almost feel the heat radiating from her cheeks. The tawny girl debated with herself just then, forgetting all about the important issue at hand; Firefly. Stay or move over? He didn't seem really bothered by their closeness, which meant that Lexey was probably reading into things a little too much; nothing out of the ordinary. She had the mentality of a teenie bopper when it came to boys; flat out stupid and inexperienced.

She just stood there, as still as a rock, until her pack mate's voice snapped her out of her reverie. Firefly's reaction left Alexey a litte speechless. Wasn't she happy to see them? The two-year-old couldn't quite understand what was going on until the young girl finally moved over to the window, where they could see her a little better. Pain, shame, and regret were all over that pretty face of hers, sapping away her natural radiance. Right then and there, Lexey knew that her two-toned friend would never be the same again. What on earth had they done to her?

Beige ears flattened against her skull as she shook her head in disbelief. "No, just... no." she repeated with firm conviction."Don't say that. We're getting you out of here." Her voice trembled with fear. Ironic, really. She hadn't shown any real signs of fear or worry during the fight between Dahlia de Mai and Inferni, but seeing Firefly suffer was affecting her in a way she would have never thought possible.


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 08-25-2008

DaVinci hadn't even thought of a thing as he'd pressed himself against the tawny lady to peer down at his sibling in the confinements of the shack. The warmth of their bodies just reminded him of time he'd spent on the ocean pressed up again his shipmates as night stole upon them. The thin spread of light that played across his siblings features caused a soft whimper to escape his maw before hid stormy eyes narrowed in anger at the treatment she'd been dealt.

The words that she threw out that them didn't belong to the sibling he'd know, the fire and fury seemed to be dwindling inside the cage as though she was slowly sufficating without the wild dark world she'd so thrived in. Baring his fangs as the words she spoke it seemed she was almost instantly countered by the wolf who had begun the quest before he'd even known the danger of Firefly. The quiver of fear in the lady's voice didn't go unnoticed as he added his own words to the arguement that he'd never thought he'd be having with the girl. "Firefly, don't be a idiot.. What's the point in throwing yourself to the enemy." he shook his head in annoyance at how foolhearted the lass was being as he added. "Especially when you've got a rescue party at your door.." What did he have to lose at rescuing his sibling, this wasn't his war..

- Firefly Sadira - 08-25-2008

Firefly wasn't sure what in the world to think, her ears pressed against her skull as her emerald eyes shined dully in the moonlight. She almost wanted to laugh at Alexey's words as she tried to find the words to tell Firefly that she was wrong. How could she be wrong when she'd been here long enough to know what would happen if they were found out. She snarled at her friend and shook her head. "No! You don't understand!" Her heart beat faster as she limped to the window and stretched herself up to meet the two faces that had come to rescue her. "What would happen if they caught you too! Then where would we be!" She winced as she pulled herself up to the small window and the words were hissed from within the cage.

Her orbs turned from one face to the other then back to Alexey as she asked halfheartedly. "Where did you find him.." she shook her head sadly, "Don't listen to anything he says.. his plans always land us in a world of trouble..." Actually they had been her plans that normally had caught them grief but she knew DaVinci would always let her place the blame on him. She sighed and turned her face away from the two, not wanting them to see the real hurt and pain she tried to hide.

She dropped down from the window and turned away from the two as she closed her eyes and said softly. "Just.. tell Haku.. tell him I'm sorry.." she wished that her brother had been able to have come back at a better time when she wasn't being held hostage in enemy lands with a shadow of fear over her head and defeat in her heart.

- Alexey Koios - 08-25-2008


Alexey instinctively returned the snarl directed at her, ten times louder. She was losing her patience. Firefly had accused her of not understanding, but what was it that she supposedly didn't understand? The two-year-old might've been in a better position than her friend currently was, but she sure as hell knew in how much trouble they would be if Inferni found them. She had the scars to prove it. Ahren and Ahemait had given her the beating of her life, but Lexey was willing to suffer twice as much if it meant saving the two-toned teenager.

She remained silent for the time being, not wanting to say something she might regret later on. Her rage was slowly seeping through, making itself known in her golden eyes. The girl reminded her of Adelaida. Alexey already had a stubborn sibling to deal with, she didn't need another one. "Coming here was my idea, not his." she said sharply, gazing defiantly into her eyes of emerald green. As the teenager turned away from them, the Koios femme finally snapped and called out to her. "Firefly Sadira! Don't you dare turn your back on me!" At that very moment, Lexey was the spitting image of her mother.

"And I ain't telling Haku anything. You're going to tell him yourself."


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 08-28-2008

DaVinci was rather suprised at the words his sister spoke but even more so at the ferocious return that the tawny woman beside him had granted her in return. A brow was raised at the snarl that was thrown down at Firefly but within moments he smiled as Alexey admitted that the whole idea was her credit. The sudden snap at Firefly reminded him of a certain silver and gold woman that he'd been avoiding for quite some time.. but probably owed a visit to.. but he'd continue to avoid as long as he could. "Firefly.. com'mon.. listen ot reason.. We're here.. and we're getting you out." he shook his head and sighed, she was being so damn stubborn.

At the words that Firefly had spoke of Haku he turned his head slightly and tried to catch Alexey's eye, wondering just who Haku was and why his sister was so set on him knowing she was sorry. When Alexey spoke up again DaVinci just shook his head and dropped down to all four before moving over to the door and beginning to pry at it all. "You're comming with us now, not later.." he shook his head at her stupid childish antics and caught his teeth in the wood as he began prying at the door's warped wood.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-28-2008

Firefly didn't know what to do, the two were bound and determined to free her and all she could do was beg them to leave. Every twitch and crackle around them made her jump as the two became snappy and demanding. She flattened her ears against her head at the sudden fury in Alexey's voice as she turned her hurt emerald eyes to the golden lady. "But.. they have watches.. they don't leave this place open like this.." she sputtered as she tried to find a reason to get them to leave before Inferni was gifted with more hostages.

