'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
we move like swing sets - Printable Version

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- Ehno Marino - 01-22-2010


Per Sonja! 442

Despite the dangerous times, the Marino man still felt the need to venture to lands far from his home. The pack of Dreamers had gathered only days before to learn of the war brewing in the east between the wolves of Dahlia and the Inferni coyotes. Crimson Dreams was situated safely enough away from the threat and held no involvement in the feud, but worry still plagued his mind. Phoenix Valley, the land where Naniko and his children resided was much closer to the battlegrounds. He saw no reason for the fighting to reach so far away from the warring packs’ lands, yet could not so easily keep the worries away. He did not wish to get involved with the blood stained problems of other packs and was simply left to sit and hope for the best.

Even with all this in mind, Ehno couldn’t deny himself another adventurous trip from home. He couldn’t quite shake the thought of that little village from his mind. It was a quaint little place, so starkly different from the city of Halifax he had grown used to. Even in face of the dangers of skirting the two warn-torn territories to reach his destination, he showed no hesitation. It would be just a quick trip, he told himself. He would slip in and take a quick look around before returning home. Whether the home he returned to would be the manor in Crimson Dreams or to Phoenix Valley and the cabin his children resided in, he was unsure. The male would simply make that decision when the time came, taking things one step at a time. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

The Italian man took to the familiar beaten path through the woods, eager to get another glance at the strange, modest village. When finally stepped out from beneath the leafy canopy covering the trail and into the clearing the small town was nestled in, a smile came to his features. The simple nature of this place had inspired the carpenter quite a bit after his first visit here, and he hoped that he could draw more inspiration from it now. The chocolate hued male drifted slowly through the travel-worn paths, glancing around at the varying structures as he walked. He stopped in front of what had once been a schoolhouse, a stone structure created with an impressive, yet simple design. Amber eyes admired the stone edifice, taking in the unique rural design and the time-worn flaws that adorned the building. It was something he could not easily replicate himself, being used to working solely with wood, but it intrigued him nonetheless.

- Sonja Russo - 01-29-2010


Word Count: 363 SORRY I SUCK OMG.

Sonja was excited to be here. It was quiet and no one else seemed to occupy the space of the village. She had run into a few other wolves but they were only here to gather items, but to take over, and it made her feel safe. She did not mind the scavenger or two as long as they knew better than to come into her home. It was pretty secure and Raskolnikov was bound to take care of leaving his mark. She would leave her own if she had to but if his mark did enough, there was no need. She had to make another trip to the city to pick up a few more items she missed and hoped to come across them. Her bag was filled with a few more nails she found scattered in one building and she quickly made her way inside another.

This one was the school house of the village, filled with different things she did not need. Her eyes found a few dusty books on a small shelf. Others used to be there to help hold them up but had long since been removed. Her fingers gripped them and she flipped through the delicate brown pages. They were faded and the type was graying away into nothing. They were still legible, fortunately, but they were all in English. She knew her mate could read them well enough and hoped he would be able to teach her one day soon when they were settled. She put a few of them in her satchel and one under her arm as she made her way out. She got a good look of the small room before leaving, just in case she needed something for later, and made her way out the front of the building to run into a wolf standing outside.

"Oh!" she said with a start, her bright blue eyes blinking to look him over. "Sono spiacente," she mumbled beneath her breath. Her voice started out at a normal sound before it faded off into nothing and she smiled sheepishly, lacking an English word for the time being in order to say how she really felt.

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- Ehno Marino - 01-29-2010


But you suck so well. ;D 352 EDIT; THERE, THE RETARD HAS FIXED HER POST. :B

Ehno quietly gazed at the building, trying for some incomprehensible reason to commit the structure’s design to memory. He moved his tan traveling back from his shoulder and held it by one of its straps, swinging it idly as he studied the building. There was an obvious difference in size between this building and many of the surrounding ones. The Italian man had discovered that the smaller buildings around the town were homes. He could only assume that this larger one had some sort of community purpose. Though what that purpose was, he couldn’t begin to guess, but a little searching around on the inside would quickly answer that question for him. That would come once he had finished admiring it from the outside, of course. And during his magnificent admiration of the beautiful building, he failed to notice the woman emerging from within it until she suddenly spoke up. He was shaken out of his reverie by the sound of her voice and he nearly jumped in surprise. His gaze snapped away from the building, quickly coming to rest on the form of the stranger. Yet again, he wasn’t alone in this little village it seemed. His amber gaze swept over her quickly as she mumbled her apologies.

