'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
noise pollution - Printable Version

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- Silas Agata - 05-04-2010



A soft chuckle emitted from the Hydra, and Silas let himself steal a sideways glance. For a moment, the breeze around them tussled the auburn hair framing her face just slightly as a glimmer of amusement touched her features. There was a quickening in his veins he couldn’t explain as a small smile crept over his features, spreading and enveloping his frame – there was a pure sense of satisfaction in the boy. He had glimpsed a rare moment when perhaps someone’s true face shines through and the Russian was convinced that he had seen the beauty within Halo, not just her more than pleasing aesthetics.

The question took Silas by surprise and his ears feel slightly as he considered how to explain it. Russia was a long ways from where Halifax was – literally half way around the world! There were human names given to different locations of the earth and Silas wasn’t sure if they would mean anything to Halo. Europe, for example, was only something Silas was aware of because of his travel through it in order to trek across the North Atlantic. The slightest frown caught him for a moment, but he figured he’d try his best anyways to explain. "Eet ees very far from here." He considered the long journey that he and his small family had made in order to dock their ship in Halifax’s harbor. "You must cross zhe ocean a very very far vay. Zhere ees place called Europe – past zhat ees vhere Russia ees." In fact, Silas himself would have probably been very surprised and enlightened to see a map of the world and to know just how far he had exactly traveled.

"Zhanks," he chimed, feeling a bloom of rose beneath the fur along his cheek bones. He hadn’t quite expected that comment from Halo and was slightly put off by it. For a moment, he was unsure of how to respond. Silas had just assumed that those he talked to would be irritated by his accent, since it seemed that change for most is hard to accept. The unlikely compliment put the boy on high and he could already tell that his mood was feeling lighter and lighter. "Have you ever been far?" Maybe she had been born somewhere else and traveled to Nova Scotia similarly to how Silas had, but he had automatically assumed that most of the people living here were either born here or someplace not far off.

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- Halo Lykoi - 05-05-2010

http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... _alive.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; padding: 15px; padding-bottom: 250px; text-align:justify;">This reply is so-so. The fire alarm in the building I'm sitting in had a firealarm while i tried to reply XD

Very far could be so much. She had thought it a long journey when the three Lykoi siblings had set off to find the glorious lands of Inferni. There was no doubt that Silas’ journey had been far greater. Halo had no distinctive accent to give her an exotic impression. Silas’ was distinguished by strong traces of a completely different language. Halo could not guess exactly how far away, but she knew it was probably further than she could imagine. Her large, copper and cream hued ears swivelled backward against deep auburn locks as she tried to imagine the great sea that he had crossed from Europe. She only knew the tranquil sea that she could see from Inferni’s western borders. Once or twice she had wandered by the edge of Halifax and spotted the salty water stretching into an eternal blue. She had never placed a foot in a boat, probably because the thought had never hit her.

It was a good thing that the girl did not notice the light blush touching the boy’s cheeks. She was busy with her own body and the odd way it seemed to react in his presence. She rarely felt as delicate as she did right now. She was a hurting being and had been for some time now, but in the company of others she still had much of the same bitchy attitude as she always had. In her opinion at least. Her cherry gaze had investigated the distant for a few moments now, but took the opportunity to return to answer Silas. ”Not very far. I was born a few days of travel north of ‘Souls, and my longest journey were to travel to Inferni a year ago.” Would he find her dull, knowing she had no experience travelling?

Her ears continued to rest against her dark hair as she wished she could impress him somehow. Unfortunately she had done few things in her life worth mentioning to obtain adoration from another. Her appearance usually helped, but aside from that there seemed to be nothing special about her. Her ruby gaze continued to linger on his handsome face as she let a smile touched by fragile shyness enter her face before that ruby gaze fled from him, carrying that same light embarrassment. She was not certain she wanted to play with this one though – if she would be able to.

Table credit: Marit(Dawali)


- Silas Agata - 05-09-2010


Crap post is crap, but I got excited and wanted to write something. +3

Time seemed to pass differently when one was on land versus the sea. Of course there is still night and day, sunrises and sunsets, but the passage of time seemed to be entirely different. In the expanse of the deep blue ocean, days seemed to blend together into one big block of time. If anyone were to ask just how long it had taken for the Russos to sail across the ocean, Silas would only ever be able to offer a guess. Days felt like weeks, months felt like years. But in the end, it was all just time.

He was only slightly surprised to hear that Halo wasn’t born in Nova Scotia. What made her birthplace different than Inferni, or what had even compelled her to travel in the first place? He wanted to ask, but somehow couldn’t bring himself to form the words. Instead, he just sat there silently for a moment, enjoying her presence there with him perched in the tree. They must have looked so odd up there, and that thought made Silas smile to himself. Now that he thought back on it, he was surprised and relieved Halo had taken him up on the offer to share the tree. "Traveling can be exciting, but sometimes eet’s nice just to be able to call a place home and go zhere." He wasn’t telling her this as if she didn’t know it herself – it was just talk to break the silence. He looked to her again, offering a small smile. "Hopefully Inferni vill be home soon. Zhen I won’t have to travel." The thought of Inferni being home brought up a question from earlier: where exactly would the boy sleep tonight? Atleast now he would rest his eyes knowing one friendly face amongst the clan’s borders.

