'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Haku Soul - 05-24-2009

For Svara

He wandered through the withering streets of Halifax, pondering where he could find the black and white pied demon with the pitch black eyes. A part of the man had recognized the other being, yet he was not fully aware of this. Another tumour was developing, and the man had now gone as far as to break his own rule, the promise he had made to Cercelee many months ago. There was something greater at stake, and he had started to realize that this was not a new start. There were no new beginnings, no more chances. It was his choice whether to suffocate and die or live. Like any living, reasonable creature, Haku Soul chose life before death, although death was what would bring him to life. He walked blindly in darkness, but had faith in that he would be able to see in time. Reincarnation was a brilliant thing. Soon, he would be able to see and understand it all. He would not question authority again, once he had succumbed.

The morning was quiet and eerie, stripped for life. This was his world, and he enjoyed the silent and broken scenery as he slowly continued his stride, aiming to get a glimpse of the sea at the far south end of the city.


- Svara Thames - 05-24-2009


He would pay for what he had done. She would make sure she did everything in her power to make him suffer for doing this to her. Even if he hadn't known it was her mother, it had been another women. His infedelities would not be over looked. The blind she wolf couldn't see past her anger in this situation. Leroy said he loved her, but now she saw it was all bull crap. She didn't have her staff today in her rage she had left it at the cabin.

Here she was so close to building a pack with all the others and this had to happen. If she could she would kill the male, his betrayl was the worst of all of her betrayls. The red female had stopped crying the moment she had left him behind with Sabeen, she didn't want to cry she wanted to make him regret his actions, and she would. Moving through the woods she was heading away from the beach. His scent suddenly hit her like a ton of bricks. It made her hurtle to a stop and grind her teeth. Why was Haku Soul out here? He never came this far out. Taking in a deep breath she tried to slow her racing heart.

Why now did she still feel excited when Haku soul came around? Even now her thoughts about Leroy were chased away by Haku souls Presence. Moving forwards it didn't take her long to find him. He was walking towards her when she stopped. She should hate him for kicking her out, but in the end deep down she couldn't hate Haku soul. Just like she couldn't Hate firefly. They were the closest thing to a family she had ever had. Looking at the male with her good eye she didn't let her blank face show any emotion, she just watched him waiting for the harsh words or even attack. "Haku...." Was all the female said.


- Haku Soul - 05-24-2009


His thoughts wandered aimlessly although they disturbingly empty, hollow as the dreamy fairytales. There was no truth. His full wolf form was forever abandoned, and he had come to realize that it was one of the more visible changes that were happening. There had been a time where he had pondered how it would end, what would happen. When he had first arrived here there had been a calm reigning in his body, regardless of the black corruption, already present all the way back then. Now there was a core of chaos, and he did not understand why. Was it the fuel?

Her scent slithered into his nostrils like oil corrupting the sea life, leaving a thick, disgusting foam of grease. His stroll had apparently lead him straight to her, and when her body arrived to accompany the lonely stench, he stopped in his tracks, pondering what exactly she was doing around in these areas. Halifax was a place often visited by the male, as it was full of hidden treasures and solitude. He did not want anything to do with the girl. Her voice sounded lonely and fragile in the silent morning air, but he did not ponder what lay behind.

She had turned her back on him after countless chances. She had proved her worthlessness enough times. She was nothing to him. The chocolate and cream secui seemed to hesitate for a moment, but he quickly turned ninety degrees and started to walk again, straying from his planned path. She had ruined his day already.


- Svara Thames - 05-24-2009

OOCBig Grinoom Doom she's gonna get it......poor Svara TT___TT

He didn't even talk to her. All to suddenly he had turned and left, leaving her behind as if she was nothing. Her yellow eye looked down not wanting to see his retreating back because it hurt to see it. She would always love Haku soul, she had made mistakes where he was concerned, but she never understood what her mistakes were. Svara had changed a lot since leaving Dahlia De Mai.

She didn't want to call out to him, because that would seem dessperate. Even though there wasn't much she wouldn't trade to hold the male. He was dark and didn't see things like most people, but neither did she. She was harsh and didn't care for weakness, even though she had a lot of them. It was easy to let Cwmfen go after her harsh words, but it was Hard to let Haku go.

