'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
There will be flower power - Printable Version

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- Noir Aston - 05-20-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v469/ ... /NOIR2.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

 Private for Shannon (I think), 500+

Yet another morning was maturing, and the child was alone. Again. Toefur was sitting against a fallen tree not far away, but the girl still felt a reasonable portion of fear. The girl was telling herself that it would be okay as long as she stayed well inside pack borders. She had been partly broken by the puppy-eating monster, and knew she would never be able to interact with strangers the same way that she had used to. She had followed every rule, but had met an individual that had wanted to hurt her and eat her regardless of how nice she was. The world was not as bright and shiny as she had imagined it to be. The whole episode had been pushed away, and she tried her best to not dwell on what had happened. She wanted to just forget it. This was why she had dared herself out today. She had to let go of the fear. The evil wolf would not get her here, and if she saw him, she would howl and run away. She had dug a small hole so that she could run somewhere safe. Just in case.

She was by the fields where the Aniwaya pack grew some food. Or, at least that was what she had been told, but she could not see anything. The little bag with the seeds had been given to her by her mother so that she could be a nice girl and help the pack get food. Soon she would also start to hunt. The Aston girl had her plan ready. Mommy had said corn and tomato, but that they were not to grow in the same place. The girl did not understand, but maybe if they were put into the dirt together, there would be a corn-tomato plant, and that would be very nice. The girl also had a surprise for her pack. She had secretly brought with premature dandelion seeds from a few flowers that had matured too early. She was certain the pack would be thrilled when they saw dandelions burst up everywhere! The girl ran over the fields and shook the half opened bag, spreading tomato, corn and dandelion seeds all over.

The girl giggled, happy with herself. In her eyes, every flower she had seen so far was an aesthetic thing, and she wanted to help spread the flowers’ beauty all over the lands. She wrongly assumed the pack would be thrilled when they were to see the fields burst into a sea of dandelions. After all, it was impossible not to like flowers. A glance was thrown in Toefur’s direction, making sure he was still there. Of course he would, he could not move on his own. Yet, it made her feel safe with his happy octopus face around. He was a part of her life that would never change. The girl herself was quickly changing these days. Her fur was still fluffy with all its puppy cuteness, but she was no longer a walking sack of potatoes. Her eyes had adjusted to their permanent colour, a rich and warm gold, suiting her tan fur elegantly. The Aston kids were growing up.


- Ocèane Aston - 05-21-2009

She hadn't expected that stupid male to have turned his attack from Noir to her but she hadn't been quick enough an the male had managed to bite down across her hip, grabbing her whole hindleg in the process. She had deep pockmarks where his fangs had sliced through her tender flesh and deep into her muscle. It still hurt to walk but the muscled had knit closed and though she had glaring red scars upon her rump her limb was barely noticeable, except to her, she could feel it and she felt that everyone else could see it just as well. Her mother had shooed her out of the den and told her to go find Noir to see if she needed help planting the tiny seeds, Oceane didn't want to go out where others could see her but she knew Tayui wouldn't allow her to sulk around the densite much longer.

It hadn't taken her that long to find her sister, though she thought that it had, her little ears drooping as she sat outside the tilled ground half hidden beneath some blackberry bushes watching her little sister flinging the seeds around while Toefur sat aside and watched like always. Oceane whined as she saw that Noir wasn't planting the little seeds like she'd watched the adults do. She called out unhappily. "Noir, noooo!" They were probably both going to get in trouble for the mess the field was turning out to be.

Oceane moved out from under her little hideaway and headed into the field carefully, trying to collect the bright yellow seeds of corn. They would never grow like that, all sitting idle ontop the rich dark earth. Her sad eyes took in the whole of the disaster before her as she paws at the seeds helplessly.

- Noir Aston - 05-21-2009



........ The golden girl moved gleefully through the fields, tossing her head around, spreading the seeds everywhere. She couldn’t wait to see their faces when the yellow flowers popped up and made everywhere pretty. The day was in full bloom and everything smelled fresh and flowery. Because she had been born in the coldest season while the world had been asleep, this strange and pleasant change in scenery was still impressive in her eyes. She wanted it to last forever. She wanted more flowers to shoot up and open up to drink of the bright sunlight. It was wonderful! It was wonderful to be alive! The dark shadow in the corner of her mind left by the scary puppy-eating man could not overshadow her love for the green world.

