'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
That's what you get - Printable Version

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- Ember Phoenix - 08-18-2008


Her shoulder was nearly all the way healed now, and Pilot had helped her with the cast. They didn't have dyes or anything like that so it was a plain white one, a hard plastery shell that went from her knuckles up to her elbow. It was uncomfortable, and she wished that she didn't have to wear it...but knew that it was necessary. Naniko wouldn't have told Pilot to put it on her if it wouldn't help her. But seriously--weeks? She didn't know if she could wait that long.

Ember sat on one of the rocks that surrounded the tide pools of this region, watching the animals down inside the waters. They were pretty interesting...some spiky animals, some star-shaped ones. But what she was really looking for was crabs. It was rare that she found anything, but she hadn't tried out this area for a while...so she was hopeful.


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 08-21-2008

The stranger was new to these lands, but he wasn't new to the folks that had resided over the mountains. Oddly enough there were few that he'd actually met that he knew, but the fact that he was trying to avoid most of them could be the reason for seeing so few old faces. The eldest male of the Matriarch's broad had been stalking along the shores to keep himself busy. This world hasn't changed much but he had noticed that for the most part the youth were more accepting of what he was than the adults.. some of them even seemed to want him to stick around.

He shook his head at the fantasies that must be filling the Haddon boy's head, outlaws and highway men, bandits and gypsies. He wondered if the boy had ever heard the stories of the old human world, the ones that he'd heard retold with wolves or luperci as the characters in place of the humans. He found it amusing that over time the creatures who reigned over the world had taken the tales of their once enemy and made them their own. In the back of his mind he thought perhaps he'd just give the boy a jumpstart on those tall tales, legends, and myths.

The silvery steele hybrid was so lost in thoughts of childhood fantasies and dreams that really weren't his that he hadn't caught sight of the girl that lay about the tide pools. The scent that was whipped before his nose caught his attention well enough though. He stopped dead in his tracks as he realized that he knew the girl, atleast in some part. She carried the same overlaying scent as Firefly, yet it was wholy her own. He shook his head and groaned, realizing that he'd come across one of his half siblings in the wanderings for the day. Flicking his ears back he wondered if the girl would even remember him and he desperately hoped not.. because he sure as hell couldn't remember her name.

Taking a few steps towards her the only thing he could recall of his other relatives was that Firefly had a twin brother with a strange name, even stranger than her own. Shaking his head he called out calmly. "What are you doing.." He noticed the closer he got that her arm had been casted, something he wasn't use to seeing in these lands but was well enough used overseas. He'd thought that the wolves here had reverted so far back to their original roots that they hated anything of the human world.. but it looked like not everyone did if someone had taken the time to set her arm correctly.

- Ember Phoenix - 08-28-2008

I must be dreaming or we're onto something
http://i38.tinypic.com/6t1ag0.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 336px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #204684;">

I must be dreaming or pinch me to waking

She still had no idea what she could get Khaden for a present, after what he had made for her. The necklace glittered around her neck, the facets of the crystals gleaming in the sunlight. Ember absolutely loved it. So far she had been able to hunt while wearing it, too, because she'd kept along the riverbank...or had hunted at night, where the necklace didn't glitter as much. She didn't want to have to take it off so that she could hunt, but she knew that eventually she would need to. Perhaps she would be able to find a pouch to put around her neck to keep it in.

She had been in and out of packs so much that she didn't have a very defined scent. Mostly she, Khaden, and Laurel. They were the two who she'd seen last, anyway. When the other approached she looked up. Momentarily she felt a flicker of fear (he did look a bit like a coyote), but he wasn't coming toward her in an aggressive way...."I'm trying to get one of these crabs. There are a ton today!" She was genuinely excited about the crabs; she hadn't had crab meat in a long, long time.

Table by Tammi!


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 08-28-2008

DaVinci paused and watched the girl, catching the flicker across her face as he spoke. He tried to hold back a sigh as he wondered how long it would take before the world stopped this foolish judgement. Staring at the girl as she continued her chase of the crabs as he raised a brow, his mind ticking away, trying to figure out if she was serious or not. Shaking his head after a moment he asked what was floating in his mind. "Are you serious?" the dark hued boy really wasn't sure what in the world to think, this yearling before him seemed rather strange, but who was he to blame.

His eyes caught sight of one of the crabs peering out from it's hole as Ember was bothering at another burrow. He smirked and asked a second question, slightly insulting, "Have you ever tried to catch crabs before?" amusement in his voice as he waited, hoping to see one of the crabs get brave and fight back towards the intruder into it's home. He wasn't cruel, but crabs were just amusing beyod believe.