'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
note taking - Printable Version

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- Lucifer - 10-22-2008

He was starting all over again, he was at the bottom of the pack, and oh how he hated it. He knew this was her way of getting back at him for him calling her Sugar lips, and trying to flirt away with her any time they ran into each other. Lucifer had never been slapped with this rank, he was a subordinate of a pack and then exiled, but never ever in his life was he this low, nor did he think that he was ever going to get this low. The male sighed as he walked around the lands, as he took a paw and batted at some dirt. He was here for Deuce…and her only, and yet there was that stupid rank telling him that he was a nothing in these lands. His blue eyes looked around the lands, oh how he wanted just to lay down and let the leader rip him to shreds he was pretty sure that Deuce wasn’t going to want someone with such a low rank as a mate, and some one that exiled her out of a pack.
He stole a look up to the moon, the sky was cloudy, with a sigh he flatted his ears and then shook his head lowering it back down, and it was going to rain again. Wonderful, blissful rain it almost said how he felt about coming back, it was like the rain was his sign how his life was going. He just hopped that one day his father would come and join him in the pack lands.

- Jefferson Soul - 10-29-2008


Sorry for the wait! wc460

escape is never the safest path

Hell, he hated rain. There was something about being sopping wet that upset could him beyond reason, but the logic was absent. Rain meant he had to rush and find shelter, and rushing on a gimpy leg was no vacation. Not to mention, the mud and puddles had him slipping and falling twice as often, and more often than not, Jefferson ended up with a few more unnecessary bruises and a particularly fouler attitude than usual immediately after a rainstorm. However, he quite enjoyed the smell before and after the rain, as fresh and new as it seemed each time. Although it hinted towards something he hated, he could appreciate the sheer scent of rainfall because of its smell and its ability to warn him prior to getting stuck in a downpour. Even Mother Nature had her warning signals and cautionary signs, if one just paid attention. It was too bad that in real life, between conflicts and friendships, such warning signals ran thin. Half his scars would be absent if such signs were plausible in everyday conversation.

He was enjoying the fresh scent of the air before the rain fell, though not yet finding reason to go rushing for shelter even despite the darkness of nighttime. It seemed Tyrone had given him the day off and the hybrid was meandering by himself at a leisurely [handicapped] pace through Phoenix Valley's packlands. It had been one of few pauses in his suddenly dizzying life that he had a moment alone to think--the past two weeks had been one things after another. First it was finding out what his real name was from Laruku--Maluki did sort of ring a bell, he guessed--, followed by his introduction to his new 'apprentice' he hadn't asked for (but deep down, didn't mind). To add to that, he recalled Lucifer as the dark creature's scent suddenly stung the air, and Jefferson released a sigh of defeat. These duties of his were certainly building up. In actuality he didn't mind them, but he could no longer fathom how he once spent all the free time he'd had beforehand. With enough limps, the creature fell into his one-eyed gaze. "Slow down," the hybrid called after him, an ear twitching. Might as well take advantage of this little meeting, since they hadn't yet gotten the chance to speak after the first time. "You're looking miserable mentally instead of physically this time. I'd have you doing laps if it were daytime, but since it's not, I guess I'll ask what's on your mind." He had no reason to be forward with the dark-furred male, nor any reason to be kind, either. Jefferson assumed he was to keep this Lucifer in line, so-to-say. Seriously, what was Iskata expecting of him?


- Lucifer - 11-05-2008

The black male looked up to where he head the voice coming from, then just as quickly looked back down and threw his body down towards the ground to submit. This whole pack was over him, hell even his own flesh and blood of child was ranking over him. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to stick around if that really was the case and how it was going to happen. Deuce would not be made clear that he was back in the lands, not for a while, at least not by him. He wanted to stay out of every one’s way; he didn’t want any one around. It made it a lesser of a chance that some one would see him. Lucifer’s ears flapped back as he watched the ground, his legs stung form all of this but he knew he had to, he knew he was at risk of some one going off on him just for fun.

The male before him, Lucifer believed his name was Jefferson must have been foolish to believe that Lucifer was just going to tell him every thing, to tell him his pains. He must have been a foolish being. HE gave a low whine when he opened his mouth folding his ears back against his head while pulling his tail up against his own leg.”Nothing!” He words where sharp and blunt, he didn’t trust this male and he wasn’t going to let him know him that easy, at this point Lucifer wasn’t sure if he was even going to stick around the pack lands, if Deuce didn’t want him around after he got back to where he had honor in his name, then he was going to leave…there had to be a pack out there that wanted him. Even if the whole reason he even turned around was to be with Deuce.


