She’s like grace from the earth

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        It was really quite amazing at how far Enzo had come from being the terrified bird that she had only been able to pick up because he couldn't get away. She had been worried that he was so afraid that he might die, especially when Dawali came by and examined him as she held him. Of course she had understood his fear and had done all she could to calm it, though it was hard when he could not understand her words. Still, he had survived that shocking day and had been on the mend ever since, both physically and in his trust of his canine caretaker. Cambi was always gentle with him, knowing how fragile his hollow bones were, and as her behavior never changed the dove realized that she was no threat to him. He would now ride around on her shoulder without a second thought. It warmed the girl's heart to know that he had grown to trust her and like her. It gave her hope that he wouldn't want to leave her once the weather warmed.

        She hadn't known if she would have any skill as a healer, but seeing as the pack was without one she had gone and sought to find that knowledge and see if she could wield it. Dawali believed in her, had from the very start, and that was perhaps one of the biggest things that lead to her success. If she had not had such a kind, understanding, and encouraging tutor then she no doubt would be doubting her abilities as she often did in every other area of her life. The girl smiled shyly at Mati's words, her fingers fidgeting in her lap. "I hope so. I hope I can keep everyone healthy and well." That was her goal: to keep the pack healthy and to be able to help any and all who needed it. She would never be strong or brave, but hopefully her contribution to the pack could be just as important.

        It was impossible to say how Enzo would react to Ambrose, but it would be interesting to see for sure. Perhaps the two would just ignore one another, but Cambria held out hope that they would get along. It was doubtful they would ever really be "friends" but maybe they could find some enjoyment in each other's company. If the two creatures found comfort in the company of wolves then surely they could find some in something closer to their size. It was nice to hear that Mati held the same hope, or at least the idea of it. Maybe the older fey was just good at entertaining silly, childish ideas, but Cambi thought that she was being wholly sincere and that made the notion seem more possible. If Mati thought it could happen too them maybe it really could.

        The idea that anyone would find her worthy of painting had never occurred to her, and as it stared her in the face now she wasn't sure what to say. She was flattered, incredibly flattered really, though she attributed Mati's desire to do so more to Enzo than to herself. Surely if not for the dove the Church femme would have no interest in painting her. Still, the idea tickled her pink and the girl nodded her head enthusiastically. "Yeah, I think I would," she said brightly. "Do you want to just...let me know? When you want to?" It wouldn't be anytime soon, clearly, not with Mati's cut. Cambria found herself hoping that it wouldn't be too long though. As big of a surprise as it had been she found herself giddy with the idea of it.


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