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- Halo Lykoi - 05-13-2010

http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... _alive.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; padding: 15px; padding-bottom: 250px; text-align:justify;">--

His words made her feel hopeful that she was not a lost case. She wondered if he would be able to call this place home. Or would he go back to his Russia and forget about this place? Her face tilted as her thoughts were taken by the wind. She chose not to wonder if he had a dark haired lady back at home, but wondered generally about the life he had left back there across the great sea. Her fingers gripped tighter around the branches supporting her and she wondered if his words in reality had been a queue for her to turn her nose to the mansion and leave this tree. His face did not support that belief—there was still warmth in his ice orbs.

She considered her final words, wondering again what exactly he meant. ”You could find a home in the mansion,” she decided to suggest. It was a stupid thing to say and she regretted it immediately after, but by then the words had been said. ”Speaking of which, I better get home,” if the snow continued falling then she would have to scuffle through it back to the mansion, and she did not wish for that. Although he had made her feel comfortable, there seemed to be a lot of tension lurking as well. She did not like that. She did not like what she couldn’t understand.

Her ruby gaze finally released him and peered downwards as she, rather clumsily, started to work her way down.

Table credit: Marit(Dawali)


- Silas Agata - 05-13-2010



As the flakes fell, the cold crept into his fingers and toes and Silas had to grip the branches tighter, for fear numbness would overtake them and his might simply forget to hold on. And then her soft voice sounded again. A home in the mansion. He turned his icy gaze out towards D’Neville and he thought of this idea for a moment. He could take residence there, and claim a room for himself, much as Halo obviously had. He tried to remember which window she had said was hers. Somehow, he felt like that was too much. Could he really live there? He was a part of Inferni now, but it still felt as if he was trespassing onto someone else’s realm.

And then, she made her exit. Silas turned his head to her, finding her ruby eyes for a moment longer, before she started the slow and clumsy descent. "Zhe mansion ‘as room?" He inquired, leaning slightly into the tree to look down upon her sinking form. He didn’t want to invite himself by following after her, but the thought of going with her comforted him. He didn’t want to spend a night alone in the snowfall, and maybe a warm room in the mansion would prove to be the perfect place for Silas to remain throughout his days in Inferni. Yet, he remained perched in the tree until Halo offered word; he needed the reassurance that it was okay.

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- Halo Lykoi - 05-14-2010

http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... _alive.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; padding: 15px; padding-bottom: 250px; text-align:justify;">300+

The way down was not too much of a challenge for the auburn female, but she was well aware that she lacked her usual grace as she climbed down, branch to branch and then the colder, white ground. The air captured in her lungs was released finally, though she had not been aware that she had held her breath in the first place. Well down on the safe earth the young woman could now look up at the luperci that remained in the tree. It struck her strange that she had not felt a pinch of worry about the height while up there. She was used to certain heights, yes, but it would not have been too hard to lose one’s grip or balance and smack down into the hard ground.

He had spoken as she was climbing down, and the hybrid looked them up again together with the smile she wanted him to see. She felt confusion swirl in her belly, but resisted the urge to explore it as long as she was in the company of the young male. He had been nice to her, though she had felt confused whenever their gazes met. It felt like they were two different poles; unable to connect for more than a short moment. She blamed her lack of the confidence she once had owned and taken for granted.

While she was grateful that they had forged something more meaningful than a staged dialogue filled with flirt, it made her wonder if he didn’t find her attractive. She wanted him to, but found herself ridiculously self aware whenever she felt the ice gaze on her body. ”The mansion has lots of space.” the late reply sounded as she reeled herself in from the thoughts messing up her focus. ”If you want we can walk to D’Neville together and I can help you find a room.” She thought her words sounded bold, but tried to convince herself that it was only a normal and friendly offer to a comrade.

Table credit: Marit(Dawali)


- Silas Agata - 05-14-2010



Grasping firmly to the branches, Silas leaned, watching as Halo finally made her way down to the bottom of the tree and her paws left trailing marks in the snow of where she had been. All was silent for a moment, aside from the low whistle of the wind and the soft sounds of their releasing breath as his cool blue gaze focused on her crown of auburn hair. He waited silently, hoping again to see those fiery ruby eyes on him and hear that voice again. Would it bring good news?

And then, she turned and her voice permeated the silence. A smooth line broke the seriousness in his features at the sound of promise. The mansion was big enough to take in one more, even if it were for only one night. Relief setting in, he began to descend after Halo, careful not to rush and make a devastating slip. "Zhat vould be vonderful," he told her, halfway done the tree already. Once he came close enough to the ground below, Silas merely released his grip from the rough bark and jumped down to the snowy covered ground below. He smirked at her, wondering if this was just his youthfulness shining through or if he really was in fact trying to impress her somehow. The snow underfoot added a new awareness to the weather, and Silas was glad that they had decided to conclude their stay in the tree. In fact, he was rather pleased that Halo had extended the invitation to come inside the mansion for the night, as Silas really wasn’t looking forward to a night in the fresh snow fall. "Let’s go," the young Russian offered with a smile, before setting off in D’Neville’s direction, the light crunching of snow underfoot rising into the air.

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