'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Did you fall for a shooting star? - Printable Version

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- Naniko D'Angelo - 08-28-2008

ooc: Set in The Sugarwoods :]

It had been a while since Naniko had come to this part of Bleeding Souls, but here she was. Ever since she had heard of Skoll's death she had wanted to visit the Sugarwoods again, to find the tree that they had sat beneath the last time. Back then she had only just become pregnant, so she hadn't known about it yet. She had hoped to come back and talk to him again, to get more "warrior's advice" on the new pack that she was trying to form, but it seemed that she was too late.

The large white wolf sat down beneath one of the sap-covered trees, being careful not to lean up against it. That was how she'd gotten stuck the last time. She would hang around here a little while and then head back to the site of Crimson Dreams. Naniko was unshifted, standing on four legs; she'd had to choose one form or the other for the duration of her pregnancy, and she'd picked this one.

Her green eyes swept over the surroundings. It was just over mid-morning, but there was still drops of dew hanging off of the plants in the immediate area, the ones that she hadn't walked through and touched yet. It had rained here earlier. The two year old looked up at the sky, at the gray clouds that still rolled overhead. A little rain wouldn't hurt anyone...and she had this nice tree to rest under if it did start. She let herself recline down into a laying position on her side. Her large belly prevented her from laying on her stomach, nowadays.


- Odebeh - 08-28-2008


the road goes and i am finding home in it

His fur still felt wet from the rain. It had fallen earlier, soaking and flooding everything around him, and indeed it had frightened the young boy. He had encountered rain before, just... not alone.
Eyes wide with fear darted among the trunks of the trees surrounding him. They flashed a solid, soft baby blue colour, still juvenile and not yet having developed their true colour, indicating that the small Luperci was still young. Of course he was still young. He didn't even know the difference between a wolf den and a badger's den. It wasn't something he was dwelling on now, though (even if it was a little bit of a blow to his small ego to have been chased away by the angry, clawed animal). All he wanted was to find safety. Somewhere dry, before the rain began to fall again. His siblings, he was sure, would be safe. They had each other. Odebeh, on the other hand, did not.
Tiny whimpers rose from his throat as he lowered his head, carefully watching where his large paws took him and making sure not to stumble - though it was hard, as he was still pretty much distracted with the despairing thoughts that rid his mind. It wasn't until he rounded one such tree that the smell of another canine had hit him full-blown, small nose unable to detect it earlier. He lifted his head and there she was, just a few dozen or so feet away, standing beneath a tree. Wide, fearful eyes held both a frightened and curious fixation on her before he realized what she was. A beacon of light; a signal of safety. "Hey!" He cried, bolting up to her.
Now, Odebeh was not to stupid as to think of this female as his mother. Mother had a distinct scent of her own that only she could have. This was not mother. This wasn't even family. And yet, she still held something of a pup-smell, but he hadn't even taken notice of the large puppy-bump on her stomach yet. All that smell meant to him was that she was safe. Stopping, he stood almost touching her paws, breathing choppy and heavily. "C-can you help me? I'm lost, I don't know w-where my brother and sister are, they're gone, and my mom, and its scary and I'm c-cold and wet, and I know where I a-a-am, p-please, I'm s-so lost!" He went on, nearing the end of his breathless plea he was sure he felt the rims of his eyes growing warm and wet with tears as he stared up at her.


- Naniko D'Angelo - 08-28-2008


She was just deciding that it was time to leave when she saw something off in the distance. She couldn't quite make out what it was, exactly, something small and moving. In the old days in Clouded Tears, Naniko had often cared for injured rabbits and squirrels...maybe it was one of them, seeking her out. Some of them had to have escaped the burned territories, after all, and perhaps they remembered her.

She took a few steps forward, hesitantly, squinting. A puppy? What would a pup be doing all the way out here in these woods? She didn't know much about the other packs, but she doubted that Iskata, Deuce, or Laurel would have let a little one wander away without going after it to make sure that it was safe. Especially one this young.

