'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
sweet little Words of Therapy - Printable Version

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- Anu - 04-19-2009



A night in the forest of the Ethereal Eclipse had sent her further and further north. Once morning broke she had found her paws again and followed the scent that led her to the pack boarder. She moved mindlessly, and whenever she let it take control and the little voice inside spoke, it wondered what she was doing. Where she was going? Who was she looking for? Instead of dealing with the question, questions that arose when ever venturing out into a distant land Anu let her mind become shroud in an emptiness that was becoming easy and familiar.

The lean tawny female took her walk and gave it speed. Her small paws flew over the new soft ground of springs awakening. Feeling the morning’s wet grass beneath her toes Anu consumed herself with the plant life that was waking with dawns first light. Such early moments in the season brought only the smallest flowers that were the quickest to life after the frost of winter. They were yellow, small glowing suns dotted against a bright green background. She named then silently, and then moved to the purple stalks that contrasted against their golden sisters so perfectly. Her blue eyes took in the scattered flowers as they became nothing by blurs in her vision while she ran.

The sun broke the cloud cover night had left. At first only a hint of blue could be seen in the tears, but as it grew stronger the warmth and light broke them into white round cotton balls. Anu felt the warmth on her back, the sensation filtering into her pelt and skin. So distracted, Anu hardly noticed when she passed through the invisible boarder that surrounded the foreign territory.


- Sankor Koios - 04-19-2009

It had been quite a while since Sankor had really made a scene in the packlands. He was still a little out of place since the day he had sent wasted away with Ril'o and the world had been turned upside down. Sankor had been traveling along the edge of the lands listening to the wildlife when out of nowhere a grey blur shot through the field. The male lifted his head up and traced the line the stranger had traveled before picking up his pace and following after the female, the scent of the woman making him realize that it wasn't just a packmate back from a late night rendezvous.

His long limbs stretching out as he pushed hard to chase after the woman, his ears pinned back against his skull as he began to cut down the distance between the two. He wondered just what had the woman so wound up that she'd trespassed over the borders without even thinking. Panting heavily he called out, "Lady, wait up!" Shaking his head he hoped that the woman has atleast heard him.

- Anu - 04-20-2009


thanks for joining Smile soon I'll have threads with all your characters

New grass hit her chest. The broken tree line had thinned, and Anu was sent flying through the open air of the sun filled meadow. Birds danced and fluttered into the blue sky, startled by her quiet but sudden approach. Their black bodies swarmed the sky, wings grasping the light breeze and retreating towards the clouds. Anu cut through them, cobalt eyes looking past the flock and into the distance.

It was voice that broke her stride, her own pounding heart beat filling her ears and distracting her from his following paw steps. Even with his words, she didn’t falter in her steps, though they broke her concentration and made her aware of her surrounding. It wasn’t until she realized that she was indeed in Dahlia de Mai lands that her pace slowed. Her breath was painless and as calm as if her had been standing still all this time, though her heart raced. Stopping bluntly Anu turned towards him, finding that the male was following her at his top speed.


- Sankor Koios - 04-24-2009

Sankor hadn't expected to be spending his time today chasing after some ghost across the packlands but that was just what he was up to. Breathing heavily the male threw himself into the chase, not believing that the woman could really be dangerous but he was rather curious how and why she'd just bolted right past their borders like she owned the place.. or like she was running like the hell hounds were on her trail.

Suddenly it wasa flurry of birds about him as he followed the woman through the meadow, the feathers flying as the fowl made their comments on just what they thought of the crash course through their home. He shook his head and went on, catching up to the woman slowly. He wished that she would just slow down so he could figure out what all was going on. Woman, why did they have to make things so much harder than need be!

Almost instantly it seemed that she had changed her mind as he realized that the woman had stopped dead in her tracks. Still going at top speed the male tried to pull up to keep from running the woman over. Instead he ended up going beyond the woman and forced to turn around and come trotting back to where she stood. Panting as he shook a few feathers from his pelt the male offered her a grin and a name. "Hi. I'm Sankor.." He felt sortof stupid now having caught up with the woman and now not knowing what in the world to say.

