'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
blood on the dance floor [p] - Printable Version

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- Princess Chance - 05-20-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">

ooc -

For Cmwfen. ^^ Not sure where she is, exactly. . . Somewhere. ^^;

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Princess had been in Dahlia de Mai for days now, and she had yet to find her mother, which was either a blessing or a curse, depending on how one looked at it. On one hand, she was beginning to lose her conviction because of how long it was taking her, but it also gave her more time to consider what she might say to Tokyo. It was frustrating for her to realize just how. . . Expansive Dahlia de Mai was, and she was realizing it was going to take a lot longer than she had initially expected. She had thought to join the pack and find her mother that same day, but it certainly didn't seem like that was going to happen.

Ears back and eyes wide as she looked up at the rising sun, she stamped her paw in the mature fashion swhe must have inherited from her mother. "Doesn't anyone in this place know where Tokyo Chance is!?" she shouted into the air, although it didn't seem like there was anyone around to answer her - and the air certainly couldn't answer her. Since her meeting with Alexey, the folium hadn't met anyone else in the pack, and that included the woman Alexey had suggested she find, Cmwfen. And didn't this pack have anyone her age around, or was she going to have to hope to find her brother again, eventually? Adults could get awfully boring.


- Cwmfen nic Graine - 05-25-2009


Hahah, that’s fine with me, ^=^ Cwmfen moves around a lot anyway. And sorry for the wait!

Having risen and having begun the customary runs of the land, warrior, unshifted, was carried silently through the ever thickening foliage of the forest about her. The bright, golden light sifted through the silent trees that stood tall in the coming morning, watching the inevitable turn of time. Slowly, the song of Night had ended, and the world took up the song of Day. The trees whispered softly in the quiet breeze as the birds fluttered through the leaves and limbs above. And the black fae that traveled as quietly as those whispered sounds reveled in that change, in that simple beauty of nature that ever could take her breath away. Like war and like battle, there was nothing quite so singularly beautiful. It was what made her solitude so beautiful and so preferable; even with that new emotion that fluttered in her heart, the woman was able to live that solitary life, indulging only when she was able and when he was able. Such a precious thing was not meant to last, she knew, and each meeting was made more precious because of it.

The woad bound ears pricked forward at a distant sound that broke through the silence. The silent, graceful movements of the black fae ceased, a movement so natural she seemed to meld into the world about her. And those sounds carried upon the air were not like the sounds of the forest, and she had recognized distinct words in that call. And so the woman changed her course, wondering who it was that had called through the woods. That voice had not been one that the woad warrior recognized, but it had been a young voice. So she wondered if it belonged to another of the de Sadiras. Already she had been acquainted with Palindrome, Avarice, Catharsis, and Catalyst, but she knew that there was another—a male, she thought. And though the voice had seemed feminine, the woman could not discard the possibility of the pup being that male. Her senses were not yet acutely trained to the behaviors of pups, but with the influx of the young creatures, the warrior was learning very quickly. While such a thing may not have been directly related to the arts of war and to the battles that she would fight, it was nonetheless a thing that must be known if she were to be within a pack that accommodated such young.

The pup that she found was not a de Sadira—she knew immediately by the simple scent; it carried neither the scent of the other de Sadira’s nor the familiar patterns that belonged to Cercelee and Slay. And the smell of the pup, while notable, did not deeply carry the particular scent of the pack. As the woman approached silently, greeting the pup directly from the front, she wondered if this pup had a direct relation with the one that was sought, Tokyo Chance. There was only slight wariness at this supposition, for thus far the conglomeration of families within this pack had not attributed to respectable events. Nonetheless, the woman hoped that this pup would hold as much promise as the de Sadiras. "You’re seeking Tokyo Chance?" the quiet melody inquired as if to confirm the distant words that had been heard. The Caledonian lilt was soft and gentle. "What... relation are you to her?" The warrior was merely curious, not demanding or upset. But she was curious as to this fact, for it may provide the insight that would explain why her packmate was sought.


- Princess Chance - 05-26-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">


Princess eyed the older female warily. Her voice was quiet, and the pup was beginning to wonder if everyone in the pack had a quiet demeanor - and if they were all female. So far, she had only met Alexey and this woman, but it was enough. Of course, she didn’t know the size of the pack. Dahlia de Mai could have been huge, containing more members than she had ever seen in a pack, but as far as she knew, it definitely consisted of five members; herself, Alexey, this female, Cmwfen, and Cercelee, who Alexey had called the leader. Unless this is Cercelee, or maybe Cmwfen, she thought, wondering about how she should act.