She turned about to glare at Alexey as she spat, "I'm trying to save your hide! I'm ... perfectly fine here!" she stumbled through the words as she thought of the last words the Alexey had uttered. "I won't tell him because I'm not going!" she yelped as suddenly DaVinci was tearing at the boards on the door, causing her to whine at how loud the sound of his teeth and the screetching of the boards.

- Gabriel de le Poer - 08-29-2008


I figured someone should jump in now. :] You guys can have them run off, I won't be back until Monday so after they run home we can close this thread?

indent There was only a small gap between the time it took one watch to leave another. Usually, there wasn’t one. Gabriel was making his way towards the building when he caught the scents, and his fur was on end in an instant. Of course, they should come here, to try and break out that girl. Inferni couldn’t have that, not as long as she was a bargaining chip. The doggish hybrid threw back his head and let out a series of coyote-like yipping howls, a warning, a siren. Then with a snarl, the Aquila was charging towards the shack, towards the intruders. There were two of them, but he knew it wasn’t enough—not as long as someone responded to his alarm.


- Alexey Koios - 08-29-2008


Fine with me. Smile Thanks for replying. 300 +

Alexey tensed up as the two-toned girl flat out told them that she wasn’t going to tag along. Perhaps she has being stubborn to save their behinds, but in reality, she was only making them waste precious time. Shrugging matter-of-factly, the tawny she-wolf simply ignored Firefly’s last words and moved away from the window. Within instants, she was at DaVinci’s side, prying at the wood with all her might.

As she struggled with one of the boards, Alexey threw all of her weight back and yanked the hell out of it. Her plan worked well, to a certain extent: the piece of wood toppled over, but the nails coming undone made a loud noise she definitely hadn’t foreseen. She froze for a moment, ears flattened against her head, as she listened for any signs of a coyote nearby. A few minutes of deafening silence followed, nothing more. She was about to exhale in relief when Gabriel’s howl suddenly reverberated throughout the lands.

“Fuck. DaVi, we gotta go. Now,” she commanded, knowing that they were going to be in deep shit if they didn’t take this opportunity. Alexey gazed back at Firefly one last time, giving her one of those apologetic looks that seemed to say ‘I’m sorry’, before roughly nudging the hybrid with her nose. The golden femme could only imagine how hard it would be for him to leave his sister behind, as she probably would’ve died fighting the Aquila had it been Adelaida stuck in that shed. She could only hope that he would use his head and make the right choice.

Lexey knew the exchange would have to take place as soon as possible, for Firefly’s sake. Her pack mate was barely holding on, and the last thing she wanted was to learn from someone else that the adolescent had taken her own life. The Koios girl shuddered at that thought, before bolting off and heading straight out of Inferni lands. She didn’t look back, afraid that if she caught sight of Firefly’s hurt emerald eyes one more time, she would change her mind and actually stay. DaVinci would catch up to her, she was sure of it, considering the fact that her wounded leg was slowing her down a whole lot.


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 09-01-2008

DaVinci suddenly was joined by Alexey at the entrance to the shack in pulling out all the stops to get the girl out. He knew it would have been easier to shift but there was no time, not with the stupid stubborn arguement that Firefly was playing at. He knew his sister was hardheaded but this was going beyond the normal pace. Shaking his head as he wretched one of the boards to the side and spat back at the emerald eyed girl. "Just shut up and help damn it!" Normally he would hardly ever lose his temper with the younger sibling but today was about getting her out, not babying her.

The sound of Alexey's board clattering to the ground was greeted by the warning alert of the clan member. The words that she commanded were ignored as he felt her warmth disappear. "Sis, we'll have you back soon.." He hissed, though he knew it was helpless. Whipping his head around he growled softly as he caught sight of the member moving towards the shack door. Alexey was already gone and it left him alone at the crime with an old face.

His voice was low as he called out to the male, "Hello old friend.." He flashed a dark grin at Gabriel, the hybrid was the splitting image of a child all grown up. He turned away and in a heartbeat his long limbs were stretched into a ground eating lope as he made fast at catching up with his newest partner in crime.

- Firefly Sadira - 09-01-2008

Firefly's heart leapt in fear and in a flash of hope as the boards of the door began to move. The words that DaVinci had spat at her struck home and she almost made the choice to assist them, but then everything seemed to change. She pressed her face against the opening at the bottom of the door as soon as Alexey had ripped the wood from the entrace. The clatter of the nails against the ground made her flinch but the alert that Gabriel called out destroyed any chance of her believing that there was any such thing as hope.

Pulling away from the door as she backed into a corner, the words that Alexey spoke and the promise that followed from DaVinci made her whimper as she tried to hide her face, not wanting to believe that they'd been so foolish and so bravehearted all at once.. and yet she was alone in the end. The soft words of DaVinci seemed to shake her as he addressed the male that was coming up upon the whole scene. She'd managed to keep her idenity to herself this whole time.. and her brother had known Gabriel from some part of his life she had never even existed in. She closed her eyes, not evening daring to hope anymore.

- Gabriel de le Poer - 09-02-2008


indent They were running before he got to the shed. The coyote looking fellow, the gray one, had the gall to mock him as he ran off. The fact that the boy was here meant that this was a Sadria they had in the shed, as brash and unlike her more elegant family as it seemed. Gabriel remained where he was, and shot a glare at the hole in the door. This couldn’t keep up. He remained waiting in silence until someone else showed up to take over the watch, and then left without a word.
