'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Reflections of our lives - Printable Version

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- Laidaria - 01-31-2010


Ello ^.^

She let out a frustrated huff as she sat underneath her favorite tree atop the hill. Her Breath steamy showing in little white puffs as the cold air met it. Ever since the pack meeting the she was like this. Pacing up and down in her room at night, negleting her body of sleep. Nightmares visited her mind frequently, images of her bloody childhood rising from the very depths of her thoughts.

Laidarias mind was troubled. Savinas orders were solid as rock, and not to be broken. However, the she-wolf wanted to help. She felt something wasnt right, especially with Pheonix Vally. What would happen if Rendall showed up right in the middle of things....it wasnt safe for the wolfess to return just yet. But who was she to keep the girl from her home? Not to mention the madman in charge of the other pack....Haku Soul, the name tasted of acid on her tongue. She wanted him dead before anyone else. But alas, anything she did in the war would involve her pack.

That was something she could not do, she understood the Commanders situation and would have done the same....perhaps. However, whatever the she-wolf did, she would not disobay Savina. She continued to pace under the tree, her scarred back warmed by the sun in small areas and her tattoos shown quite vividly on her body. Her elegent body and big paws took the deep slushy snow in stride. Her two colored eyes searching for something amist the vally bellow. However someone was there who wasnt there before.

Brilliant, just brilliant.... The wolf approaching was male, bigger than her. His fur was as black as hers and his yellow eyes showed kindness but it made her unsure. Now that she was paying attention to her surroundings she lifted her nose to catch his scent. However the wind was not on her side today, so she swallowed her frustration and waited until the man was within talking distance, she wasnt going to yell rudely at him. "Hello...um...can I help you?" she tried to keep her tone as friendly as possible. No need to be unfriendly towards a male who could easily put her in her place.


- Jazper Rhiannon-Knight - 02-07-2010

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... ableII.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
OOC: HI! Big Grin

WC: 500+

Ever since the meeting about the war Jazper had been spending his time in a very structured way. Not a day went by that he was not out searching the boarders for strange smells or glimpse of wolves or coyotes which should not be around Crimson Dreams. Three, four times a day he would spend a couple of hours walking around, making sure the territory was clearly marked and nothing was out of place. Aro and Sophia were rather pleased with his absence, leaving them sitting at four months old and ready and eager to run around exploring. In all honesty the father was scared. Scared of how fast the two were growing up, now running around talking in full sentences and growing into their own individuality. They were halfway to adulthood! Soon enough they wouldn't need him to pick them up, put them to bed, get them a meal in the morning.

The whole situation was troubling and aggravating to the large brute. How was he suppose to take care of his children, teaching them values and tell them stories, when he was out here making sure nothing and no one could lay a paw on either of them. The freedom to run around and explore was a privilege of being part of a pack. None of the pack members would ever, ever, think about hurting one of his pups. There was a whole line up of wolves ready to protect them and teach them, helping to mold them into young well rounded adults. Yet, there was a war going on, one thing he could not just push aside in his mind. He had grown up with values of security, of preventing insecurity for the ones you loved. Now, Jazper had everything he had ever wanted. A beautiful fun loving mate, two adventurous and inquisitive pups, relation to his admirable alpha. The Marino family had become his family.

As thoughts continued to run through his mind, his brows pressing the skin between his brows in concern and his four, rather massive, paws hit the snow and left distinct prints of his own frustrations. His golden eyes looked around in confusion as a familiar scent came to him on the passing breeze. Under a near by tree he spotted the newcomer he had been intrigued by at the pack meeting. He instantly fixed his sulking pasture. Thick ebony tail raised high into the air, his shoulders rolled back and his chest puffed out showing off his impressive and giant size, not to mention a friendly smile. As he approached the lady he internally was put off at her body language. She appeared to be rather irritated at him for no apparent reason. However, she did try to be friendly enough at least. “I just wanted to say hello. I saw you at the meeting but I'm afraid I was to busy keeping my pups amused to introduce myself before it started.” The explanation was an average one, not very exciting. “I'm Jazper.” He spoke in a friendly tone, and unable to extent a hand in greeting he bowed, the thick black, well kept fur gleaming in the sun and give him a rather elegant appearance.

- Laidaria - 02-08-2010


Aria relaxed alittle when the tall male spoke, he sounded like her father in a way, she wondered if her himself had pups, only when he said he did were her guesses confirmed. A small breeze had caught her nose and his masculine scent filled her nostrils, almost too much, she sneezed to get some of his scent out. She looked up sheepishly and apologized. Only then did she reconize him too. It was little Aros father. Shed got a glimps of him at the meeting but she was too distracted with the whole war thing.

She stood up straight as he bowed and she returned it gracefully. She noticed that his bow was almost as elegant as hers....now that she didnt expect. Finally she smiled, something she hadnt done since that meeting. This older male reminded her very much of the old men from her northern village. She had been a runt compard to many. Even the females were tall, however this male was a giant, he would have been shoulder to shoulder with Arias uncle.

Only then did she feel bad for being annoyed at such a nice person. He didnt diserve her bad attitude. She turned her harsh gaze warm and introduced herself."Forgive my rudness, I havent been myself lately...My name is Laidaria. Its nice to meet you Jazper. She had to angle her head just alittle to meet the ebony males gaze. She tilted her head to the side."You are little Aro's father am I correct? She hated asking such abrupt questions but nothing else came to mind, and she was trying her hardest not to lose her temper once more.

She turned quietly from the male and paded back to her tree, She sat down and looked up at him"Would you like to join me? I could use some company." She smiled innocently up at him, hoping he didnt take her earlier lack of manners in offence. Plus talking to him would take her mind off what her decision would be. Perhaps she could then get some peace of mind.