Before she knew what she was doing she was following him moving ahead of him and blocking his path. If he would walk away then she would bait him, Svara would rather see his anger then indifferance. "You treat me like I'm nothing? Is that fair? At least one rage filled word would have been worth more you ass hole!" She said with out once raising her voice. Svara bit her tounge, did he deserve that? With anyone else he wouldn't have been so kind to just walk away. With a deep sigh she dropped to her knees and looked down. "I'm so fucking pathetic. You didn't deserve that......I'm sorry." She said roughly her hands fisted. She knew they had differances, his loyalty to Cercelee, her own loyalty was never given.


- Haku Soul - 05-24-2009


His pace was slow, but his clawed paws hit the ground firmly in quiet their quiet resignation. The sky blue orbs stared monotony forwards, but it did not take long before there was movement in the corner of his eye. It was red-furred, like Svara Thames. The secui clenched his jaws together determinately. He did not wish to let rodents work him up into annoyance. She grew in size and passed him, thereafter she was cheeky enough to block his path. The male halted, and the sparkle within tempted the sleeping beast. He had not kicked her out of Dahlia de Mai, it had been her own choice, and he had merely carried out her wish. She had said to hell with it all, and he had respected that and sent her out of her obvious misery. His ears were slowly folded backwards towards his skull. He was in no mood for her childish games, her bi-polar revelations that always ended with explosions.

He was right. She opened her mouth and started to whine. She was not even worth an eye rolling. She started off in her accusing tone, and he replied instantly. ”You are nothing.” the truth could sting her as much as it wanted, because there was nothing else to say. Why should he dignify her with his presence when she had thrown everything away. The husky’s scent was light on her fur. So the two were still together. Good, they deserved eachcother. It was just such a shame that he had never been able to spill the male’s guts down on the ground. It seemed the Lilium had failed repeatedly ridding himself of vermin lately. Ass hole. So strange, he had always believed his name was something else. He flashed his teeth at her, certain that she was consciously attempting to wind him up. Did she want to have her blood run freely? She seemed to invite it.

”Yes, you are pathetic.” the male then replied when she changed direction yet again, apologizing for being a pathetic idiot. She was not sorry. It was just a word she had learned to use as a child. She did not understand the meaning of it, the intention that needed to be behind the words so that it could make sense. He slowly padded closer to her, not stopping before he was one foot away from her kneeling form. His bared fangs had vanished behind dark lips. His gaze was strangely empty as he looked at the poor trash. Oh, if she could only see herself the way others did.


- Svara Thames - 05-24-2009

OOC:changed the words didn't like what she said ^-^

He was always, nonforgiving. A part of her kept going back to that one day in the kitchen when he had talked to her and she to him. Svara wished she could take back a lot of things, maybe even make Haku see how much she loved him. Even if she loved him she wouldn't let him hurt her now, she was rash and made bad choices, but she wasn't worthless. Maybe it was time to stop showing him what she felt. The mask went over her face again, leaving her features completely blank. "I wish it could have been different."

Getting up she passed him moving towards something, she didn't know what. Her mother was no longer a problem. The whore was nothing to her, she was a mindless insane creature that her anger was wasted on. Why be angry at a fool? That didn't go for Haku soul, he wasn't a fool, he was far from it. Why did his acceptance matter so much to her? No tears came to her dry eyes, no anger came to her gut, only pure distraction. She had learned and learned as much as she could and it was all for nothing. Stopping at a large tree she sighed deeply and dropped down leaning against it. Svara was thought about Leroy and what he did with her mother and she laughed, a rough and releaving sound. She would have sex with any male she could, it was pay back for what he had done. The red she wolf really hated people at this point. Everyone.


- Haku Soul - 05-25-2009


The man preferred not to ponder about those things that could have been. The past had already been written, and the only thing one could do was to look back and learn from mistakes. Aside from that, nothing. Things could not be changed, and he did not want her back. He did not wish she had acted differently. If she had, he would not have recognized her worthlessness that quickly. She mumbled her reply, but no emotion stirred in him, and his face remained to that of something unnatural; unmoving, unforgiving. Her insolence caught hold of her again, and she got up on her feet and walked straight past him. As she did and her back was turned on him, he revealed his true face, displaying fangs that wanted to ruin beautiful things.

His path was clear again, and so he did not bother to turn to see where she chose to place herself. It did not matter, because he was not interested in her worthless chatter. They had nothing to say to eachother, although she did not seem to want to realize this fact. He moved forwards yet again, thoughts quickly drifting away from the individual he was leaving behind.