........ Oceane’s voice came from nowhere and made the lighter girl stop in her tracks, face turning in the direction of where the voice was coming from, golden eyes vibrating with instant worry. Her sibling ran into the field and started poking the soft dirt. The golden eyed Aston child gave a short, slightly sad sigh, her heart galloping because of the sudden fear from when her sister’s voice had sounded. Noir dropped the so to speak empty bag of seeds, feeling slightly confused. She did not realize the damage she just had done. ”What’s wrong Oce? I’m putting seeds in the fields for the pack.” Did Oceane think that it was rocks she had spread around? Silly, Noir wouldn’t do that!


- Ocèane Aston - 05-22-2009

Oceane didn't know what to do, she couldn't gather all the seeds and put then where they belonged, there were just too many and Noir had spread them far and wide in her little happy dance across the overturned dirt. Her seafoam hued orbs gazed sadly down at the small pile of seeds that she had rounded up before looking back up at her sister who was trotting over to investigate just what was wrong. Oceane's lip gave a slight quiver as she sighed and covered the seeds over with dirt and shook her head. "You're doing it wrong.. They're.. suppose to be in neat little rows.." She didn't know why she was getting so upset over it, it was just a bunch of seeds and if somehow they actually grew they'd be just a bunch of plants..

She knew that wasn't true, she knew they would supply the tribe and the horses with food. She dug her little paws into the dirt and picked up a piece of corn and placed it in the tiny hole before covering the soil over it and gently patting it down. She quietly started another little hole and put another seed in it, all organized and sitting in a perfect little row. She looked up to Noir, hoping that her sister would begin to understand.

- Noir Aston - 05-22-2009



........ The tan girl’s lips formed into a little circle when her darker sister explained what she had been doing wrong. Neat little rows? But why? Wouldn’t the plant be big if they grew together like a family? She couldn’t understand how someone could live on their own, and this certainly had to matter to the plants too. Besides, how was she going to make tomato-corn if she could not place the seeds together? The way Oceane wanted to do it seemed to take longer as well, and Noir had truthfully believed that this would be a fun thing. ”But I am making tomato-corn with flowers,”


- Ocèane Aston - 05-22-2009

Oceane stared sadly down at the mess of seeds all about them as she shook her head. She would have to try and collect the seeds that her sister had scattered across the field and try and plant them all correctly. She glanced over to her sister as she tried to explain why she'd done what she had done. Oceane pouted as she cried out. "But we can't eat tomato corns! It doesn't work like that!" She began to dig little holes in the ground in a neat row as she scowled at what she could imagine Dawali or Tayui saying at sight before her.

She ignored Noir for a moment until she got a nice line of holes dug. Shaking out the dirt from her fur she padded back over to her sister and said, "I'll dig the wholes and you can plant the corn.." She glanced off towards the direction of the borders as she sighed. "Maybe I can get you big bright yellow flower seeds? Yeah?" She had been told where the massive replicas of the sun were trapped in flowers. Be bet that Noir would love those.

- Noir Aston - 05-22-2009



........ Why couldn’t they eat tomato corns? Noir was certain that this was something Oceane had to make up, because Noir had been the first person to realize that two different plants together would make up a completely new plant. How could Oceane know what worked and what did not? She had not even given the seeds a chance to grow up and prove any of them wrong. The golden eyed Aston child was disappointed. When Noir had been younger, she had instantly accepted whatever her siblings had said, but as she grew older, she seemed to become slightly more sceptical. Maybe this was because her brothers and sister had been able to play so many pranks on her in the past, because she had been the true reincarnation of naivety.

