'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
it's off to work we go - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 10-07-2009


There was a whole world out past the packlands and even though Firefly tried to avoid it on a daily basis from time to time she grew bored and had to find something to occupy her time with. Once more she'd set out for the mines that Leroy and she had found, this time with the idea of actually finding a treasure. She knew that there was some valuable metals in the lands but she really had no clue on how to retreave the treasures, not that she really cared either, it was just another way of passing the time.

The silvery gold wolf had finally reached the location of the mines and with a wag of her tail she headed to the entrance to investigate. Snooping around the cart she had abandoned when She and Leroy had left she frowned, realizing that she had no way of lighting up the mining shaft or even anything to try and find the gold with. Leaning against the cart she growled softly at her stupidity, she really did not want to march all the way back to the pack to try and find something to use.

Flicking her ears back in disgust she abandoned the mine yet once again, this time to try and fine something useful. She would get back to the mine one day but today obviously was not her day.


- Andante de la Rocha - 10-21-2009


Hope you don't mind me throwing a Dante-face in here? :]

Initially, the male had departed from his little run-down apartment in the city in order to do a little scouting and maybe a little hunting. He carried his hunting knife and a length of roped clipped to his belt, a touch of his usual hunting equipment. For a short time, he followed the plan, examining the wilderness for good spots to set up traps and trying to keep a mental note of where the prey seemed to linger. Though after a time, Dante’s mind began to wander. He left his baseball bat at home again. He was beginning to feel a bit uneasy, twitchy almost, without its comfortable weight in his hand or slung across his back. He attempted to shrug off the thought of it and keep his thoughts on track. He seldom got distracted by a rogue thought. He sighed in agitation.

As he spotted something peculiar in the distance, he began to wonder if his scouting would lead him to an interesting discovery. From where he stood, it looked to be some sort of tunnel, though it was certainly not a natural formation. There was clear evidence that humans had once lingered around there, long ago. He hadn’t seen anything like it. A touch of curiosity managed to get the better of him, and he started to shift his course to bring him a little closer to the strange thing. Before he could even get very far, he noticed the scent of another and he froze. It was his luck that he would run into someone while out and about, trying to get his business done. His amethyst gaze drifted around slowly, hoping to spot the other canine and make a quick getaway before they noticed him.

- Firefly Sadira - 10-21-2009


Firefly had set off towards a dense grove of pinetrees, their sweet scent sharp and inviting, but she didn't get far before another scent invaded her free time. She flicked her ears back and growled lightly to herself as she turned and gazed back the way she'd come. She twitched her tail and thought about abandoning the thought of chasing after ghosts but curiosity got the best of her and with a mutter under her breath she set out to apprehend this creature who was invading her alone time.

The silver and gold wolf soon found herself standing near the mine once more, still in the cover of the pines as she spotted the stranger. His scent told her that he belonged to no pack but even better his manner told her he was uneasy with something. She frowned to herself and wondered what in the world had got the boy so worked up until she realized he was scanning the area for something or someone. She smirked, hoping that she was what was causing him such grief as she eased out from under the cover of the pines and strolled towards him casually.

"So stranger, why so twitchy.." She didn't even stop to think if perhaps the male was dangerous, that didn't bother her too much. It was the stupid ones that caused her more problems. Her plush tail swished back and forth as she eyed the male with those cold emerald orbs before standing a few paces away to see if he would go coursing like a rabbit over the lands. She so hoped he didn't, she didn't feeling like chasing her prey.


- Andante de la Rocha - 11-04-2009


Jenny r slow. :[

His silent glancing around for whatever stranger was lurking about didn’t last long. The figure made itself visible within a moment, strutting confidently toward him. The snowy-gold figure offered him a mocking sort of greeting, giving him the impression that she wasn’t about to run along nicely to get back to whatever the hell business she was previously attending to. The doggish canine stifled the growl that came to his throat as he carefully watched her. Great, what the hell did she want? Dante felt the phantom weight of his baseball bat in his hand and he internally berated himself for forgetting it once again. He clenched both of his hands into tight fists and shoved them into the pockets of his shorts. It was an effort to both calm his nerves and hide those damn twitchy fingers of his from this stranger.