Chuckling to himself at his foolishness he spoke up finally, finding atleast something to say. "You.. gave me quite a run there.."

- Anu - 04-26-2009


I just remembered that she met firefly once, hah!!

Blue eyes watched as the brown wolf ran passed her. It was much better then crashing into her. Her head followed his course, whipping in one direction and then back as he padded back up to her. He smiled, though Anu was still unsure of her position on his lands. He smelled entirely on Dahlia, just as Coli had. Giving his name Anu still just stood and blinked, wondering when he would throw her off their lands. All she knew of their pack was some two bitches and a sweet lost woman that feared their second in command. She could only wondering if he was one to the groups tyrants, or one of their suppressed souls.

Seeming happy enough, and not on the verge of attack, Anu let the words of greet ride a heavy exhale. I’m Anu of Crimson Dreams. She even offered him a smile. I’m sorry, I don’t usually barge into claim lands like this. I guess I wasn’t really thinking. Shrugging her shoulders a little Anu hoped he would forgive her.


- Sankor Koios - 04-27-2009

Sankor knew that most of the other packmates probably would have chewed the woman's ears off for crossing the pack's border but he was a laid back kind of guy and he didn't see much point in tearing her a new one, she had stopped when she realized what she had done, or at least when she realized that she'd been caught. It didn't take him too long to get back around to the woman after he'd sped past her and instead of snapping and snarling he grinned like a idiot.

he did realize though as he settled down that she seemed to relax quite a bit, he was slightly puzzled by her reaction but choose not to say anything just yet. He waited and soon enough she granted him a smile and a name, soon to follow even was an apology of sorts. He just shook his head and chuckled, remembering his friend from Crimson Dreams, Geneva. "It seems you outlaws from other there seem to love to break the laws.. or maybe you just like seeing me." He was so horrible. Something about the male just couldn't resist flirting.

- Anu - 04-27-2009


Her smile was a thin line across her maw; having caught her breath quickly Anu was able to breath with only her black nose. It was nice that he seemed so friendly, and that thought eased her mind. She was concerned for some reason, a hidden thought and feeling of which she didn’t understand it origin. But it remained in the back of her head, and her reason for being in his homelands was growing somewhat clear. Well, kind of. It was still covered by the blurred memories from her drunken episode.

Anu let her smile turn to a smirk as she responded to his flirtation claim. Are we all that bad? I hope none of my pack mates have made trouble here. Anu was sure that there was nothing much to discuss about the two packs relationship, knowing that everything had been addressed by the higher ups. He was not who she sought, but in the end he was a much better substitute then someone that might be unhappy that another Crimson member was padded thoughtlessly across their boarder.

I’m sure that’s it, your charming. The older female complimented as she watched him. Blue eyes looked him over and found what she saw disappointing. Of course in his defense she was clearly sober, and with her sharp mind she was truly herself. And as much as he might try, he would not satisfy her.


- Sankor Koios - 04-28-2009

His smile seemed to be returned, it wasn't much of a smile but it was still there. The rich hued male grinned as he got a response from the woman. He was happy that she wasn't going to run again, he didn't mind running, but it was so much easier to figure out just what was going on when the company stood still. He studied the woman with soft caring eyes as he questioned. "So what brought you this far from home?" He was rather curious about the Crimson Dreams packmember, he seemed to find it funny that his conversations with members from that pack tended to involve running down the packmember at one point or another.

The smirk that came with the questions of the tease he'd thrown at her made him chuckle as he shrugged and shot back. "You tell me.." He smiled as he shook his head and explained lightly. "No, no trouble at all, atleast.. I haven't been able to prove it yet.." he said as he raised a brow, the lingering mock threat in the air between them showing just how little he knew of the tense standing between the two packs because of reckless packmembers ignoring the borders.

When she granted him with the compliment Sankor straightened up and bit and gave a cool collected smirk as he cockily said. "Why thank you. You're quite charming yourself little lady." Why in the world the male got himself in such silly situations all the time was beyond him. He really sometimes had the maturity of a teenager, but in the end it wasn't always a bad thing. Too bad he didn't know his flirting was wasted on the pretty little thing from Crimson Dreams.

