'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Bad things - Printable Version

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- Night Thames - 12-28-2009


She wandered the new land as if she had lived here her whole life. The women, Alexy, was going to baby her, Night had deduced that much. She had no intention of letting the women, she would learn what was acceptible behavior, but she would do what ever she had to to feel the warmth. Walking through the woods she felt something move along her side, and then again on her other side. Most likely twigs and thorns sticking out. The pup didn't really take notice when they brushed her.

It was in her best interest to notice when things touched her, since she couldn't feel pain. Blood slipped down her sable fur to her thick puppy legs and her still growing paws. She had yet to discover her weakness. Jogging through the undergrowth she found a small collection of water that hadn't frozen and began to lap at it. After taking her fill she sat back on her haunches and looked at the trees surrounding her. Was this place so desolate? Feeling the liquid slidding down her legs she looked at her sides and seen the blood.

Shrugging she didn't even take the time to clean the substance from her coat. Whatever it's purpose she didn't much care to acknowledge it. Rather she wanted to entertain herself, find another living breathing creature. Her bright azure eyes slowly scanned where she stood. How far would it be till she found other wolves or animals? The scents were in the air, but many of them she didn't even know, so that wouldn't help her. Blue eyes narrowed she would have to wait to gain that knowledge.


- Conor Soul - 12-29-2009

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _t-400.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Conor and Night live in the same house, so they should be somewhat aquainted already.

The child had sneaked out and Alexey had not been there to see this. There was no blame in the young male’s heart, for Alexey could not watch the child 24/7. The boy found the girl a little odd, and this intrigued him. Conor’s childhood had not been a pleasant one and he still carried the damage within. Perhaps something similar had happened to her. Psychology was a fond subject for the boy and therefore the girl’s unique indifference to her surroundings triggered his curiosity.

It had taken a while before he too had noticed the silent girl’s departure, but once it was clear that the house was empty, he quickly picked up her scented train and followed in a casual pace. Only when he reached a few crimson spots in the snow did he pick up his pace, jogging after her trail with some anxiety gathering in his chest. He found her in the forest by a small, iced puddle. The Lierre quickly moved up next to her and touched the thick fur by her neck in a manner that was meant to me comforting.

Lilac eyes took in her injuries, but her fur was thick and dark; camouflaging the dark crimson blood well. He squatted down and looked to her sapphire eyes as he spoke words marinated with care. ”Night, what happened?”


- Night Thames - 12-29-2009


The cold would be to much for most pups her age, making their paws ache and skin sting. Those physical feelings would never be something she would grasp. The blood continued to flow down her leg a little had dripped on the snow, but the gashes hadn't been to deep. The scent that blood had made her smile ever so slightly, it was a nice smell, rustic and slightly sweet.

It was the smell of sandlewood and spice that made her ears flick back to listen. The scent was one she knew, she had remembered it from Alexys' house. Conor was approaching her from behind, so when his gentle touch came to her neck it didn't surprise her. Warmth spread from her core to her whole body, but instead of her heart speeding up it skipped a beat and caused her breath to faulter.

For once her eyes were warm when she looked at him. What had caused the reaction in her? Had he brought the warmth in his action or just because it was Conor? His question perplexed her and she looked away to remember exactly what she was looking for. "Warmth." Her voice held a slight pride to it, a small tilt in her otherwise even voice. "I am looking for warmth, Conor." The small sable girl said as she moved away from him towards the dense woods again. The moment she left his side the warmth he brought vanished.

Later she would understand that what conor brought of caring and affection, these emotions along with fear and excitment had no names for the girl at the moment. Stopping and sitting down again she looked at Conor with her azure eyes. No innocence projected from them, just a cold emptiness. "Why did I feel warm and my....heart skipped when you came?" She had to try and remember so many words. It took a lot to only speak the words she knew thus far. Her gaze drifted away to look out somewhere else as if she didn't like to look at someone for to long.


