'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Rendall - 06-13-2009

Rendall danced around in the meadow, she had grown to all but love this place, Pheonix Vally had become her home and once again the pup was off to find something to do, something to cure her boredum, she pranced around among the golden grains of wheat, it was nearly sunset and she would have to head home soon or else Da Vinci would be angry with her.

She sat down and examined the area around her, the stalks of wheat were much taller than her when she sat down, she would have blended purfectly had her blue highlights and dress given her away, the dress she wore was blue with silver entwined in it making little designs of nonsence sparkle in the sun along with her hair, she brushed a blue-black lock aside and enjoyed the sea-scented breeze that blew up from the ocean.

The golden sun warmed her skin and she was up again prancing and twirling around. She stopped and looked at the light blue sky and thought of her older siblings, perhaps one day they would find her and become apart of Pheonix Vally themselves. She snorted, such dreams were fun to dream but sad to face, one day she would leave in search of them, but that was for another day. the pup continued to explore the golden field in search of the next new adventure

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-14-2009

Under the spring time sun, Pendzez sat with his back against a tree, staring out into the golden wheat grass field. Hands in his lap and his legs stretched out, the left lapping the right. The wind blew softly through the trees, making a whistling song as it waved the leaves back and forth. He looked up at the soft blue sky as the puffy white clouds hovered over, thinking about his life. Then there was Xeris and Rendall and Ty. Only met the other day and he saw them as good friends. Well, it's better to have friends than to have enemies a wise friend once said. Rendall was young, but Pendzez could see potential in the girl's eyes. Determination of reaching a personal goal that she hopes to aquire. Pendzez liked that. He knew that in dew time, she will eventually reach that goal. He just hoped that it wasn't something that can get her into trouble, or something that can hurt her.

His ears perked up as he heard rustling in the wheat grass. There was nothing to worry about, since he knew of the scent that the air was carrying. Rendall, the young pup that he was just thinking about. It was only the other day that he met her. He knew of her past and she knew of his. Rendall thought of him as a noble. He was hardly a noble to the wolves, but he was noble to the spirits. They saw him as a shining light. A guide that they see as a higher spirit. A prince of the spirits. The only thing that he asks of them is that they go on, watch and help the planet grow. Help nature and wolves grow. Though they may be just butterflies, they aren't just insects that some think are annoying and are a pain in the ass. He also know that they don't die. They live on, to the help the planet grow, to help nature take it's course.

Pendzez returned to the pup in hand that was walking through the wheat grass fields. Pendzez caught the sight of the pup and smiled. He was glad to see her getting used to the lands and surroundings around her. Though she was young, he could clearly see that she was an adventurous young pup. He thinks that she should get out more so she can learn to become independent. "I'm happy to see you're having fun," he said to the young one.

- Rendall - 06-14-2009

Rendall turned and smiled the noble wolf whom she had met all but a few days ago was sitting at the egde of the field. She sought him out as a good friend and hopped that he could tell her more of the spirits some time,"Pendzez! So nice to see you again"

She had met him along with two others, Xeris, another white she-wolf, and Ty, a golden wolf whose eyes were off-colored, she loved his eyes, and like her and Pendzez, she shared something with them as well, like the noble one, she too came from the Tundra, and like Xeris, she shared a similar past, however, her and Ty shared the same father in a way, the man she lived with, Da Vinci, her basically foster father had sired Ty.

She turned from her thoughts and looked over at Pendzez, She walked over and gave the white wolf a hug, she noticed as she held him in her arms for the moment that they're were butterflies around him, not many to really stick out but a few to noticed, she looked up at the wolfs crimson eyes "Why do you have butterflies around you so much?"

She liked them and enjoyed the colors of their wings, but she also thought that some could be alittle annoying.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-14-2009

Pendzez heard her call out. She approached him, but he allowed it. The girl was young, he hardly saw any danger in. He was kind and friendly. So no worries. He was surprised as she hugged him. He held her too as a return of the hug. He held her light a brother would to a little sister. He looked at her as she looked at his eyes as she looked around to the butterflies that were around him so much. He looked up at them as they fluttered around. They were here, well some of them were. He knew which ones as well. It was an instinct that he knew who's spirit it was. It was just the spirit, it was also their mind, their consciousness. He knew the difference between them, but it was pretty much the same.

He looked down that the pup as she wanted to know why. He would be glad to answer it, since it was something that he wanted to tell someone. "It was the blessing. You see... when I was in the pack, I was the only one with a pure white pelt. They had these beliefs that one born in the pack with a white pelt will be known as a higher spirit, a king among all spirits, and a Prince of the Tundras. At that time, I was blessed with four spirits that were to protect me. It was at that time that the blessing showed me what the butterflies truly were. These butterflies are the spirits of thoise who died. Not only that, I'm am not a noble to the wolves around me, only to the spirits. The only thing I ask from them, is to help the world grow." Wolves don't believe it, but Pendzez knows it. It was a big burden, but he couldn't escape the destiny was placed upon his shoulders.

