'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Secret Santa Exchange 2008! - Printable Version

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- Lucifer - 12-18-2008

Please try to have them done by the 20th! If you are not able to do so please let me know though pm with your reason.

- Geneva Stockholm - 12-19-2008

For Cwfen! <3 I am almost done with your avatar - Cwfy's looks are just a little more difficult than my skill set will allow, but I'll finish up after my last final tomorrow. MERRY HOLIDAYS <3


OOC Talk goes here!

The black she-wolf smiled softly. "Indeed, as Dahlia de Mai has been to me.... I love the country from whence I came, but..." she struggled with the diction for a moment before deciding to continue. "Dahlia has provided for me a safety that I did not know could exist in the world." The female’s soft smile took on a somber tone as the white eyes dropped to the earth. She was truly grateful that she had finally made it to these lands. Having fallen silent, the female lifted her gaze, saying, "My ancestor was a member of the pack Clouded Tears, however fleeting of a member he was. It seems that the pack has disbanded, but I could ask for nothing better than Dahlia de Mai." The smile brightened once more; she did not wish for the other female to take pity on her.


- Rachias Tears de Ame - 12-19-2008

Geneva! ;D Picture used for your avatar is absolutely one of my favorites. X3

[Image: gene.png]

Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws. I wanna do it,Let's draw straws. Jack said we should work together, Three of a kind. Birds of a feather. Now and forever. "Wheeee. La, la, la, la, la." Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight. Throw away the key and then turn off all the lights. First, we're going to set some bait inside a nasty trap and wait. When he comes a-sniffing we will snap the trap and close the gate!

Wait! I've got a better plan to catch this big red lobster man, let's pop him in a boiling pot and when he's done we'll butter him up!Kidnap the Sandy Claws. Throw him in a box. Bury him for ninety years then see if he talks. Then Mr. Oogie Boogie Man, can take the whole thing over then. He'll be so pleased, I do declare, that he will cook him rare! "Wheee!"


Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws. I wanna do it,Let's draw straws. Jack said we should work together, Three of a kind. Birds of a feather. Now and forever. "Wheeee. La, la, la, la, la." Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight. Throw away the key and then turn off all the lights. First, we're going to set some bait inside a nasty trap and wait. When he comes a-sniffing we will snap the trap and close the gate!

Wait! I've got a better plan to catch this big red lobster man, let's pop him in a boiling pot and when he's done we'll butter him up!Kidnap the Sandy Claws. Throw him in a box. Bury him for ninety years then see if he talks. Then Mr. Oogie Boogie Man, can take the whole thing over then. He'll be so pleased, I do declare, that he will cook him rare! "Wheee!"

- Geneva Stockholm - 12-19-2008

Eeeee eeee! So pretty! THANK YOU! Just the pick me up I needed while writing the last paper of the semester Big Grin

- Garnet Massacre - 12-19-2008

Arg, not used to doing this, sorry your stuff is ugly Bane. x< I tried.


nec, cursus in, ligula. Vestibulum lobortis odio id ipsum. Nulla aliquet libero sed leo. Curabitur auctor. Aliquam varius arcu. "Pellentesque eu dolor. Sed tortor est, vehicula a, pulvinar ut, scelerisque vel, lorem." Praesent vel orci eget nisl molestie adipiscing. Phasellus sed lacus. Curabitur adipiscing tempus felis. Etiam congue dui non leo. Praesent quis purus et purus accumsan vehicula. Morbi condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In tellus. Curabitur at justo id sapien ultricies venenatis. Morbi egestas mauris id odio commodo vestibulum. Pellentesque at metus.


[Image: BaneKilesAvatar.png]
[Image: BaneKilesAvatar-1.png]
whichever you like better.

- Savina Marino - 12-19-2008

For Garnet! Smile


nec, cursus in, ligula. Vestibulum lobortis odio id ipsum. Nulla aliquet libero sed leo. Curabitur auctor. Aliquam varius arcu. "Pellentesque eu dolor. Sed tortor est, vehicula a, pulvinar ut, scelerisque vel, lorem." Praesent vel orci eget nisl molestie adipiscing. Phasellus sed lacus. Curabitur adipiscing tempus felis. Etiam congue dui non leo. Praesent quis purus et purus accumsan vehicula. Morbi condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In tellus. Curabitur at justo id sapien ultricies venenatis. Morbi egestas mauris id odio commodo vestibulum. Pellentesque at metus.

nec, cursus in, ligula. Vestibulum lobortis odio id ipsum. Nulla aliquet libero sed leo. Curabitur auctor. Aliquam varius arcu. Pellentesque eu dolor. Sed tortor est, vehicula a, pulvinar ut, scelerisque vel, lorem. Praesent vel orci eget nisl molestie adipiscing. Phasellus sed lacus. Curabitur adipiscing tempus felis. Etiam congue dui non leo. "Praesent quis purus et purus accumsan vehicula." Morbi condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In tellus. Curabitur at justo id sapien ultricies venenatis. Morbi egestas mauris id odio commodo vestibulum. Pellentesque at metus.