“I’m her daughter, Princess. And I gotta ask her a question, and Alexey said she might be here, so I gotta try and find her,” she answered, her tone determined. Princess lifted her chin to look up at the female’s face. She didn’t think she was threatening, although she liked to think she could be the boss someday. Right now, you see, she was just too small to be the boss, as she was smaller than the average pup her age. As Princess looked up at the older female, she decided that she wasn’t very scary, either. Despite her tenacious nature, her inner thoughts conflicted, and she wasn’t as tough as she thought. She was honestly afraid of meeting everyone in the pack. What if they were all big and mean?

Realizing she had been quiet for a few more moments than necessary, her ears perked up as she smiled timidly. “Who’re you? Alexey told me some of the names of people in the pack, but not many.” She paused, processing what the female had first said to her. “Wait! Do you know my mother? Does that mean she’s here?” She couldn’t contained her growing excitement, and she was pushing down her nerves. There’s nothing to be worried about. I’m her favorite. ‘s long as she doesn’t hate me for leaving her, she reminded herself.


- Cwmfen nic Graine - 05-27-2009



The pup seemed to be wary of her immediately. Catalyst had exhibited a similar response when she had first met the young girl, but this pup seemed to retain that sense of caution. From a quick glance, the warrior was able to deduce that this pup was several months older than Catalyst. However, the she wolf, because she had never been around pups even in her own childhood, had not yet been able to deduce the maturity levels of pups at certain ages. And so the woman remained silent and still—perhaps if she moved closer, the pup would become unnerved. The warrior was a solitary creature, and she did not wish to invoke such a response—it was not something that she was accustom to nor something that she could handle. But in the brief silence, she thought that the pup had recognizable features. Perhaps this pup did indeed belong to another member of the pack. The woad tipped tail waved once behind her in an amiable fashion.

When the pup spoke, she spoke quickly and at length without breath—many of the pups had such tendancies, the Adonis thought fondly. The woad bound ears pricked forward. Princess. The woman liked to consider the names of the pups, especially because they were so young and so inexperienced that much influence was still effective upon them. But she did not know what to think of this name—would she be a good leader, or would she be an arrogant girl? And the warrior hoped that it would be the former. Alexey must have been the wolf that had admitted her. "Don’t worry," the golden melody soothed gently. "We’ll find her." And then she was silent. The pup had fallen silent as well, and the woman’s white orbs considered her once more. So Princess was Tokyo’s daughter? The Adonis became wary in turn, but not toward the pup specifically. The black fae simply hoped that trouble would not arise as it had with the other families that had conglomerated within Dahlia’s boarders.

A soft smile graced the warrior’s maw in response to the pup. "I’m Cwmfen nic Graine, Adonis and Warrior of this pack. It’s a pleasure, Princess," the soft alto greeted formally and bowed her maw briefly in greeting. The black fae was always respectful of the members, even the pups. "I do know your mother," the black fae confirmed. There was a slight pause before she spoke again, the white orbs wandering into the distant packlands. "I was the one who admitted her into the pack, but I have seen very little of her lately," she admitted openly. "I have caught her scent," the melodic voice continued. "She seems to travel frequently within these boarders." This, of course, meant that it could be difficult to locate the woman in question, especially if she was not upon the lands at the moment. The white orbs returned to the pup, meeting her gaze easily. Cwmfen hoped, however, that the pup would not be too disappointed.


- Princess Chance - 05-27-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">


Princess started, realizing who she was talking to. “You! It’s you! Alexey said you might know where to find my mother!” In hopes of not offending the woman, Princess made no mention of her opinion of the female’s name. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t have even thought twice about speaking her mind, but Princess wasn’t completely stupid. She knew that Cmwfen was potentially going to help her, and having the possibility of insulting her didn’t seem like the brightest idea. She still thought that the name was weird, but Cmwfen was much different than Princess had expected. With such an odd name, she had expected someone either incredibly eccentric, or meaner than a pissed-off goose. So far, Princess could only see a nice woman before her, and she was grateful for that. Better not screw that up, Princess.