He didn't want the pup to get the wrong impression that he was making fun of her because her mother was dead, saying that she is just a butterfly going around the world. Pendzez was telling the truth of this belief. He didn't want her to get upset.

- Rendall - 06-15-2009

The pup didnt know what to think at first weather the wolf was crazy or weather to believe him, however after giving it some thought it sounded like he was telling the truth, so she decided to believe him, She smiled at the noble, no matter who he was and wasnt noble to, he would always be noble to her.

She looked around the golden field, the butterflies had traveled about but mostly stayed near the pair, she had been seated for a while and the wings of the little bugs looked almost shiny in the sunlight, "they're very beautiful...when they're not in your face of course" she added with a smile she had thought about who's spirits were which butterflies, she decided to find out and looked over at Pendzez "so whos who? i mean in this bunch, i know there must be tons out there, but who fallows you most of the time?"

a surge of quetions rushed through her mind but she didnt want to overload the white male with them, so she decided to just ask one at a time

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-15-2009

Pendzez always knew who was who, since they could were determined by the colors of the wings. The ones more attached to Pendzez were the four spirits he was blessed with. They all had different colored and shaped wings. It was because that these spirits were different from the others. The shape of their wings gave the blessing spirits away, but the normal spirits are just normal. They have no certain color, only that the female spirits were of cold colors, and male of hot colors. That was the only concept that was regarding to telling them apart. For who's who, he could tell. "I just know who is who. It's these four butterflies that are around me all the time. I don't find them annoying, actually quite comforting."

Pendzez looked at Rendall as she continued to look up. Maybe he should tell her that her mother was near by, but would she believe him? The way she asking, it sounded like she did, but he just didn't want her to get the wrong idea that he was teasing her because of her mother's death. Maybe he shouldn't because she's been through enough tough times. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. "Tell me, what was mother like?"

- Rendall - 06-15-2009

Rendall looked up at him, was her mother near by? she didnt know, but he did ask about her."well in the way of looks it probably wouldnt help, seeing as though she flutters now instead of walks" the pup smiled, it seemed comforting yet strange that her mother was around, but as the she-wolf had always told the pup, try something new, never judge those who arent like you. The pup always did her best to make sure she did that.

"but anyways, she had a golden pelt with red highlights and a creamy belly, and she was very kind and wise, she was abit older than most the mothers in our pack, but females in our pack would get pregnant young anyways. she always had her own way of solving problems, to her, anything could be accomplished, but you had to have faith in yourself in order to do it, so she was encouraging, especially when it came to learning things. at first, like most mothers, she helped me but she still wanted me to do it my way" rendall grinned, her mother had been independent and so she encouraged it to all her pups.

"she was independent, very independent, and out going, she always liked doing new things and never really judged anyone, i try to be like her in that way the most, instead of asking out of disgust or arrogance, i really try to understand things that i dont, its the one lesson she wanted me to know best.'

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-15-2009

Although the two hadn't been looking for him, Ty was attempting to meditate in the meadow not to far away. His golden-orange fur blended in almost perfectly with the wheat around him. Ty wasn't very good at meditating though, he liked it well enough, but he wasn't focused enough as his master had said, but he was determined to try. He had figured this place he would find no distractions, and actually get some good meditation. However, he had heard something nearby, was it...voices? At first he had thought he was simply in a trance and began to hear the spirits, but then he realized people were talking near him.

Getting up from his meditative position, he quietly snuck from his position, his light feet not making a sound, although he startled some birds near him, which most likely gave him away to an experienced hunter like Pendzez. Peeking his nose out, he noticed he could see two familiar faces, Pendzez and rendall, he could recognize their unique furs anywhere on phoenix valley. Then again, he didn't know many people here, so familiar faces were always nice. He smiled and walked out of the bushes, waving to them as he called out "Hello there!"

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-16-2009

Pendzez listened to the pup as she started to explain about her mother. If the current info, Pendzez could already imagine what she must have been like. Rendall was glad to have a mother like her. It was only a pity that she was taken away from the pup. "She seems like a nice wolfess. You were lucky to have a mother like her. Mine was like the same. Now, they are around, helping nature takes it course and watching over us." At that time, a different butterfly came around. Pendzez let his hand out for the insect to land. As it's feet touched the white males fur, he moved it in front of the two wolves. "When the butterfly dies, the spirit has two choses. It can either pass on to a realm were the the infinite spirits can live in, known as the Spirit Realm. Or they can be reincarnated into another body, any body, even of another wolf. However, the spirit itself will not recognize it's relatives if it meats them again. It will have new memories from its new body and new soul. If you look at it in a way, the spirit doesn't die. It lives on, like the soul does."

