Darkest before the Dawn

yay I has table now!!! Feel so less-gimp now. XD

Pack wars mostly. She paused, stopping to pick up her bear pelt on their short walk to camp, only a few yards from where they had been. Plus, I tan hides. Craft things out of leather. Can't really do any tanning of that when its freezing so it made seemed to make sense. It was truth, just not all of it. Far, far from it. Feel free to sit anywhere, there's nothing you can hurt in the packs. She offered as she began rifling though one of her packs. Quickly she found what she was looking for pulling out a fair sized leather pouch, with a drawstring closure. Opening it she pulled out a strip of dried meat and tossed the pouch to Heath.

As for Rem, well I hadn't planned on him coming along. He just insisted on the matter. Pulling a piece of meat off the end of the strip she chewed it a momment. How do you folk winter your horses up here anyways? If you know of anyone that has spare grain or hay? Rem's started to lose weight here recently, I have a few things I can barter. It's the main reason I've stopped here to be honest. He's healthy now, but I don't want to risk it by traveling farther. She was rambling, but it was nice to have someone to talk to that talked back. Well, she thought, at least more than Rem. Heath sure hadn't said much.

Rem had wandered up to Anann now, wanting his blanket removed, comfortable now that Heath wasn't a threat and that he might go off with Stark and graze. Quickly Anann untied the leather ties across the horses muscular chest. Grabbing the top of the blanket it his withers and hips she picked up and slid it off, quickly rolling it up and tucking it back in its bag. It wasn't likely they'd be staying at this camp. So what do you know about this territory? Anann had alot of questions she wanted to know about the packs, their leaders. She was willing to make a new home. She just need a reason to stop.


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