'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Xeris - 07-30-2009

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _table.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
rendall, pendzez, ty, anya

The rain had slowed to a slight drizzle, but still enough for Xeris to feel it against her aching body. She'd shifted to lupus form so that there was less weight for her to drag along on her three good legs. How she'd made it back to Phoenix Valley alive, she'd never know, but the white wolf could definitely smell the familiar scent of her home, welcoming to her nose as opposed to the disturbing smell of Inferni that she had only just escaped.

Xeris was a mess. Her normally white coat was stained with deep red and she was heavily favoring her most definitely broken right foreleg. Her face was marred with red as well where the coyote had bitten her muzzle. However, her biggest injury was undoubtedly the jagged, horizontal slash along her left side caused by her opponent's dangerous canine teeth. She was breathing heavily, despite how painful it was for her to do so, looking around for someone to help her or at least somewhere safe to rest.

Finally she was unable to continue any further and collapsed to the ground beneath a large dead tree. She closed her golden eyes wearily and began to slip into unconsciousness, hoping deep in her mind that someone would come to rescue her...


- Rendall - 07-30-2009

Rendall had been prancing around trying to get at those noctorious butterflies again, however the little insects were always one step ahead of the blue child. she ran around in the rain for hours, enjoying how she looked like a normal wolf-pup for once in her life, she danced gracfully around the living jungle that the rain had turned the forest into.

Her leg now feeling alot held strong much more easier through out daily horseplay, the sun peeked through every once in a while, but on a day like today, the pup didnt mind, however it wasnt the blue highlights that the sun had only reflected today, the green world around her shown as briliantly as the pups fur, she ran around and played for what seemed like an eternity, however this eternity came to an abrupt stop when the pup noticed a red flare amongst all the green

The pups hairs stood on end as she approached wat looked to be a carcas, however the more alarming thing was the scent...Xeris......the pup ran as fast as she could to the female, tripping and falling on every twig in between, she got to Xeris' broken body and nuzzled it hoping the she-wolf would gain conciousness, her breathing was weak and shallow, and her usually white fur was crimson red from the blood flooding out from the gash on her side, the pup quickly searched for herbs and found very little to help clog the wound and stop the bleeding

The pup soon realized that she would need Pendzez and Anya for help, the child threw back her head and howled as loud as she possably could, hoping someone would hear her and come for help, she wouldnt stop unless someone did

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-31-2009

Ty had smelled this scent before, a scent as common to him, common to a wolf of his background. He stopped in his tracks to take another whiff of this oh-so-familiar scent. Such a smell it was, one only a warrior like himself would find common, but at the same time very troubling. He knew this smell, he smelled it a thousand times over as he crossed the fields of pack wars all over the world. This smell was as common to him as the sight of the sun rising in the morning.

It was the smell of blood.

Knowing that the scent of blood this strong was never good, Ty bolted off into the direction of the scent, getting stronger by the second. As Ty drew near, he could also smell something else, something less familiar to him, while the scent of the blood and the valley was strong, there was one that was faint, but definitely there. Was it...Inferni? He had remembered this scent on the coyote he met in the Valley, so he knew what the Inferni smelt like, this was almost exactly like it. Whatever had happened, Ty already knew that Inferni had to be involved.

Ty could now hear the cry of a pup wailing in the winds, soaring over the trees to whatever soul was willing and able for help. A pup it seems, that must only be Rendall, there were no other pups, along with the scent of her, and another wolf. The other wolf's scent became clear in a short second, he could tell now it was Xeris. Breaking into the clearing, Ty now saw the situation, a situation that cause Ty to gasp with shock. Xeris was now a bloody body collapsed onto the ground, with the poor little pup trying desperately to call for any help at all, her coat stained with Xeris' blood. He turned to Xeris to check if she was still breathing at all, placing his ear to her chest. He couldn't tell what exactly what had been injured on Xeris, the blood covering all of her body. Her once white coat was now an array of crimson, brown, and white. He could see that somewhere on her ravaged body that the slow, red liquid was seeping down her frame.

Unfortunately for Ty, he wasn't very good at medicine, he only knew what would stop flesh wounds and such, he was no medic like many of the wolves here, it was his weak point as a wolf. But he knew to keep composure, even in a situation like this, there were no tears on Ty's face, no sign on panic in his being as he quickly pulled Rendall to him. Panic only brought confusion into something like this, and in order to keep Xeris alive, he had to take control for the moment. He pulled Rendall to face him and said with a very calm, yet commanding tone of voice. "Rendall, I'll watch Xeris and keep sending the call from here, I want you to go get help and gather as many herbs as you can, got it?"

