'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Geneva Stockholm - 07-19-2009

Post dated to July 22.

The evening hours found the Nuncio skirting the easternmost edges of Phoenix Valley territory. She did not particularly enjoy traversing the forested part of the pack land, but she felt more at ease if she checked it on a regular basis. There were a lot of things she could miss. Without the benefit of a sense of smell, she had to rely on her other senses to gather information and make decisions. Her eyes tracked the ground, but she couldn't find any disturbance on the forest floor. She was glad to note that. She wanted her pack to be as safe as possible.

At this point, she wandered without much thought or direction. She was somewhat familiar with this part of the territory, although she never ventured too far into the forest. Despite the rainy weather, the air was warm. She found it strangely comfortable. She had begrudgingly become used to the heavy dampness of the air. It was drizzling now, but it did not bother her very much. Geneva hoped to see the sun again soon, but there was no use being frustrated over the weather. It had been raining constantly for almost a month at this point.

The Nuncio found herself somewhere she had never been. Her eyes when she encountered brilliant red vines wrapped around an old cottage. She blinked once, and focused on the crimson that stood out in the gloom. She had never really seen anything like this, and she just stood in awe of the brilliant splash of color against the gray and earth tones of her surroundings. Mustering up her courage, she moved closer to investigate.

- Rendall - 07-20-2009

The pup had once again been out roaming around, though she was much more cautious now that her leg wasnt as good as it used to be, however, in her haste to get out of Da Vinci's abandoned home she also found herself wandering alot more often, the cabin wasnt really abandoned, her and Anya lived there now, but his old scents and supplies around the house made it feel more than empty.

She continued to walk, just calmly to stretch her near-crippled hind leg, she stayed in the cool shade not letting the sun reflect off her raven black markings and turn them blue. She instead just wondered aimlessly around the territory, trying to understand why Da Vinci had just up and left her and Anya together in his cabin, it was a cabin that had also caught her eye, and interupted her thoughts, it was a cabin she had seen a few times before, but it always made the curious pup investigate, the blood red blossoms that covered it were so very beautiful, the pup decided to see what they smelled like.

She walked out cautiously into the sunlight, letting her fur were once was black become a bright blue, Rendall approached the cabin and took in the sweet smell of the blooming flowers, she continued to look around the unusual red vines, they hadnt interested her before, but a wuick change of thought had made her like them more, however her nose told her that there wasnt only the blooms that gave off a scent. she crouched down defensively and looked anxiously for the wolf to show herself....

- Geneva Stockholm - 07-20-2009

Geneva stretched her shoulders, leaning forward until she heard her spine pop. She wished desperately that she could catch the scent of these strange red vines. They were truly a wonder to behold, a splash of color in the gloom. Still, the Nuncio did not know whether or not she could trust this bit of flora. The bright red just seemed to out of place, considering that everything else around was a somber shade of green or brown. The brightness of the vines could very well serve as a warning.

The gray wolfess did not know very much about the art of herbs or healing, but what little she had gleaned from her previous Commander, Naniko, told her to approach with caution. She knew from books and from discussions with the white furred woman that brightly colored plants were often dangerous. The bright hues were often a warning that the plants were poisonous. She did not know about this particular pigment, and made a note to tell Jefferson about her discovery soon.

Another vibrant color came into her frame of view. Geneva was startled at first, but she recognized a form she had only seen from a distance. The Nuncio had not had the opportunity to meet everyone in her pack yet, but she was certain that this young girl was a member of Phoenix Valley. She had seen the girl with Anya, the woman she had encountered at the borders with DaVinci. "Do not be afraid," Geneva said gently. "My name is Geneva, and I am the Nuncio of this pack."

- Rendall - 07-22-2009

The pup crept closer and saw that it was the grey female she'd seen from a while back. " Hello my...my name is Rendall" the pup had formed a somewhat bad stutter ever since the puma attack, she came out of her hiding place amongst the vines, their sweet scent now covered her, and limped towards the she-wolf. "What does the Nuncio do?" she was still having trouble understanding the pack ranks and this was no exception.

the pup kept her eyes even but curious and kept her freshly wrapped leg hidden behinds her body, she wasnt sure wat the she-wolf would think of her if she found out of Rendalls stupid accident that almost costed the life of her friends.

- Geneva Stockholm - 07-22-2009

"Rendall, hello," the woman said calmly. She wanted to keep the girl calm. She seemed startled, perhaps even frightened. Geneva could not remember a time in her life when anyone had been afraid of her. The gray woman was a quiet soul, for the most part gentle and soft-spoken. Her growth was stunted. She was small-boned to begin with, but she was also very thin. Geneva had never grown to be any larger than a yearling. Even the pups she had watched grow in Crimson Dreams must tower over her at this point. She spared a thought for Haven and Mati before she returned her attention to the situation at hand.

"I am responsible for keeping relations with the surrounding packs, and being knowledgeable about our neighbors," the woman said. This had been the first time she had really been responsible for something very serious for Phoenix Valley. She knew that at this point in time, Phoenix Valley and Inferni were at odds. She wondered if there was some way to smooth things over. She wondered if there was a way to make peace. The gray female did not even know if the other pack would be willing, or if Jefferson would even want to try. He could be stubborn.