The she-wolf made an awkward attempt at speech, but was interrupted by Odebeh's stammered introduction. She wasn't sure what to make of him, really. Most of the little ones around here had a pack that they belonged to, that they smelled very heavily of. He was a mix of scents. "I can try to help you" She said slowly, assessing. "But you need to calm down a little. I'm not going anywhere--come a little closer. You do look cold. I wish I had a blanket or something with me...but my fur will have to do. While you warm up we can talk, if you'd like...about where your family is."

Maybe another pack had popped up, one that she didn't know about. That would explain the weird smells, if his mother had come from that area. She motioned toward the tree with her head, padding over to sit beneath the safety of the branches. "What's your name?"


- Odebeh - 08-28-2008


the road goes and i am finding home in it

His still-wet fur clung to his tiny, emaciated-looking fur as he stared up at her, hoping for a response. She had to help him. She had to. And finally he heard her words touch the silence of the situation; calming, helpful, graceful. Odebeh's breathing had calmed slightly, but was still ridged enough to rattle his whole, small body with every inhale. The shaking breath was clearly discernible from the shivers that ran through his helpless form as sharper jerks, sometimes even more violent shakes. Oh, he was cold! She told him to come closer. Instantly seeking safety from the outside world, Odebeh crawled forward and nestled himself between her paws, turning to face the rest of the forest, though enjoyed the sudden wave of body warmth.

His large ears were pinned to his skull, wide blue eyes searching, making certain that nothing could pop out and kill this moment, this sanctuary he found in the stranger. He was sure his cheeks were damp now from the scared tears that formed at his tearducts, a product of the fear and of the sorrow from having separated from his family, and he just couldn't swallow them down. "Th-thank you." He squeaked, drawing his muzzle in close to his paws.

She asked for his name. The pup had to think about this for a while, silent save for the gentle huffs resulting from his shaking form, until he could recall the names mother had spoken for him and his siblings, and picking out the one he figured was his own. "O-Odebeh. M-my n-n-name is Odebeh." He answered, lifting his eyes to look up at her, or what he could make out of the female as he huddled between her paws. "C-c-can you h-help mee?" The small, brindled male whimpered.


- Naniko D'Angelo - 08-28-2008


He looked so frail compared to her, tiny between her front paws. She wished that she could do more for him, but they were out in the middle of nowhere, practically. No packs hung around this area. She'd only been travelling through her to gather up some old memories, or even she would not have been in the Sugarwoods these days. It was too far away from home. Or...where home had once been. They had only just decided today that they would be forming the pack on the same grounds that Twilight Vale had once occupied.

Naniko was lost in her own thoughts for a few moments, but she came out of it as the youngster's voice sounded again. "I'm sure you would have done the same if you could have" Naniko didn't believe in talking to pups like they were stupid, or young. She'd always hated the way her parents had treated her when she had been younger. Before they'd left, anyway. Naniko had been just under three months old when Roman and Kaelyn had taken their leave, abandoning her and her sister Pontiac. She had wandered for a time after that, looking for them, before eventually settling down with Iskata in Clouded Tears.

"I think the first thing we need to do is make sure that you're okay. Don't you think, too? You should worry about yourself first...and then we can look for the others. What pack did you come from? Do you remember the name?" She huddled in a little bit, putting her head down to try and keep the heat in a little bit more. Back in the mansion they had clean, fresh towels...a fireplace, and more.