- Conor Soul - 12-30-2009

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _t-400.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
The unexpected warmth present in the child’s eyes as she looked to the older male was not expected, and Conor’s eyes widened slightly in silent puzzlement. The girl uttered a single syllabus word and he was again puzzled – and wishing she would have answered his question instead. He did not understand. How could she seek warmth by walking into the wintery landscape with a temperature forcing mist into her breath? Golden ears folded slowly in continuous worry for the young child that still smelled of Cour de Miracles. The Lierre would have to make his first visit to the hybrid pack soon in pursuit of some information about the girl. She had been accepted into the pack, but Conor’s silent hope was that she was merely lost and confused. Another pack had been her home and she had arrived alone, this was not right.

The girl’s voice spoke up again as she moved away from him. She seemed so vulnerable, yet determined to show strength in a manner that he had not seen before in another creature. The young adult remained silent, unable to grant her guidance in her impossible search. Warmth could be heat, could be love, though which one she meant he did not know. His lilac eyes watched as her sapphire stars were emptied for the expression he already had determined as rare for her. She served him a question and for a third time surprise washed through the boy. ”I don’t know, Night.” He wished he could understand this strange little child. ”What does it feel like, this warmth?” he asked her with honest wonder.


- Night Thames - 12-30-2009


Blue eyes traveled over the land she saw in front of her. It was cold, for some her age to cold, but she couldn't feel pain so to her it was just like any other spring day. Her body could detect tempature change, but not to a painful degree, frost bite would feel only slightly colder then any other normal tempature. This inability to feel pain was not in her favor in the least, because she couldn't understand fear either. The sable girl wasn't aware of it yet, but she would one day.

Conor's response had her ears flicking back and the blank expression never left her face. Only rarely did she give one of those dark grins. What was the warmth? Was she the only one who felt it? Or rather was she the only one who didn't always feel it? Azure eyes stared almost lifelessly into the forest as she explained. "Warmth consumes my body makes my heart beat faster, and other times skips a beat." She paused to think then continued.

"I only feel warm sometimes, but I don't know why." She said it all in a monotone, as if she didn't know how to express anything without feeling that warmth she spoke of. Finally looking at Conor with her azure eyes she had one of those sadistic grins on her face, her blue eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "I felt warmth when I saw the red" It had to be the one thing that made her feel warm the most often, when she saw blood.


- Conor Soul - 01-01-2010

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _t-400.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
SSWM 510

He assumed that something terrible had happened to her in the past. What else could the young male believe, for this child was cold and lifeless, unlike any child he had seen before. He too had been a very strange child without the general puppy traits, but he had known emotions and known affection and fear as he encountered them. This girl was hollow and he realized that it scared him. Perhaps pity too was deserved. Conor only knew that he wanted to help her, and to be able to do this he had to try to get to know her better. Alexey was still the pack’s puppy sitter and it was her job to take care of the young Night Thames. It was probably natural for them to try to be a family. For this he knew much dedication was required. Perhaps this was something the young Soul male had secretly waited for. A reason to go on. Alexey had rejected him, but this did not mean that his world was going to end. He was young and had numerous years ahead, and he should try to make the best out of it. This would start with helping this little girl.

The blue eyed child’s reply did not help him. It was impossible to determine what kind of warmth she was speaking of – but then again, perhaps she did not really know either. She was a strange one and she did not cry despite the slim rivers of deep crimson running down her fur. Perhaps she lived in a world of permanent cold. He followed her; coming up close again. The way she described the warmth though made him think of happiness, of love. If this silent guess of his was anywhere right then he would truly feel sorry for the girl, because she was missing out on life itself. At least the way Conor saw it. The pleasurable and satisfying warmth of emotion could not truly be surpassed by anything else in this life. He pressed his hand against her little cheek, ”Warmth like when you feel the heat from my hand on you?”. He let it rest there, letting her discover whether or not it was temperature that was the warmth.

Her reply had frightened him though. Red brought forth the association with blood, and that was definitely not a good thing. Lilac eyes widened somewhat in quiet surprise, but the boy said nothing for a few seconds as he considered her last words. Not the warmth of a gentle touch or a summer’s breeze. Inner warmth was what she spoke of, it seemed. ”What is the red?” the golden male now asked, though reluctant to hear the answer. It was needed though, for he wanted to understand her. Still, he was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable about this. His father would have been intrigued, but Conor felt only discomfort at such an unsettling knowledge about the child. Yet he was here to help and he would have to endure in order to do this.