She noticed the way that the Tenens held herself. Geneva cocked her head to the side quizzically, but did not articulate a question. It was obvious that she was young, and perhaps she would be embarrassed if Geneva mentioned anything. Rendall's body language was subtle, and normally no one would have noticed the way she held herself. But this was one of ways Geneva used to compensate for her lack of smell. She had to rely keenly on observation in order to assess situations. "Are you all right?"

- Rendall - 07-25-2009

The blue child relaxed and allowed herself to come out of her defensive position "yes i'm alright just surprised thats all, i didnt know others knew of this place. forgive me." she limped towards the Nuncio and as she sat down in front of the she-wolf, allowed her wrapped up leg to stretch out in front of her.

She took in a deep breath but found her nostrils all but clogged of sweet ichor from the plants, she sneezed to clear her sinuses, she didnt like not being able to smell, she been very cautious about smelling everything nowadays before going off prancing about. "oh sorry about that, this pollen has my nose all plugged up." she knew the scent was strong and hard to wash out but she didnt mind smelling sweet for a few days.

- Geneva Stockholm - 07-25-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... Tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #D8FF00 solid; font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px;">
Lime green eyes cut back to the blood colored blossoms. They were bright and certainly beautiful, but she found that beauty to be ominous and strange. It could be that the vines were absolutely harmless, but she did not want to take that chance. Without a sense of smell to tell her otherwise, she could only rely on her eyes and what little information she already knew about the flora native to Nova Scotia.

The gray woman moved forward, curving her slight body around the younger girl. "I think it would be better if we moved away from the vines, until we know more about them," the woman said. She was worried that Rendall might be having an averse reaction to her contact with the strange unidentified plants. Her own lungs did not burn, but she did not want to run the risk.

- Rendall - 07-26-2009

The pup walked away from the red sweet scented vines with the female, the pup didnt think they were harmful but the she-wolf had a point and the pup alowed herself to be shooed away from the pretty and strange plants, she looked back up at the grey she-wolf and realized that there were alot of grey wolves in the pack it kinda made her feel out of place but then again....she always felt out of place.

The blue child walked along the path and watched as once again her world was suddenly joined with lots of butterflies, these things were starting to annoy her she would have to talk to Pendzez about them. she tried to take her eyes off the little bugs and onto Geneva "So....i dont wish to bother or nothin, but where did you come from?"

- Geneva Stockholm - 07-31-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... Tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #D8FF00 solid; font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px;">
Rendall seemed preoccupied with something, but the Nuncio would not pry or try to dig for an answer. She did not know her younger pack mate very well. Truth be told, she only felt comfortable bombarding Jefferson with questions. She also felt comfortable expressing her curiosity with Honore and Ty, but the others she was close to were so far away now. For a moment, she spared a thought for her old pack mates in Crimson Dreams. Although she was at peace with the choice she had made, and happy with the way things had turned out, she still missed those who had been "family" to her for a brief stretch of time.

Her attention returned to the blue-hued girl when she seemed to ask a question. Geneva blinked lime colored eyes as she focused on the Tenens. She seemed young, there was youth in the way she moved and spoke. She hoped that Rendall would keep some part of her innocence as she grew up. It was obvious that her leg injury was a grave one, and that she must know something of terror and pain.

"I am originally from New York. That is south of here," Geneva explained. She did not know if the girl would be familiar with the place of her origins. "But I have been here, in Nova Scotia, since last fall. How about you?"

- Rendall - 08-01-2009

The child always heard of the areas south of here but never really knew about them, all she knew was there were territories called colorado, california, and now, new york, how many of these were there she had no clue, but she was sure to find out soon enough. Geneva's voice interupted her thoughts. " I've only been in Pheonix Vally for about two months now, but i came from the tundra up north of here."

- Geneva Stockholm - 08-07-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... Tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #D8FF00 solid; font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px;">
Geneva had never been very far north. In fact, Nova Scotia was as far north as the wolfess had traveled. She tried to imagine what Rendall's frozen homeland must look like. She pictured blankets of white and crystaline ice caves. Or maybe she had it all wrong. Geneva did not mind the winter, although she preferred the summer weather. Warm weather was preferable to cold weather.

The gray colored wolfess turned her attention back to the strange vine covered house. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the blood colored beads of color. She had never quite seen anything like this before. Judging by the growth over the cabin, it had been quite a while since these vines had been seedlings. It appeared as though the plants had grown and taken over the house quite a while ago. "Have you ever seen anything like this before?" Geneva asked the younger girl.

- Rendall - 08-08-2009

The pup turned to her and shook her head. "Nope the tundra in the summer time has very little vegetation in it, only plains grasses and such, but in the winter time, its usually just snow..everywhere" She smiled at the female. Her curious blue eyes looking up and down the she-wolfs body, just full of questions. One thing was was what was the Patriarch like. She had never met the wolf, and the only time she had ever seen him was at the pack meeting.

[b]"Whats it like in New York?"[b]she decided to keep the subject on one thing at a time, before jumping around. She also wanted to know what the female knew of the quarrel between Pheonix Vally and Inferni. Ever since poor Xeris got attacked by the Inferni coyote, she wanted to know as much as she could. That way she knew wether or not to be careful when exploring the borders wit hher mentor or wether the coast would be clear.