- Odebeh - 08-28-2008


the road goes and i am finding home in it

The small male gave one last shudder before he had fallen still; the female's warmth really was helping to warm him, and though the small shivers that rippled through his body every now and then were still present, he didn't feel the need for his body to constantly quake just to produce enough energy to keep him warm. His small tail curled in close to his body as he listened to her, and gave a small nod. That was very true. Odebeh would help anything if it needed help, including his younger siblings. He had always helped them when they needed help, and though that wasn't a lot of times considered his short lifespan as of now, he still did help them. And that was all that mattered.
Shifting, Odebeh now allowed himself to lay on his stomach, front paws curled in close to his chest, but he was still at ready to bound away if something came at them from the trees. He was completely trusting this female enough to lay between her paws, but not quite with his life, not yet. As much as he wanted to - as tired and worn out as the little pup was, he had to stay alert until the very last strings of his energy were gone, and he no longer could. "I-I guess. B-b-but my b-brother and sis-sister are s-still out there!" Odebeh whimpered at the thought. He had to believe they would be okay. They had each other, right?
Giving a small sigh, he continued to look up at her, but her words confused him now. "P-pack? I d-don't know!" He whined, but took in another deep breath in hopes of no longer stuttering for this next sentence. "I d-don't know what that is... I-it was always just me, m-mother and my brother and s-sister," Odebeh blinked, pulling his small, black lips down in a frown.


- Naniko D'Angelo - 08-28-2008


It didn't seem as if he knew what she was talking about. Could he really be from somewhere other than Phoenix Valley, Dahlia de Mai, or Esper Hollow? Each one of those places had a distinct smell, though, and she couldn't catch any of those from him. He sort of smelled like this forest, and like another place, too, one that she didn't recognize. Wouldn't his mother have realized that she couldn't raise pups without a strong pack there to help care for them?

Maybe not. Naniko couldn't imagine thinking like that; she had grown up with the knowledge that even if she wasn't strong enough to do some things, the pack would always be there to support her and pick up the extra slack. She'd try, yes, but she didn't need to worry. "I'm Naniko...and I'm a loner right now. No pack. Why don't I bring you back to the mansion that me and my friends live in, and then we can see about the others. If there are more, I definitely want to look for them. I don't know how much you could do, wet and tired as you are...we have strong wolves who can look good and hard for them."

She had to make sure that he knew that she thought this was important. Really, she was mostly just worried about keeping this one warm and dry...and then she'd worry about the others. But she would definitely send someone back to check out the area. Right now Naniko couldn't travel much; she was afraid that too much of that would bring her into premature labor. This would be her last trip outside of the general pack area for a while.

"What do your siblings look like? And their names, so we can call for them?"


- Odebeh - 08-28-2008


the road goes and i am finding home in it

He huffed again, his chest becoming heavy with all the sobs he was trying to hold back, and his throat becoming sore with the teary lump as well. Odebeh was just about ready to break down in front of the female, cry himself to sleep just so he could rid himself of the lump as well as the fatigue that weighed so heavily on his mind. He was about to, as his eyelids began to flutter down, until he had heard her voice once more and looked up at her. She was like an angel. A good, glowing, wonderful angel that had come to save his life. But the way she spoke of something, this mansion made him a little weary once more. "M-mansion?" He whimpered, but he had to trust her. This probably meant him having to get up soon, too.

For now, however, he cherished the warmth and comfort she had provided as he nestled himself in close to her body, sniffling every so often. Then she said something about finding his brother and sister. Their names. What were their names? He could only remember Odebeh, because that was what mother called him by. If it wasn't Odebeh, then he didn't pay attention. He hadn't even picked up on the names, and now they slipped his mind, especially under this stress. Upset by this, the pup felt his eyes grow warm and wet once more. "I... I... I can't remem-mber!" He stuttered with another cry, finally allowing the despairing sobs to break through and shake his tiny body to the core once more.

He was out of luck now. He'd never find them. He would never find mother. It was all his fault now, because he couldn't remember their names, they were lost! He was lost! And he would never ever find them again, and it was all his fault... He just couldn't get over the grief of it all. Odebeh wanted to go home, or somewhere like it, where he could sleep, be warm, and feel safe again. But he mostly wanted to be with his siblings and mother. Oh, he was torn!


- Naniko D'Angelo - 08-28-2008


She knew that she needed to get him somewhere warm and safe, whether he protested it or not. If there was one thing that she was really firm on it was that everyone stayed safe. During the war between Dahlia de Mai and Inferni, the fights, she'd managed to keep Twilight Vale out of the worst of it by trekking to Inferni herself to ask for a truce. They'd all had relatives who were involved, nearly every member of her pack. But she had made the decision that Twilight Vale wouldn't pay the price for their relatives' war.

