let's just stop, drop everything
;3 538

Thoughts drifted momentarily to their three beautiful children. They had grown up so fast it seemed like. They were on the cusp of becoming full fledged adults and she would have been lying if she said it didn't make her a little sad. Of course she was proud of them, so very proud of the wolves they were growing up to be, but she was struggling a bit to keep up with the change. It seemed to the mother that they had shot up nearly overnight. There was still mental and emotional growing for them to do, but they now wore the bodies of grown wolves and yet she remembered the day they had been born as if yesterday. Their tiny, squirming bodies huddled against her belly for food and warmth. She hoped that each of them were able to find a love like she shared with their father. They deserved nothing less. The woman also hoped that they would be lucky enough to find it on their first try, for seeing her childrens' hearts broken would surely break her own. As any mother, she wanted only the best for them, and she knew Kansas did as well.

Even if she had decided not to indulge in the wine he had brought along she wouldn't have been mad at him for a second. If it had been anyone else suggesting it she might have possibly been a little miffed, but she knew that he was only trying to make this evening as special as he could. Savina wondered how long he had been planning and putting this together. In her mind she could almost see him searching the forest for this exact spot, painstakingly working to make everything as perfect as he could manage. Well, he had managed amazingly and the Italian fey had never been met with such a wonderful and heartfelt surprise. "I think it'll be more than fine," she said with a bright smile. She couldn't see any way that tonight could be diminished. She was on cloud nine thanks to him.

Savina watched with interest as he carefully uncorked the bottle and poured her a glass. "Mmmm, why thank you signore." Her eyes watched as she swirled the liquid in the glass before bringing it up to her lips. She had never partaken of wine, or any alcohol for that matter, but she noticed all the subtitles of the flavor. Perhaps, being Italian (even a wolf) lead to an innate appreciation of vino. After the initial taste she let the rest of it slide down her throat and felt as it almost instantly warmed her stomach. "It's good, you chose well." Savina extended her glass towards him so he could pour her some more, her emeralds locking into his sapphires. She felt that all too familiar fluttering of her heart as she looked into his eyes and a contented sigh escaped her lungs. "I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how much I love you." It was a love too great for words, even for any one action, though there was one that came close. Her slender form leaned in closer to his, sable and cream fur interlocking where they touched.


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