'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
a second opinion - Printable Version

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- Corona Lykoi - 08-27-2008

because i am epic and must thread with myself ftw.
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... ona/t8.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____Underneath the thick canopies of Ethereal Eclipse, the rain that was falling was slightly deterred. It still made it to the ground one way or another, but it had to find its way through the thick weaves of leaves and branches of the tall trees. So the fact that it wasn't even raining that hard (think a nice, calm spring shower like rain) made the day a little easier to contend with. Although once she had made the journey from Inferni to Esper Hollow, she was still pretty damp.

_____Crossing over their borders without regard once again, she was glad that she was able to get back to Inferni without too much worry. Things were pretty much secure back home and now that Faolin was back, Talitha had someone could watch her without any problems. But then again, it was like she also had to tell herself—Andrezej was dead. He wasn't going to rise up from the ground and grab her and neither was anyone else—and things would go back to normal. Talitha would eventually not be so much of a ghost in a shell.

_____Approaching the camp site, she was greeted by the sound of crackling wood nearby while the haze of smoke filtered thinly with the fog. It seemed like someone was always keeping that fire going, seeing how it had been lit every time she had popped in to investigate the area, but this time the camp site wasn't empty like usual. Between the camp fire and a couple of logs that had been set up around it for seating were a pair of ears and a black hat. Coyote ears at that, which immediately got her attention.

_____But why on earth he was using the log as a headrest and was so close to the fire was beyond her imagination, though she wondered for a moment if he was sick too. On a closer inspection as she slowed her approach, she recognised him primarily by smell, though they had never met. “You must be Laurel.” She had heard about him, needless to say.


- Laurel Booth - 08-27-2008

http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____Cue the headache. Actually, cue a number of things that currently ached on his body from head to toe. Naturally any good drink came around to bite him in the ass. But at the same time he was incredibly used to the dull ache that followed lying on the damp ground with half a hangover. Intelligence wasn't overly on his side at the moment, because he could feel that coolness starting to seep through his skin to his joints, but unfortunately the ground wasn't one of those places where the world spun if he looked around too quickly.

_____But nevermind that, aside from the crackling fire it was hard to shake the fact that he wasn't alone. There were folks around, three or four of them sitting in the sit shack(s) and as it were, someone coming up behind him. He responded to her approach at first with an attempt to try and look over his shoulder, but instead ended up focusing on the grain of the log. So he decided he had originally turned his head to listen and went with that instead as she spoke. “Yeah, that'd be me,” he answered as he pulled himself to sit up better. Once Laurel had gotten a look at the girl who had turned up, he could tell who she was related to rather easily. “One of Ahren's kids, right? I think I heard you when you were here the other day with Rachias.”


- Corona Lykoi - 08-28-2008

http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... ona/t8.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____She offered a smile and a nod to him as he righted himself and looked at her, though there was a certain glaze to his eyes that reminded her of something out of the past. She had a few memories that could have matched him as far as looks went—clothes, demeanour, things typically found in someone who travelled—but unfortunately he was also pretty far from the sea-faring type of people she had travelled with. “I'm Corona,” she returned, “I hope you don't mind that I've just been wandering in and out of her lately. I've been meaning to meet you but haven't had a whole lot of time until recently.” But then again, why exactly would he when he had been letting her father, sister, and her sister's father stay there with no strings attached?


- Laurel Booth - 08-28-2008

Even in a thread with myself, I spot grammar and word errors days later. Sigh.
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____“It's okay. I don't really care much if folks come through as long as they take anything. Or screw something up.” But even at that, their open borders made life kind of a pain in the ass at times too. But so was keeping them up too, although that was easier done than not. Inwardly he decided he had a screwed up opinion about borders altogether. “How're they all doing, anyway? Most of the time when I've peeked in on them they aren't doing much of anything.” Of course, he rarely peeked in on them for very long. A quick glance here or there, an answer to their callings for someone who wasn't there.


- Corona Lykoi - 08-30-2008

And I can't even reply to myself timely. FOR SHAME.
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... ona/t8.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____“They're doing about as well as you can when you're sick,” she answered with a shrug. She didn't know if they were dying or just slowly sliding into comas or not. Who knew what they were really doing or seeing or thinking or feeling. “So far anything I've given them has made them rest easier, but I don't think they're really getting any better yet.” Yet was the keyword, the word that she had been using all too frequently in regard to the ailing. They weren't getting better, yet. They weren't getting any worse, yet. The medicine hadn't kicked in yet, it hadn't built up enough yet, it wasn't making a difference yet. “They're on the only ones who are sick around here, right?” Not that she thought he would be hiding some other ones that were just as sick, but just to be sure. Even possibly make sure he wasn't sick himself and just not realising it.


- Laurel Booth - 09-02-2008

http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... el/t36.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____“Yeah,” he nodded, “those are the only people who're sick around here that I know of. If anyone outside of that shack is sick, I'd probably know about it by now. I'd probably would have thrown them in there, actually.” Though he cracked a smile at that notion, though it was quick to fade because he had a feeling it wasn't the kind of thing that would be returned. Understood, but not really something they should have been laughing about. “But if someone else turns up sick, that's where they're going to go.” He felt bad in a way that they had just randomly started to dump folks in Laurent and Jasper's “house” but at the same time, it had been one of the only places where they could have put them to keep them out of the elements. Chewing his bottom lip, he merely awaited her response, half-expecting there to be more questions.


- Corona Lykoi - 09-02-2008

*tries out the account linking thing warily...*
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... ona/t8.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____She nodded with his words, finding the reassurance in them that she had been looking for. It was a relief to know that he wasn't letting the sick wander around, but also a relief to know that those who were officially one hundred percent ill were isolated and kept separate from everyone else. It meant less chances for a epidemic on a regional scale; even smaller chances of a pandemic. “That's good to know. I appreciate you letting them stay and seeing that they're taken care of, so I hope I can figure out what it is that's wrong with them soon.” Her smile was small and fleeting, but very honest. She didn't doubt that this all was a trying matter for him and his co-leader and decided to get the show on the road all the same. “But I should be getting to them now, so I'll let you go back to whatever it was that you were doing.”


- Laurel Booth - 09-02-2008

Sweeet. I will never have to change stinky accounts again!
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... el/t36.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____Another nod and he let her turn and walk away from him, not having much else to say. Though he let a lingering gaze follow her to the shack, it soon turned back to the dwindling fire and prompted a hushed groan from him. If it was one thing that he didn't want to do right then and there, it was getting up and having to fetch another log or three. Standing up only meant that a brooding headache would go back to being a monster, so Laurel simply decided to let it burn out. It wasn't like it would be that hard to relight later and perhaps when he was in a better feeling mood.