“Good, because I really hafta ask her a question,” she announced quickly, inhaling deeply at the end so that she wasn’t left breathless. That explanation had worked for Alexey and there were no questions asked, so she hoped it would work as well for Cmwfen. Fleetingly, she wondered if it might be a good idea to ask this woman about her brother, even though Alexey had denied knowledge of him. It was possible that, being the warrior for the pack and likely to be moving around, Cmwfen might visit areas that Alexey did not. She and her brother had argued about finding Tokyo, and now Princess wanted to find him again, almost as much as she wanted to find their mother. The two pups had been through a lot together. They’d run away from their mother twice; the first, when their three siblings were killed, and again, successfully, a few months prior to their argument.

Deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to ask, Princess blurted out, “Do you know my brother? I wanna find him, too, on account of I miss him a lot. Does anyone in this pack know Buttface? Alexey didn’t, but maybe someone else does,” she added. It still hadn’t occurred to her how strange their names were; Princess and Buttface Chance. It just seemed normal to her, even though Cmwfen had a relatively normal name, compared to Buttface. Tokyo hadn’t been the most mature mother, having killed, mistreated, and immaturely named her pups. Regardless, Princess did miss her, but she was beginning to be mad at herself for having left Buttface in the first place. I should have tried harder to make him come with me. He might have tried to come later, though, so I have to keep asking, she thought woefully.


- Cwmfen nic Graine - 05-27-2009



The black fae tilted her head ever so slightly, perhaps even indiscernibly, in question. The pup seemed to recognize her, though the warrior could not remember when they had been acquainted. However, the pup immediately explained that it had been the name that was recognized, and Cwmfen nodded quietly. When the warrior had met the woman in question, there had almost been a childish dislike of Palindrome, who had been present. If this Princess was Tokyo’s daughter, the warrior wondered why the pup was not in the mother’s care. "I can do what I can to help," the soft melody offered, though the woman was not sure how helpful she would actually be. She was not, after all, a social creature, and she tended to watch the members of the pack from a distance, unwilling to burden the more outgoing with her quiet, perhaps even awkward, presence. That was not to say, of course, that the Adonis disliked the company of the members. She simply felt that her social inadequacies would cause discomfort. Most recently, Sankor had rejected her company, and that was still a confusing circumstance.

This question that needed asking seemed very important to the pup, and a light smile crossed the woman’s maw. "If I knew where she was, I’d take her to you," the woman began quietly, almost shyly. The Adonis really wished that she could better aid the pup in her search. There was a slight pause. "She said that she had taken up a den somewhere in the pack. I Think that I’ve scented her most frequently by the shore, but she’s been to vineyard too." Cwmfen smiled apologetically. She had even scented Tokyo in the unclaimed lands. But she had not encountered the woman after the pack celebration. And yet, although the pack was a large territory, it would not be impossible for the pup to find her mother. "I’m sure she’s here somewhere," the melody assured. "Perhaps, in the meantime, you could make yourself at home," the warrior suggested. It would be good for Princess to know the members of the pack. Perhaps she could find some playmates in the other pups of the pack. And of course, the woad marked fae could help the pup a bit, but she also had her duties to fulfill. A little time would never hurt, and the warrior was in no rush.

"Buttface?" The alto melody rose in inquiry. There were so many unique names harbored within the world—could not Tokyo have chosen one that would have suited the pup more. It was not the warrior’s place to ask such a question, Cwmfen decided. And she had a more serious view on life than others had anyway; such maturity arose from that silent promise of Death. "No, he has not been here." And it was stated with a certainty. The woman wandered over many scents on her patrol, and while she would not have known the name of the brother, she would have recognized a similarity to the hypothetical scent and the sent of Princess. "Where did you lose him?" she asked suddenly. It occurred to her that Buttface could be in danger should he have been lost within these lands, for Brennt was allowed to prowl freely, and he did not discriminate between pups.


- Princess Chance - 05-30-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">


She was glad to have found someone who seemed so willing to help a strange pup like herself. So many people were far too wrapped up in their own affairs - Princess herself was included in this group, usually - to consider helping anyone else with their problems. From all that she could remember of her mother, Tokyo was also found in the group that would not help, and Princess could only assume that it was an inherited trait. Cmwfen was a quiet woman, and if she had been one to acknowledge things like this, Princess would have felt bad for asking so much of her when she had only just met her. Fortunately for her in this situation, Tokyo’s pampering had left her almost completely lacking in proper manners. All that she knew had come from the others she had encountered with Buttface after they had left their mother in the dead of night.