- Anu - 05-02-2009


They stood in the field, the new sweet grass tickling their ankles. The morning sun shone above, casting long shadows at their paws. Anu looked away, eyeing them as he spoke, flirtation in his voice and posture. He was curious, and it reminded Anu of herself. Full of questions. Blue eyes looked back to his warm brown hued face, unable to dismiss the smile from her face. Curiosity, I haven’t ventured around here much. It was the truth, though only part of her bubbling feelings. Of course she wanted to know everything that happened between Sabeen and the members of her ex-pack. Anu also wanted to know where Coli was and if she would forgive her for her forwardness. There was a sudden and overpowering sense of concern whenever Anu thought of her, something so overbearing it had powered into her current actions.

Anu understood that there was a certain member of Crimson Dreams that hadn’t played nice with one of the leaders here, though she was glad that they could laugh about it now. We’re all angels. Anu kid as she moved, her agile body taking a few needed steps. Her legs had yet to tire, and Anu walked around him slowly, idly wondering if he would allow her to walk further into his home. She wouldn’t mind an escort. Our intentions are always purely innocent, I promise. It was a false hope, though Naniko and Savina had stripped the male of his rank the moment his actions were known.

Charming was she? It keeps me out of trouble, usually. Of course she could be as cocky as he was, well… it was fairly arrogant statement for the naturally timid fey. Have you always lived here Sankor? it was her turn to ask questions, feed her curiosity and get the answers that might settle her judgment over the pack.


- Sankor Koios - 05-04-2009

He smiled slightly when she looked away, he couldn't help the way he was, and oddly enough most of the woman hardly ever turned sour to the teasing ways of Sankor. This was possibly why he had never changed from his rambunctious sunny nature. His eyes turned to try and catch just what it was she was watching as he waited, when her words greeted him he raised a brow in question as he asked. "and why not my blue eyed beauty?" he teased as he watched her, wondering why she was here, he knew it was quite a distance from the pack she belonged to and yet at being caught trespassing she hadn't seemed so concerned with exiting the lands. Sankor of course wasn't the one to just toss another from the lands for nothing. She hadn't given him reason yet...

He was quiet a moment as he watched her turn circles around him, wondering why she felt the need to move so much. Why couldn't they just lay down and chill in the meadow now. Her talk of angels just made him smile again as he questioned her, "Really, too bad.." he said as he lifted himself up off the ground and followed her, figuring that he might as well keep an eye on the woman since she seemed to be set to explore with or without him. "I've heard different.." he said with a smirk, remembering his time spent on the plains with the outlaw from Crimson Dreams, though he had no clue that she no longer resided within the pack.

The two toned male watched her as she looked around, it was clear that she was curious of the packlands though he wasn't sure exactly why. He didn't stop to think on the fact that she probably hadn't lived in the lands forever like he and his siblings had, but when she spoke of her own charm he couldn't help but chuckle. "And when it doesn't?" he asked, trying to test the woman to give away her secrets. He wasn't so good at prying secrets from others as he was from teasing and flirting.

He paused a second though when she asked him if he had always lived in the pack. Moving forward to stand beside her he spoke honestly. "No.. I was born in the territory your pack claims now." he said. He couldn't blame the pack for claiming the lands, his family had loved them too when they'd lived there, but it was a sore spot to learn that your home was now owned by another.