- Jefferson Soul - 11-06-2008



escape is never the safest path

He had yet to fully understand what it was Iskata held against this dark-furred creature, but perhaps it was his immaturity and inexperience with pack life that kept him from fully ever knowing what was going on. He didn't consider himself a natural-born leader, but that was only because he'd never led anything in his life other than his own feet. Jefferson had developed quite a soft spot for his apprentice, however, and found being a mentor and guardian was not as bad and dreadful as he'd originally assumed, plus the hybrid had the guts to openly admit that he quite enjoyed leading the child around and being in a position of training and teaching the pup the necessities of life. Sure, he and Tyrone had their laughs about Jefferson's incapability to do a lot of things, but the pup found that the more he doubted the hybrid in his ways of survival, the harder the training became. He was a wise child, put under a wiser adult. The gimpy leg was less of an obstacle than simply a handicap, one that he was still finding ways around to this very day. His green eye thinned precariously when the black male dropped to the ground. Jefferson cocked his head to the side somewhat, first thinking that Lucifer had cramped up or had a heart attack, but after a few moments' realization the male's look became sarcastic and he shook his head.

"You eat bugs? No?" An ear twitched, lacking irritability but more possessive of sheer confusion. What was this one doing? "Then get off the ground. I hate all that respectful shit. Spare me." Jefferson began to limp past, customary scowl imprinted on his face, but the hybrid was hardly in a foul mood, evident by the way his tail swayed as he moved along. "I'm not your leader, kid. I just work here. You might not like me and I might not like you, but like it or not, I'm supposed to be watching you." He sighed, stopping in place and rolling his eye. He glanced sourly over his shoulder. "Which means I'll use my rank over yours to get you to talk if I have to. Don't make me do that." He expected this Lucifer to talk, and talk he would. The last thing Jefferson wanted to do was have Iskata mad at him instead, and from the looks of her anger, he pretty much wanted to avoid that altogether.


- Lucifer - 11-13-2008

The male was what the rank made him to be, he felt like he was a nothing but a pest to the pack, the male hated this, he hated it here. He hated everything but Deuce about these lands. She was the hope that one day things would set them-self right, and that one day they would be happy again, there would be no temptation, there would be no lust for other, and he would be able to love her and she would be able to love just him. His hope was that entire he had to hold onto, after that there was nothing. This male was nothing to him, though he held rank over him and Iskata thought it was so funny to place him in charge of Lucifer. The black male just wanted to fall over into a puddle of tears. This was not the life that he wanted when he came back.
”Matter of a fact..I do eat bugs.” He snap with a snarl to the male he felt like his walls where slowly falling in, and there was nothing he could do, he was doomed and destined for a nothing rank for the rest of his life here.

- Jefferson Soul - 11-13-2008


ooooh, not a good way to get on Jefferson's good side... lol. In other news, I really like this thread for some reason. XD wc365

escape is never the safest path

And then, suddenly, Jefferson knew exactly why Iskata held such a caustic attitude against Lucifer.

His green eye thinned, scowl suddenly extending further across his face as the hybrid straightened his back disapprovingly. What a response that was, with the bitterness in the depths of his throat--this had nothing to do with rank. This had nothing to do with Jefferson whatsoever, but that was no longer the case. When it came to creatures being two-sided and suspicious, he knew when to get involved, and involved he was going to get. His mane, newly thickened due to the shifting season and temperature, ruffled and stood on end as his temper rose to action, voice leaping cruelly from his throat and fangs shamelessly bared.

"Maggot," he hissed, dark and pointed stare piercing like the sharpest of knives at the dark-furred underling. His voice was grim, uncharacteristically flared and malicious: "This is your pack, that is your rank; you are under my command for good reason, slime. You are of no worth to me, personally--I do what I am told, and that is to keep you in line." His eye glowed, evidently showing a rare side he was not particularly overjoyed with revealing to someone he once would have mauled in a few seconds' worth of time and passed by. Nowadays, he had responsibilities and morals he was to abide by--and if he had to do that, then so did this ungrateful whelp. "These scars would not stop me from tearing your flesh from your pretty white bones if I had the leeway to do so. Don't get that confused with mercy. I am the Captain here--I see to it that double-sided freaks like you don't screw up how things go around here. You will pay your respect to me and Iskata, regardless of how you feel about her. You are a member here because I stupidly stood up for dirt like you, not because of your goody-goody love affair with Deuce." His eye stared further into the creature's soul for a solid, concrete pause, before he sidestepped the underling and began walking away.

"We walk," he muttered, sparing no glance over his shoulder. "Keep up. That's not a suggestion."