- Svara Thames - 05-25-2009

OOC:changed the words didn't like what she said ^-^

As she sat there she finally understood what she really wanted. What had been nagging at her cut for so long. Smirking she leaned forwards and shifted. It had been a while since she used her four legged form. Svara hadn't realized how much she missed it. Stretching her legs and back Svara felt a new energy this way. Without one more thought she started running her long youthful legs moving quickly below her. Running flat out it didn't take her long to catch up to the male and do exactly what she intended to.

Jumping onto Haku soul her teeth locked onto his ear, of course in no way was the bite visious or nasty. Svara was sure he would take it the wrong way, but that was fine at this point. Maybe she had lost her mind, but words were so useless and she was so bad at them anyways. The red she wolf was tired of thinking she made mistakes. She wanted to play, to make something worth while. Hell if this wasn't the time.


- Haku Soul - 05-25-2009


He spun around as her teeth found his sensitive ear. Fuck it. She was begging for it, and the man momentarily decided that he would give the purebred little bitch what she so sorely wanted. This was something he should have done a long time ago, and he could not really understand why he hadn’t. Every scene that had included her screamed for death. The man paid no attention to why her jaws parted so easily with her ear when he twisted his face around, as that was of no importance. Her intention of this silly move was of no importance, because she had disrespected him yet again by not allowing him to leave when he obviously wanted nothing to do with the bitch. The demon screamed in his ears and tightened its grip around throat, and the lightness grabbed hold of his mind, introducing his saviour, his everything.

His teeth searched for the tender flesh between her neck and shoulder, starving for the soft resistance that would be offered before the skin broke and brought the bright red to him. As he, as always, was in secui, he did not use the jaws alone. He forced the rest of his body to turn around together with his head, and his forelegs rose on every side of her, paws ready to dig themselves into the sides of her ribs and then to slam her into the ground with him on top and in control. He hoped her nerves were up for some heavy working. She would know pain by the time he turned his back at her again.


- Svara Thames - 05-25-2009

OOC:changed the words didn't like what she said ^-^

His teeth locked onto her shoulder making her bark out in pain at first, but pain only lasted for a few seconds as pleasure slide down her spin. Svara knew why it felt like this, why he made her feel like this. He was the one male she couldn't have, couldn't ever make him see what she would do to be perfect in his eyes, even when she failed miserably she take what she'd get. The moment she was slammed into the ground her breath was knocked out of her, only long enough for her to gasp a few times.

Watching him above her, knowing he was going to tear her apart. Svara just smiled up at him. "Your mortal claws can't tear deep enough haku." Her words were breathless. Before she knew what she was doing she nipped his maw, lightly teasingly. This was her own way of fighting him, and showing him. This was her way of saying she was sorry for disrespecting him. "That day you found me and leroy......it was you I was protecting.....I should have let you kill him.....I didn't believe in you....." Her ears lay back flat on her head as her yellow eye watched him. "I was wrong." No beating he could give her would bring pain, only saticfaction. A smirk came to her lips. "Do your worst Haku Soul."


- Haku Soul - 05-25-2009


He drew blood at once and tightened his grip instantly at this revelation, wanting more of it to bubble up to the surface and feed his tainted being. There was a depressing lack of resistance, but it did not bother the male, because he knew he would be able to make her scream. She collided harshly with the ground, and although his face was temporarily able to forge a grin upon his lips, the man took pleasure in finally giving her what she deserved. She had never had sense to tiptoe around him, and today was the day she would pay for everything she had done, whether the punishment was justified or not did not matter, because Haku formed his own rules about who deserved what and the amount of it.

Her words were useless, and she made the foolish move to nip at him. He understood now. Perhaps she had attempted to reveal it to it several times without success, but it was too late for both of them now. Her next words made little sense, as she still were together with the worthless piece of husky that he had found her with. No pain? Do his worst? He removed his paws from her sides and slammed a foot down on her chest, forcing her breath out of her lungs. If her words were true, then he could have some proper fun before he fixed her. He moved off her and to her tail, and grabbed hold of it. Without hesitation, he pressed his jaws forcefully together, both hearing and feeling the bones crunch so delightfully.


- Svara Thames - 05-25-2009

OOC:changed the words didn't like what she said ^-^

His eyes were deadly. It was a look she had never wanted to see out of him at her. She remember once when she defended him from a girl he had rapped, she still would. His foot on her chest forced the breath out of her lungs, painfully. She bit her lip hard drawing blood, but keeping in her reactions to pain. Her strength was her only savor now, and she would repent for everything. Most likely he had broken her rib, she knew there would be a lot of bandaging to do after this. It didn't matter. Forcing her body to arch as if in pleasure, she wanted him to see what he was so blind to.