He offered the she-wolf a glare along with the action, content for a brief moment to seethe silently. It was mighty tempting to just turn around and walk off, ignoring this unwanted encounter. The hybrid boy had the feeling that this wolf wouldn’t exactly be content to just let him storm off, though. He contemplated what the least annoying way to move on would be. Dante stood around like that for a moment, like a fool, before deciding to open his trap. “Don’t think that’s any a yer business, stranger, he retorted lamely, unsure of just what he could say to make her go away. Being a jackass usually worked like a charm, especially around the girls.

- Firefly Sadira - 11-14-2009

Firefly's eyed didn't miss much and when the muscles in the strangers arms began to twitch she paused a moment to watch him watching her. A sickly sweet smile pressed upon her lips as she raised her head and witnessed the male trying to hide his aggravated state. She wondered what in the world she had done to cause such distress to such a strange fellow, but she didn't ponder that long before she went about her self appointed duty of making his time this day hell. "So... Twitchy, what would you do if I made it my business." She was a cruel bitch when she wanted to be and this poor soul with the attitude of an asshole just screamed at her to screw with him.

She stretched ut her arms a moment before continuing to move closer, wondering if the guy was going to freak out and tell her to stay away or if he'd go running like a frightened rabbit before this was all over. She so did like to play with twitchy little bunnies, was it just her luck today she found one! She didn't tempt the fates when such a surprise was laid at her doorstep.

- Andante de la Rocha - 11-20-2009


Now he was getting agitated. At first he had been simply displeased at being forced into the company of another, but he didn't get too worked up about that fact at first. Sure, it was annoying as hell, but he assumed that he would be able to wander off and continue on his merry way and back into solitude. Usually any strangers that Dante had the misfortune of bumping into were quite happy to let him leave, especially when he had the usual mask of displeasure clinging to his features. So now he was a little unsure of what he would do, too used to getting off scot-free in these encounters to really think about dealing with strangers any further. His anger was always quick to flare up when he was forced into unfamiliar and unpleasant situations, and this time was no exception. The glare on his features was soon acompanied by a snarl as the woman called him by his new little nickname. She was having fun with this, wasn't she? "Oh, I'm sure ya'd just love ta find out, wouldn' ya?" he growled. He'd probably fly right off the handle if this kept up, but he was determined to remain calm (at least as calm as Dante could get) for as long as possible.

His first instinct was to back away as the woman stepped closer to him, but he fought the urge and stood strong. She wanted to play games with him? Fine, he would play right along. He pulled his hands from his pockets and moved his arms to cross over his chest and took a step forward towards her in defiance. He hated to admit it, but he was interested in finding out what her next move would be. He kept his gaze locked on her and a sneer on his maw to declare his challenge.


- Firefly Sadira - 12-30-2009

Firefly couldn't help but smile, she liked making people nervous and this one seemed to be just enough of that for her liking. He seemed to challenge her with his words and she raised a brow as she cocked her head to the side and chuckled. "Oh I don't know.. depends on if you're worth keeping around." she said as she played with a twisted lock of her own hair as she smiled mischievously at the male. She so hoped that things would play out better, he seemed so grumpy and she just wanted to lighten his load, in her own ways that was.

He moved a step closer to her, his arms crossed as she laughed and smirked. "Oh, am I in your space?" she asked as she moved closer, waltzing right into his space as she leaned heavily on one hip, her body moving towards him as she gazed across her shoulder towards the male. He didn't seem like he'd last long at the rate she was going but she didn't mind playing the game as long as she won.. or could run for her life in the end. Sooner or later she'd do one or the other.