- Night Thames - 01-01-2010


He didn't understand what she was reffering to. Her ears flicked back as her saphire eyes narrowed. She wasn't irritated more then perplexed. How could he not understand exactly what she meant? His question made her shake her head simply rejecting his idea. "From the inside." She said bluntly. She would feel the heat spread from her heart sometimes, others her eyes, also her stomach. It was hard for her to comprehend why, but she seeked it out whenever she could.

Then he asked her about the red. Blue eyes kept staring out into the distance with that empty expression. "The red." She lifted her paw and sunk her teeth into her own flesh, red blood swelled to the surface and a grin lifted her small lips. She took her time before she looked back at Conor. "It comes out from my body and the prey." Her voice seemed to have changed, holding a warm coo to it. She loved the sight of the liquid more then anything so far in her life.


- Conor Soul - 01-03-2010

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _t-400.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
SSWM 339

From the inside indicated that it was something emotional rather than temperature. He stared sadly down and the child he did not know nor understood. He did not understand it. Did she usually lack emotion since these supposedly rare cases of warmth made such an impression on her? The young male found this very interesting and he already knew which books were up for a consult once he managed to get the little girl home again. Light cream painted fingers gently inspected the cuts on her sides, but they seemed quite shallow and there was little to do about them. His touch was gentle as he did not want to cause her additional pain. He was surprised such a young child seemed to care nothing about her injuries. They were usually the navel of the world and everything wrong should cause an upset scene to bloom. Not with this one though, this one was just odd on every subject visited.

As she revealed what the red was, Conor’s ears flattened against his cinnamon and golden skull. He did not like the change in her now – the apparent joy just by thinking of it. He watched her bite down into her own paw and this was when the older male acted. He caught hold of her scruff with one arm and her now bleeding paw with the other, forcing her paw up to her face, but out of reach of it in case she wanted to do something foolish again. ”No, Night!” he said in a voice where warmth and softness had made space for sternness. ”Blood shed is not a pleasant thing and you should not see it as such.” How could the small female be so foolish? He was shocked that she had turned on her own paw and bitten it.
”You are not allowed to harm yourself like this. Do you understand me, Night?” She could even kill herself, eventually. By now he had obviously noticed that there was something very wrong with the child.


- Night Thames - 01-03-2010


After her teeth had left her paw she just looked at the blood that expression on her usually blank face. For some reason the sight of the red made her stomach feel warm and her heart beat faster. She wasn't addicted to the sight of it, only the warmth it caused. It was adrenaline that she felt, a pure instinct to act, but Night didn't know that. Almost instantly Conor had her by the scruff and was growling angry words into her face. The little sable girl had broken from her trance and just stared at him with those hollow azure eyes.

Night didn't say a word. She couldn't understand why the blood was so bad. What was wrong with it? It was so easy to get out of her body. His last demand had herself looking away to ignore his hard lavender gaze. She nodded curtly not looking him in the eyes. To her it was meaningless. If she wanted to see blood she would, it was her decision weather to draw it from her own body. Night waited for Conor to set her down so she could leave him.


- Conor Soul - 01-04-2010

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _t-400.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
SSWM 463

He could not understand what had just happened. Her empty eyes revealed that there was something horribly wrong with the girl and the young male did not like it. if she went about doing this to herself then he and Alexey could not afford to let her out of their eyesight again. He was also puzzled by the fact that no pain had splashed across her features as her own fangs had sunk down into her own flesh to draw blood that belonged inside and not outside of her. His teeth grinded together, for he knew not what to do. He was not experienced with children – had barely left childhood behind himself, and to all of a sudden have to care of such a strange and horribly unique child was not the best that could have happened him. Conor’s established personality would not allow him to let go of this without at least trying to deal with this problem of a child. What would have to be the hardest task was to make this child understand that she was actually hurting her own body when she turned on herself to see this “red” she talked about. As he stared into her blue orbs he was only met with a blank stare that seemed not to listen to the words he spoke. This was not acceptable. If she was going to live here and be a part of their family then she would listen to her guardians.

