'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Simon Saer - 01-04-2009

Private for Lubomir!

Simon had been up with the sun, his teeth chattering from the place he had made his snowy den. It had all made very good sense at the time, the night before when he had dug himself a shallow den in the snow. He had decided to camp out near the borders to make sure no intruders came upon the land to take the Crimson Dreams kingdom by surprise. Unfortunately he had dozed off somewhere in the middle and woken up freezing. It wasn't the world's best feeling, but he was determined to make sure that the borders were secure. It hadn't entered his mind that other wolves besides himself and Jazper would be making sure that everyone was safe.

He smiled through chattering teeth as he emerged from the "den" which was little more than a mound of snow. He decided he'd patrol the length of the borders and then try to find something to eat. He should probably check in with Mati too, he decided. He didn't have any good stories to tell her today, but he was more in the mood to listen today. Perhaps she'd have some new stories to tell him.

The sandy colored puppy took long, wobbling steps as he tried to regain feelings in his big toes. He was clumsy to begin with, his legs long and skinny and his paws awkwardly big. Now walking was becoming quite the challenge. He sat down for a minute and wiggled his digits, hoping feeling would return soon.

- Lubomir Varg - 01-15-2009

http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l135/ ... ale/04.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
OOC: I'm terribly sorry for the long wait! =(

The snow wouldn't relent very soon, it seemed. The hunt had been successful, so if nothing else, Lubomir and the rest of Dahlia would eat well. His talk with Mew had not gone as expected and the grey male felt more and more inclined to give up. It was a sad truth to acknowledge, but a truth nonetheless. In order to avoid any more meetings with the members of the Dahlia pack, Lubomir found himself leaving the borders and travelling towards the pack where Savina lived. He couldn't really say why. Indeed, he could very well have headed towards AniWaya, in the hopes of finally finding Tayui or Pilot. He wasn't entirely sure if Ember wanted to see him again, but the former leaders of Shadowed Sun had never seemed to begrudge him leaving. No matter the reason, the grey male headed once more towards Crimson Dreams.

He had liked the black female a lot. She resonated with him in ways few other wolves did. She could understand anger and futility and the power of self-hate that a bout of rage inevitably drew. Perhaps she had bettered her control. Lubomir still wanted to help her overcome it. While his monster mostly lay dormant, there were times, such as around Firefly, when it would erupt with the force of a volcano, rendering him a beast. But he had promised. He could honour that word. The borders seemed quiet for the most part and Lubomir was no fool. He wouldn't simply walk into the territory and hope to be greeted with a smile. He had hoped to glance someone though. And as he squinted harder, he saw a shape moving on the edge. A small... pup? That he had not expected. Picking up the pace, he walked quicker, coming up close to the border, but within running rage, should the mother label him an attacker. "Hello?" Calling out, the grey sat down on his haunches and waited. Maybe the pup knew where to find Savina.


- Simon Saer - 01-21-2009

Simon wiggled his toes faster as he saw a gray adult approaching the borders. Protecting Crimson Dreams with frozen toes was risky business! He could now feel pins and needles in the sensitive pads of his feet, and figured that was better than no feeling at all. He got up and walked toward the gray male in a wobbly sort of way. Perhaps he should have waited to regain more feeling in his feet. It didn't matter anymore, though. What mattered now was that he assessed the situation and acted as needed.

The gray wolf didn't seem like a bad sort of fellow. He seemed at ease on the borders, as if he belonged here almost, but he didn't smell a thing like pack. A very serious look on his face, the sandy colored puppy circled around the seated wolf and studied him. He didn't know he looked ridiculous - in his own mind he felt like he was tall as a tower, like Jazper, instead of short and gangly as he was. He had stayed the entire night outside of the safety of Haven Mansion (he thought it would be more appropriate to call it a Castle because knights and princesses often stayed there!), he knew he was a capable night now. The gray man represented his first chance to test his mettle.

Simon came to a halt in front of the gray man, standing directly in front of his yellow-eyed gaze. He had dragged his feet around as he had circled around the adult, which gaze the illusion that the adult wolf sat in the middle of a moat. "What's your business here, sir?" the sandy puppy asked. Although he was more than ready to defend his kingdom and his princess, and also knew that knights were the chivalrous sort. He could be chivalrous, or at least try until he knew if the big wolf was a threat.

- Lubomir Varg - 01-27-2009

http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l135/ ... ale/04.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Of all the wolves he thought he'd meet, a puppy with a knighthood complex. Lubomir blinked, partly in confusion and partly in amusement. He'd not sired any children, but he had been a spiritual father of sorts to his nieces and nephews. They were sweet, all of them and although he had not seen them in years now, he still cherished the memories of their existence. Perhaps what endeared him to this little pup was the very business-like attitude he took. Well, and what was wrong with indulging a bit of fantasy? Hadn't he been a dreamer? He hadn't really grown out of it, either! Trying not to smile, Lubomir sat down on his haunches and assumed a very stern look. "I am a friend, young knight. My name is Lubomir and I came to speak with the lovely Miss Marino. Is she here?"