........ "Why can’t we eat tomato-corns? You haven’t even seen one, I think you are making it up, Oce.” the tan girl said as she slowly padded closer to her female sibling. Now Oce was ruining it by disturbing the seeds that her lighter sister had spread out randomly only moments before. Her sister ignored her words and went on, but the other girl managed to catch hold on Noir’s attention the moment she mentioned the word flower. Would Oce give her flower seeds if she planted the corn her way? The light girl could only nod. If her sister wanted this to be done in a particular way, then she could play along, just so that her chocolate coated sister could be happy. ”Okay.” Noir was still fairly confident that Oce did not recognize the flower seeds that were mixed together with the other seeds, and so her little surprise would still remain one!


- Ocèane Aston - 05-22-2009

Oceane had grown to belief that what the adults said is how things should work. When they showed her how to plan the crops she assumed that there was no other way they could grow. She'd never had a chance to look at nature and realized that brambles and blackberry bushes just grew where they wanted to and basically took over whole acres of land with no thought that they were suppose to be organized. Because the adults had put forth the directions Oceane was going to faithfully follow them. The little girl would run off on a whim and cross the river when she knew she wasn't suppose to but when it came to learning the way of things she was solidly on the straight and narrow. She glanced over to Noir as she questioned her logic.

The little girl gave her sister a frown as she stated truthfully. Dawali says they grow this way.." Dawali had said it, end of story. There was no arguing with the great and powerful word of Dawali. Oceane nodded firmly as she began to dig another row of holes, waiting to see if Noir was going to give in and help her or not. She hadn't realized she was holding her breath until Noir actually agreed to help after the mention of the sunflowers. She knew now that she'd have to go to the land of the blazing suns to find the seeds now thatway her sister could spread more across the lands happily. "It's not so bad Noir.." she said as she finished up another set of holes and began to wander off to help collect the scattered pieces of corn.

- Noir Aston - 05-22-2009



........ Noir had failed to pay attention when Dawali had shown them how to do this. With such a beautiful scenery like this, she had troubles keeping her focus on certain things if there were more breathtaking things to pay attention to. Like flowers and butterflies and bees. She really liked the pretty, fat bumblebees that hummed around in the air and drank flower nectar. She wished she could do that. The tan girl wondered what it tasted like. She was certain it had to be sweet and absolutely delicious. Noir caught herself wondering why Oceane seemed to know so much more than her. It was a bit embarrassing at times, because all Noir really wanted to do was what was right, but she seemed to lack the information on how to do things right. Failing to pay attention to Dawali was her own fault though, and she let a grimace take over her face, feeling very silly.

........The Aston girl couldn’t do anything but nod at her sibling. Oce was probably right, although the nature never made things grow like this, and she had believed Aniwaya worshiped the nature and its spirits. There were quite a few things that the brightly coloured Aston girl did not understand. Hopefully it would come in time. In about a month or so, she would even find her own spirit guide! That was what Tayui had told them at least, and the golden eyed girl couldn’t wait for her own to reveal itself. She hoped it was a horse, because she really really wanted a horse. Or maybe a flower. Oce dug and Noir poked the seeds down into the shallow holes. Whenever Oce was not looking, she added a few extra mixed seeds, just because she was so certain that the result would be great.

........”Oce, I’m sorry for doing it wrong. I’m not as smart as you I think.” The little girl replied to her dark sister, willingly pushing herself down to compliment her pretty sister on her brains.


- Ocèane Aston - 05-22-2009

Oceane had never been a flower child, she'd never had the want to gaze off into the distance and dream of bumblebees and daisies. She'd just wanted to be a perfect little wolf in this perfect little world. She expected that soon they would begin their own little paths and she would learn just where the spirits wanted her to go. They were young though and still some things didn't make sense. Instead of question them like her sister she faithfully believed that what she was told was right and that there was no questioning any of it. That's why Oceane had been so steadfast in listening to the teachings of the elder packmates.

Her orbs gazed over at her sister as she silently agreed with Oceane. She nodded herself to confirm things in her mind as she smiled and went back to digging the little holes. She was concentrating so hard on what she was doing she didn't pay any attention to the fact that Noir was playing matchmaker with the seeds in hopes of new creatures further down the line. They had a lot of work ahead of them but if they worked hard and fast they could get done quickly and possibly go find a nice cool spot to lounge in.