- Rendall - 07-31-2009

The pup was exhausted from howling however the adrenaline in her blood told her mind otherwise, and thus she continued her wailing into the wind, it was only moments later that Ty appeared, she took a sigh of relief that someone heard her and tried to calm her nerves, he checked Xeris for breathing but the blue child couldnt tell wether or not she was still alive.

Ty pulled her close to him and gave her spacific instructions to find help, to find Anya and Pendzez and gather as many herbs on the way, she nodded almost absent-mindedly and took off into the woods to find the others, her leg cramped and she fell over more times than not out of sheer pain, however she got back up and ran even further down the paths that led to Anyas den, gathering herbs as best as she could, and hoping that she would run into either her or the white noble Pendzez along the way

- Anya - 07-31-2009

Anya heard Rendall's cries, and ran for the pup, panting heavily. Her den was only a short distance from where she found Rendall, and Anya had to catch the pup with her side to keep Rendall from bowling over. "Rendall! Are you ok?!" Anya took a deep breath to steady herself. As she did so, she smelled the blood on the pup, smelled that Xeris could be dead before Anya got to her if she didn't hurry.

Dragging the pup with her teeth, Anya was thankful that the pup could shapechange. "Take this. And whatever you do, do not drop it." Anya shoved her pouch of herbs at Rendall, and took off running down the path.

- Xeris - 07-31-2009

Xeris was awoken by the distant sound of voices. She couldn't tell whose they were at first; maybe she was just imagining them. She forced open her bright golden eyes, looked up, and was met with Ty's worried face. Good... Xeris thought, At least someone I know is here. I bet the others are around... Her weary body throbbed with pain. She lifted her head slowly to look up at her friend.

She wanted to talk to him; tell him everything that had happened. But she was too tired to do that right now. Looking around, she thought she could see shapes moving in the distance. Her friends, perhaps. She was so thankful for them. But would they be able to help her...?

No, she had to keep these thoughts out of her head for now. Opening her mouth slowly, she looked into Ty's eyes and muttered a single word. "...Inferni..."

- Rendall - 07-31-2009

Rendall finalyl bumped into Anya on the path and almost bowled over losing what herbs she had collected, Anya pulled the pup up and gave her a pouch of herbs right as the pup turned into her opitime form, she quickly shoved what herbs she had gathered, the pup had been shifting through smells in her mind from the scene she could only tell that another pack had gotten ahold of poor Xeris, and being this was a time for little words Rendall nodded carefully "Thank you....another pack....get Pendzez"

She quickly ran off towards Xeris and took some herbs out to start chewing on them, she made a face at the bitter taste of the plants but knew that it would help Xeris more if they had wolve saliva in them. When she reached Ty and Xeris she shoved the bag in his hands "Chew these..." the pup took out the mouthful of herbs she had chewed up and stuck them into the wound. She looked at Xeris and noticed she was awake and sighed heavily "Sting.." she warned the female as she placed the herbs into the deep wound. hoping Xeris would understand

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 08-01-2009

Ty looked down to hear Xeris speak, what she spoke is what confirmed his fears.


That is what she spoke, and it's what Ty had expected at this point, the smell alone is what gave it away. It was definitely apparent that she had been in a confrontation with the rival pack, and a scuffle had occurred, but why? He knew the packs were at odds, but to have them attack Xeris like this was simply irrational? What did they have to gain? What was their motivation behind an attack like this? Did they have a lapse? Were they asking for a full on war? There were so many questions going through Ty's head, but he knew asking now would weaken Xeris.

"talk later, for now, keep quiet, save your strength." He told the white wolf. He then lightly pushed her frame onto her side, a much more comfortable and breathable position for her. He then patiently waited for the other wolves to return, then he would go find anyone else that could help. Ty felt so helpless in medical emergencies like this, medicine was not one of his strong suits. He apparently was one of the few who didn't know medicinal herbs, which worried him. If he couldn't heal another wolf, what good was he? Nevertheless, Rendall finally came into being and Ty stood back to let her do her work.

- Anya - 08-01-2009

Anya ran on, frantically trying to find Pendzez. She didn't know the wolf that well, so there was a good chance that he would make it to the scene of Xeris's attack sooner than she could find him.

As Anya ran, she thought. She could smell Ty on Rendall's fur, and another pack. But this other pack did not smell like wolves. This pack smelled like coyotes, and Anya deduced that the pack was Inferni, one that none of the other wolves liked to mention.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 08-02-2009

Pendzez had been extremely busy in the Élévation Orientale, gather some herbs that were known to give any type of food a boost of flavor. Not only that, but also some leaves that are good aroma sources. Just having them mashed up in a bowl and placed some where would fill the air with the certain aroma. He collected some gum leaves from some trees that he past by. It would be nice to have some aroma in his home instead the smell of the normal everyday earth. He would like that.