He couldn't really say he wanted to see Savina any more. If she came, he would gladly spend time with her. But this young brave knight, lost as he was, warmed his insides. He couldn't really say why, either. Perhaps because one day he wanted to have a family with Mew? Maybe it was because he wondered how two different wolves could come together and bring life into the world. Or perhaps he simply wanted to remember the easy days in the Old Country, before his pack was mutilated and his family mercilessly killed. Lubomir wanted to go to an older time, a better one, where the biggest problem was getting everyone in the den at night. "What is the name of the brave guardian of these lands?" Leaning forward slightly, Lubomir winked at the pup. He felt young and buoyant again. Ready to play.


- Simon Saer - 02-04-2009


Simon decided to continue his wide circle around the adult. He didn't feel like this wolf was necessarily a threat anymore, it was more of a puppy thing. He liked to be in constant motion. Plus, the night he'd spent out in the freezing cold had caused his body parts to feel numb. He walked around gingerly, trying to work life back into his paws. He wanted to get back somewhere warm, but he couldn't turn down the opportunity to talk to this stranger at the borders. He figured it was good practice for him to practice securing the borders and also gave him the chance to get to know someone new.

He stopped in front of Lubomir once again to continue talking to him. He thought about answering the gray adult's questions while continuing his pacing, but decided against it. That would be awfully impolite, and he did want to practice his chivalry after all! For a moment Simon pondered what chivalry really meant. As far as he knew, knights swore loyalty to their kings and queens and rescued damsels and slayed dragons. While this Lubormir guy seemed nice enough, he didn't seem kingly. He certainly wasn't a damsel, and on top of that, Mati was the only damsel he was interested in at all. And Lubomir certainly wasn't a dragon. That left this situation very challenging for him.

He sighed, figuring he only had good manners to fall back on. His momma had told him to get a good boy anyway. "I thinks the Lady Marino is here, but she could be somewhere else too." Simon wasn't really sure about Savina's exact whereabouts. He had never met her, but he had seen her around. She seemed to be very busy whenever he saw her out and about. She moved around and didn't stay in the same place for very long. He understood that was because she was Queen Naniko's helper. Maybe that made Savina something like a duchess. He made a mental note to ask someone about that later.

"Well," Simon said thoughtfully. "The Jazper Knight is in charge of most of the protecting part. My job is to protect one of the princesses." He said the last part with pride. "I'm Simon. I get to be the knight for the princess, but I don't get to be a knight of the realm til I learns more from Jazz." Simon began to prance about in a circle again, lifting his paws high to make big tracks in the snow. "Hey, Mister Lubomir, do you know where there's any dragons around here. I gots'ta practice in case one ever comes around."

- Lubomir Varg - 02-08-2009

http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l135/ ... ale/04.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
OOC: I love Simon! <3 300+

This little pup was amusing the old man. He seemed so brave in the face of potential danger. He certainly realised that if he'd been a malicious wolf this little boy would pose no threat, but he had to admire the stubbornness with which he insisted on protecting the borders. He recalled much the same things in Frigg, dear sweet sister. She had always been so adventurous and stubborn, insisting on protecting everyone. Lubomir thought less and less about the Old Country these days, but always with the lingering doubt that he was forgetting them. He would always attempt to recall their faces, quirks or unique personality traits. The last thing he wanted to do was condemn them all to old memory.

He liked the pup. The way he easily contradicted himself just endeared him more to the Dahlia wolf. "Well, I should certainly like to see her one day. But for now, I believe it is polite to speak to you." He listened carefully as the pup rattled an unfamiliar name. Lubomir had not been expecting anything else, really. Even before he'd left he had hardly met wolves from outside packs. A shame, now he thought about it, but that was in the past and no use crying over it. The word princess caught his interest. So either he was protecting the females or more puppies were around. "You certainly are a brave lad. So what's the name of your princess, then?"

It was only when Lubomir heard about dragons that he thought he might had gotten a hit over the head and landed in a dream. Dragons didn't exist outside of books, as far as he knew. "I am afraid I cannot help you there, Simon. I don't know much about dragons, you see. But... hm..." He smiled at the pup. "I'll tell you what! If a dragon does come around, he should be the same size as me. So why don't you try and fight me and see if you can do it." He was indulging a boy's fantasies, nothing more, but it amused him to think of it. It had been too long since Lubomir had freely played with one as young as Simon.