He then heard a voice from the fields. Ty. Once again, they meet each other. It was the other like Rendall that the two met. It was like the other day, but only in a field instead near a river and Xeris wasn't around. Thinking of Xeris, Pendzez was wondering about her. She was new yes, but she seemed to be fitting in well. Pendzez, somehow, felt certain things for her. Trust and love. Pendzez was wondering to himself if he should tell her about how he felt about her. Would she believe him? Would she think that he was just making fun of her? He admired her, he would care for her. He wanted to keep her safe. Returning to Ty, Pendzez acknowledged his approach. "Hello there too."

- Rendall - 06-16-2009

Rendall listened to Pendzez's words intently as she studied the butterfly in his hands, it seemed to be completely calm as it moved from side to side and fluttered in his palm. She wondered if it was her mother of just one of the spirits he had spoken of, She felt sorta sad at the fact that her mother would forget her if she had turned into another wolf, but she had a happy feeling that she would have a choice and hoped she would choose whatever made her happy as well.

Ty's voice interupted her thoughts...wait Ty's? she looked over and saw that the golden wolf was standing up, she wondered how long he had been there, she looked at the way his fur blended with the wheat, she looked back up and into his beautiful multicolored eyes and smiled, "Ty! how nice to see you again " she ran over and gave the other male wolf a hug, these were her big brothers and she loved them very much like family, even though they had only met the other night.

She looked up into his eyes. "How are you today? She looked back over at the white noble (or so his nickname was) and lowered her voice out of curiosity "Is that butterfly her? my mom i mean."

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-20-2009

Pendzez watched as Rendall went over to give Ty a hug. That was cute. Rendall must have loved Pendzez and Ty like brothers. To be honest, Pendzez was seeing her as a little sister. Ty probably felt the same. Like DaVinci said, Those in PV are like one big family. Though some may not look like it or have their own differences, they were still family. Pendzez believed that Rendall and Ty were his Family, same Jeffers, DaVinci, Xeris and so on. He liked that idea. He always knew that family isn't people that are related by blood.

Pendzez looked at the butterfly as Rendall asked if it was her mother. Pendzez knew it wasn't her. This one was new, as in freshly hatched from the caccoon. "No. This one is new. Someone that died some days ago. It was lost, but found me." He closed it inside his paw, but didn't kill it. He whispered something to it, then let it go. He told to go on, and help nature grow and nurture it's work. He turned back to the pup. "I'm sure that she'll come by. They do eventually."

- Xeris - 06-20-2009

Xeris was trotting along the field, still getting her bearings on the territory. She had chosen to wander this area today because she'd never been there before. The wheat tickled her fur, rippling in the gentle breeze. Then, her ears pricked up attentively as she heard voices. They were familiar voices, she soon realized. Could it be her friends? The white wolf bounded over toward the voices eagerly, and was overjoyed to find that she was right; her friends were here. She saw Pendzez and Ty and Rendall.

"Hi guys!" she cried happily. "Wow, what's the odds of us all meeting up by chance again? This is great, I'm glad to see you again!" She smiled at them, looking from face to face. She was still in her lupus form, as she usually was, and she had to almost look through the grass at the others, but she didn't really care; she was so happy to see them.

- Rendall - 06-20-2009

Rendalls ears perked at the sound of yet another familiar voice, she turned happily towards Xeris and gave the white female a hug , though it was awkward due to the fact that Xeris was still in her lupus form, but Rendall didnt care.She realeased the female and looked back up at Pendzez "I guess were all meant to be here again"

she turned back to Xeris "how have you been Xeris? well i hope."

- Xeris - 06-20-2009

Xeris smiled at Rendall's greeting. After she was released from the hug, Xeris decided to turn into her optime form as well; she could feel her spine straightening again and her limbs lengthening as she stood taller. Silvery-white hair now hung framing her face. She looked over the others with her golden eyes. "Now I can give you a proper hug," she said with a grin and hugged the pup. "Yeah, it does seem like fate has drawn us together again. But I'm glad it did!"

"I've been doing very well, thank you. Still getting used to things, but doing well." She looked to the others. "How about you, how are all of you doing?" The breeze picked up again, ruffling Xeris' fur and waving her hair gently. "And what are you guys up to now? Last time it was fishing, what will we do today?" Xeris laughed a little, enjoying the time with her friends.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-21-2009

Ty chuckled as he felt the small pup hug her,which he returned with equal strength. He guessed the small pup viewed him as a big brother, and he indeed began to view her as a sister. Before he really got to answer her question, Xeris popped up as well. He mused in his head about what a coincidence it was that all four of them had met again not too long after they had met the first time. Perhaps it was these four he'd remain the closest with in his stay here back in Phoenix Vally. He simply waited until he was addressed again so that he could respond to the question, a light breeze tickling his body as they spoke.

when he did get the chance to speak, he responded with adequate joy of seeing these people again. "I'm good Rendall, thank you for asking." He said as he nodded to Rendall. Hearing Xeris' question, he shrugged lightly, making a small sigh as he spoke. "I honestly have no idea what we are doing, those two were talking and I was trying to figure out how to meditate over in the wheat over there." He said as he gestured to the plants swaying in the breeze. "What are you up to today xeris?"