She knew this was only the begining, the warm slide of blood from her shoulder was distracting, but the blood from her lip filled her mouth giving her something to concentrate on. She saw him move, her breath was starting to come back, which was bad for what he was about to do. When his jaw locked onto her tail she wanted to scream, in bubbled in her throat tempting to burst, but she swallowed it. Svara forced the tears to stay in her eyes, blinking them away. Instead she let a moan pass her lips, making the sound what it would if he had touched her like she had dreamed about. She would let him see she was strong, let him see she would take everything he had to offer. "It's never to late...." She said in her husky voice.


- Haku Soul - 05-25-2009


She was teasing him, and there was anger bubbling up to his surface. She only produced a moan, something that both disappointed and angered him. He pressed his jaws harder together, then let go and moved to another bit of tail where be bit down, shattering the bones in her tail. Fucking bitch. He let go again and licked his lips, a soft pink mixed in with cream and chocolate.. He found the first place where he had broken her tail and grabbed hold of it, almost tenderly. He lifted it a bit upwards and then curled it towards her back. Then a paw came to assist and pressed heavily down on the already damaged tail, further ruining the bones and forcing it to point in an unnatural angle. On a second thought, it did not matter whatsoever. His jaws embraced her brutally again and he shook and ripped at the tail, well aware that the pain would be impossible to hide.

- Svara Thames - 05-25-2009

OOC:bloopbloop goes the fishie

You could hide pain, not matter how great it was. As long as the feat was more thant the pain. He was intent to make her break, to make her scream, she wouldn't do that, because that meant she wasn't worthy of him. She didn't want that. He went to her tail his jaw tightening making her want to move away, she forced herself to hold still. Wasn't she supposed to hate him? See him as an enemy? She couldn't, it was impossible for her. The sound of breaking bone was sickening and painful.

She wanted to vomit, but held back the rising bile. It was only a matter of minutes before he took her tail and pulled the broken mass back making her arch her back in pain, finally screaming out, but it wasn't a mindless shout. No, Svara screamed words. "I love you! My master!" She didn't know what she said, the pain was clouding her thoughts, she knew it was something, she didn't even know if she had begged for mercy. She hoped she hadn't. Didn't want him to think that was what she wanted. Death wasn't scary to her, she just didn't want to die before she could do what she had wanted. Even as a pup she had fought death, and he had helped her do that. Why hadn't he just let her die then? Then she would have this suffering.


- Haku Soul - 05-25-2009


She screamed and the words were revealing a shattering truth that attempted to embrace his deaf ears. He turned from her ruined tail and sunk his teeth into her hip. Not too deep, as he did not want her life blood to be spilled as of yet. He ripped and chewed, biting down several times down her leg, then he went to her face. If she enjoyed it, why not do it properly? He placed a paw right beneath her ear and let his claws rip up her skin down her muzzle. He wanted to see her in red. Another set of claws started to rake across her chest before he stomped down on the same spot that he had earlier before he had gone to ruin her tail. He pressed his snout against her bleeding muzzle, letting his tongue flicker out to taste her red fluid before his teeth flashed again, grabbing hold of her lower jaw in an almost loving way, though his teeth lightly pierced everywhere they went.

He knew how to reveal for all what she was, and it would be a great source of joy and entertainment. If she were to survive, that was. That was up to her dear lover or whoever that held her close, if they were to find her in time after the demon was done with her. Brilliant blue traced her form, a more intense red than her natural colouration obediently spreading everywhere, making his world sparkle with that dark vision that he dreamt of every night.


- Svara Thames - 05-25-2009

OOC:bloopbloop goes the fishie

What ever her words were, he continued. Though he left her tail to go to her hip, this time making her shiver in pleasure. Her tail was in so much pain it was hard to think, she didn't care. Her breathing was shallow and coming in short bursts. He couldn't understand what she felt, and she didn't begin to think he would. His claws found their way to her face. Again her teeth bit down on her lip, keeping from letting him know any pain she felt. Only a breathless gasp escaped her maw after he had brough claws to flesh.

Then his teeth were on her maw, almost lovingly. She shivered and let her tounge come out to touch his. She was ready to pass out. Her body was throbbing, burning, and screaming in pain. Svara blocked it out. Her own blood lingered on her taste buds making her smile simply. "The taste...of victory." She said in her husky voice, mingled with pain and saticfaction. His blue eyes traced over her making her yellow eye watch him steady and patiently. This was her way of let him know everything. Even if he didn't care, or if he killed her, it was enough to know he had taken a moment out of his day to do it. Known that his battle with her had been enjoyable. "You can't break what's already yours." She said gently while leaning her head back farther and taking in a rattled breath.