When Noir granted Oceane a compliment the little girl frowned to herself and dug at a rock in the dirt before replying. "You're smart too Noir.. just about different things. I don't know much about flowers and butterflies.. and you know lots!" She had never really wanted to know anything about such things but she wasn't about to tell Noir that.

- Noir Aston - 05-22-2009



........ Noir’s light paws scuffled the soft dirt over the mixed seeds, and afterwards she stomped on the earth eagerly, although not completely flattening the soft earth. Her tail waved merrily in the brilliant sunlight. Although this was work, the girl found it pleasant. The light girl was not entirely sure if it was just her or a fact, but it seemed that Oceane had changed a bit lately. The girl with the sea foam eyes had used to be a bit more of a troublemaker, something similar to Attila, only with more active brainwaves. Lately she had seemed to calm down, and Noir was realizing that she was actually enjoying the time she spent with her only sister. It was a good thing, she had always meant that the two girls should get better along with eachother.

Her sister’s reply made a soft smile appear on her delicate face. The girl’s golden orbs released the ground to gaze upon her darker sister. It was true though, Noir had managed to learn a lot on her own, but it was still not as effective as listening to the adults. She did not know the names of he butterflies, for example. There were lots of colours though, and the same went for flowers. The tan girl had decided that she wanted to do something with flowers when she grew up. Maybe make them bloom everywhere in the whole land. She could spend whole days worshiping the delicious plants. ”But they are so pretty, Oce. And they smell very very nice!” She wondered why none of her siblings realized just how special the flourishing life around them were.


- Ocèane Aston - 05-22-2009

(My hand hurtttsss.)

Oceane hadn't told Noir since the day that she'd been attacked by the lone wolf but she had realized then that life wouldn't be so fun without her sister around. It was always fun playing with her brothers but there was just something about a sister than neither of the boys could fill. Oceane stopped digging for a moment and just watched her sister who seemed so carefree digging in the dirt and helping her plant the crops. She tried to smile, a weak wavering thing upon her lips as she hurried and went back to work before her sister caught her watching her.

Oceane just had to nod her head to the words that Noir offered her as she tried to get her to see the beauty and glory in the flowers that she loved so much. Oceane giggled as she shook her head and sighed. "Flowers don't like me.." and as odd as it seems it was right. Everytime she'd tried to play among the lovely blooms she'd always been stung by bees or the strong scent of the blooms had made her sneeze for hours. It just wasn't the same for Oceane, they were two different spirits, that much anyone could see.

- Noir Aston - 05-24-2009



........ There were many revelations from the horrible day when the world had revealed one of its many monsters. Noir had turned it into a small ball of pain and hid it away, refusing to deal with what she felt she could not. The two girls probably felt the same way about their relationship with eachother. The boys were great, but they could not offer her the same as her female sibling could. It was pleasant that things were changing for the better. The light Aston girl was positive this had something to do with her always trying to be nice. Though, now when her sister was more friendly and nice to be around, Noir realized that she felt less reluctant when she allowed the darker girl to borrow Toefur. It only made her happy nowadays. Everything was perfect, except for something dark tracing the frame of her existence.

Ocè said that flowers did not like her, and the girl realized that this could actually be true. Her sister seemed to get a sniffle or something else would happen. It was unfortunate, but Noir knew how to soothe. ”Okay, but Toefur likes you a lot.” Toefur was not a flower, and Ocèane seemed to like him. Noir turned and bounced to the edge of the field, towards where the toy was patiently waiting for the girls to finish up. She nuzzled against the soft fabric of the toy and purred happily. The child grabbed hold of a pink arm and started to carry the toy over to her sister. All of the children had grown since they were one month old, and while Noir and Toefur had been the same size at one point, she was now big enough to carry him around with only the tips of his arms tracing the dirty ground.


- Ocèane Aston - 05-31-2009

The time seemed to pass by quickly as the two chattered on about one conversation and the next. Though things were different between the two sisters they were still nearly polar opposites. She was working on more little hole, not bothered by the dirt that muddled her paws as she turned her seafoam eyes to her sister and offered her a weak smile before she moved on to find some more of the seeds that Noir had scattered across the field. Pushing the dirty seeds back to where they were working Oceane turned her eyes to the dirt, trying to not think of how much there was that was different between the two sisters. It really was hard to find things that they could agree on sometimes unless one or the other gave.