- Rendall - 06-22-2009

The pup looked over at Pendzez and the butterflies, she wanted to ask so much but she waited patiently to ask them. She looked back up to Ty and Xeris, " I've been doing well Xeris thanks for asking. Pendzez and i were talking about the spirits and how when someone dies they become a butterfly to help nature and such."

The pup looked back over to Pendzez and smiled. She suddenly had a strange feeling that someday perhaps, something very big will happen with him, however she discarded the feeling and turned her attention back to the coversation at hand " Well perhaps we can walk down by the beach...maybe Ty can teach us how to meditate." the pup added with a smile, she wasnt sure if Ty would or wouldnt but she thought that it would be a nice way to spend her time. she looked over at Xeris when Ty had asked his question, to Rendall, Xeris was her big sister and practically best friend. she hopped never to forget her in her future travels.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-22-2009

Pendzez couldn't believe it when Xeris came by. It was a coincidence that the four of them were together again, but perhaps this was meant to be. Maybe the four were suppose to be friends, maybe they were meant to meet each other. First it was Pendzez and Xeris, then it was Rendall and Ty. After which, Pendzez and Xeris came by on that day that the four met up at the river. Destiny had surprises, but sometimes you would be happen to what it surprises you with. "Yes, maybe the four of us are meant to be friends. Maybe, this was destiny's plan."

Pendzez listened as Rendall suggested to beach and maybe ask Ty to teach us to meditate. Pendzez wasn't really that kind of guy. However, he liked the beach idea. Why can't they do that? "Well, I'm not the meditating type, but I wouldn't mind the beach trip. What about you Xeris? Ty/" He felt more like moving his feet along the sandy beach of golden yellow grains.

- Xeris - 06-22-2009

Xeris felt that it would be impossible for her to stop smiling. Pendzez was right; the four of them must have been tied together by destiny. She was glad to see all of them, and she listened politely to them as they spoke and responded. She was intrigued by the idea of going to the beach. Xeris loved the beach; whether it was relaxing on the warm sand or splashing amidst the waves, the white wolf was always up for spending some time there.

"Ooh, the beach sounds lovely!" Xeris replied. "What do you think, Ty?" The idea of meditating on the beach was interesting to Xeris; she'd never really done meditation before and thought it might be interesting to try. Paired with the seaside setting and the presence of her best friends, it would surely be even more enjoyable. Xeris stood silent for a moment, imagining the warmth of the sand, the cool ocean breeze, her friends beside her...it was almost romantic. But wait, she thought to herself, romance? She blushed a little at the thought, hoping the others wouldn't notice, and waited for Ty's response.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-23-2009

Ty chuckled when he was put on the spot, the beach idea was splendid, but when Rendall volunteered him to teach them how to meditate, he got slightly nervous. He barely knew how to do it himself, and even then he had trouble getting into the right trance. However, he might be able to give some pointers, so he simply scratched his chin in a bit of thought, wondering should he do. He eyed each one, the only one with a hint of uneasiness about the idea was Pendzez, or so he could tell, he didn't have too much of a knack for reading people, but out of all the people, he thought that Pendzez would already being the meditating type, what with his talk of spirituality.

After a bit more pondering, Ty responded. "Well, the beach sounds great!" He said with a small but warm smile, genuine and sincere. He then scratched his head and mumbled "And...I guess I could try...teaching you how to meditate..." He said. Can't be that hard He thought to himself as he spoke. The beach would be like a great memory, after all, he spent a lot of time at sea, the smell, the sounds, it would flow back to him. He just hoped he knew enough about meditation that he wouldn't be pulling the others down the wrong track.

- Rendall - 06-23-2009

Rendall giggled when she looked at Xeris, she blushed, the pup wasnt exactly sure why but she was sure that she probably wouldnt understand.She didnt want to embarass Xeris further so the pu pturned her attention to the golden male.

Ty seemed fairly nervous about teaching them to meditate "dont worry if Pendzez and and everyone wants to go relax at the beach thats just fine with me, you can teach me and Xeris some other time." she looked at Ty wih a warm smile and turned to Xeris "So wat have you been doing the last couple of days?" She gave a flick of her tail for everyone to fallow and started walking down towards the beach