Darkest before the Dawn

Golden eyes watched her, now that he was closer then before. Her molted pelt of golds and browns were easier to see, with the morning’s light dim and shadowed. His gaze rested on her face as she dismounted from the horse’s back, sliding off the blanket Heath could guess was worn for sleeping. He did not anticipate her little falter, finding the woman against him for a mere second as he tensed to hold the weight the rested on him. He said nothing in return to her apology, smelling the booze that clung to her breath now that they were so much closer then before. Her mouth creased into a frown, but not in complete disapproval, but in the want that rose in him. A bit of scotch might help drive the winter chill that had settled under his skin, though he knew it was best to stay away from it.

They stepped apart and the male felt his comfort begin to return, the tension in his shoulder relaxing. He knew better then to be so close to another female, a female that was not his mate. His relationship with Ruri was not new, but their commitment was fresh Heath was skittish at the thought of testing the boundaries. The male rebounded quickly and smoothly, nodding at her explanation. “I’m Heath.” There was very rarely an instance that he used anything more then his call name, and so he left it off. But, “This is Stark.” he gave with a finger pointing to the horse beside him.

He was unsure at first but as she invited him and offered a bit of breakfast Heath figured it wouldn’t be any harm. “Alright.” He agreed. With a quick motion Heath un-haltered the stallion and gave him a pat on the side to indicate that he was free to roam. Never had he ever worried about the pale horse coming when called, and he was sure the beast’s greatest desire was to find a bit of grass beneath the snow. Heath followed the female, “What makes you move north in this season?” He simply found it curious.


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