When Noir decided to admit that Toefur liked Oceane she jerked her head up and stared at her sister a moment before giving her a sad smile. "I'm sorry I pulled one of his stitches out.." She had been. She'd been very upset when she'd made Noir cry because one of the plushie's stitches had given. Luckily their mother had been able to fix Toefur all better atleast. She hoped that Noir still wasn't upset about that.

- Noir Aston - 06-04-2009


Lets finish this thread up!

........ Bad things were easily forgotten because there was so much more to focus on that brought happiness into the world. Noir could get upset rather easily, but she also managed to forget about the negative things as well without much trouble. Noir did not think much about differences between the siblings, did not ponder about what could have been better and what not. She was rather satisfied with her current life in every way, no matter if some things about It was not perfect. No, Noir was content in every way, and lived her live day after day, cherishing the fact that she was still alive and able to enjoy what life currently offered her.

........ Her sister’s apology made Noir stop and look at the darker girl. The lightly coloured Aston child had completely forgotten about that particular incident. They had had a little fight about it, a gentle tug fight, and the toy’s arm had not gotten out of the situation unharmed. It had been an unfortunate accident, and she remembered the sadness, but Mommy was good at fixing broken toys, so Toefur was almost as good as new. The golden eyed girl wondered why the apology came up now, when it was history. ”No worry, Oce, Toefur and Noir are not mad at you, it was an accident.” Noir said, voice muffled because she was still holding the toy's arm in her mouth. The girl hoped Oce had not carried this with her for a while.


- Ocèane Aston - 06-09-2009

Oceane was finishing the last of the little holes as she watched Noir sweeping the little seeds into their new homes. She was quite happy that they had actually managed to finish the chore and though it wasn't perfect she knew that the tribe probably wouldn't blame them too much, they were children after all. She pushed a few seeds into holes as she tried to help Noir finish her half of the job quickly, when she looked back up Noir had hold of Toefur again and seemed to be finished as well.

She gave a soft half-hearted smile at the words her sister spoke of the accident so long in the past. She was glad at least that they weren't upset with her but she didn't know just where to go from here. She glanced off towards their den as a smile and and idea came into play. Her sea foam eyes turned back to Noir for a moment as she spoke. "I'll race yous back to the den to tell mommy we're done.." Who knew, maybe mommy had a surprise ready and waiting for them when they got back, it was a nice thought atleast.

- Noir Aston - 06-13-2009



........ All in all, Noir’s brain had forgotten all about the task that she had set out to do. What was on her mind right now was Toefur and flowers, accompanied by pink clouds and butterflies. Whenever there was a practical task, Noir found it too easy to drift away. Thankfully, her darker sibling held a better developed responsibility than her, and helped finished the job. Smiles and laughs always danced together in the light hued girl’s face as long as the daylight was strong and the air sweet. Noir barely noticed her sister’s slightly relieved smile. If there was anything one should know about Noir, it was that her anger died quickly. While some individuals found it easy to remember negative things, Noir’s mind quickly disposed of unpleasant memories. If Ocè had not mentioned the incident that had happened a while back, the golden eyed girl would most likely never have thought about it again, unless it was to tie it to something good.

The child chewed idly on the faded pink Octopus arm, her golden gaze following the distant v-forms of two birds far away. She quite liked birds as well, but they were always so far away. The forest was full of them, but they were hard to get close to, unless it was a spirit animal. Ocèane seemed to know quite a bit about the rumoured spirit guides already, and Noir was just about to ask a question about the topic when her sister’s sea foam gaze turned to her. Noir’s tail twitched at the proposal before it started mimicking a helicopter. Without a word, the light Aston child set off, determined that she had the right to get a head start since she had Toefur dangling helplessly in her maw. The girl were both agile, and one on one they were on about same level, but the girl knew that she would end up as the loser today. It was okay, it would make Ocè happy to win, and Noir could always blame the toy for her loss..