A den near the shore seemed possible, as Tokyo was very high-maintenance, and the shore was quite lovely, from what Princess could remember. “She might be at the shore? I guess I’ll look there first, then,” she decided, but was befuddled when it came to the mention of a vineyard. Not only had she never been to a vineyard, so she didn’t know what one looked like. . . Princess hadn’t the faintest idea of what a vineyard was in the first place. She was afraid to say that aloud, however. She was far too dignified and pretty and smart to have to ask such a question (of course, this was in her own perspective). “I lost Buttface sometime after we ran away from Momma. I don’t know where, but it was a while ago. I guess I was just hoping he’d come here, too,” she explained, her hope drained. Another stone turned, and no brother.


- Cwmfen nic Graine - 05-31-2009



The warrior was a quiet creature, and she rarely exhibited behavior that was out of the ordinary, that could even be described as ‘fun’. The black fae did not play, at least not in the manner of the connoted words. She played with her weapons and with the patterns of war, and she played with death. It occurred to her briefly that such a thing may be displayed to a pup and misunderstood, but such a thought crossed her mind only briefly. The woman was not unkind, and that must be good enough. It was all she had to offer in such situations.

A light smile graced her maw. "The shore may be ideal," the woman replied in concurrence. "Even if Tokyo is not there today, there are many things to explore there." For a pup, the shore may be an exciting place. The sands held many secrets and treasures, some from the ocean, such as shells, and others not, such as the remains of humans. The latter was rarer. But the treasures of the sea were beautiful, even the tiny shells so strangely coloured that it was difficult to even imagine that such a colour existed. Had the woad marked fae had the chance to explore the nearby sea in her childhood, she would have seen many such beautiful things and harbored them as any child should. But she had not, unfortunately. Now, the woman simply looked, briefly noting those tiny deposits of the ocean before returning to the immediate task at hand. "Perhaps, even if she is not there at first, she will come later." This was only an assumption, and a very weak one at that, since Cwmfen did not know the girl’s mother very well, but it was one that she made because the woman’s scent pattern.

There was a certain amount of concern that rose within the black fae. Although Princess’ brother was of no immediate concern of the pack, he was nonetheless a defenseless pup wandering through the lands. And while the black fae did not hold a particular fondness for the insolence often displayed by pups, the laws of this society and her duty as the warrior had brought such a need to defend others upon her. The woman nodded imperceptibly, though she did so in response to herself and not in response to the pup’s words. "I’ll keep an eye out for him," her alto melody sounded in the following silence. "But I want you to stay in the packlands—do not wander about. It’s dangerous out there," she warned, "because there’s someone who’s looking for pups in particular. One of Dahlia’s youth has already been attacked, and the pups of other packs as well." The warrior did not necessarily lessen the details of this threat, though she left out unnecessary specificities. And she hoped that this would be reason enough to keep the pup in obedience at least to this singular warning. Once she had departed from the pup’s presence today, the woman decided, she may pay a visit to DaVinci and warn him of this threat if Dawali Amara had not already.


- Princess Chance - 05-31-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">


If Tokyo wasn’t at the shore and if she didn’t return, in that case, Princess was going to be very unhappy. It wasn’t that the shore didn’t seem interesting to her, for she was kind of intrigued. She hadn’t been subjected to the shore all that much, and under different circumstances, it would have held a great deal of appeal for the young female. Unfortunately, she did not have much time to dwell on such an idea, as she would have to find her mother before she could enjoy the area she was now living in. Evidently, Cmwfen had never had such an urgent need to find someone, if she was suggesting that Princess go exploring. Princess couldn’t help but feel skeptical. At this point her life, all that mattered was finding Tokyo, and then finding Buttface. Exploration and enjoyment could certainly come later.

“Thanks. For telling me ‘bout my mother, and for looking out for him. He’s gotta be lonely out there,” she explained, though her eyes had widened at Cmwfen’s warning of someone out there and attacking pups. Certainly no one would try to hurt her, and no one would want to hurt Buttface, because he was her brother. Someone would have to be an idiot to not know how special Princess and Buttface were, and how much their mother loved. . . Princess. Tokyo didn’t love Buttface, but Princess assumed that Tokyo loved her (if she still loved her, of course, after she had run away) enough to cover both puppies. “How come someone wants to hurt puppies? And would they really try to hurt me? Who already got attacked?” She paused to consider what was already said. “And how many other puppies are there in Dahlia de Mai? I haven’t met any yet, but maybe they know of Buttface.”