- Anu - 05-04-2009


She tried to focus on his question rather then the flattery. She was so easily moved by the simplest comments, though for some odd reason he wasn’t the first to ever shower her with the separated affection that flirting was for her. He wasn’t the first to eye her form, wonder what it would feel like to touch her fur, place a hand on her waist… the mere thought of it made Anu smile. It was to mock such futile efforts. Even though she glowed in the shine of a compliment, it did not change her physical feeling that cooled her core at the thought of allowing him that finger dance along her fur or the caress against her hip. Why was she so stuck in her ways? She had tried once to change, maybe she only needed to try again…

You know, I have heard a few things… but then decided that I shouldn’t allow others to mold my opinions. Anu couldn’t ignore the words Coli had spoken to her, even if they both had been drunk, and believed she was unhappy here. But she was curious to know if Sabeen had been as truthful. She let mock shock pass over her face when he spoke of her home, Innocence is a virtue, and I cant imagine you believing rumors. She smiled after she teased him, enjoying the game they seemed to play. Did she ever get into situation where her charm couldn’t get her out? Anu couldn’t actually think of any, I exit quickly. Anu spoke it as if a warning, her eyes dancing over his face.

She liked that the were moving forward, her blue eyes leaving his face to scan the landscape every once in a while as she spoke. It was pretty place, but she wouldn’t deceived by the greenery. At the notion of her home her ears perked. Really? She asked with curiosity ripe in her voice. But he didn’t look as he had before, something about the subject took his charm down a notch. Unsure what his early circumstances were Anu did not want to focus on it, not if it made him unhappy talking about it. All she added was a warm, You should visit, see the changes. Anu would escort him as he did she, to see all the new improvements that had made to the manor, and maybe even her garden.


- Sankor Koios - 05-06-2009

-ooc- Anu looks the tease in that new avatar...


Though the male was a terrible flirt and a charming fellow the woman (and few males) that he teased and made such savvy remarks to would probably find it hilarious that Sankor was still a virgin. A Charmer he might be but it was never enough to keep the attention for more than a conversation. Perhaps he just had the rotten luck of chasing after the wrong smiles. Whatever the reason for why he was still single, there was still that problem. Sankor was a lonely stray though he lived a sunny nature deep down he still wondered what was out there for him.

A light smile stayed on his lips as Anu teased him of rumors and gossip about the pack. Sankor knew that there indeed had been quite a bit of trouble between members and even with members of other packs but he tended to keep away from the drama unless the drama came to him. He was a pathetic sort of therapist for though he knew that there was trouble in the minds and hearts of his packmates he didn't go poking and prying for the answers to their problems.. he waited, knowing sooner or later they would come to him if they really cared. "Well, not coming to find out the truth would probably stale your opinions as well.." he said, wondering when she was going to ask away about the rumors and news she'd picked up along the way. Not that he was one for spreading gossip, but it was good to know what the rest of the world thought of your family.

When she spoke of his virtue and believing in rumors Sankor raised a brow at the lady as he gave her a look of disbelief. "Now, do you think I really believe what I hear?" He let a smile flace once more as he stated simply. "I find out for myself." His tone slightly cocky and arrogant the male was proud of his silly little games he played and the information he teased from his 'victims'. No harm ever came out of them and though he knew half the time the information was false it was still something to pass the time. He almost couldn't believe the fact that he'd found another willing to exchange banter and joke so openly as she gave him the simple answer to what she did when situations got tough. I believe that's the understatement of the year ma'am." He chuckled as they moved along deeper into the packlands.

"I do believe you could possibly be a spy you know.." he joked, as he realized that as they spoke their pacings had infact brought them deep into the packlands and she'd had him so distracted he hadn't really noticed or thought about it. Not that he thought that she would bring any harm to his packmates or himself but she was a crafty little thing! He smirked at her as she mentioned how he should come check out the lands and see how they'd changed. He glanced towards the sky for a second as though he was seriously thinking about it as he suggested. "I might have to follow you home then.." He was a wicked little thing, though he didn't think he'd actually follow her home, atleast.. not today.

- Anu - 05-07-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... owtree.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I know! Its fitting for her current mood…

She was unsure of where they traveled. He wasn’t the best sort of tour guide, but it wasn’t what she really hoped for. Instead she sought to know what it was like to live as a Dahlia member, to know if it was all the horrors Sabeen had explained. But Sankor gave her no hint of such tragedy, making her more confused. Anu kept it from her features, leaving only the smile his banter brought to her face.