"È nessuno problema," he muttered automatically, unsure exactly what she was apologising for. He froze then, realization dawning on him. She just spoke Italian, didn’t she? he wondered in a mix of awe and bewilderment. Had he perhaps imagined it? It just seemed too odd of a coincidence for him to have run into another Italian-speaking wolf in the same secluded village. Had he perhaps imagined hearing the musical language from the woman in the brief confusion of being startled? Ehno was rather hopeful that he hadn’t imagined his native tongue. He decided to test the waters by continuing once more in his native language. "Questo luogo sembra tirare tutti gli italiani a esso," he said with a laugh. Either she would understand him quite clearly, or she would stare at him as if he were a madman. Certainly he hoped it was the former.

- Sonja Russo - 01-29-2010


Word Count: 257 WOOHOO.

When the man spoke, Sonja expected to be confused and to have to explain herself that she was not that great with English like she had everyone else so far. A frown formed on her lips at the thought but it did not last long, it was quickly inverted and her ears stood erect on her head. Her jaws parted as she gasped, her smile widening at this new discovery and he spoke again. Sonja nearly missed his second statement and she had to catch her excitement and put it away until she could answer. "Sì!" she said with emphasis. "È un luogo bello," she said with a flip of her tail, pulling the book out from beneath her arm and holding it to her chest instead. Her shoulders twisted to adjust the satchel so it did not put more weight on her back awkwardly.

"Sono nuovo a questo paese," she said and nodded. "Non ho incontrato qualunque altri italiani poiché sono stato qui," she said with an indirect way of asking if there were others. If she knew there were more Italians, it would make her feel all the more better. She might even have somewhere to go should her and her husband have to leave this area, should he veer decide to leave her (god forbid), or vice versa. She did not want to think of these sort of things and instead she plastered a smile on her face and anticipated the man's beautiful voice with a language that was a sound for sore ears.

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- Ehno Marino - 01-29-2010



Ehno’s ears flicked forward as the enthusiastic Italian words were spoken. A smile to match the woman’s own leapt to his maw, excitement bubbling up within him. It was a relief to find that he had correctly heard the musical words of his first language. Though the male had grown into a comfortable fluency with English over the years, he always relished being able to fall easily back into Italian. Seldom did the man get to use it outside of his home, with his family, so he was quite pleased to discover that his ebony-hued stranger was familiar with it as well. The woman quickly shared with him that she was newly arrived in these lands, much as he had been well over a year ago.

"Ci sono parecchi di noi intorno," he commented, nodding briefly to accentuate his words. "Vivo con la mia famiglia in un pacco che è chiamato dei Crimson Dreams, al sud-ovest. Due sorelle e molti nipoti." A broad smile spread on his features as he shared this fact. The Marino was a family man, through and through. Though his longing for adventure and personal discovery had taken him away from them, almost permanently, he was extremely fortunate that he had reunited with them in these strange, far away lands. There were his own children to consider, raised to speak both English and Italian as well, but the chocolate-hued male refrained from making any mention of them for the moment. The possibility if having to explain why his children lived apart from him was not something he wanted to handle at the moment.

"E recentemente ho scoperto un altro uomo dal nostro paese, in questo molto stesso villaggio, effettivamente." It was such a curious little twist of fate that Ehno should run into two individuals from his homeland in this same far away and secluded place. The Dreamer male decided to take it as a sign that fate was smiling favorably upon him once again. After the convoluted mess he had dragged his family into and the threat of war lingering here in the eastern region, he was beginning to wonder if good fortune had abandoned him. The sociable male was happy to have found someone new to speak to in the lyrical Italian tongue.