[Image: garnet1.jpg]

- Garnet Massacre - 12-19-2008

8O I love the table Savina! Thankies!

- Bane Kiles - 12-19-2008

[html]Shh, Garnet, I love it. Thanks Big Grin Mine is for Lucifer!

This is the OOC.

Iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

"Nam libero tempore," cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.


- Jefferson Soul - 12-20-2008

My secret santa was Deuce. ^^
You always have such sad-looking tables and avatars and stuff...
so I made you something pretty.
At least it's watercolor!

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... etable.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Table for Deuce. wc328

He had his fears, but they ran slim. Concerns of acceptance and belonging were of little matter to he; where Jefferson was, he existed, and the rest of the world simply lived around him and dealt with whatever shit he was managing. The hybrid was a very neutral, very apathetic character. It didn't take much to piss him off, really, but under most circumstances, Jefferson could maintain a neutral and indifferent point of view, which fortunately was an asset that he didn't realize was so appealingly useful. When it came to conflicts, he could word his way through them peacefully if he so wanted, but in general, he didn't usually resort to peaceful circumstances. Actions spoke louder than words, after all. Blood didn't faze him. Strangers didn't faze him. What was he fearful of? Hell if Jefferson actually knew.

"Hey," he said rather simply, scowl evident and brows furrowed. His single green eye was focused on a dark-furred female who was standing rather sheepishly along their borderlines; seems he had run into a number of faces seeking acceptance into their pack recently, and as this was now the custom, Jefferson was becoming less and less suspicious with each new face he met. He might have jumped her, somewhat, as he'd used his unintentional knack for sneaking up behind people when they were lost in thought, and was now watching the back of her head and awaiting some kind of response. She sure didn't look like she was... looking for something, or so he observed. For all he knew, she was either joining, or she was looking for Deuce or Iskata--those were the two normal reasons that people showed up at Phoenix Valley... but perhaps he was just a pessimist. She'd been mumbling something when he'd stepped near after catching her foreign scent in the air, and it was clear as day that she was troubled about something, anyway. "Uh, have some business here, or just admiring the sights?"



And yes, I had a hard time with that pentagram. Don't look at it!

- Deuce Rhiannon - 12-20-2008

Lin, I love the pentagram, and the pretty set!
he sig is amazing!

I did the aav three different ways, incase you wanted something different. Its up to you which one you ike. Smile
[Image: jeff-aav1.png][Image: jeff-aav2.png][Image: jeff-aav3.gif]

[Image: jeff-siggy.gif]


Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris. Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.


If you don't like it let me know. I was up at 2am, and needed something to do since I couldn't sleep. Sorry...

- Cwmfen nic Graine - 12-21-2008

My secret santa was for Zana~

I hope you like it... If you want me to change anything or don't like it, let me know~ ^=^

Merry Christmas~!

[Image: zana_a.png]

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... etop_t.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">


Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris. "Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue." Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.



http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/4510 ... opyxn2.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

OOC: Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris.

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris. "Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue." Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.


- Mew Sadira - 12-21-2008

My secret santa was Haven! I hope you like Smile -speamthread-
I was going to put lyrics onto this, but I didn't find anything that fit besides puff the magic dragon, and that song just got me all sad Sad Let me know if you want any stuff on this Smile

[Image: havenaatteav.jpg]

[Image: havensig.png]

Right. I've got two tables of the same look-ish, depending on whether you use IE or not. The following works fine in firefox, but you can't see the initial text in IE, sadly. So probably not a good solution, although my energy is deaded at the moment (worked long hours today), so someone else with better html skillz might work it out.


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ground.png);margin-left:103px;">

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula imperdiet tellus. Pellentesque quis sem a felis bibendum volutpat. Suspendisse lacus augue, rhoncus in, laoreet ac, ornare sed, libero. Maecenas sem orci, tempor non, eleifend sit amet, blandit ac, urna. Vivamus laoreet, sem sed ultrices sagittis, dui ante gravida velit, nec condimentum justo pede id elit. Cras vestibulum gravida nisi. Quisque semper lacus. Nullam ac pede non risus accumsan porta. Nam vehicula. Etiam vel velit. Mauris pulvinar, sem non semper interdum, leo sem porta leo, vitae tempor sapien lorem eu felis. Aliquam tristique. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer neque urna, malesuada at, blandit ac, ornare eget, mauris. Donec eget erat. Integer dolor odio, rutrum eget, ultrices et, tincidunt ut, risus. Etiam rutrum erat eu leo. Morbi adipiscing condimentum nunc. Proin ligula.