I have heard bad things Sankor. Anu spoke with deep honesty, wishing that she could express all the concern she unknowing felt. It was hidden, covered by the insecurity and confusion she felt towards the one that brought her mind to such questions. If it wasn’t for the young wolfess she had met, she would never have bothered to know so much or even cared to discover any secrets. But you make it so hard to believe them. Anu let her voice and demeanor grew less heavy and the smile returned to her lips.

Better watch out, I’m not as innocent as I look. The woman spoke with a laugh, knowing that the words were just as foolish as he would think. She was innocent and honest, but she held so much more then the simplicity that came to mind when described as innocent. Taking a few long steps Anu looked back to him, hoping he didn’t get hooked on her brief serious moment. Her smile grew wide, You’ll have to run. The words were spoken before she turned and took to her paws, heading deeper into the land he called home.


- Sankor Koios - 05-12-2009

Sankor wasn't blind to the tradgety that was the pack he belonged to. He was just good at cleaning up after the wicked deeds and soothing the hurt and pain that followed. It was his duty to keep the pack's dirty laundry cleaned out and aired fresh, no rumors and horrible stories would fall from his lips. While others might pretend to be blind, he just chose not to bring the subjects to light unless it was being discussed between him and another packmate. He offered the lady a flash of a smile as they approached the vineyards that were beginning to lay out silvery mint leaves and new vines. "Bet there's nothing like this in your lands.." he teased as he slowed to a smooth stroll between the rows of grapevines.

When the words of Anu reached his ears he stopped for a moment and glanced over to the woman for a second before shaking his head. He'd heard bad things too, he'd heard bad thing from within his pack, about other packs, about the clan of coyotes and even a rumored tribe of wolves from afar, but he never pondered the things he heard for long. He tried to tease out the problems the evils and sicknesses had caused and right things once more. His eyes glanced away from Anu a second as he spoke up. "Everyone has a few skeletons in the closet." he answered. He didn't want to frighten the woman but it was true. Everyone had their secrets, sometimes they stayed buried forever, sometimes one slipped up and they became the evening news. It seemed that their pack just wasn't so lucky on not getting caught.

In a flash though it seemed that the conversation turned back to a lighter draw as a smile crept back onto his lips at the words that Anu teased him with. He raised a brow and gave her a look of disbelief as he picked up the pace ones more, slowly traveling the vineyards as he spoke. "I can hardly contain myself, what sinful nature rests behind those pretty blues?" he asked.. and yet it seemed that he wasn't quick enough for almost out of nowhere she changed from their slow waltz to a fast and furious pace as he laughed and chased after the girl. "I can do that!" he promised as he raced after her.

- Anu - 05-13-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... owtree.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She ran from his words, and the thoughts that rose as he said them. Skeletons? Of course. Everyone had their sins that they wanted to hide away, even Anu had plenty to be ashamed of. The idea of her past mate, their children and the heartache she invoked within them was enough to fill her small closet. Then there was always indulging in casual sex with strangers, and kissing young intoxicated girls. But those were not skeletons; they are mere bleached broken bones. They were not what she knew of his packmates, or that of the coyote tribe. They had full bodies, some still with rotting flesh on them sitting behind their heavy closet doors.

She ran through the strait but narrow space between the grape plants. Their scent filled her nose, sweet as the wine she had drank not to long ago. Blue eyes watched as she passed then, knowing that he was behind her. His tempting words playing her mind. Her paws carried her deep into the green foliage. As before she slowed suddenly, stopping so that they were hidden among the fruit bearing plants. The light hued female looked to his face, taking in his face and expression.

Her thoughts flowed, as if their run had opened a flood dam. I'm sorry to have judged you, and your pack. Anu spoke softly, taking in a needed breath. The apology did not come alone, opening up to him more then felt comfortable. Everyone had things they wish to hide, but when the hurt so deeply it becomes impossible. She stood close to him, waiting for the stir of feeling that had be awoke by a silver stranger. But when it did not come, Anu spoke again. I worry, about someone here. Was that the feeling? Was it just unease and concern that she felt for the girl she had met? No, that was a lie. I’m scared for her.