He watched her nod quietly without looking into his eyes. This was not good enough. The Soul male felt bad by acting so harshly with her, but he was trying to act in her best interest. ”Look at me, Night. Do you understand what I say?” he asked again, his lavender eyes trying to catch her evading gaze. He was unsure if she understood what he said at all. If her nerves were unable to announce the injury she had given herself then she would not live for long. She would not be able to afford such moves as these. Every day would be a test for her whether or not she had the required awareness. She would have problems hunting on her own because she did not have the correct reflexes to evade all that could hide on the forest bottom. She would have to check her body several times a day to ensure that she had not injured herself by a mistake during the night or day. She could bite off her own tongue in her sleep; she could break all her bones and continue walking. She needed to be aware of how difficult her life would be. ”What you just did you must never do again.” He repeated, wishing he could reach her.


- Night Thames - 01-11-2010


His anger shouldn't have fazed her, but it caused more warmth to spill into her chest. Her one addiction was to feel this physical warmth. It made her get a taste of life most people felt every day. She could distance herself unlike most, but she was born this way in no way had the child asked to be this way. Her azure eyes lifted to Conors lavender ones. He was so angry over something that she did very often. Why was it a problem. Night held a empty gaze at him, even as the warmth kept attacking her chest.

Averting her gaze again quickly so that he couldn't breaking into her concrete exterior she blocked him out best she could. This warmth wasn't the type she was used to. It over whelmed her, causing her to want to leave him behind. He was pushing something on her that the sable girl hadn't wanted to feel. "I won't." She finally said. If it would be in her favor then she wouldn't do it. The sable girl was blocking him out, he had pushed her to far and she didn't plan on showing him anymore of herself.


- Conor Soul - 01-21-2010

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _t-400.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Her eyes returned to his for a moment, but he found no understanding in her forever blue orbs. She said the words he wished to hear, but she could not uphold eye contact as she said so. Was she not too young to understand such promises as well? Conor knew not how to react to this situation, for he was barely an adult and knew nothing of raising problematic children with strange illnesses. His orbs finally let go of hers and investigated the injury she had given her paw in silence. It was not too deep, but he would want to treat it anyway. If nothing else it could be some additional training for him. It could perhaps also teach the girl that there would be consequences for such behaviour. She seemed oblivious to the pain, but he would take up some of her time in order to take her home and cleanse her wounds. He let go of her scruff slowly, feeling a bit bad for having gone this far as to grab hold of her and try to lecture her. No doubt that she needed to understand things, but he knew not how to. "You must come with me home now so that we can clean your cuts. Even if they don’t hurt much they can make your body sick and weak if an infection festers.” He cupped his hand to the child cheek and let his thumb gently brush her black cheek before he stretched up from his crouching position.


- Night Thames - 01-21-2010


OOC:Sorry for my lack of posting, I've had horrible internet problems for the past week and a half. Hope Night was okay to show up. :3

His strong emotions were more then she could comprehend. Her azure eyes stared at him with an emptiness, a lack of puppy excitment and even a spark of life. Like a souless creature she just seemed to stare past him as if he wasn't there. She couldn't understand why he was so angry at her actions, like what she had done was some time of unnatural thing. It bothered her that he saw it that way.

He set her down his words causing her to want to growl. She didn't want to go back to the house, the lack of freedom there would cause her to feel numb after a while. Night wanted to protest but as she stood there with conor kneeling in front of her he set a gentle hand on her cheeck and the warmth that spread through her body was more then she had ever felt before. Blue eyes sparked with life as they looked at him, bewildered and expressing the joy that she suddenly felt. Night didn't know this was joy, but that was what she was feeling. "ok"


- Conor Soul - 01-30-2010

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _t-400.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Finished, ja? I suppose these two should have another thread soon?

He had half expected the child to refuse to come back to the cabin with him, and was positively surprised when she agreed. His gentle face broke into a smile and he felt a sudden urge to lift her up in his arms, but knew that the child probably would not like it. His kind smile turned into a grin and he started walking back the way they had come. ”Alright then!” He would have to read up on several possible conditions that fitted her. He was of course intrigued by her, but felt sad for her inability to function like a normal child. Although he did not know if her mind knowingly suffered, he knew how it was to be different and unable to be like the rest. While she seemed indifferent to this, he had suffered greatly during his first seven months of his life and he did not want her to go through anything even remotely related to that.