Upon returning to Phoenix Valley, he was making his way back to his home until something reached his nose, something which he didn't want to pick up. Blood. He could smell blood, from someone he knew of, actually a close friend. He was quick to identify which one it was. Xeris. He moved quickly, running through the trees, stopping when Xeris, Ty, and Rendall came into sight. He approached the blood covered female, kneeling down next to her. His eyes were revealing worry as he examined her body. Blood covered her majestic white pelt.

- Xeris - 08-02-2009

Xeris looked up as she saw Rendall bounding over, and winced slightly as she felt the sting of the herbs. Herbs...had Rendall found Pendzez or Anya? At least they had something to help her with. She groaned a little as the pain in her side intensified and stung. The white female heard Ty's voice as she squeezed her golden eyes shut. She appreciated Ty's shifting of her body to a more comfortable position; the pain lessened a little and breathing wasn't so painful.

She suddenly heard the sound of footsteps and looked up to meet Pendzez's eyes. Good, she thought, he got here. Now how was she going to explain to all of them what had happened? What would she say? That she just got lost? That she challenged a coyote outright? Xeris closed her eyes again, resolving to think about that at a later time once the pain had started to go away. The wounds on her face and foreleg had stopped bleeding, or at least she thought they had, though her leg still ached where it was broken. Slowly she felt the pain begin to lessen in her side; it wasn't going away completely of course, but she did feel at least a little better; perhaps the herbs were working.

- Anya - 08-03-2009

Anya found Pendzez's scent. It took a while, but she did find it. When she found it though, she realized that the scent trail led back to where Rendall had found Anya and pleaded for help. So Anya now found herself backtracking her own footsteps, and worried along the way. Xeris was badly hurt, she could tell, and it apparently had something to do with Inferni.

Anya felt her blood boil at the very thought of Inferni, and unconsciously snarled as she burst into the clearing where the other wolves gathered. She probably looked like a furious bat ready to fight her way out of hell, but Anya made no such note of that.

"Is....Is she going to be okay, Pendzez?" Anya felt that although the pull of healing called to her, she would leave this such healing to Pendzez unless he asked for help. Xeris was his heart and soul, that much was obvious.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 08-04-2009

As said before, Ty was not a medicinal man, he only knew a few meditative techniques to neglect pain, but apparently Xeris was feeling better, so Ty took the post as guard. Seeing the blood trail towards inferni territory, Ty was wary that something could have followed her. Whether it was a coyote or another puma or anything would have followed, Ty would be ready for it, ready to defend his friend, but that wasn't the only thing on his mind. None of this made sense, why did Xeris cross the boarder? What was she looking for over there?

But that wasn't just it, why had the coyotes attacked her? At best, he could guess trespassing on their territory, but was that really a necessary retaliation to attack her? she wasn't dead, so that means they weren't aiming to challenge Phenoix Valley to a war, but this definitely showed how much hostility they had. Ty then began to wonder what the Valley would do in reaction to this? It's not like they could really take this sitting down. Ty's warrior side began to think of this situation tactfully, he didn't want to cause an uprising here, but he didn't want this just to go unnoticed. However, he was getting ahead of himself, perhaps asking xeris about it later would be the wiser choice of action. Ty simply kept his mouth shut for now and looked in the woods for any sign of pursuers.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 08-04-2009

Pendzez shifted his body so that Pendzez was resting Xeris' head on his knees, while holding her with his hands. She was alive, but he started to form tears. He cared for her, bue he let this happen. Why didn't she use caution when outseide the pack. She should have known of the potential dangers. His hand reached and began to stroke her cheek in a comforting motion.

He looked up at the three were gathered around. By the looks of the wounds that Xeris has, Pendzez will need a lot of herbs, not only to stop the blood, but also to heal the wounds up well. "I need a lot of herbs. Rendall, Anya. My den, east of here, there are two sacks, one will be open. I need you two to bring it to me. Ty, you stay."

- Rendall - 08-05-2009

Rendall had put another mouthful of herbs into Xeris' wounds by the time Pendzez arrived, she sighed of relief and stayed out of his way, she quickly went to make sure Anya was soon to fallow. Sure enough she came boundign accross the scene, the pup, already drenched in Xeris' blood, quickly nuzzled the she-wolf in praize and turned to Pendzez for instructions, noce given she nodded a quick nod, nuzzled the noble male to comfort him, hoping he would understand that she meant the best, and took off into the woods.