He had been so sweet, so inviting. But Anu did not crave him as she thought she might begin to. Even as she tried her thoughts only drifted to her. Coli. Did he know, she was sure he did. It was history that she had unearthed in a drunken episode. Her name slipped form her tongue easily, too easily. Still it would not leave her thoughts, and still Anu tried to push them away. Blue eyes looked to the gold her bore, wanting to know that her feels were unnecessary. Then she could begin the long process of forgetting.


- Sankor Koios - 05-16-2009

Sankor knew little or nothing of ghosts and skeletons of those outside his pack but he didn't doubt that their stories would rival those of his companions. The mahogany male knew secrets that would probably make the light hued woman run for the safety of all she knew. He turned his eyes away as she moved past him and began to trace down the rows between the grapevines. He didn't know just how to explain anything to her without giving up the truth of the warped little pack and the way it was run. Siblings that loathed one another, fathers raping daughters, bastard children, mates at each others throats.. and yet they still somehow managed to run smoothly, for the most part.

When she apologized for judging him and the pack he couldn't help but give her a smile of sorts as he replied. "Thank you, I know we're not the world's most perfect bunch.. but we function.." The scent of the blossoms on the vines caught him off guard for a second as he turned to glance at the flowers as they moved along. He didn't know just what she was wanting from the lands, or from him but he figured that he'd find out in time.

She looked back to him again and he met her gaze full on as it seemed that he was to know in mere seconds just what it was she came this far for. He swiveled his ears back as she tried to explain everything. His tail flicked to and fro in agitation as he chuckled with relief as she spoke the name of his pretty little chickadee. "Don't you worry your baby blue's about our little diamond in the rough." He could understand why the woman worried if she knew the lass' story, but the pack protected one another, even if it was to protect a packmate from a fellow mate. He shook his head and smiled. "She's watched over well.. I don't believe anything will happen to her within these lands." He tried to assure Anu as he floowed her down the way.

Now Sankor couldn't be everywhere all the time but he didn't think that Haku would be foolish enough to attempt anything anywhere close to the lands. Half the pack would be at his throat in a heartbeat, packleader or not. His sunny golden orbs studied her face as he asked. "Is there anyone else you worry for? Anyone else you think needs rescuing?" He sure did wish she would come rescue him from time to time, he could use a pretty little distraction like her to come save him from the mundane of the everyday.

- Anu - 05-17-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... owtree.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Anu couldn’t imagine. She didn’t want to think of the things that her kind was capable of. A masked male came to her mind, and she wandered if he had ever found the monster she had sent him after. She wondered if she gave him another tip he would appreciate it, maybe he already knew that name of yet another rapist. Why should there be fear in the world? Why did there need to be beasts so twisted that they felt the need to take something so intimate from another without permission?

She could only nod at his grateful statement, her smile faded and wiped clean from her face. Eyes watched his reaction, but his face remained the pleasant smile and softness she had come accustomed to. Anu listened intently as he spoke of Coli, a diamond in the rough he called her. A diamond yes. Anu assumed that the rough would be the rest of them, the corrupt ones. Anu didn’t appreciate his casual reaction, but hid the feeling as she turned from him, still listening but filling her gaze with the plant life. I'll hold you to that. and Anu would. It was a joke to him, but Anu was more serious then she once thought she was capable of. It shocked her slightly.

Wanting to believe him Anu forced herself to take his word. She forced her mind to leave the subject, and repeated the idea that she would safe again and again until it was truth. His last words were laden with the flirtation they had lost for those few serious moments. They lightened her heart, and Anu looked back to him with a renewed mindset. Any one else in danger? She teased him with a sharp grin and clear ice blue eyes. It was easier to resort to this side of her when her heart rang in her ears and her mind was overcome with worry. It was just easier to distract herself with him.


- Sankor Koios - 05-22-2009

Sankor had always lived on the bright and merry side of life. He knew the dangers that lurked in the darkness and the beasts that dwelt in the hearts of men but for all the evil out there he tried to atleast put some peace as well. It was a simple task he set himself out to accomplish but by no means was it easy. His golden eyes with the flecks of forest green cast over the woman as he quietly pondered just what she thought she could save the world from being such a tiny dainty little thing but he didn't voice his concerns, only offering a smile though the questions still lingered in his orbs.