- Cwmfen nic Graine - 06-01-2009



There was something about this pup. She certainly displayed a mature attitude, but such a narrow scope could be dangerous. It was not healthy for a young mind to dwell upon a singly thought for a great amount of time. Indeed, this maturity was beyond most pups, but it could prove to be dangerous. Physically, it could get one into trouble, and mentally it could cause blocks within the mind that stunt its growth. But the woman could not be sure if this was truly what she saw within the pup, and it was not necessarily within her knowledge to aid the pup in such a thing, especially if such efforts would be rejected. "My pleasure," the soft alto responded with gentle tones. "I only wish that I could be more helpful." But had she even aided the pup, the woman wondered? She did truly wish that she had more knowledge of the pack members. The woman felt as if she had disappointed the pup. Alexey, after all, had told Princess that she would know something, and she herself had known very little. At least she could do her best to watch out for a similarly scented pup. The chances of her running into the young boy were very slim, especially because these lands were vast and contained a variety of topography. That, however, would not stop the warrior from trying. It would not be hard to sample a scent even when attempting to locate Brennt and, soon, her father.

Just as it had with every other pup she’d warned, her warning came as a shock, something taken to be surreal, like something out of the story books. A gentle smile pressed upon her woad bound maw. "He just eats puppies—they’re his food, just like deer and rabbit are our food." The woman paused. Perhaps her practical explanation was diluted for the standards of this society, but the woman had a relatively open mind when it came to the behaviors of other creatures. "I have tried to warn him, but he doesn’t listen.... It will cost him his life." The woman did not necessary dilute the facts. It was the pups that were threatened, and they deserved to know what was out there. If anything, it would keep them obediently within the pack’s boarders. That was the best she could hope for. Then the woman nodded. "If he finds you, he will eat you—this wolf does not discriminate." It was important for Princess to realize that she was not invincible. Such misconceptions brought death upon many warriors.

"I think that there are seven other pups," the woman replied. "You have plenty of friends to make." While the woman did not particularly consider herself fond of pups, it was better to have more of them at a single time, just as Dahlia did. Such numbers provided enough playmates for the pups. If anything, such a thing kept them busy. But more importantly, the bonds made in puppy hood would no doubt last the lifetime. This was an important part of a wolf’s life. "They might know him, but many have not yet been out of the packlands," the woman responded. "Perhaps Avarice will know—she was outside the packlands when she was attacked by that wolf. But Conor and Emwe have also been out. You might want to start with them."


- Princess Chance - 06-02-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #258BA4 solid; font-size: 10px;">

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Do you mind terribly if I pull Princess out, and perhaps we could have another thread some other time? ^^; If you'd rather continue, just shoot me a PM and I'll edit the ending a bit. 331 words.

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Cmwfen had not been as helpful as Princess had originally wished for, but at least Princess knew for sure that her mother was a member of Dahlia de Mai, and she even had a starting point to look for Tokyo. The older female seemed apologetic, but it simply wasn’t in the pup’s nature to try and convince her that she had been helpful, even if she thought the woman had been. Itching to begin her search, Princess couldn’t help but fidget a little as the black female talked about the puppy eating monster - whatever his name was, as the Adonis had not yet told her who to watch out for - and the other puppies in the pack. Conor, Emwe, and Avarice. . . All names to remember for when she began looking for Buttface again, once she found her mother in this vast land of however many individuals. It could take forever.

Taking her eyes off of the adult, Princess looked around them, trying to decide which direction to take. She didn’t know where the shore was, but she was growing tired of sitting and talking, so she didn’t plan to ask which direction she should head. What she really wanted to do was barrel past the female in front of her and demand that anyone she comes across lead her to Tokyo. What she was going to do was continue searching impatiently, and she knew she would grow annoyed quickly if she didn’t find her. . . So she had to get a move on it. “Thanks again, Cmwfen, for helping me. Stuff ‘bout my mom, and for warning me about. . . What’s-his-name, the puppy eater, I guess. But I’m going to go now. I wanna look for her some more. I’ll start at the shore. Thanks!” Princess stood up, offering the female a quick smile before she turned and trotted away, moving her small body at a pace just a tad too fast for her body.