She ran once more to his den with Anya along side her, his den was a good distance away from the group but once they got there she quickly searched for the bags of herbs. she turned to Anya " you looke over there and i'll check over here, we'll find them faster that way and will be able to get back to Xeris as soon as possible."

- Xeris - 08-05-2009

Xeris felt Pendzez move her head slightly; she began to relax when he stroked her cheek. His presence, so close to her, made her feel better. But at the same time, she felt guilty. Guilty for making him worry. For making them all worry. She hadn't meant to make them worry. All she'd wanted to do was go for a pleasant walk in the woods. She'd just made the mistake of straying too far, into Inferni borders.

"Pendzez..." she said softly. "My leg, I think it's broken." She looked down to her foreleg; it had stopped bleeding but was still aching. The white female knew that it would be difficult for her to get around if her leg wasn't treated immediately, and knew also that her friend had the capability to heal it. She heard Rendall run off to find more herbs. Was she really bleeding that badly? She couldn't have been hurt too badly or else she wouldn't have made it back to Phoenix Valley. Deep in her heart she began to become scared. Scared for her life. Scared that the others would have to be unhappy without her. She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her head against Pendzez's body for comfort, trying her best to put these thoughts out of her head.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 08-06-2009

His fur was stained with the white females blood. He ignored it. He was holding on to a life that he loved dearly. He wasn't to let her go or leave her side. He remained with her. Holding her, comforting her. Pendzez moved his hand and left it on the side of her neck, his other hand stroking through her fur on her head. He wouldn't let her be alone.

It was then that she was saying about her leg being broken. He looked down to the leg which she was saying was broking. It looked broken. However, he needed a bandage or a strip of cloth to tie the stick as a sprint. The leg needed to remain motionless. Otherwise, it would have problems with healing properly. "I need you to keep it the way it is. Don't move it around at all." He looked up a Ty. "I need some cloth, Ty."

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 08-06-2009

"Right, I'll get some for you." Ty replied with a smile and a nod to Pendzez before taking off towards a certain direction. He knew exactly where to look for cloth, a place that his father once had, the old cabin. It had only been a week, and nobody had come to claim it, so the place was pretty much abandoned. However, Davinci also dind't take much with him, leaving many things behind that Ty could use as cloth. According to the location, Ty knew the house wasn't that far away, but how long could Xeris hold out? After all, he was one who knew what blood loss was like, and losing consciousness was probably the worst thing that could happen in that situation.

He needed to find some cloth, and he could only pray there was some in the cabin.

Eventually, after about five minutes or so, Ty had found the house, sitting pretty, but alone in the fields. He bounded towards it and in one swift motion burst through the unlocked door, which would've been splintered if the door was locked. He quickly halted after the bursting and surveyed the small house for anything that could be used. The only thing was was usable in Ty's vision was the tablecloth, so that had to go. Sweeping over to it, he took one end of the cloth in his mouth and with one arm yanked swiftly on one end, tearing a large piece off of it. Deeming the piece of it good enough, he quickly darted out of the house and ran on all fours to get back to the area as quickly as he could.

As soon as he re-entered the scene, he handed Pendzez the ripped tablecloth. "Here, I hope dad didn't need this." He said with a chuckle.

- Rendall - 08-08-2009

After what seemed hours of searching, the pup finally found the bag of herbs and picked it up in her mouth, she could run faster in her lupus form. She ran as fast as she could through the forest until she bursted through the bushes onto the grusom scene. Rendall placed the bag of herbs next to the noble male and nuzzled her mentor. she then hoped over Xeris' blood-covered body and started stroking the females back.

"She'll be ok....you can save her." she tried giving her brotherly figure some encouragement so that he wouldnt spend too much time beating himself up over what happened to her. She touched his hand and gave him the best smile to help him out. She continued to stroke Xeris and nuzzling her lightly to jeep her calm. "Its ok, Pendzez will take care of it all, youll be just fine. Just try to relax now."

- Pendzez Zazkex - 08-10-2009

Pendzez remained his position that he was in when he started to hold Xeris. Some hours seemed to pass, but was Rendall? The bag couldn't have been that hard to find. It was right inside the door. A bag that was open, nearly a quarter full, that was right inside the door. Pendzez would have to stay calm and give the girl some slack since she was still only young and also scared of losing Xeris.

Rendall returned. Great. When the bag was placed, he let Rendall what she did. After so, he touch aa hand full of herbs and he began to chew on them. It was difficult to chew with a mout full of herbs, but he tried. When he was done, he spat them back out itno his hand, using some on her wounds at a time. He moved along her muzzle with two fingers, getting only around her nose where there was cuts. He moved his hand along her wounded body as he used the herbs on her wounds.