- Lucifer - 11-15-2008

He wasn’t sure what had crawled up into this male’s but and had made him take sides with Iskata, did he really know the female deep inside the skin of her? Or was he just doing as he was told because that is what a good little pack member did. Lucifer snarled as he stood up, he wasn’t really wanting to go anywhere beside the warm arms of Deuce, the female that he loved and cared about. But she had made it clear that she wanted him to change, when in fact he couldn’t this was just who he was.
”No...No...Get it right, Maggot eater.” He hissed as he stood up gathering his paws under him as he moved to take the side of the brown male, he wasn’t going to give him a reason for him to pity him, more so just giving him a reason to hate him, he figured it was the safer of the two, though was it sad that he really didn’t care, he was here for a reason and it wasn’t to be buddy buddy with anyone. ”Where are we going?” He yawned as he looked to the male; he wanted to get back to his moping around. It was what he was best at, he knew how to do it and had something to whine and mop about.

- Jefferson Soul - 11-16-2008

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... parrow.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">


He knew the look in Lucifer's eye upon being scolded--it had been his once, that bubbling ferocity of rebellion that lurked in the deepest reaching of one's character. It was so easy to summon sometimes, and yet, it always arose at the most convenient times, he found. However, it was nothing Jefferson wanted against him; he didn't like this shithole, and his scowl seemed especially lengthened and dark compared to usual, but for the most part, he managed to suppress that grumbling mood. Had it been his choice, there and then, the black creature would have either been shredded to pathetic pieces or simply booted from his sight permanantly, but it wasn't his decision. His rank demanded the Council speak to him and hear him out--perhaps that was the best road to choose. He nodded to himself, but didn't explain why.

"Your world's not ending," he said gruffly, ignoring the question altogether. "I was a loner for years. It was hell and back several times." The hybrid had no intention of lecturing or trying to reshape this malfunctioning creature into something great and respectable; no, Lucifer had already earned himself a place on his bad list which, when he had been a loner, would have had them fighting to the death far before this point in time. No, Jefferson just had to keep this creature close long enough to make sure he was cooled off before sending him off into the pack again, so he wouldn't be taking his angers out on Tyrone or something. Somehow, that seemed like something this Lucifer would do. "I doubt your sob stories can beat all of mine."


- Lucifer - 11-23-2008

Lucifer wasn’t going to fight that his sob stories would or wouldn’t equal up to Lucifer’s. He was older then Lucifer, and if he had been a loner since the age that he was able to be a loner, then yes, he could have been to hell and back many of times. His blue eyes closed as he shook his head, he wasn’t going to fight with him anymore, he just wasn’t fun to sit and poke at, he didn’t twitch and say stop that or anything he went from happy go lucky to bitter. Lucifer rolled his shoulders popping them as he looked to the ground watching the autumn leaves flip upon the ground, rolling along its path.
He yawn not letting his eyes leave the floor under his feet, ”So really what do you want to get out of this day?” He closed his eyes as he swayed from side to side.

- Jefferson Soul - 11-30-2008

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... parrow.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Sorry for the wait! I didn't realize this was replied to.


Jefferson snorted, hardly sparing the black miscreant a glance. "A truce, maybe," he muttered simply, shrugging his shoulders as he continued on. It wasn't like he enjoyed making enemies or finding faults in others, no. More precisely, he chose to dislike those who were clearly nobody he would get along with in the first place. It normally took quite a bit of effort and time for this brute to truly despise someone, just as it was hard for Jefferson to develop friendships as well. The hybrid knew that Lucifer, like any other living, breathing thing, was not a horrible creature at heart, but that was besides the point. Because of his sorry ass and whatever miseries he's committed in the past, Jefferson had gotten stuck with yet another responsibility of watching him. It wasn't like Lucifer was making that easy.

"You don't like me," the hybrid continued apathetically, "and I don't like you. If anything, we can agree on that." He snorted disgustedly. "I have to keep an eye on you either way. I'd get out of that if I could, but it's late as hell now." He stopped, now pointing his sharp green eye in the dark-furred wolf's direction. "If you'll stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours. That's considering you don't do anything stupid, though. How's that?" His voice was sarcastic, but what he said was what he meant.


- Lucifer - 12-06-2008

He twisted his ears forwards towards the male voice, as he lifted his head, hearing that there was really nothing that he wanted to begin with. The black male gave a nod, he could agree to that. ”Sure but what are the terms to follow along with this truce, other than staying out of each other’s ways. Think about it, we live in the same pack?” It wasn’t that he didn’t want to get along with the male, it just more so that he didn’t to have to feel like he was a pup and have to report to someone, Iskata hated him and he knew it, and Deuce…well Deuce was Deuce and he wasn’t sure what feelings that she had towards him. Lucifer lifted his head up looking to the green eyed male; Lucifer studied his face, making mental notes of all the scars and cuts upon his face. Something messed him up, and bad. Though he still had his life, so it couldn’t have been that bad right?