Fusce congue leo. Sed lectus. Etiam facilisis. Phasellus auctor urna eget dui. Suspendisse elementum. Nunc ac eros at ipsum aliquam congue. Ut nec nunc. Maecenas malesuada tempus lorem. Praesent aliquet magna sit amet massa. Nunc sed diam.

Alternatively, for IE users. better overall probably since a few members use IE and you wouldn't want your text to be unreadable in a thread:

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ground.png); margin-left:103px; text-align:justify; padding:10px; color:#225000; line-height:12px;font-family:verdana;padding-top:5px;">

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula imperdiet tellus. Pellentesque quis sem a felis bibendum volutpat. Suspendisse lacus augue, rhoncus in, laoreet ac, ornare sed, libero. Maecenas sem orci, tempor non, eleifend sit amet, blandit ac, urna. Vivamus laoreet, sem sed ultrices sagittis, dui ante gravida velit, nec condimentum justo pede id elit. Cras vestibulum gravida nisi. Quisque semper lacus. Nullam ac pede non risus accumsan porta. Nam vehicula. Etiam vel velit. Mauris pulvinar, sem non semper interdum, leo sem porta leo, vitae tempor sapien lorem eu felis. Aliquam tristique. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer neque urna, malesuada at, blandit ac, ornare eget, mauris. Donec eget erat. Integer dolor odio, rutrum eget, ultrices et, tincidunt ut, risus. Etiam rutrum erat eu leo. Morbi adipiscing condimentum nunc. Proin ligula.

Fusce congue leo. Sed lectus. Etiam facilisis. Phasellus auctor urna eget dui. Suspendisse elementum. Nunc ac eros at ipsum aliquam congue. Ut nec nunc. Maecenas malesuada tempus lorem. Praesent aliquet magna sit amet massa. Nunc sed diam.


- Savina Marino - 12-21-2008

OMG Marit! I loves it! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! <333

- Mew Sadira - 12-21-2008

glad you like it Big Grin

- Iskata Sadira - 12-23-2008

*Flails* I'll have mine up as soon as my connection allows me to upload the images!

- Festivity - 12-23-2008

Set is for Jasper. This didn't turn out quite as dark and brooding as I had intended, my apologies. D: I am very rusty... Let me know if you'd like anything changed/fixed/dontfeelobligatedtouseitatall XD


She seemed far to..happy and caring for the sister that he remembered. It was comforting and odd in a way, the way that she was suddenly acting. Her reassurances, or attempts to reassure, only made him feel even more oddly about the whole thing. Being the attention-starved young man that he was though, Jasper was happy to take it all in and push those feelings and thoughts aside for the time. Apparently there was someone else there taking care of them, which meant Corona had come to take care of them also, even though she didn't really have to. Was it only because dad was there though? He was happy enough to think that she had come to take care of him, he didn't need to question her on it.

"Did mom come?" He asked suddenly, quietly. It was a question that had been on his mind since the very moment that he woke up, because he could vaguely remember her being there. Jasper wasn't stupid enough to go asking Ahren about it though, anything that had to do with his mother never seemed to turn out well when it came to their father. "I think she came to see me." He wouldn't tell anyone else but Corona that, but Jasper knew full and well that it might not even have really happened. It was nice to think that it did, though.

- Iskata Sadira - 12-24-2008

For Festivity! Will get Avie soonn..


Your voice is all I hear somehow;
Calling out winter.

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris. Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris. Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.

Thinking of winter;
Your name is the splinter inside me.


- Mew Sadira - 12-25-2008

that table don't work in Firefox :/ thought you might wanna know

- Iskata Sadira - 12-25-2008

Firefox needs to learn to read coding. I don't use Firefox so I wouldn't know how to code it to make it Firefox acceptable. x.x

- Tayui Aston - 12-25-2008

It looks like you just had an error in your coding somewhere, so it wouldn't display in FF.

I hope this is what it looked like for you~ It's as close as I could get it. :3

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v160/ ... ingfel.jpg);background-repeat:repeat-y;background-color:#22316C;">

Your voice is all I hear somehow;
Calling out winter

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; "Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris." Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; "Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris." Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.

Thinking of winter;
Your name is the splinter inside me.