A nod was the only offer he was give to indicated that she'd been listening and that he might actually believe anything that he was uttering. He knew that their pack was a strange place with twisted paths than any other pack normally wouldn't be able to function under but somehow they survived and flourished. He wasn't for certain just what had happened to the flirty woman who had just been beside him as she seemed to turn grim with the few words that she uttered. He shook his head as his brows knitted together. "Please, trust me.. if he touched one hair on her he would pay.." He normally sunny nature never left but he was beginning to think the woman thought that this was all just a game to him or something. He didn't know how to tell her just how serious it was. He could indulge the pack's secrets to an outsider, friend of Coli's or not.

Trying to turn away from the dark thoughts that seemed to damper his spirits Sankor smiled once more to the female as he chuckled softly at her teasing question. He shrugged as he flicked those eyes back to her in that puppy dog fashion. "It depends.. are they going to get whisked away by a lovely little lady and shown things they've never seen before?" He was horrible, he knew it, but the ladies loved it.

- Anu - 05-23-2009


Anu would never save anyone from anything, but at least she could try. She was no super hero, but her heart was too big and deep to let others go on hurting without concern. She felt the same frustration that Sankor radiated with she brought up the indecencies that his pack seemed to be capable of. Was he trying to change them? Or did he just hide them? What ever he might be doing, Anu couldn’t believe it wasn’t in the best of intentions. There was obvious question in his gaze as he watched her, and Anu couldn’t answer him. She didn’t know why it mattered so much to her and why she held the promise so close to her heart. If he had asked why her care and concern was so saturated in her voice and form, Anu would have had no answer for him.

Her head nodded in answer, wanting to think of things less weighing and unhappy. She wanted to let the male swoon over her, and maybe take all the concern for the little female they both knew out of her heart. If she tried hard enough he would be helpless under her, and Anu knew it. She knew that if she moved towards him in the way she had the nameless male she had taken as a lover that drunken night she would have complete control… Where her mind was being taken was a place Anu didn’t want to go, and it left her stomach unsettled. She even felt the uselessness of it, no matter how hard she tried he did not make her heart flutter.

Ignoring the reality of who she was Anu let him return them both to where they had begun. Hmm.. Maybe. she spoke with a laugh in her tone. But what if its their territory, what can they be shown that they haven’t already seen? her smile was back, and her thoughts as light as they once were. She wanted to be taken away, she wanted to change and maybe he could help her with that. Even if it was just her mind, and even if it was just for a moment.


- Sankor Koios - 05-31-2009

He was beginning to have his doubts of the woman before him. He knew that his pack was no gathering of angels but wasn't it his duty to try and bring the good side of his mates to focus and have them sway away from their darker natures. He couldn't say if he was any good at it but he tried his best. The male flicked on ear back and forth as he watched the woman and tried to contemplate just where she stood. She had a heart, that much was obvious and she seemed generally concerned for others, or atleast one but was it all for show.. she didn't give him enough details to have decided yet.. but it intrigued him enough to want to find out.

He tilted his head as she seemed to nod to the words he'd spoken, she was a beautiful lady, but then again these lands seemed teeming with lovely doves. He tried to ignore the way his thoughts were heading but he was a male and she was an extraordinary specimen. She gave a flashy grin to the girl and a wink as he finally was able to push the more serious thoughts of her beauty aside as their stroll seemed to come to an end. He hadn't wanted it to end but it seemed that that was ok for the moment for she was talking again.

His tail gave a merry wag as she suggested that he be stolen away to the lands they were already in. He granted her a skeptical look as he shook his head with a chuckle. So it seemed that she wouldn't be saving him today, but perhaps he could still sweep her off her feet. He knew one tempting little hideaway in the middle of their lands where the slightest few knew of. "Well.. I could take you to a whole new world.." It was a place that even he hadn't finished exploring.. so even to him it was an adventure. He smiled to the lady as he waited to see just what she would think of the proposal.