He studied the stranger for a moment, thoughts suddenly traversing a different path. "Lei è venuto qui solo?" he questioned curiously. He and his siblings had the odd luck to all hitch a ride across the ocean, only to wind up meandering through these lands with no one by their side. Ehno was interested to learn how this woman came to arrive here and whether she had brought her own family along with her.

- Sonja Russo - 01-30-2010


Word Count: 369 Don't have him mention Beppe (who I'm assuming you're talking about? Tongue) we have a thread set after this that is important to me. <3

The man spoke of his family, that there were more Italians here, and she had no way to express the joy she felt. It was a great feeling knowing she could have someone to relate to, someone to talk to so freely and not have to struggle. She had yet to feel that way since being in Italy. Even with Raskolnikov, she did not feel like she could talk to him without worrying about what she said. She knew he was great with languages, but having four on his shoulders, it was bound to get confusing. English was difficult enough for her. She just did not understand how he worked, how his mind could wrap around languages so easily, and be able to do communicate with anyone he ran into.

"Dovrò visitare," she said with a tight grin on her features. She mentally remembered the direction of Crimson Dreams and took in a long breath to take in his scent. She attached it to the name of the pack he was from for whenever she headed in that direction. Perhaps her and her husband could make a day of it. Or two days. She did not know how long it would take to travel around in Nova Scotia on foot. He spoke of an Italian in the village and her eyes brightened, but she did not speak anymore of it. Perhaps she would find him one day soon and be able to figure out where he was from. In a land full of wolves and coyotes, she felt alienated. But with the Italians around, she felt like she might have had something to hold on to and more reason to be here.

He questioned her further and her tail twitched happily behind her, glad to oblige into his curiosity. "Sono venuta con mio marito," she explained with a grin. "Il mio nome è Sonja Russo," she added before she forgot, realizing she did not know his name. She had simply forgotten they had not gotten to this point because she was talking to him like an old friend she had not seen in years and had a ton of catching up to do in a short amount of time.

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- Ehno Marino - 03-15-2010


Yeah, I had him be vague about it cuz I kinda figured it would be best not to mention Beppe too much, since you guys were threading. :] Aaaaand I apologize for sucking so much with this. 419

The woman expressed interest in making a visit to his home, and his own smile brightened in response. "Lo non vedrò l'ora di." he chimed. He would have tell his sisters of this meeting once he returned home. Certainly they would look forward to meeting another soul from their home lands. This woman would undoubtedly be welcome to call upon the pack of Dreamers should she ever find herself in the area.

She appeared quite eager to reveal that she had come here along with her husband, and Ehno smiled at the image of a happy traveling couple in his head. "Ciò è meraviglioso." She was lucky to have someone she loved by her side while first arriving in these strange lands, quite unlike the Marino siblings. Though Ehno’s own lonely wandering through Nova Scotia was short lived before fate was kind enough to guide him to his sister’s door step, it was still rather daunting to find himself alone in a place so far from home.

But Ehno’s thoughts could not linger on the topic for long, as the woman quickly added an introduction, something that had completely slipped the minds of the two chatty Italians up until now. He now had a name to go along with the face of this friendly stranger, but the familiarity of part of the name caused his amiable smile to falter momentarily. Russo. It was hard to keep thoughts of his father from surfacing in his mind after hearing that name, and those old memories always had a way of dampening his usually upbeat moods. The Marino man tried to shake off the unpleasant feelings, forcing the smile back to his lips for his own introduction. "Mi chiamo Ehno Marino. Piacere, Sonja." Despite his faltering a moment before, the words were genuine and rolled easily from his tongue.

But that haunting name continued to flutter within his thoughts. Such a pleasant woman couldn’t possibly have anything to do with that bastard back home in Monti Sabini, right? Yet there was the shared name, her origins in Italy… It was the undeniable possibility of a connection between them that glued the uneasiness to the forefront of his mind. "Uh… Russo, lei dice?" An awkward pause followed as Ehno tried to piece together his next question. "Lei non succederebbe sapere un Serge Russo?" he finally managed to ask, unable to keep a bit of the distaste from his voice when mentioning his father’s name. Way to go ruining an otherwise pleasant encounter, Ehno.