- Haku Soul - 05-25-2009


When she flicked her tongue out so foolishly, the man bit it, again drawing blood, drowning her taste buds in her own fluid. Her words still went without any reply. The woman was mad, and every new cut seemed to be a caress in her foolish point of view. She was wrong. She was wasting his time, and she truthfully believed that it meant something? It did, but not the way the reddish female hoped. He was certain of this. His own fur held scattered crimson and brighter red all over after contact, but faded in comparison to hers. This very colour always made he feel catharsis run through his body and refresh every cell. A sound finally erupted from the male, a gentle, humming growl in the depths of his throat. There was a subtle, almost hidden pleasure in the fact that she so foolishly allowed the demon to blemish her body. It was well used and scarred already, but Haku never said no to the opportunity of ruining something beautiful.

There had been a time where he had believed. It was still not too late to do what was in his nature. Several occasions had risen when he had not lifted a finger out of respect for his pledges, but the effect of his own personal brand of cancer was eating him up, allowing him to do more than he normally would have allowed himself to. As she leaned her head further back he went down to her throat, jaws aching with the need to tear it up, but that would have to wait, he did not want it to end it like that. He shifted slightly above her and buried His fangs into her shoulder. ”Suddenly mine now, hmm?” the demonic brute purred dangerously as he let go of her shoulder and found an ear to pierce, his breath warm against her skin. What exactly did she want from him, he wondered.


- Svara Thames - 05-25-2009

OOC:bloopbloop goes the fishie

Svara never thought Haku an idiot, but the moment the words passed through his lips, she knew he was one. How could he be so stupid? His teeth embedded into her shoulder she withered under his brutal efforts. Her one good yellow eye looked at him. "I've been yours since the moment you threw me in that room." She said still in a breathless husky voice. She turned her head to the side refusing to look at him, seeing everything she wished she could have. Her face was blank, holding back all the emotions building up inside her.

"All I've ever wanted was to be yours.....how can you not see that haku Soul?" Her body was soaked in her own blood as she was starting to feel dizzy. It didn't matter. She was a horrible being for wanting him, for thinking she had a chance to make him see it all. She had someone who would die for her, and she threw it away just for one chance to make Haku love her, want her. Claws dug into the dirt with her frustration and growing failure. Damn him for not seeing it, Damn herself for not making it more obvious.


- Haku Soul - 05-26-2009


She turned her face away after speaking, rivers of blood running down her face. He gave her a rasping lick, the scene of the puppy being eaten by the yellow eyed man. There had been an odd sense of satisfaction present when he had watched the man eat the child. He bit down on the reddish female’s body, harder. He could never be hers, but he could make her his forever. If she wanted him so badly then she could have him, and he would find pleasure in this. If she wanted to be his, then he would show her what he could offer. Nothing could change what she was, but he could make the process last for a while. He was a caged beast, starving for what he could not have. She openly gave herself to him. She was a traitor, and so he would show her how to deal with such low creatures. It had been quite a while since the last time he had taken a female, but this was just an encouraging thought. His teeth clenched down on her throat, partly blocking her ability to draw air in.

He took her hard and fast, making sure to hurt her in the process with disgusting brutality. When he was done she no longer responded to his moves. The male, breathing hard after the act grabbed hold of her and threw her over on her back. This was merely for his own pleasure, and a chance for her beloved Leroy to realize exactly what his love really was. He started to tug out big handfuls of fur, leaving her skin naked and reddish, tiny droplets of blood appearing all over where pieces of skin had followed with the pelt. As he was in his secui form, then ext task was slightly more difficult, but after a few minutes, he stepped back from her and stared with amusement down at the words written in big, bleeding letters along her spine. W-H-O-R-E. After a moment of hesitation he moved to her ruined tail, caught hold of a part of it and chewed it off.

There was nothing wrong with keeping trophies, and if she loved him so much then they could share the same shortened tail complex. The man shook his fur casually, watching the dying girl with amusement before he took off. He did not move towards Dahlia, as his fur was scarlet and there was a piece of tail between his jaws. Halifax was a marvellous place, and the man would spend the night there. He knew he would sleep well tonight. He had not felt this great for quite some time.