- Jefferson Soul - 12-07-2008

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... parrow.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">


A good point. He'd just assumed that if Lucifer stayed out of his way, things would work out smoothly. The two could pretend the other never existed, and life would go on as normal at least until the next time they butted heads. Before Jefferson could mutter much of anything, he noticed the creature peering stupidly at his face, and the hybrid rolled his eye and sighed. Make your conclusions, he thought to himself. They're not even worth discussing. He wasn't ashamed of his scarred eye or his leg, no, but he did hate having to share the story of how he got them with every wandering curiosity that questioned him on it.

"First of all, the scars are real, and they still hurt," he mumbled matter-of-factly, guessing rather than actually trying to decide what the black male had concluded. "Second, if you stay out of trouble, then there won't be any reason for me to keep you in my sight all the time." Fair enough. "Just let me know what you're up to every so often and we'll call it good, but I'll be... 'checking in', I guess we'll call it. Not like I have a choice." He muttered the last bit underneath his breath and cleared his throat. What an adventure this would be.


- Lucifer - 12-08-2008

Lucifer flicked an ear, knowing that scars where real and could take years upon years to heal. Lucifer was trying to respect the male that was before him, not only because of his rank but because he was in the pack longer and he wasn’t Iskata personal vendetta, he seems to be the lucky one with that topic. The male pushed his ear back forward, trying to keep his tone civil toward the other male, either one of them had a clue what their lives held before this meeting, and the one at the borders. ”I didn’t question if your scars where real or if they still hurt. Scars are an indication of who you really are, and also shows me that you haven’t lived a cushioned life. “ He dipped his maw down as he slightly stood up, trying to keep his head lower then Jefferson.
”I think that’s more than fair. It will keep your ass covered and mine in the process.” Lucifer gave a nod, as he flicked his tail, thinking about how he felt like a child having to check in with someone every so often. Lucifer knew though that there was going to be times there he knew he was in the right but the other’s would believe he was in the wrong, many of times it happened that way and sometimes just a rare few they were right. He shifted his weight as he looked at the male then look back. ”Are you always such a grump?”

- Jefferson Soul - 12-09-2008

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... parrow.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">



'Cushioned life'. Hah, far from it. Any well-knowing creature who had simply seen Jefferson limp on by knew he had never been 'cushioned' in his life, or as far as he could remember. His earliest memory was waking up coated in blood, head throbbing, and lying uncomfortably on sand and gravel near some sort of abandoned warehouse. The snow was heavy and coated his pelt rather thickly--he'd been out for hours. He didn't know how he'd gotten there, who he was, or if he'd somehow resurrected from the dead. Some of his worst scars woke up with him--his eye and was untouched at the time, thankfully, but some of the worst scars on his chest and back oozed and stung. A chain fence loomed over him--T. H. Jefferson Corporations, it read. The ink was faded from sunlight and hanging only halfway on the fence. The brute hadn't known how to read well, but could recognize the characters and slowly put them together--he'd known how to read once, but the amnesia forced him to teach himself again. The brute could not rise from the ground there--he stared at the sign for hours, unable to move, until he could read the words.

He became Jefferson that day.

"No," he said grimly. "I know how to smile. There are kids in this pack... they have to be protected by someone." The hybrid's green eye stared forward stolidly, unmovingly. "I take my job seriously for that reason. Not everyone can be trusted." He wasn't trustworthy once, and he knew it. His behavior nowadays was no ways of reflection, no terms of compensating for past sins--he'd killed, he'd slaughtered. There was no making up for that. "When you kill someone," He said slowly, after a broad pause, "you don't always learn that life is short and full of sunshine. You learn it sucks and you have to fight for those who don't realize it yet."


- Lucifer - 01-02-2009

Lucifer wanted to show that he real did understand the male and what all he was saying, but really when it came to killing someone he couldn’t…he just couldn’t. Lucifer knew he was far from perfect, and he had done more than his fair share of sins, but he wouldn’t let his temper get the best of him and kill someone. Lucifer gave a nod, as he looked back up to the male. ”Other are around to do the protecting, you can carry it all your-self. You can’t be every one’s hero” the black male stood up stretching out his legs. He dipped his head to the male, not waiting on Jerfferson to dismiss Lucifer. He didn’t care what this male thought of him, he would one day prove that he was worth something, and he didn’t care if it took him a life time to prove it.