'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Don't eat the.... Nevermind - Printable Version

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- Selene D'Angelo - 01-02-2008


While she hadn't found her dad she had found someone that knew her dad. She had also found Chimera and the burnt building. She also learned that she had family in the area. On top of finding her father she was intent upon searching for them as well. Without expecting it her quest had widened. From what she knew there were three of her family in this area. Well, that was what one wolf had told her. Maybe there was more that she didn't know about.

Coming out of her den she noticed that fresh snow had fallen. Unable to help herself she ran out in it. The young lass rolled around in the piles, acting like a young pup rather than a female that was nearing maturity with each passing month. Tongue stuck out to catch more of the flakes as they didn't seem to have finished falling for the day. Giggling she tilted her head back, blinking a bit as the fresh flakes landed against her lashes.


- Glider - 01-02-2008

Glider was stalking a leaf. It had been floating about due to the wind, and he was following it very carefully. His charcoal tummy was touching the cold ground, but he really didn't notice, so intently focused was he on capturing the leaf. Of course, it really wasn't that difficult of a catch, and in truth, there was no reason to catch a leaf. But part of the way that cubs learned was through little games like this. Capture the leaf, chew the bone, wrestle the sibling: all of it brought them valuable Wolf Skills that would someday be important.

When the leaf had finally stopped skipping about for an extended period of time, Glider coiled the muscles in his hindlegs and ... pounced! With a triumphant growl and a yip of excitement, he trounced his leafy victim. Grabbing it in his mouth and shaking it back and forth as if it were a prey creature, he proudly puffed out his chest and trotted around with his prize held limply in his jaws. Oh yes, Glider had beaten it! He had won the battle versus the leaf of DOOM!

Just as he was about to find something else to play or some other leaf to chase, though, he spotted somebody. Not a somebody he knew, but it had to be a "pack" wolf, which meant they were sorta family. Skipping over to her, he dropped his leaf and looked at what she was doing. Wondering what made her tilt her head back and stick her tongue out like that. "Wass'o doin's?" He asked, tilting his head first one way, then the other, to show his interest.[/html]

- Selene D'Angelo - 01-02-2008


She was being silly and she didn't mind others seeing her like this. Why should she? She was still young enough. She still had a puppy rank and so she didn't have to act all responsible yet. Not that she didn't take responsibility for a few things. She did do her own hunting after all. She had grown to be almost an expert at wrestling a rabbit out of its burrow. Perhaps it wasn't such a big skill but it was something taht kept food in her belly each day. That had to speak for something at least. But for now it wasn't really about hunger but about just having fun.

Tongue was drawn back into her before she spoke. "Trying to catch one of those things." Answer was as she lifted a paw to try and bat at a falling flake before turning her attention to the young pup. She was surprised by how little he looked. "Wow! You are small!" Words were spoken before she actually thought about them. Rather she had just blurted them out. But then she had been tiny too given that her delivery hadn't been all that expected. But she had grown since then and it could barely be told that she had been runtish though she was still smaller than those about her. It was just that the sharp contrast was gone now.


- Glider - 01-03-2008

As she told him that she was trying to catch snowflakes, he was perplexed. Surely there were too many in the world for her to catch them all ... but perhaps she just meant some. Like rabbits! Wolves caught some of them, but not all of them. Was snow tasty, though? Instead of asking, he stuck out his tongue, and was surprised at the cold of the snow as it settled inside his mouth. Of course he had known it was cold, but usually he didn't eat cold things, so the way that it melted was quite strange. Though he actually kinda liked it, he had to admit, it was pretty cool. "S'coold!" He commented, wagging his tail and looking at the older girl. She looked like snow herself, which was pretty cool, he thought. Just like his mama had been ...

His enthusiastic words and his happy thoughts were shattered when she spoke again, though. Although the girl hadn't meant to hurt him, he didn't realize that, and it was something that had been drilled into him when he was younger: he was a little bitty runt. The boy plastered his ears back, lowered his body a bit, and tucked his tail. "Y's." Was his simple reply, but the bounding playful energy that had sparked through him before was gone, the dejected, unwanted pup remembered.[/html]

- Selene D'Angelo - 01-04-2008


Did snow taste good? She wasn't all too sure. SHe hadn't ever tried ot catch it before now. It seemed that she would end up finding out at the same time that he did. This was her first snow and so she would be learning the same things that he was. At least when it concerned this sort of weather. Though it may be true with other aspects as well. She certainly didn't come off as being the brightest of wolves. It wasn't as if she hadn't gone through bad things. She just didn't see them as such. Through her eyes the world had a silver lining. No doubt the unflinching trust and the complete innocence that made up her spirit would land her in trouble. She could easily be corrupted because she could not imagine anyone wanting to do her harm.

Oh no, she hadn't meant to hurt his feelings at all. She hadn't realized that the words would cause him harm. While her mom was obdurate in nature Selene was anything but. It had just surprised her when she had noticed just how small he was. Just as soon as it seemed that he had broken down she moved over to him. Quickly she laid down next to him and nuzzled up against him, trying desperately to make up for what was said. "No... No, don't cry. Maestery said that I used to be really little too. But I a big girl now. You going to grow up and be really big too." She felt really bad that he was upset. Her ptiful whine proved such a thing. She didn't like seeing anyone like this, whether she knew them or not.