"It's a big house. A big den that's warm, and cozy. There are other wolves there, but they won't bother you. And if they do, we can get you a spot there that's all your own...where no one can go." Most of the wolves had their own bedrooms. She didn't want to make him go with her, but at the same time leaving him here in the woods wasn't an option. And she couldn't stay out here for much longer. She hadn't even brought her backpack with her, or he might have been able to ride in that. He was small enough, though..."I can carry you there on my back. We'll look for your siblings as soon as we know you're safe. But...I can't tell them to look for your family until then."


- Odebeh - 08-28-2008


the road goes and i am finding home in it

The sobs still racked his body, even as she began to speak again, the male couldn't help but let the tears slide down his face in complete hopelessness. It was as if he had ruined everything, had condemned them all to some horrible death. Words of a warm and cozy den had gotten his attention, but the small pup hadn't calmed again until a few seconds after, when he had managed to stifle another cry and hold it in his chest. His blue eyes were now shimmering with the salty tears, reflecting the sun's rays as he tilted his head back to look at the larger female once more. "Y-you'll take me there?" The small pup sniffled, looking down at his large paws again, then back up at her.

He had to leave them behind, he had to go to this place of safety. Then he would return to his family. If not when he was warm and well rested, then when he had the chance, perhaps when he was older and could fend for himself. But he swore it, he would find his siblings and mother. Right now, he was just... too tired.

That hadn't stopped him from standing again and slowly withdrawing from the warmth of the female's body, stepping away and turning to face her. During his time spent cuddling close to her he had indeed noticed the irregular lump on her stomach, one that he never remembered his own mother having. The thought of her carrying him on her back seemed preposterous now as he looked at her, just wondering about the stress it would cause her with that... that silly looking lump sticking out of her stomach. She had helped him, and he didn't want to bother her anymore than he already did. "C-c-can you take m-me pleassse?" The small child blinked up at her, now shivering again in the cold that had been brought on by the outside world.


- Naniko D'Angelo - 08-28-2008


She had considered carrying him in her mouth, by his scruff, but wasn't sure how comfortable that would be for him. "Yes. Nani's going to take you somewhere safe...and then once we've both had a nice long sleep we can talk about what to do next." She was sure that Savina would help look for his siblings, if they asked her. She was Naniko's "right hand man" when it came to pack matters, from the biggest problems to the smallest. Naniko didn't really consider him to be a problem, though. Half the time that she brought little ones home with her they ended up taking leave and abandoning the pack after a couple of months. So she would think of this as a temporary thing...keep from getting too attached to him.

But even as that thought crossed her mind she knew that it was unlikely. Of course she would get attached. She always did. The large female lowered herself slowly to the ground on her stomach as he moved out of the way. "It'll be cold for a little while, as we walk there...but the mansion is a wonderful place. It's worth the trip. Climb on up"


- Odebeh - 08-28-2008


the road goes and i am finding home in it

He gave a few nods and looked up at her as she spoke, liking those ideas very much. "Okay Nani." The male didn't really have much of an argument, either, and nothing of a mind to argue in the first place. He turned slightly to face the trees, shifting his paws beneath him as he scanned the area. For this last trip he was sure he would have enough energy to make it, then fairly certain he would pass out when they got there. That didn't concern him though, as long as he was there when he did pass out.
Another huff left his body as he stood there. He could now smell the strong scent of rain lingering in the air from the grey clouds that lingered above, heavy and threatening to unleash a torrent of rain upon pair. This frightened him a bit, as he definitely didn't want to get caught in the rainstorm. Flicking his small tail behind him, he stepped back and shook his head at Naniko's words. "No, i-its okay, I think I'll walk. That lump you got in your belly looks pretty heavy!" He answered, not even thinking about what the lump could be, just stating the obvious.
With that, he turned once again, and allowed the pretty white female to lead him to the place she referred to as the large wolf den, the "Mansion".


ees finished, ahhh! Big Grin